The Royal Contract

Chapter 233: Caught In The Moment

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"Honestly, did you enjoy the movie?" She asked as they walked out of the establishment hand in hand.

Now, they strolled along the busy street as if they were just like the rest of the ordinary couple out tonight on a date. But since it was a bit late, the crowded street had dwindled to occasional people, out for fun or on the way home.

"I did not know that you enjoy watching horror movies. I thought you were only messing me with me when you insisted on this." He looked at her with a frown.

After being together for almost two months, she still managed to surprise him. But he could tell that she was full of secrets, and he could not wait to uncover all of them.

"So, you expected that I would cringe, scream and hold on to you for dear life." She teased him as they stopped on the sidewalk, waiting for the signal for them to cross to the other side.

Typical men, thinking that all women are vulnerable, fearful, and fragile. Always assuming that women needed protection and a savior, but not her. She had learned how to be strong and protect herself.

She did not need a man to do that for her. But what did she need from someone like him? She contemplated on her question as they crossed the street.

"Sort of." He admitted, quite ashamed he assumed her weak. "I certainly did not expect that you would enjoy it." He smiled at her with that boyish grin, scratching his nape as if admitting defeat.

"I don't get scared that easily. Sorry to disappoint you." Revealing to him one of her strengths, hoping to give him a glimpse of another side of her.

If they were to build a future together, they had to learn all the different aspects of their personalities. It was relevant to know if they were compatible. 

It was the reason why they were in this relationship in the first place. Well, in Dani's mind, it was. She could only assume that it was what Alex's end game was, too, that they would both end up together eventually.

"On the contrary, you only impress me more." He let go of her hand as they continued to walk with no particular direction. Then, he wrapped one of his arms around her shoulders as he pulled her closer to him.

"You mean, you don't mind if I am not like a damsel in distress." She slightly turned her body to him so that she could directly look at his face.

Tradition built men to be the protector and provider. So, being the knight in shining armor had been their natural inclination. Having women who could do what they could, threatened them.

She remembered toning down her personality to please Nick. She was afraid to show that she was better than him. She did not want him to feel discouraged and inferior. 

"Not at all. I like my partner to be my equal. Someone who could speak her mind and defend herself even when I am not around." He faced her in the middle of the sidewalk and tilted her chin until they were face to face.

He suddenly realized that he did not like a woman too dependent on a man for everything she needed. He did not like a clingy woman, wanting to be always the center of his attention.

If he would sum it up, he only wanted her because she was not all of that. He only wanted her because she was all he desired.

"Besides, I want to be the damsel in distress once in a while. So, prepare to defend my honor." He lowered his head and gave her a quick peck on her lips before pulling her back to their walk.

He did not believe in the old culture that women were beneath men. He had seen how his father bowed down to his mother's opinion, not because he felt inferior, but because he loved and respected her.

He wanted a relationship like what his parents have. He fancied a woman capable of being his equal and not someone who would agree blindly to all his wishes.

"I certainly did not expect that." She pulled his head down gently to make him bend to her side. "Then, my prince, I swear to protect and defend your honor." She whispered near his ears.

In her opinion, she was also capable of protecting the people she loved and cared for, even if she was a mere woman. It would not stop her from taking the bullet if needed.

"Then, I am lucky. I finally found my knight with a shining smile." He said softly in her ears. Then, he shifted and kissed the top of her head. 

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"Yeah, so you just yell if you need rescuing." She accidentally snorted as she chuckled, which made them laughed together even louder. 

He pulled her even closer to him. "Come on. It is getting late." 

Well, they had been walking for a while with no direction. Alex thought she might be exhausted. Looking at her feet, he wondered how she could walk in those killer shoes, certainly deadly weapons.

"No, wait." She dragged him to a still opened diner a few feet away from them. "I want a cold treat." She requested as they entered the small space and sat on the available seat at the corner.

"Ok." He answered with a raised brow. He was starting to enjoy the way she was bossing her around.

"What about you?" She asked when she ordered her sweet cold treat.

"Why don't we share? That looks like a humongous treat. I might not be able to finish." He checked again on the menu, and yes, it was huge.

"Yeah, I don't mind sharing." She answered him as they waited for their order to arrive.

"So, what part of the movie did you like?" He was curious about how her mind works. One way to know more about her was to ask about her likes and dislikes.

"Well, I will say the prosthetics and makeup were amazing. It looked realistic. The story plot was ok, but it was not that scary at all." She commented. "But overall, it was entertaining."

She did enjoy watching a good movie. Although she rarely had time to do it with her busy schedule, she still appreciated a good one from time to time.

"Ok." But before he could say more, their ice cream had arrived. Judging from its size, it would take them a while to finish it. But at least they decided to share it.

"What about you? I don't remember you answering my earlier question." She reminded him since he suddenly shifted the topic. She would also like his opinion on it.

"I did like it, but I do agree with your evaluation. I also think the scene needed a few more shocking scenes to wow the audience." He seconded her statement.

He also was once a movie fanatic. Since coming to this country, he wanted to know more about the culture and the life of the locals. One way he did was watch most of their films. It was the fastest way to get their style.

"What is the scariest thing that happened to you?" She decided to ask him something more personal.

She was through talking about the movie, but she wanted to know more about him. She believed that he could not be perfect. He must have something that he was afraid of or at least avoided.

"That is a tough one." He started playing with his chin as if he thought of an answer.

Two months ago, he could have quickly answered her with one word, commitment. But now, he felt that it was not that bad anymore.

"There must be something that frightens even a prince like you." She once again teased him, bringing her spoonful of ice cream into his lips.

He took a bite of the ice cream, taking all the ice cream into his mouth as he thought of his answer. Then, the idea came as he swallowed the last creamy taste of the sweet freezing treat.

"The way I feel about you." He uttered in all seriousness as he grabbed her hand and held it firmly in his.

His eyes never left hers, paralyzing them in time, both of them caught in the moment.

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