The Rogue Demon of the Shinobi World

Chapter 8: 8. First Day of the Academy

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The next day in the morning, outside the academy.

"Hey Minato, hey Yuji!" Nawaki waves his hands at Minato and Yuji. Kushina silently follows after him.

"Hey Nawaki, Hi Kushina!" Minato waves back at them.

"Mm… Hi!" Yuji just nods at them.

"I am very excited about the academy. Nee-san told me that there are lots of things to learn at the academy. And everything is so fun and interesting. I can't wait to start the class." Nawaki has an excited expression on his face.

Yuji stares at Nawaki and shakes his head.

'How far from the truth you could be? Academy is anything but interesting for kids of your age.'

"Everyone, please gather on the training ground. The commemoration ceremony is about to start." One of the instructors of the academy announces the news.

'A chunnin instructor!"

Yuji instantly recognizes the rank of the shinobi. Once a shinobi becomes a chunnin, he is allowed to wear a flak jacket. According to Miina, a flak jacket is the symbol of an exceptional shinobi.

'Also, the threat I sense from him is very low compared to Nawaki's sister.'

Yuji recalls the face of that black-haired young man.

'That man was extremely dangerous!'

The principal of the academy arrives on the stage and the ceremony starts. The principal explains a little about the curriculum to the students.

'Hmm…. So, the chakra training will start in the second year. In the first year, the students have to learn about the history of Konoha.'

"Now, our respected Hokage-sama will deliver a speech to encourage the future of Konoha." The principal claps to introduce the students.

"Wow, Hokage-sama is here!" The new students clap and cheer for the Hokage. Yuji also follows their action since it seems to be the right thing to do at that moment. He doesn't want to stand as the odd one out.

"Hoho…" A man in a red haori and a giant hat slowly walks up to the podium. He has a kind smile on his face as he waves back at the kids.

Yuji recognizes the man as the first person he saw in this world when he opened his eyes.

'So, he is the Hokage of this village. Indeed, there is no way that aura of authority and power could be faked.'

"Hoho… my dear children, today I will introduce something very interesting to you all." The Third Hokage smiles as he awaits the reaction of the kids.

"Is it some kind of delicious food?" One of the fat kids raises his hand.

"No, but it is even better than that!" Hiruzen chuckles.

"It's not food!" The excited kid tones down.

"Me, me! Is it some kind of never seen before toy?" Another kid raises his hand.

"Hoho… no, but is more interesting than a toy." Hiruzen shakes his head.

"No!" The kid loses his excitement.

"Is it some kind of storybook?"

"Is it some kind of game?"

"Is it some kind of insect?"

The kids continue to make random guesses.

"Haha… alright! Alright! I will introduce it to you." Hiruzen chuckles and states.

"This will be your first lesson in the academy. Our village, Konoha, is a big family and every person in it is a part of it."

"Am I also a part of this family?" An orphan kid asks him.

"Of course! You are also a member of the Konoha family." Hiruzen nods his head as he continues.

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"As a member of this family, we must love each other, cherish each other, and fight bad guys to protect this family. This is the 'Will of Fire."

"Is Daiki my family? But he bullied me the other day?" One of the kids questions Hiruzen.

"Yes, he is also your family. But he doesn't know about it yet." Hiruzen eases the worry of the kid.

"But he is also here. So, he should know now, right?" The kid persists and points his finger toward another kid.

"Well, he!" Hiruzen's face stiffens slightly. He turns to Daiki and gently explains to him.

"Daiki, now both of you are a part of the family. You shouldn't hurt each other." Hiruzen attempts to explain it in as simple a word as possible.

Yuji silently stares at the antics of the middle-aged man.

'I have lived long enough in my past life to judge a person by a first impression and his subsequent words. This man is a good person, but not a good leader. He isn't decisive enough and a good leader should be decisive.'

Yuji turns his head away and focuses his attention on the surroundings.

'Every organization, be it a village or a country, needs a philosophy for people to unite and cooperate despite their differences. This 'Will of Fire' seems to be the life philosophy of Konoha village. A philosophy to continue fighting against all odds, building willpower and strength of character. A symbol of hope and dream of the old generation for the new generation.'

Yuji scoffs internally.

'These seem to be the words of an idealist. For someone to utter such words, either the person should be extremely naïve or powerful beyond measure. The era of peace is a pipe dream for a world ridden with conflicts and war.'

Yuji recalls the history of his previous life.

'The war in that world was on a much larger scale than this world. The history of that world was richer than this one and yet despite the claims of achieving world peace; conspiracies and internal conflicts were always brewing in the shadows. Chaos and conflicts are the true nature of human beings.'

"… you only get one life. There's no need to choose an impossible path. It's fine to live as long as you like and die. However, protecting a precious person… you must not forget this no matter what path you choose." Hiruzen concludes his lecture with a smile.

"Thank you, Hokage-sama, for your kind words!" The principal and the instructors bow to him. The students also follow their lead.

The ceremony concludes, and the students walk to their respective classes.

"What a coincidence! We are in the same class." Minato is surprised to see Yuji, Nawaki, and Kushina in the same class as him.


Nawaki laughs conspicuously and whispers to them.

"Don't tell anyone! I asked Tsunade Nee-san to put us all in the same class."

"No wonder!" Minato nods his head.

All of them occupy an empty seat in the middle of the room, since the front seats are already occupied.

Yuji occupies a window seat. He closes his eyes and patiently waits for the class to start. Other children in the class chatted among their friends while other few roam the class to make new friends, Nawaki being one of them.

A few minutes later,


The classroom door slides open. A young man in his early twenties enters the room. He has long white hair and distinct red eyes. He wears the standard academy instructor outfit with black shinobi sandals, a forehead protector, and a flak jacket.

The instructor scrutinizes everyone in the class. All the students calm down from his glare and return to their seats.

'A chunnin instructor!'

Yuji opens his eyes and inspects the instructor as the latter introduces himself.

"I am Hiruko, a chunnin instructor of the academy. And from today onwards, I will be your homeroom teacher. Now, why don't everyone introduce themselves? So that I could know you better." He flashes a bright smile at the students.


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