The Rise of History's Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 48: CH 48

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This officer was called Yang Ke. His outstanding qualities caught Zhong Yu’s eyes and admiration, so he wanted to promote him and give him a stage to showcase his talents.

The others noticed this and regretted it. ‘It should’ve been me there!’ That was how opportunities worked, the one who grasped it had it all, while the rest were left faded into obscurity.

The officer felt his success was nigh. All he had to do was show off his stuff and get his lord to take him higher and higher.

‘And then I’ll be one of the few working right under His Grace, walking a different path from those low officers, among renowned figures.’

‘I might even become the second thousand-man general in my family tree, if not surpassing my ancestor.’ Though all depended on Zhong Yu and Yang Ke as he watched his lord with big and sparkling eyes.

Zhong Yu saw his hope and wasn’t one to keep him in much suspense.. Some things had to be done with zest. But go too far and it would have the opposite reaction, earning their resentment.

“Well done. I am pleased by your achievement. You deserve a commendation, yes, you’ll become the interim camp leader of the 400 recruits. Do well and you’ll be going even higher.”

“Thank you, Your Grace, I shall never forget this favor. I will spend all my life in your service to repay it.” 

Yang Ke was overcome by gratitude and joy, expressing his undying loyalty.

The other officers looked on in envy and hate, ‘Why aren’t I the lucky one?’

Not one thought about their own faults, while Yang Ke always looked to better himself, earnestly drilling his men and teaching them tactics. His promotion was guaranteed.

Moreover, these people feared everything and never questioned the progress of their soldiers. ‘You push me, I push back’ that was their style so his questions, if any, remained unanswered for fear of being blamed and being demoted from officer.

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Yang Ke was the only one brave enough to answer his questions. ‘This is the kind of valor and stance I need. Putting my needs first, without slacking and without lying.’

‘As for those other selfish pricks, I don’t want them around. Yang Ke is the much better choice.’

But he needed these officers still, suffering a severe shortage of capable manpower, or he’d be taking them out for sure.

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Or making them cannon fodder, leaving the spot empty for those men of talent to occupy. But he needed them for now to follow his orders, though had no hope of showing any good qualities.

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After appointing Yang Ke as the camp leader, Zhong Yu left. He gave him time to get used to his duty and responsibilities. 

With power came soldiers. Yang Ke’s first task was to make his men under him listen to his orders.

Zhong Yu’s first test for the man was to make the other officers fall in line. Success would mean he’d keep the job, and failure meant demotion.

This was how the world worked. To get something one had to pay something. Wanting a high position meant you needed to know how to do it, except wastrels of course.

Though Yang Ke was clearly not one, just got mixed among the refugees lucky enough to get his current position all thanks to his lord noticing his talents.

Thus he had to work harder in fulfilling his duty and make his lord appreciate his effort.

All to earn more commendations and look more valued in his lords eyes to earn more chances, and climb higher. While he was no wastrel, his progeny might be. It was the dream of every patron.

Yang Ke called a meeting with all officers and after lengthy talks, he earned their support, obbeying his orders and Zhong Yu’s through him.

Zhong Yu smiled at the news and forgot about it. Getting others’ support was the basics of every leading position.

It didn’t mean he felt threatened by Yang Ke, but happy instead. Since his main power wasn’t these recruits, but the soldiers exchanged through the system, those that had undying loyalty.

These recruits were merely the current cannon fodder he cared not about their loyalties or having much use. 

With a commander in place, the drilling went faster and more effectively and in half a month, the basic military discipline was installed. 

In the meantime, Zhong Yu handled the people and cultivated the fields while delegating the workforce so every area wasn’t shorthanded.

He had to think of constructing an irrigation system, walls, roads, and many many more projects within his domain as well.

There’d be ages before these people would get to rest.

Then came the order to assemble the recruits in the army camp, to pick up their weapons and done their armor for Zhong Yu’s next campaign.

The sound of the bugle called out the fate of the plains’ savages. The young king flashed his sword and settled the chaos of these lands through this campaign. He would build order through blood and fire, becoming the foundation of his undying dynasty for ages to come.

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