The Rogue Demon of the Shinobi World

Chapter 19: 19. Training

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Inside a meeting room in the Hokage Office,


A middle-aged man with shaggy black eye-length hair and brown eyes slams his palm on the table. There is an x-shaped scar on his chin and his attire consists of a white t-shirt, gray pants, and a black robe.

"What's the meaning of this, Hiruzen? Why did you unsanctioned the 'Wood Release' plan? We were so close to achieving results and yet you… Tch…"

The man grits his teeth and glares into Hiruzen's eyes.

"Danzo, it has been seven years since the start of this experiment. If it was possible, then we would have achieved a result by now. Yet all these years, all of our efforts were futile. I can't stand it… I can't stand the needless death of so many young children anymore. Besides, it was the Hashirama Sensei's vision to create Konoha a haven for kids, and yet we… Tch… These children are the future of Konoha." Hiruzen closes his eyes.

"Hiruzen! Hashirama Sensei was able to establish Konoha because of his great power. It wasn't him that people feared, it was his wood release that people are afraid of. After Sensei's untimely death, the strength of Konoha deteriorated at a rapid pace. Even Tobirama sensei lost his life in the war. Konoha lost two of its great cornerstones. Now other villages are baring their fangs at us.

Sunagakure is coveting the fertile land of the Land of Fire, and that old mutt Onoki is eyeing our vast reserve of minerals. Kumo and Kiri are also interfering in our sea trades. The intensity of border scuffles has increased drastically in a few years. At this rate, a war might break at any moment. To establish our position as the strongest village, we have to subdue other villages with overwhelming power. And wood release is that power!" Danzo answers in a firm tone.

"Danzo… we can't continue the human experimentation. It's the wish of Lady Mito." Hiruzen shakes his head.

"I believe you will heed my words!"

"Fine!" Danzo turns around and storms out of the room.


"The work of a Kage is so exhausting. But it was a responsibility assigned me to by Tobirama Sensei, so I will do my best."

Hiruzen steps inside his office and stares at the large stack of paperwork.

'The papers from the other day have also piled up.' Hiruzen clutches his stomach as he recalls the fish from the previous day.

"I wonder what those kids are up to."

He takes out a crystal ball from his drawer. Hiruzen makes some hand signs and infuses his chakra into the orb.


An image appears in the crystal ball.


In one of the training fields near the academy,

"Wow, Minato! I didn't expect you to be so good with kunais." Nawaki praises his Minato as the latter score a bullseye for each kunai throw.

"I… I just got a feel for it. Hehe…" Minato laughs and places his hands behind his head.

"Humph… what's so great about it? Even I can do something like this."

Kushina picks up three kunais and, one by one, tosses them at the targets.

Dang… dang… dang…

All three targets hit the bullseye.

"See! It's that easy."

"No, it's my turn." Nawaki picks up five kunais at once. He concentrated his focus on the targets.

Swish… swish…

Nawaki launches the kunais at the target.

Dang… dang… dang…

Four out of five kunais hit the bullseye. Only the last kunai missed its mark.

"Tch… that was close! I almost got it." Nawaki clicks his tongue.

"That's incredible! I can only hit two at a time." Minato praises Nawaki.

"Of course, I practiced with my Nee-san. I am sure you will also catch up to me with enough practice."

"What about you? Why don't you give it a shot?" Kushina turns to Yuji.

"I wonder how many of Yuji's kunai hit the target?" Nawaki ponders aloud.


Yuji picks up a kunai in his hand and flips it in his hand to get a sense of its weight.

"Just one!" Kushina has a mocking smile.

Yuji walks towards the box and picks up all ten kunais in his hands. He inserts each kunai in the space between his fingers and thumbs.


A gentle breeze blows on his face as Yuji assumes the throwing stance for a few seconds.

"Are you throwing or not?" Kushina rudely interrupts him.

"Not yet!" Yuji closes his eyes and feels the wind grazing past his skin.

