The Rise of History's Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 46: CH 46

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Hours later, the scholars returned with a census.

He was now looking over the refugee census and its new name.

223 people, of which 80 were men between 16-40 years old. All in all, they formed 53 homes.

80 men meant 80 men that could work and survive.

While the weak and old’s only way to live on was through charity or stealing from those men. And if all else fails, die.

‘That’s more convenient for me. Like usual, of those 80 men, two thirds will be new recruits for my campaigns.’

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Zhong Yu waited for the second day to come and the refugee camp to become noisy again as 230 people came out.

Having gone through yesterday, his men got used to handling these refugees and placing them in their new homes. Though they argued on the way, they got in line soon after.

The third day gave him 220 people while the fourth 240, a bit more. The fifth was much poorer, just 210, and the sixth was the largest, 270. In total, he earned big with his fortune, a total of 300 extra people.

Although fewer than last time’s 1,700, he earned nonetheless.

The able men in this batch was larger. Last time there were 600 and this time 700. ‘This must be why the total is smaller.’ 

In the army camp, 400 people gathered, standing at attention for Zhong Yu’s inspection.

Their faces were filled with excitement and thrill. In the face of war, all soldiers would be wrecked with anxiety and fear. 

Yet these guys heard of Zhong Yu’s last campaign, of coming back with 2,600 savages and no loss.

There had been smashing victories before, but never had they heard of one winning a flawless victory ever, without so much as suffering a single casualty. 

Yet Zhong Yu took these soldiers and brought them all home.

They had blind faith for their lord, even if there might be casualties this time around, they knew they wouldn’t be large.

Going by the previous campaign’s trend, they took savages for fools and useless human beings.

Thus the casualties this time around were surmised to be very few out of ignorance.

The soldiers were filled with confidence, even eager for the battle to start and show off their mettle and earn their lord’s commendation.

Once they’d become a leader of men, bringing glory to his name and ancestors. His name would be on the lips of every citizen, adding to his pride.

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Zhong Yu looked at his troops and allowed them to daydream about misplaced ambitions. It sure worked wonders for morale, at least far more than a sunken and crestfallen face worn as they dragged their fearful selves to war.

Last time, the 300 recruits were terrified of going to war, thinking they would meet a bloody end.

In battle, because of fear they lost their effectiveness and he couldn’t be too forceful either or they’d burn with hatred.

All he could do was use the knights and slaves to get him win after win in order to chip away at the recruits’ fear.

It brought pride as well, though quite frail, collapsing against a somewhat tougher enemy or even regular army.

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It would show these ignorant fools that war was no game, but a cruel reality where soldiers lost their lives.

They were still very much recruits still who just met an even worse batch then them. ‘Just because they were even less disciplined than you and gave you easy wins, that does not give you the right to feel pride.’

Or these softies and frail soldiers would fall in despair at the first sign of danger.

Zhong Yu knew their current state but ignored it. Because it wouldn’t be long, 4 months tops, and he’d have ten thousand soldiers. These recruits wouldn’t be worth crap then and he’d never care about them again. 

If these fools couldn’t toughen up by that time, they’d be better off eliminated now. He did not lament the loss of a few lives. Their deaths would have no effect on his domain, posing no threat at all.

So keeping such a mood was good for now.

He’ll just have to run them through some stances and military training to look like rigorous elites.

To show a fearful display so that the savages would have second thoughts about attacking.

Just like ancient emperors, with their useless yet gaudy honor guard used only to intimidate the masses.

It was these gaudy guards that made the people fear for their lives. It was the power to change others’ thinking. 

It was what he wanted. With his honor guard and mighty knights, the savages would crumble in fear.

If these recruits weren’t stupid to lose their lives, just three hundred of them would soon intimidate full-grown warriors.

The savages only knew how to hunt or fight among themselves. Throwing them into war against three thousand and they’d cower.

‘Though it’s a bit too soon for that.’

The recruits just entered the army camp and had yet to be trained and drilled.

He had to toughen them up in acting and skills, to gilled them into the perfection honor guard.

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