The Royal Contract

Chapter 1024: 1024 Family of three

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1024 Family of three

The weather was a bit cold but not enough to stop her from exploring the outside. She did not want to stay cooped up in her room if she could gaze at something as beautiful as the view before her.

The sky was a picture of blue and white with a tinge of gray on its clouds. Maybe it might rain later or not, depending on the weather. But at the moment, she was taking advantage of being out underneath the bright sun.

“Ms. Dani, I think it is time you rest inside.” The nurse assigned to care for her walked toward her. The older woman reminded her that she had been on the roof of her apartment for quite some time.

One of the things that she did to preoccupy her time was tending to her flowers, consisting of roses and perennial plants. Since she could not go far, she devoted her time to the garden made by her husband at the top of their living quarters.

It was a hobby that she enjoyed while she could not perform her regular tasks. But something that she might not do if she had any other choice. She knew she belonged in the corporate jungle, not in a beautiful garden.

“Yeah, maybe you are right.” She felt mild fatigue after several minutes of moving around the small space. Truthfully, every day had been a struggle to move. And it slightly got worse as her due date came closer and closer.

The doctors said it was still a week from now, but it could come earlier or later than the exact date. Therefore, she already had her and the baby’s things packed, just in case it came a week earlier.

She did not want to be caught unaware and unprepared. This child was their first baby, and she did not want any harm to happen. She would protect the growing life inside her with everything she got.

“Could you help me clear my things?” Usually, she could manage to clean up after her mess and walk back to her room by herself to rest. But she felt something different about her as she sat on the soft cushion.


She felt like most of her energy was zapped out of her. She sensed something funny with the way she felt about her body. She could not pinpoint anything that hurt, but she lost the energy to move around.

“Sure, Ms. Dani.” She watched her nurse clean up before she finally closed her eyes. She just wanted a few minutes to recover from whatever had caused her sudden weakness. “Are you feeling alright, Ms. Dani?”

She probably noticed her sudden change of demeanor. She came up here full of life, but now, she just felt exhausted, and she had not done anything that could cause that.

“Yeah, I am, just tired, probably from staying too long under the sun.” She told her, but she kept her eyes closed. “I think a few hours of sleep will cure this.” She assured her. “Can you help me up?”

With her big ball-sized belly, it was not easy for her to move, much more standing up from a couch. Usually, it would be better if someone would assist her.

But as she opened her eyes and stood up with her, she felt her head slightly spin. Then, she felt something gush down her legs. Did her bladder just burst?

“Oh my!” She sounded shocked and slightly dizzy, but she remained standing as water filled the floor. “What is wrong with me?”

When she finally looked down, she could see a pool of liquid that came out of her. She did not want to panic, but she felt her heart race, wondering if something was wrong with her and if it would affect the baby.

Instinctively, her hands went to her belly, feeling her child inside her womb. She wondered if the baby could feel what she felt at that moment. She hoped not as she tried to calm herself down.

“Don’t worry, Ms. Dani. That is perfectly normal.” The woman beside her attempted to comfort her as she wrapped her arms around her. Then, her nurse helped her back to the cushion to rest.

Her nurse quickly reached her wrist, checking her vital signs. She examined her temperature and asked questions about her condition while staying as calm as possible.

“Your water must have broken. You are now in labor.” The woman said calmly, concluding her situation, explaining what just occurred, aiding her to relax and not feel anxious.

She had read about this condition, but fear took over rationality, making her forget everything she had learned about childbirth. Luckily, she had someone with her who understood it.

“What shall I do?” She was not usually jittery, but she had a life depending on her. She could not afford to make a mistake. With what happened to Jacky still fresh in her mind, she did not want to take any chances.

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“I need you to relax while I call for an ambulance. There is no need to panic because we have time.” The woman spoke gently to her as she took out her phone and dialed the emergency services.

“Keep taking deep breaths.” She repeated before relating to whoever was on the other line their circumstance.

“Ok.” She followed her instructions, taking shallow breaths. Then some deep ones as she slightly slowed her beating heart. “What did they say?” She quickly asked as soon as she noticed her nurse stop conversing on the line.

“The ambulance is on the way. It will take a few minutes, but that is fine.” The nurse again kept reassuring her. “We will wait here until they arrive.” With her delicate condition, she knew her nurse would not risk putting her in a car and driving her down to the hospital. It would be safer if they would wait for the ambulance that was on its way.

The specialized vehicle had trained medical staff who could assist them with her condition. At the same time, the ambulance had the needed equipment she might need on the way.

It would take several minutes to drive from her place to the hospital. Many things could happen along the way if she could not have access to their first aid treatment if some complications occurred.

“Can you get my phone?” She requested, remembering that she had to make some phone calls. She remembered leaving her phone on the table near the roses.

She had to call her family to inform them that she was having the baby. It was a surprise that everyone was anxious to hear. And she could not wait to tell them all.

She wanted everyone she loved present at the hospital to welcome her child to the world. She also needed her husband to be by her side to share this momentous occasion in their child’s life.

“Wait here. Don’t move.” Her nurse said as she ran to the other side to get it. As if she was going anywhere with her condition.

She quickly took the phone from her and dialed his number, wanting to hear his voice. It only took her several rings before he answered her call. It would seem like he had his phone ready on standby, just in case. The doctor did say it could be anytime soon.

“Is everything ok?” He immediately asked. She could hear the worry and concern in his voice as he waited for her to answer.

In truth, he had been reluctant to go to work this morning, but she convinced him to leave since he had an important client to meet. Who knew that she would go into labor now?

“Yeah, I am ok.” She answered him, not wanting to add to his anxiousness. “But my water just broke, and about to go into labor.” She informed him as calmly as she could muster.

She could still feel her heart beating much faster than it should while her lungs were breathing shallower as she felt a mild discomfort. But nothing hurts yet. She did not believe she was in physical labor yet.

“You are what?” He seemed to be panicking at the sound of his voice. Her words seemed to fail to register in his mind. “Wait!” She did know what he was doing as she heard noises on the other line.

“I said I am about to give birth to your child. So, get your ass out of your chair and have Tom drive you to the hospital. The ambulance is about to pick me up now.” She could hear the nurse talking to some people.

She assumed it would be the medic about to take her.

“Oh! Yes.” He suddenly sounded ecstatic. “I am leaving now.” She still did not feel like he was himself. She had not seen him panicking before. It was something she never thought she would experience with him.

“Alex,” Dani called his attention. “Get Tom to drive you.” She reminded him before she passed the phone to Ben, who was now standing with the medic. “Call Tom.” She instructed as she looked at Ben.

Her bodyguard automatically called his leader to tell him to notify him about the current development.

Then, she allowed the medical specialist to take over the situation. She believed they knew more than she did about what to do under her condition.

She lay silently on the gurney as they wheeled her out of her apartment. But all she could think about was her baby as her fingers caressed her through her skin.

“I will be seeing you very soon. Just hold on for just a few more minutes.” She mumbled caressingly through her lips, hoping her baby could hear her.

She could not wait to hold her baby in her arms. Soon, they would be a family of three.

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