The Royal Contract

Chapter 301: Smile And Be Worry-free

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"Hey!" Alex greeted her with a smile as soon as she entered the car.

She was already waiting outside the lobby when he parked to pick her up. He wanted to come earlier to accompany her while waiting for the result of Ethan's surgery, but his meetings took longer as expected.

By the time he finished, it was already late. All he could do was drop by the hospital to fetch Dani. But at least he still had time to see Dani tonight. He knew she would want some company.

"Hi!" Dani leaned forward to Alex to give him a quick peck on the lips before buckling herself in her seat. He started the engine again and moved the car in the direction of his home.

Lately, she had stayed in his apartment more than she had been in her home. It had been more convenient for her to stay at his place, in comparison, to go from one apartment to the other. 

She did not mind since she loved his place and his company. Although, she did sometimes miss her apartment and Jacky's company.

"How was Ethan's surgery?" Alex glanced at her before focusing his eyes again on the road.

She texted him earlier about the success of Ethan's surgery. But he was in the middle of a meeting, so he was not able to call back. Based on her message, Ethan would stay overnight in the recovery room until he was stable enough to move in his room by tomorrow morning.

"The doctors assured us that the surgery was a success. All we can do now is wait." She informed him as she stared at the window outside. "The doctors advised Mom and me to get some rest home and come back in the morning."

The sky was dark, lacking any source of light since the stars and the moon were missing. The only light she saw came from the street and the buildings that they passed by.

She did not want to think that it was any indication of a bad omen. She had faith that everything went smoothly as the way it should be with his father's condition.

"I'm sure that the doctors knew more what would be best. Let us listen to their advice." Alex recommended as they neared his apartment.

He had some of his bodyguards escort Laura back to her house. Dani had offered to stay with her tonight, but she refused. Her mom did not want to disturb her any more than necessary.

"Anyway, how was your day? I hope everything went smoothly with the board." She knew all of her father's board members. Some of them were also closed to her.

She was aware that most of the board was a bit conservative. On the other hand, Alex's ways were a bit on the borderline high risk and way too liberal approach. 

She just hoped that Alex found a way to charm them to believe in his new vision for the company. She might not be a business expert, but she could see the potential in Alex's plans.

"I told you that you have nothing to worry about." He assured her as he started parking his car on his spot. "Anyway, will you mind if I entice you tonight with a small surprise?"

It was a last-minute idea that he had before leaving his new office. He did not have much time to plan for more. For now, it would have to do.

"What is the occasion?" She did not expect that he had time to plan something for them for tonight.

After the event, the operation, his new work, her piling up work. It felt like going on dates and having some alone time was a distant dream for them in the meantime.

"I felt like we both deserve a treat. We just got engaged and your dad's successful operation." He enumerated the reason for the surprise. "Most importantly, I just miss you."

He unbuckled himself from his seat and leaned forward in her direction. He did the same with her seatbelt. Instead of getting out of the car, he pulled her with him.

She ended up with her palms flat on his chest, staring into his eyes. "What do you think are you doing?" But she did not push him away. On the contrary, she wrapped her hands around his neck instead and pulled him closer to her.

Now, she locked herself in his embrace, with faces only inches away from each other. She closed the distance that separated their lips until all she felt was the softness of his red flesh on hers.

She had thought of him all day, wanting him at her side. She had hoped to feel his strong arms around her when the doctors came to take her father and when they returned to give them the good news.

"Hey, wait a second. You have to stop. It is not exactly my surprise yet." He teased her with tiny kisses on her lips.

Eventually, he pulled away, putting a couple of feet distance between them. There was nothing more he would like to do than to continue with what they were doing. But he believed his fiancé deserved more than kisses tonight.

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"So, what else do you have in mind?" She asked, puzzled with the secrecy once again.

She always thought that she might someday get tired of his ways, but so far, all she felt was excitement every time he tried to pull a stunt on her.

Maybe, he would still probably do this even after twenty years of being married to her. Although it would seem childish, she was starting to look forward to more years of this kind of life with him. 

"I need you to cover your eyes with this," He loosened his tie and handed it to her. "Let me help you." He made her turn away from him as he fastened the necktie on her eyes.

"Are you sure you know what you are doing?" She was a bit skeptical since this was the first time he was guiding her blind towards his surprise.

"Of course. You have to trust me." Alex inspected his handiwork, double-checking that it was not too tight and not loose either that she might be able to peek.

Upon full inspection, he ushered her out of the car and into the elevator. Instead of going down on his apartment, he allowed the lift to go further up on the top floor.

"I do trust you, but it is killing me." She could sense her excitement as she anticipated what would happen once the elevator opened. 

She could only assume that they were going on the top floor, probably the rooftop. It was the only possible explanation for the surprise. 

She could only guess what else might happen in the surprise. But she was hoping that dinner was one of them. She had barely eaten all day. She was now feeling her stomach growling in an attempt to notify her of her lack of food.

"Ok. Since your stomach is already begging for it, I included a delicious meal in the mix." He finally conceded to tell her as the elevator door's dinged and opened.

He guided her outside as a soft breeze caressed her skin. Her assumption that they were going to the top floor was correct. She could feel the open air and hear the unusual sound of silence as their background.

Although she had never seen this particular floor before, most of what she had seen of this building that her father owned was the lobby and Alex's apartment.

"Do I still have to wear this tie?" She walked with him further into the open space, still unaware of what she would find after removing her blindfold.

She trusted Alex that he would not allow any harm to befall her. She would let him lead her anywhere, believing that her best interest would always be his priority.

"Yes. Just a few more steps, and then I will take it off myself." He assured her as he continued to assist her on her every step.

He was happy he found someone like her who never doubted him and never tried to question every decision that he made. Although she did not blindly follow him, she always showed him the benefit of the doubt.

"Are you sure that I am going to love this?" She asked as she tried to foresee what would happen next. She could always make her assumptions, a blind guess. 

"When did I ever disappoint you?" He answered her with another question. "I'm sure my record will show that I only aim to please." He added as he finally pulled her to a stop.

"I guess you are right. I am always satisfied with all you have done for me so far." She could not think of any time that he did disappoint her with a promise or a surprise.

"Now, you can open your eyes." He finally pulled the cloth blocking her vision, revealing his grand master plan for the night.

In the middle of the open floor, a white made shift canopy structure awaited them, surrounded by beautiful white roses and sparkly lights, arranged for their dinner date.

"When did you get the time to arrange for all of this?" It was a beautiful surprise that she genuinely appreciated in a time like this.

Until now, she was amazed at Alex's ability to compartmentalize his personal life against his many other obligations. On the other hand, she felt like she was already drowning in her dilemmas.

She looked at the arrangement. It was not that extravagant, but the effort, she could see very clearly. It would seem done hastily, but she could feel the love exuding from the man beside her.

Alex did not do any of this to gain anything for himself.. He only wanted to see her smile and be worry-free.

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