The Rogue Demon of the Shinobi World

Chapter 6: 6. New Friends

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After waiting for a few minutes, the receptionist appears with a bag in his hands.


He puts down the heavy bag on the table and turns to Yuji.

"This is the inheritance left behind by your parent and clan members."

"My parents and clan?" Yuji is slightly surprised to hear this.

As far as he recalls his memories, he was an orphan in both of his lives. So, he doesn't have any particular attachments to his parents. In his past life, he was an unwanted child abandoned at the door of the orphanage. Where he was later picked by the organization thanks to his above-average intellectual compared to kids of his age.

In this life, he was seemingly been raised in an orphanage since he was a two-year-old kid. He has no recollection of his parent.

"What's inside it?" He asks the cashier.

"Take a look for yourself!" The cashier enters another room.


Yuji and Minato curiously open the bag.

There is a short black metallic dagger of unknown material, a diary, and plenty of scrolls in the bag.

Yuji picks up a scroll and opens it.


He closes the scroll and sighs.

"I can't read it. It appears to be encrypted with some sort of code language."

He picks up another scroll and shortly puts it down.

"It's the same story for all of them. All of them are encrypted."

Yuji shakes his head and turns his attention to the diary. He attempts to open the diary, but its cover won't budge. He applies a bit more force, but the cover won't open.

"It's the same story for this diary too."

"That looks like a sort of pattern." Minato's voice interrupts his thoughts.

"Pattern?!" Yuji curiously turns to Minato.

"Yes, it's some sort of pattern of a seal." Minato points towards a few inscriptions carved on the cover of the diary.

"I once saw Miina open a scroll with a somewhat similar pattern. When asked, she told me that this is a sealing pattern. So, I thought it might be similar to that." Minato glances at the cover of the diary.

"That makes sense! We will talk about it once we return to our room." Yuji places everything back inside the bag.

The cashier appears with a stack of notes in his hands. He scribbles down something on a nearby register and hands over the money to the two kids.

"This is your monthly allowance. A total of ten thousand Ryo, seven thousand for this black-haired boy and three thousand for the yellow-haired boy."

The cashier hands over an additional stack of cash.

"This is an additional one-time allowance of 3,000 Ryo from the academy to buy necessary stationery and equipment for your upcoming classes. Spend your money wisely."

He flashes them a smile and politely gestures for them to leave.

Yuji and Minato hold one end of the heavy bag and walk toward the dormitory.

"It's heavy!" Sweat trickles down Minato's and Yuji's forehead

"Fortunately, the dormitory is not that far from the Financial Office."

"It's you guys!" A familiar voice echoes in their ears.

Yuji and Minato turn around and notice the beautiful young woman from earlier with a boy and a girl around her. Yuji recognizes the boy from the day, and as for the unknown girl, he ignores her.

'What a peculiar hair color?'

Yuji sneaks a glance at the blood-red hairs of the girl.

"Tsunade Nee-san, you know them?" The red-haired girl points her finger toward the two orphans.

"Nee-san helped them with registration in the morning." The brown-haired boy replies to her.

"Oh!" The girl glances at them and loses interest.

'That black-haired boy looks like the stone-faced adults from the village, and this yellow-haired boy has a girly face.'

"Do you guys need some help?" Tsunade notices the heavy bag beside them.


"It's fine. We will somehow manage it on our own." Yuji cuts Minato short.

"Thanks for the earlier help. We won't unnecessarily bother you and waste your precious time." He slightly bows to her to express his gratitude. Minato also replicates his action.

Both of them turn around and pull the heavy bag with them.

"Why did you refuse her?" Minato whispers to Yuji.

"Minato, we shouldn't take others' kindness for granted. Also, people might have an ulterior motive when they unconditionally offer you help." Yuji replies to him.

"But she did help us in the morning?" Minato refutes.

"Because that was a part of her assignment. Do you recall the cloth armlet from the morning? She was entrusted with the task of helping new students register in the academy. But now…" Yuji's voice trails off. Minato also turns silent as he understands Yuji's concern.

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Miina has taught a lot of things to them. Being an orphan forced their mentality to mature at an early age since they have to rely on themselves for most things.

'Hmm… Interesting! Even as an orphan, they are far too mature for their age.' A smile appears on Tsunade's face as she stares at the orphan duo's back.


"What a pretentious boy!" the red-haired girl harrumphs at them.


Tsunade lightly taps the red-haired girl's head.

Ouch… ow… ow…

The red-haired girl's eyes turn teary. She grabs her head in pain.

"Kushina, don't be rude to others. You will enter the academy to make new friends, and this is not how you make friends."

Tsunade walks forward and effortlessly picks up the bag from the orphan duo's hands.


"Ah!" Minato is perplexed by the sudden loss of weight.

"Alright, I will help you guys. But it's not for free. You guys will repay by becoming friends with my younger brother and sister. So, what do you say?"

She stares into Yuji's eyes.

'This black-haired boy seems to be the one in charge.'


Yuji thinks for a few seconds and nods his head.


"Then, it's a deal!" A smile appears on Tsunade's face.

"Hi, I am Nawaki Senju. It's nice to meet you." The brown-haired boy extends his hand with a smile on his face.

"I am Yuji Kura." Yuji accepts his handshake.

"I am Minato Namikaze." Minato also shakes hands with Nawaki.

"Kushina Uzumaki… that's my name!" Kushina harrumphs and turns her head away, leaving an outstretched Minato hanging out.

"Well…" Minato withdraws his hand and rubs his head in embarrassment.

"Alright! That's a good start for friendship. All of you are going to be in the same class. So, take care of each other." Tsunade cheers them and walks towards the academy dorms with the heavy bag in her hand.

"But Tsunade Nee-san… I will get late for registration!" Kushina reminds her.

"It's alright! Even though you slept for the entire morning and missed your chance to register. I already did it for you, so you don't have to worry." Tsunade ruffles Kushina's red head.

"And the matter in the Hokage Office isn't that urgent. We have plenty of time on our hands." Tsunade turns towards the orphan duo.

"Yuji, Minato… why don't you also join us in the celebration party for registering in the academy?"

"This…" Minato turns to Yuji for an answer.

"Yes, it will be so nice to have more friends at the party," Nawaki speaks in excitement.

"Then, will it be alright if I bring two more people to the party? One of them is my younger sister and the other girl is also an academy student and from the same orphanage as us." Yuji asks Tsunade.

"Of course! The more the merrier" Tsunade smiles at them.

Soon, the group enters the dorm. Tsunade places the heavy bag in their room and looks around the dorm.

She frowns slightly for a moment, but her expression turns normal the next moment.

"Alright, the party will be held at this restaurant. This is the address."

Tsunade writes down an address on a slip of paper and hands it over to Yuji.

"See you two at the party!" Nawaki waves at them.


Minato lies down on the bed.

"I am exhausted!" He rubs his sore shoulder.

"We have yet to pick up our luggage from the orphanage. Also, don't forget about shopping for essentials with Miina. This is the last time she will help us with chores." Yuji reminds him.

"Let's go!" Minato springs up from the bed with excitation.

"I never went shopping. I am very excited about it!"

"Let's go!" Yuji shakes his head.

They lock the room and depart for the orphanage.


Check out my patr eon to read some advance chapters of this series and read my other series Reborn In Naruto as Madara's Grandson.


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