The Rogue System

Chapter 23: 23 - Fairy-tale Like Origin Story

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As soon as the morning light shone brightly, Zhu Kang rushed from his college hostel to the only place that could give him answers.

He was in such a hurry, but he did not have any energy to run to his place. He took a cab.

It cost him about 20 bucks but he did not care.

He needed answers.

"It's here," Zhu Kang shouted as they reached the house. He paid and jumped off the cab. Hurriedly, he knocked on the door. "Gwyn! Gwyn, open the door!"

A small footstep approached the door. He could hear it from the outside clearly.


"It's me dumbass. Open the door!"

"I don't know anyone named 'it's me,'" Gwyn threw open the door with a slight glare. "do you know what time it is? God, the sky isn't even bright,"

Zhu Kang pushed his way inside and plopped on the dirty couch. Anxiously, he bit his lips. "What is this mating bull crap? Why didn't you tell me what it was? Why didn't you warn me?!"

"Whoa, easy tiger," Gwyn gently patted his back in a soothing motion. "Why are you so stiff? Aren't you supposed to loosen up after wanking?"

Zhu Kang glared at him intently.

"Okay, I won't tease you. so...tell me, who was it?"

"w-what do you mean?"

Gwyn sat down beside him and pulled him close for a half hug. "Tell me, who was the one who induced the mating call?"

"Mating call? What now? Come on, answer in words that I can understand darn it,"

Gwyn sighed. "Oh my baby brother, you can't just go into mating session without a mating call. Someone close to you had the hots for you. That's why you went into heat. Our animalistic genes precede our rational thinking in that regard,"

Listening to his explanation, only one word stood out. "Animal? Are we..... animals?"

"yeah sort of." Gwyn just gave him a weird look. "I keep forgetting that you don't have recollection of these... sigh, Zhu Kang, we are not normal humans. We are a cross over between human genes and animalistic genes,"

That could really explain the scales that he spotted on Gwyn. 'What animal thought? A snake?'

"Which animal gene do we carry?"

Gwyn got comfortably close to him and took a deep breath. "We are double headed dragon."

Zhu Kang was slightly startled by this. 'Double headed? I don't have another head....'

"Let me explain more. Once upon a time, there existed a small village surrounding a huge crystalline lake in secluded mountains, A huge double headed dragon lived there peacefully. The people there worshiped the dragon as their god.."

"Are you really going to narrate a fairytale?"

Gwyn pinched his lips together tightly. "Shh, just listen to the story. For years, the dragon lived there happily enjoying the worshiper's attention. But one day, a small light descended from the sun. It dripped down into the lake, forming a small girl made of golden light. Her hair was golden and shimmery just like the sun,"

"Now you are just telling me the story of rapunzel," Zhu Kang mumbled with a dull look.

"for goodnes's sake just listen." He cleared his throat and started once again with a serious expression, "The dragon was surprised by that bright light and the warmth. It swam to the surface gently holding the girl in its embrace, keeping her secretly in his underwater palace. Day by day, the little girl grew up playing with the dragon and in a few years, the girl became a woman.

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Inevitably, they fell for each other.

After years of being together, she proposed to marry the double-headed dragon as her husband."

"The dragon was thrilled. He accepted it immediately. He threw gold and pearls he had collected all his years into the sky boasting about his marriage."

"The heavenly gods got to know of this,"

Zhu Kang slightly leaned closer. "Gods? Like the made up gods people worship. That's 'so' believable.,"

Gwyn dully looked at him. "yes true gods, I truly underestimated your short attention span.

Anyway... the girl got dressed in golden silk and adorned herself in pearls, ready to marry him.

At the auspices time, they bowed to the sky. But as soon as they did, the skies turned black. Thunder clashed loudly. A figure in a silvery sheen descended from the clouds.

{"She is my daughter. How dare you, dragon?"} he said.

The dragon was shocked. He protected his lover safely in his arms, glancing at the sky."

Gwyn stood up, enacting the scene. " {who are you? Please don't disrupt our marriage} he said proudly to the thunder god,"

"{How dare you!}

{We love your daughter; she is the sun to our winters. The only one who completes our soul} the two heads of the dragon answered kindly.

{You are not worthy of my daughter,} the thunder god shouted loudly, shooting down a huge lightning. It hit the dragon right in the middle of its body, splitting the dragon into two. {Now that you are halved, you shall never be full. Your bodies eternally cold and eternally swayed by others' lust.} He threw that curse and took his daughter away to the sky kingdom.

The dragon, which was now split two, cursed the skies. Soon, the lush village turned into barren lands. The humans moved away from this place.... little by little the twin headed dragon's story got lost in time."

"pfffft... seriously." Zhu Kang pulled Gwyn, who was sprawling on the ground onto the sofa. "I asked a simple question. Why won't you give me a simple answer instead of made up stories.,"

"It's not made up, you dufus. It's a true story. I personally went to the village. It's our birth place. Every time the twin dragons die another twin dragon is born in the same year. That's why the remaining villagers abandoned twins in fear that they might attract the god's fury..."

"Wait for our birth place?"

"Yep, that was our birthplace, and it's our legendary story,"

"That's sad. They believed in a folklore and threw away their kids." Zhu Kang did not feel anything much. After all, he was a system for a very very, very long time. His human feelings and dulled down a lot. "but dragons, huh? That sounds novel,"

"That's just a fancy name. We are more related to Galapagos iguana and a legless lizard. Our bodies have adapted to cold depths of the waters, but because of that curse we tend to get cold very easily. Our bodies require constant heat source to function properly. As for the second part of the curse.... we go into heat when someone is emitting strong pheromones. We have no control over that,"

Zhu Kang bit his finger tips. 'What triggered my heat? Was it that fucking rhino or... was it Aaron? If it was that rhino like man? I am definitely scrubbing my skin clean.'

"Don't worry, wanking helps," Gwyn gently tugged at his hair.

"Did it ever happen to you? Spontaneously in heat?"

Gwyn froze. He strangely looked down as he glanced at the wall of glory, precisely at a newspaper clipping. "I don't wish to talk about it," he grumbled, and walked over to the kitchen. "You want sandwich?"

Zhu Kang peered at the certain newspaper with interest. It was a news clipping about how Alta and his brother fought for the first time. "no....not hungry,"

He rolled himself like a worm. 'So I will go into heat every time someone near me is horny! Fuck this. I'm in a worse situation than that love gel guy.....'

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