The Rise of History's Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 32: CH 32

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Zhong Yu wasn’t making things hard on them since it was his first tribe of a hundred he captured, and had to show some respect.                        

Being too hard on them would make future conquering harder, needing to fight every last tribe in his path, with the constant battles grinding down his forces.

It was just not worth it, only delaying his progress in these godforsaken lands and missing many chances.

The Lost Plains stretched for 500 km, around the size of a Chinese province. Based on the ancient system, the Lost Plains, with its fertile lands and lush vegetation could be divided into ten regions and 80-90 counties. Based on early development, he could support 3-5 million mouths to feed. And that was just a rough estimate. 

Of course it was also an idealistic projection. Besides the fact these lands were yet to be under Zhong Yu’s control, even when he did have them, he didn’t have the manpower to control them. 

Based on the tribe’s culture in the Lost Plains, Zhong Yu had an idea for its development capability.

The Lost Plains’ population was only around nine hundred thousand. To say nothing of when Zhong Yu starts conquering it one battle at a time, driving the population even lower through bloodshed.

The savages were tough and wouldn’t give in unless they were scared or destroyed.

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This case for instance. To hold control over the 10 km around, he had turned the lands red from how many he killed yet only half of the tribe were handled. He reckoned by the time he had Lost Plains in control, the population would be under six hundred thousand.

Yet to use them to control a stretch of land 3 million would need? That was fantasy, bar none. 

So Zhong Yu took a softer approach, by luring the captives with rewards.

He’d make the weaker tribes, at least weaker than him, see that after surrendering they wouldn’t be treated like cattle. 

And even if Zhong Yu made them citizens, they’d still have to work and pay taxes like everyone else.

The gap in treatment for those weaker tribes would grind at their will and force them to a decision.

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Sometimes, words had more value than actions. Those savages would then develop his city, making a far better outcome for him. 

He would thus gain the power to control a bigger population and settle his rule on Lost Plains. While his force would grow and grow for the perfect time to conquer the Lost Plains and gain more power.

Pacifying the Monla tribe, Zhong Yu turned his army for the Edson tribe, only to find stauncher people than in Monla. 

Despite Edson’s battle last night ending with their men crushed and the chieftain dead, they still dare defy him even with only ten fighters.

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The complacent Zhong Yu met with this turmoil and snuffed his good mood out.

Enraged, he ordered the vanguard and the new slaves from the Monla tribe to attack.

Worthy of note was that these Monla slaves were just 20.Between then ages of 12 and 16 that Zhong Yu sent to their deaths.

To show off his grand elder swag after selling out his tribe, he became the slave corp leader.

Though all raised their voices when they heard of becoming fodder, but were quelled at grand elder’s snitching to Zhong Yu and the latter’s intervention, making these people hate grand elder even more.

The siege began, though could hardly be called that when attacking a village surrounded by a low earthen wall. They didn’t even have fortifications.

Such crude defense, despite the entire Edson tribe mobilizing  its defense, only 20 people were truly fighters.

They stood no chance before these wolves hungering for merits and gaining freedom forced into this war?

In just fifteen minutes, the defenses broke with barely tree casualties on the slave corp side and a few wounded.

Because of the Edson tribe’s defeat, the people hid in their homes. But even with the heavy losses from the fight, Zhong Yu had his men kill every last male, even infants while making the women below 20 into slaves. And the rest were made to cater to soldiers’ needs in the camp and provide stress relief.

The Edson tribe soon cried out in agony and grief as the service army charged in with red eyes, with a gruesome and horrible event happening that words failed to describe.

Zhong Yu’s cavalry and recruits were waiting outside, stopping any that tried to escape. 

Zhong Yu couldn’t care less about the vanguard and the slaves, while the recruits and cavalry were his forces he planned on using to keep his domain in check.

He wouldn’t let them devolve into beasts and turn them into fiends ruining his plans.

He wanted them obedient and hanging on his words, an organized force.

The cannon fodder didn’t care at all. With their low chance of survival, any battle could be their last.

They were quickly replaced and were of no threat regardless of their erratic behavior, so long their numbers were in check. 

While they would also act as a deterrent for other tribes in case they resisted. Forced to face these demons upon their people, only to leave corpses behind.

Zhong Yu – A man’s urges are like a wounded beast. After losing control, they had no scruples.

February 20th, New Era, year 1, Lost Plains. With the fall of Edson and Monla tribes at Luoyang, a new lord has risen.

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