The Rise Of Quetzalcoatl

Chapter 78: [Bonus chapter] Death Infused System

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[Death attribute is being infused into your system]

[Prepare for excruciating pain] 

A burning feeling welled up inside me, and as I clenched my ċhėst, I felt blood begin to rise up my throat. 

I gagged immediately, but instead of blood, unexpectantly, rainbow flames began to pour out my mouth like liquid. 

And finally, after a whole minute of suffering in the middle of my apartment, the pain slowly crept away, and the rainbow flames that poured from my mouth began to turn a shade of deep gray mixed with white. 

[Death attribute has been fully infused into your system]

[Your skills will ȧssimilate with the deathly properties] 

[Some skills have rejected the deathly properties] 

[Name: Lucy]

[Race: Ancient Snake (Half)] 

[Level: 25/50] (13/100) XP Needed

[HP: 125/125  MP: 125/125  SP: 76/76] - Above Average

[Strength: 131] - Above Average

[Defense: 131] - Above Average

[Magic: 131] - Above Average

[Speed: 131] - Above Average

[Skills: [Necromancy] [Royal Frozen Bone Crown] [Ancient Sacrifice] [Drakes Bloodthirsty Rage] [Flood of Corpses] [Bone Armor] [Corpse Explosion] 

[Variant Skills: [Lesser Quetzalcoatl's Fire of Death (Black Lava)] [Drizzle (Black Lava)] 

[Summon Servants: [Fear] 

[Passive: [Photographic Memory] [Black Drakes Blood] [All Language Perception] [Acid Immunity] [Black Drakes Regenration] [Fire and Lava Immunity] [Death Immunity] 




[Stored Souls]

My smile grew even wider after seeing my newly acquired skills. I couldn't even contain my excitement as I began to jump up and down. 

"Yes!" I shout. 

The skills that evolved were a straight hack, and I even retained some of my ice powers which I could still use in front of Tolf. 

That night, I couldn't sleep due to my excitement. 


Another week passed, and we had finally taken care of our next target in the Write family. Well, in addition to the two newlywed Write members we killed, our captains for Tolf had taken down three more married couples. 

Of course, it was on our orders, but as we couldn't observe them in school, we just let them handle it on their own… Which they did an outstanding job at. 

"And another attack on the Write family has been successful by the same criminal organization called: Tolf," A new reporter says as I watch TV by myself in my own apartment. 

I felt kind of lonely without Auntie and Mia, but as Mia was busy attending meetings with the family she is supposed to marry, and Auntie is… Well, no traces have been found, and I have zero leads. 

"So I should focus on my revenge… And hopefully, find Auntie," I mutter before switching off the TV. 

I slipped out of my onesie and put on a casual oversized T-shirt and leggings. And just before I left, I grabbed a baseball cap that I quickly flipped onto my head. 

The frigid cold that seemed to spread through my body subsided every time I was with Mia, and since I met up with her yesterday, I only felt the chilly breeze of the early fall morning. 

"I want it to snow already," I muttered to myself. 

As I was about to buy a croissant from a bakery just outside my apartment building, I felt the eerie presence of a gate. 

This is something that I've recently identified but always felt… And that was the eerie presence of portals. 

It felt otherworldly, but that is what it exactly is… otherworldly. 

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"Seems like a B-gate… But I guess I'll check it out," 

It was currently Sunday, and the Write family we took down yesterday, on Saturday, was a pretty hard fight due to the increased number of guards. So I wanted to take a break today. 

We tried ȧssassination first, but their security system was just way too good, so we were forced to push our way through the guards. 

Then once we found our targets in the flood of guards, which I honestly didn't know how, we killed them then left before backup could arrive. 

But the one thing I wondered was why we weren't able to access the full hivemind. I wanted to experience that out of body but in body experience again. 

We seemed unstoppable when that happened. 

As soon as I turned the corner that led into the next block, I was stopped by government workers who were dressed in their usual black attire. 

"Excuse me, miss, but can you please return to where you came from," One of the men says as I swipe their hand off my shoulder. 

"Can't I just look?" I asked but was immediately rejected. 

At least they understood I didn't want them touching me. 

"How much do you want?" I ask, pulling out my pen phone. 

The two government workers looked back and forth at each other, wondering what they should do as they probably aren't allowed to take bribes. 

I showed my bank account, which had Black Transactions, causing the government workers to become slightly flustered. 

"Y-young miss. We aren't allowed to take bribes," 


"Y-young miss-" 


"P-please, we aren't allowed to-" 


"*sigh*... If young Miss is that desperate," 

But even though the workers tried to hide their excitement, I could tell they were slowly losing their usual calm and collected composure. 

This is just pocket change now… Well, kind of. 

"Okay, please follow me," One of the workers says as I turn the corner, following behind them. 

"Daniel! Charles! What are you doing?!" A woman's voice shouts. 

I snapped my head in the direction of the voice and saw a woman just a bit taller than me, dressed in a black suit and black sunglasses sat on the bridge of her nose. 

"It is an esteemed guest," One of the men says, and I show my Transactions Black account to the woman. 

She had a thin body, and pitch-black hair flowed to her waist. Her skin had a light tan, and slung across her waist was a long katana. 

"Look, kid. You might have Transactions Black and might have a lot of money, but that doesn't mean you can interfere into government affairs," 

It seems she already guessed I bribed the guards judging from how she didn't scold the men in front of me any farther. 

"I didn't want to enter the gate anyway. I just wanted to see it," I refute, walking past the woman and inspecting the gate behind the yellow caution tape. 

It seems hanging around a bunch of young mistresses has affected me quite a bit. 


(Female Gaurd POV) 

What's up with this kid? Why does she have the demeanor of an ȧduŀt and not that of the regular spoiled young masters and mistresses? 

Also, this magic power radiating from her… It's so strong that you would think she's near the peak of B or maybe a low A-rank. 

"Kid, do you have a dungeon runner's license?" I ask as she might've been older than I initially thought. 

"Nope, I'm 15," The girl responds. 

"Huh? Seriously? Then why are you so strong? Even the richest and most powerful kids in this state are around high C or low B-rank at your age," 

"That's cool," 

"I'm actually around high A-rank, so it's hard to believe a 15-year-old is close to me in terms of power," 

"'Kay… Want a cookie or something?" 

This kid… She gets on my nerves.

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