The Royal Contract

Chapter 1122: 1122 For keeps

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1122 For keeps

It was a Saturday. The day that he had been waiting for since the last time he was with her. He knew he had promised her dinner but doubted he could last long without seeing her.

He quickly stopped by the flower shop and purchased the most expensive set he found. But, of course, he had already bought the most important one a few days ago, safely secured in his jacket pocket.

Then, he was off to her apartment to surprise her and her son. But it seemed he was the one caught unaware, seeing a familiar man standing outside her door, knocking.

“Hey!” He greeted the man, who turned his back when he noticed him walking toward him.

“Hi!” The other man greeted him as he turned and offered his hand. “Zach, right?”

Of course, the man remembered him. He recalled that he worked for an investigation company as a detective. Therefore, it was his job to snoop around.

He wondered if he was here because he was reuniting with his old friend. Or was he here because of another matter? It seemed odd that he would suddenly appear in her apartment after many years of not seeing her.

“Yeah, and you are...” He was unsure if he should call him by his nickname, taking his firm handshake.

It seemed inappropriate to continue calling him that, seeing that he was not fat anymore. Besides, he wished to know his full name. He did not feel right to ask Ria about it, knowing he intended to have him investigated.


“Just Tabby. Everybody seemed to call me that. And I could not change it anymore.” He explained, just in time for the doors to open.

He noticed that Ria’s eyes widened as she saw them at her doorstep. He knew she did not expect him this morning. Of course, he did not call because it would ruin the surprise.

But what about him? What was he doing here? But he did remember hearing that he would come back to visit. He thought that was just rhetorical. But he did not mean it.

“Hi!” Both of them simultaneously greeted her.

But he quickly handed her the flowers he had bought for her. But the other man also had something in his hand, a box wrapped with a silver cover.

“This is also for you,” Tabby said, handing his gift to her.

Then, Edison suddenly showed up on the lower side of the doorframe. “Hey, Champ.” He quickly greeted the young man with a wide grin.

That was his new nickname after they played wrestling the last time, and their little champion won. Since then, he enjoyed it when he had branded him the Champ.

Then, of course, the man beside him also greeted him. “Hi, Edison. I hope you still remember me. Your Uncle Tabby.” He heard him say. “This is for you.” He also brought him a gift. But the boy did not take it, probably thinking he was still a stranger.

“Thanks, both of you. I will give this later to Edison.” Ria said to Tabby.

Thankfully, the boy came to him, hugging him instead of the man beside him. “Zachy, you came.” The boy excitedly said in his small adorable voice. At least the boy had finally warmed up to him.

Zach was not threatened by the man beside him, at least not due to his size. But he could not stop thinking about his intention, returning to Ria’s life after all these years.

Ria said that they met at the orphanage. Tabby was the brother she never had. But was that the same with him? Did he think of her as his little sister, or did he want something else from her?

“Of course. Did you miss me?” He directed his attention to Edison as he carried the little boy into the living room as Ria ushered them inside.

“I miss, Zachy.” The boy uttered as he played with his face with his soft, little fingers.

“Aren’t you a bit too early? I thought that we were supposed to have dinner.” Ria turned to him and whispered near his ears. Of course, he was. It was just breakfast.

He knew the plan. But he thought he could take Ria and Edison to the park. Then, they could probably watch a movie or do something fun with him. And he already had a few ideas that he would like to suggest to Ria.

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“They say the early bird catches the worm.” He jokingly said, hoping to see her smile. But it seemed he was the second one to arrive, he realized.

Did it mean that he lost his chance for the day? No, he was not giving up that easily.

“I like... bird...” Edison said, interrupting their adult conversation.

“Yes, we do like birds. Do you want to see one?” He asked the little boy. Then, Edison nodded his head repeatedly and enthusiastically.

“Great!” Zach told Edison. “You see, Edison likes to see some birds. Maybe we can go to the park or the zoo.” He suggested, looking at Ria, who had a disapproving look on her face. “Before we go to dinner later.”

“As you can see, I have a guest.” Ria pointed to Tabby. “I am looking forward to seeing him after a long time. Therefore, I am not leaving.” She told him.

“I am sorry, Tabby, about that.” Ria addressed the other man in the room. Of course, the other man heard their conversation.

“I can always come back another time if you have other plans.” Tabby suddenly said.

He would like that, but Ria’s face said differently.

“No. Zach could play with Edison in his room while we catch up with what has been happening with your life.” Zach heard Ria tell her friend.

It seemed that his plans had backfired against him.

He was benched in Edison’s room while Ria entertained her friend. But would he give up that easily? Of course not. He still had a few tricks on his sleeve.

“Why don’t we bring along Tabby with us? In that way, Tabby could also spend some time playing with Edison at the park. I believe I have more than enough food in my picnic basket.” He offered instead.

He did not mind if he tagged along with them. At least he could observe him with Ria and Edison. He was good at assessing people. He could tell if his intention was purely for the benefit of Ria and Edison and not something that would put the two in danger.

If he discovered that Tabby was here to use Ria in any way, he would guarantee that this man would return to war where he belonged. And he would stay in there for the rest of his miserable life.

In less than ten minutes, he had the three inside his car. Fortunately, he brought a bigger car, and not his sports car. Or else, he would not know how to fit the big guy in the back seat.

Of course, he would not want him in the front with him. But now,

Tabby and Edison sat comfortably at the back of his SUV while Ria sat at the front with him.

“First, I thought we should have a nice picnic and a game of catch. I want to teach Edison how to catch some ball.” Although Ria’s apartment was spacious, he did not think that playing catch would not sit quite nicely with her.

Then, she did not have a lawn where he and Edison could play. So, the most he could do was take them to the park, which was not far from her apartment.

“That sounds great. Tabby and I can also join.” Ria declared, finally warming up with his plans.

At first, he thought that she would shut down his proposal. Fortunately, Tabby supported him, saying that it was a good idea. He also wanted a chance to play with Edison.

“Ok. So, are you ready to play catch, Edison?” He asked as he looked in his rearview mirror.

He could hear him say yes and see him bouncing up and down on his seat. That was a good enough response. He was glad he had thought of this when he woke up this morning.

“I am sorry again for showing up without calling. I only want to surprise you.” He finally turned to Ria, looking apologetic.

He did not want this to be an issue that would cause them problems. He realized that Ria thought of Tabby as someone special to her. Maybe he should tone down his suspicions against him and try to know the guy.

But he would still check on him, just to be sure. He did not want anything about Ria’s past to catch up with her and then ruin what she had already built for herself. She seemed happy now, and he would keep it that way.

From now on, he would protect her from anything or anyone trying to hurt her. Whatever happened to her in the past was over. From now on, he would guarantee that she and her son would be happy with him. That was a promise.

“That is ok. I know you are just excited about tonight.” The glint in her eyes seemed to promise him more.

Truthfully, that was one more thing he looked forward to after dinner. But, of course, that was just the bonus. What mattered to him was this woman who had already possessed his heart in just a short span of time.

This time, he finally realized that he wanted her for keeps.

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