The Rise of History's Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 65: CH 65

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Zhong Yu stopped his conquest of the western Hanzhong Region. 

Opting for the northern counties, Xunyang County, Changli County, Yang County and Wuling County.

Besides Wuling County, the other three were more secure, because they had many checkpoints, being the road that tied Yi State with Guanzhong.

This was precisely why Zhong Yu wanted to attack, to take their keeps and cut off the connection with Guanzhong. He had to do it if he wanted to take Hanzhong.

Yi State was cut off by mountains, filled with strategic locations. He just had to defend one direction and the dynasty’s army would be left helpless.

It would only need a couple of hundred soldiers for the pass and he’d have no worry over it. Unless of course the dynasty threw 10,000 soldiers at it, using their lives to take the pass 

‘Not likely.’ With the court in strife, Xianbi attacking in the north, the Qiang rebellion in the west and the barbarians in the mountains in the south coming down to pillage.  

The only reason the chaos didn’t break out completely was because the nation had the sea in the east. Though piracy still thrived in those waters.

The central area revolted at the harsh living conditions, brigands roaming the lands. All these factors eroded the court’s control. 

There were bigger things to worry about the little old him. Not to mention he had troops to spare and reinforce if he needed to.

Regarding the tighter security of those three county cities, that was relative to the rest. But this vigilance was aimed at the north’s people and not to the south.

In these years, disasters plagued the lands and people had to take the roads in search of a new safer place to live.

But not all magistrates took them in, not when their food supply was low and had no reason to take in these stragglers.

So they were driven away, letting them be but also watching them from afar.

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Thus, the passes’ duty was to look for stragglers, stopping them from entering Hanzhong.

Whenever someone forced their way through, the guards assumed their given role, having the right to kill the criminals and let their bodies be examples for others.

Only allowed on

With the disaster from the north, their numbers only increased. Even with the pile of bodies growing at the gates, there was no lack of them trying their luck to pass to the rich lands of the south.

This in turn made the northern pass’ defenses tough and mighty while the southern’s side shoddy.

Typical of the ancient feudal system, where they only minded outside attacks while ignoring the internal security.

Not only was it a waste of resources but also instilled a sense of danger into people. In case of suspicions, they’d send someone to investigate, not alarming the enemy.

It was this precise cheapness that gave Zhong Yu the chance to breach through the rear of this mighty barrier.

Making use of their oversight, he led his men for the northern pass.

They’d be like fish in a barrel and nothing they could do could stop him.

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A few km from the pass, Zhong Yu had his men change clothes into workers while he took the guise of a merchant.

While going to the northern pass, he had the rest of his soldiers hide in the line of carriages. 

It was the best option with how many trading caravans passed and the guards taking a hefty toll from them.

They’d never get on these fat sheeps’ bad side or they’d never get to fleece them again.

So he gave a hefty purse to the guard leader, all smiles.

The guard leader giggled back and ordered the gate opened.

Zhong Yu pounced, blades coming out of the carriages and slashing the guards.

The wide eyed looks of the dead guards told of how shocked they were in the moment of their death, of how a gentle merchant turned into an enemy.

Why didn’t anyone inform them of this enemy then? 

Taking the pass, Zhong Yu took the road to go inside the checkpoint and let his soldiers capture the critical areas.

While he retreated with an escort from the battlefield.

He’d never play with his life. The earlier ruse was a last resort.

He had boorish and philistine people under him, so the only way to lie through the guards was if he went as well. That was the only way to make it believable. 

He, who was educated and well-bred, could chat the guards up. ‘The crux is there are few talents. Once I get more I can avoid such dangers.’

Once through the pass everything came smoothly and captured the essential areas with ease.

His elite soldiers were leagues above the guards, who only knew to kill defenseless stragglers.

They only resisted for a bit before crumbling under his soldiers’ weapons.

Even escape proved fruitless, caught in the end and slumping dead on the ground.

Having foresight, Zhong Yu sent the cavalry north after taking the pass.

With their speed, no one would be able to escape them and break the news.

In just half an hour, this little pass was under his control, with the guards dead or captured.

Zhong Yu cherished his soldiers. ‘They’re living a fortune.’ He was not going to waste them, saving as many as he could whenever possible. 

So in the right conditions, he’d use his men to cull those that attempted rebellion, cutting them down on the spot to spread despair.

But he used the cavalry by shooting their crossbow to make sure no point of fortune was squandered.

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