'I can sense it. The slight disturbance in the wind. I am not sure if it's because of my wind affinity or something else. After I unlocked my chakra, my sense heightened to a much greater extent. I was already quite sensitive to the changes in my surroundings thanks to my training to hone my senses in my past life. But this feeling of wind brushing against every strand of hair on my body is something else. I can even feel the slight change in the wind pressure.'

Yuji adjusts his senses to this newfound feeling.


In the Hokage Office, Hiruzen narrows his eyes as he watches this phenomenon.

"This kid… he notices the slightly unusual glow from Yuji's body. There is no doubt about it. This kid's chakra control is quite good."

"Just throw it already. Don't pose like that!" Kushina is annoyed by the long wait.

"Here I go!"

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Yuji opens his eyes and senses the change in the wind pressure as he calculates the trajectory of the kunais.

Swish… swish…

Ten kunai flies out of Yuji's hands.

Dang… dang… dang…

All ten kunais hit the bullseye.

"WOAH!" The eyes of Minato, Kushina, and Nawaki widen to the extreme.


Minato and Nawaki hurriedly grab his arms.

"Hey, how did you do it? That's so incredible." Even Kushina questions him.

"I am not sure about it. But I was able to feel the changes in the wind flow and pressure around me. So, I adjusted the angle of my throw according to that." Yuji raises his hand in surrender.

"Feel the change in wind flow…"

"Change in pressure…" Minato, Nawaki, and Kushina ponder Yuji's words.

"Minato! You might be able to do it since you have an affinity for the wind release." Yuji explains to Minato.

"Do you remember the leaf training exercise to improve chakra control from the manual?"

"Mm… I do!" Minato nods.

"In the manual, we had to concentrate our chakra at a single point and stick the leaf to our forehead." Minato describes the exercise.

"Now, instead of focusing on one point. Why don't you try to spread your chakra evenly around your body?" Yuji suggests to him.

"But I don't have an affinity for wind release," Nawaki complains.

"Umm… why don't you try to spread your chakra across your body and try to feel something?" Yuji scratches his head.

'It was easy for me since I have a single elemental chakra nature and my mental and spiritual strength is quite high. After awakening my chakra, I noticed it. The flow of chakra inside the body can be altered to some extent by exerting your will. I am not sure if it applies to the rest, too.'

Minato, Nawaki, and Kushina follow his example and close their eyes to circulate their chakra.

"Hoh! That's an interesting method he came up with." Hiruzen rubs his chin.

"However, this method has its flaws. Only someone with a strong chakra and great control of their body and mind can do this. But since this kid can do this, this means this kid is quite a talent. I am looking forward to his future achievements." Hiruzen continues to observe the kids.

"Haah…" Kushina exerts her chakra.

Swoosh… swoosh…

Her hairs rise in the air and sways around as she exerts more chakra.


Nawaki also exerts his chakra through his body.


Slight cracks appear on the ground beneath his feet.

As for Minato,

"Umm… nothing is happening!" Minato closes and opens his palms.

"Aside from feeling slightly itchy in my palms. Nothing else happened."

He turns towards Kushina and Nawaki.

"Woah!" Minato is scared to see Kushina's swaying hair.

"What is it?" Kushina calms down her chakra. Her hairs return to normal.

"Nothing! Nothing! Ehe… hehe…" Minato chuckles dryly.

"I couldn't do it!" Nawaki also gives up.

"Why don't you ask Tsunade Nee-san for help?" Yuji suggests.

"That's a good idea. Once she is back from her mission, we can ask for her help." Nawaki nods at his words.

Growl… growl…

Their stomach growls in hunger.

"I am feeling hungry after all this training!" Nawaki rubs his stomach.

"Then, let's go fishing. Today, I will make a new dish." Yuji suggests.

"Please don't!" Nawaki and Minato speak simultaneously.

"Then I will join too!"

"Did I hear fishing?" Choza and Shikaku walk towards them from a distance.

"Mm… we are about to go fishing. It's a secret place found by Yuji and Minato. Don't tell to anybody else." Nawaki whispers to them.

"Uhehe… I don't think it's a secret anymore." Minato smiles wryly.


Check out my patr eon to read some advance chapters of this series and read my other series Reborn In Naruto as Madara's Grandson.


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