The Rise of History's Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 43: CH 43

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‘Right now I can do without so many officials. With my county, 13 ought to be enough for now. As for a city, or three boroughs, 6 are enough.’

‘My expansion next month north of the Monla tribe should give me 5,000 people. That would give me two cities and around 10 boroughs; needing 16 officials. ‘

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‘To get the minimum of 35, does that mean I’d have to exchange 10 myself with fortune?’

Checking the price, he found the officials to cost double than soldiers in the same rank. 

‘To get so many in a month, I would need 5,000 to generate the fortune needed to exchange. That means 500 people per official.’

Zhong Yu put aside these questions and looked at the scholars waiting for his orders.

Since the rewards came from the system, the men in the reward bore him absolute loyalty. The system already explained to them why they were here and the situation in this strange new world, sparing him the hassle.

A smile tugged his lips and eyed the scholars in search of what made them special.

“I presume you know why you’re here. Then you should also know why I called you. I am the lord of these lands and just started building my domain. I needed talents to handle my lands and that is why I you’re here. I hope you’ll be assisting me to the best of your ability, to complete this project!”

The 25 scholars were startled at his words.

“We know that we are to assist the lord. We will do our part, Lord.” The scholars said.

“Since you know the situation in this world, I will skip that and introduce you to my domain. Please prepare and see how to administer it.”

The scholars were at full attention to not miss a word. It involved their future job. 

“My domain has a large city, around prefecture level, that can hold ten thousand people. A town, at city level,   holding 1,000 people, and three boroughs, each holding 500 people.”

He continued after a pause.

“This is temporary, as the next campaign is estimated to bring 5,000 people and establish a city and boroughs. All of these people need you to administer. 

“19 of you will need to travel at once to your office and handle official matters. While the rest will need to prepare for the new city and boroughs.”

The scholars pondered his words before their eyes flashed with hostility and vigilance. There were only so many high official posts.

Like the county deputy and registrar, the 2nd and 3rd best positions. The county magistrate was empty for now, but with Zhong Yu having only one county, none spoke up about it. It was tantamount to wanting to usurp Zhong Yu. 

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‘The lord did say his domain is expanding. It will one day have many counties and many free posts.’ All they had to do was work hard now and they’d be soon promoted.

With competitiveness rising among them, the friendly air was gone. Each looked at the other like a rival, while holding hope in their eyes turning to the lord who was giving them the new offices.

‘How to place them?’ Zhong Yu mused and soon got it.

“Before giving you an office, you will travel around the domain for the next month to understand its situation. Having grasped the trend and the matters revolving about my lands you should each have a ruling policy in mind.”

“By that point, my campaign should be over and the population of my lands will reach 10,000. It will be divided into 25 boroughs and you can choose between city posts or outside it. Each man that becomes a borough chief will be subjected to an examination every three months, following a commendation or punishment.”

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Their eyes sparkled, with no one willing to be less than the next man.

‘With my service and merits, I can pave my own path!’ Everyone was filled with ambition and fighting spirit.

Noticing their spirit, Zhong Yu chuckled, ‘With competition and drive settled, the domain will thrive.’

But too much would result in infightings and conflicts, sapping away at the nation’s power. Balancing one’s officials was what made a ruler. 

But Zhong Yu was confident in himself. He called back the servants and had them guide the scholars to their lodgings. To rest and then inspect his lands before taking office.

He was certain they’d be safe, since they were in the second rank.

He recalled how Denel, a novice second rank, crushed two dozen of his men and pushed him to the brink of defeat. 

Being second rank, they had nothing to fear in 50 km. Not when the tribes were filled with common people, with no one capable of such strength to endanger them.

These scholars would form the initial government of his lands. The difference between a working government and a lacking one was huge.

It represented  order instead of chaos, easier to handle problems. Since everyone would need to abide by rules, open conflict would make way for at least a modicum of respect when talking to one’s superior. 

While places that lacked order, the law of the jungle presided. The strong would rob the weak blind without so much as an excuse, and even go as far as treat it as their honor as they picked on the weak. It was no different than hell.

While now, because of the long lasting war, those people afraid of their safety were wrecked with fear, thinking they’d be the next to die in this war. 

With the seat of power set, the expansion of the land,  house construction, building of new cities and the establishment of the government instilled more trust in the lord.

And with the scholars pacifying the savages, they would grow accustomed to their new lives in his domain.

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