The Royal Contract

Chapter 324: An Exciting Escapade

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The first schedule for the day was going to the local market. After their breakfast, they did not feel like going for a swim just yet. So, Alex invited her to roam around the island.

It was a small community with a few locals who ran the place. There were other nearby towns, but they would require to travel by land to go there. With the limited time they had, it was simply impossible.

"We can always come back here and explore the other sites of the island," Alex told her, driving the motorbike he had borrowed from the resort.

He preferred the two-wheel vehicle since he could easily maneuver it around the small, intricate street of the marketplace. He could not do that if he took a four-wheel.

But he already considered the incoming weather and some other aspects that could affect their day outside. So far, he did not find any reason why they could not enjoy a relaxing, breezy ride.

"I supposed I can always wait for the next time," Dani shouted over his ears while she held on tight around his back.

She still could remember the last time she back rode on his bike. It was an exciting and thrilling experience, but she still could not get over the fear that they might fall on the ground.

Although, she trusted Alex with her life and his abilities. She still believed accidents do happen in unfortunate times. She could not help but feel a slight chill in her body in every turn he made.

"I won't let anything happen to you. I promise, Dani." He quickly looked over his shoulder to check on her.

He could sense her fear as her heartbeat quickened. He could feel it on his back as she bent closer to him, tightening her hug on him. He wanted to guarantee her safety, but all he could do was reassure him.

He drove with a moderate speed, not wanting to frighten her or be involved in an accident. Besides, he also wanted her to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the sights as they cruised along the galvanized road.

"I know that. I need to get used to this." She did feel the slight rush of adrenaline when she rode this vehicle. But it would take a while before she could feel comfortable around this moving mechanism.

"Well, why don't you open your eyes and check out the sights." He teased him with a chuckle, noticing that she kept closing her eyes. He did not want her to miss the chance to gaze upon the beauty of this place. 

She stopped closing her eyes and finally viewed her surroundings. As she continued to check the things Alex kept pointing out, she slowly forgot her woes.

A few more minutes later, they were entering the town proper. It was like they drove into a fantasy town where everything looked different. 

"This place is amazing." She voiced out her fascination.

Not exactly strange, but it was from the usual place she had been before. There was something about this small town that was enchanting.

"Yes, it is one of the reasons why we kept going back in this place when we were young." He pointed to another area when he turned the bike in another corner. "You must see this." 

He parked the bike on the sidewalk, in front of an old artistic structure. He could not believe that the local community still tried to preserve this place the way it was before.

"So, this is not your first time to come here." She felt honored that he kept sharing his past with her. "Did your parents bring you here often?" She still could not imagine him as a young man, much less a young boy.

"It was not my parents who came with me here. It is my grandparents. They brought me here to spend time with me and enjoy private time together." He revealed to her.

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He could still remember the memories he had built with his grandparents. He relished the fun moments he shared with Grandpa and Nanna and some secrets they only imparted with him.

"I also loved the times I spent with my grandparents. They were also short ones, but they made sure that they were memorable." She disclosed to him, recalling the memories as she stared at the people and the structures around her.

"Why don't we travel by foot from here?" He offered as he turned off the engine. "It will give you a better appreciation of the place." He helped her off the bike while following her.

He ushered her to the street with a few tourists roaming around, just like them, enjoying their vacation. It was one of the attractions of this place. He and Dani could play like ordinary tourists without people bothering them.

"Where are we going?" She asked as they started moving with the crowd.

She could already see different kinds of shops, coffee, pastry, dress, shoes, among other things. On the other side, she noticed some fancy restaurants. Not as elegant as in the city, but cozy enough to attract people.

"Let our feet guide us to wherever they want to go." He recommended. He did not feel like thinking of a plan. He would let the moment take them wherever they would lead them.

"I like the sound of that." She smiled at him, genuinely excited with his plans or no plan at all.

She always enjoyed his surprises. Right now, she could not wait to see what else she would discover on this tiny island. It might be small, but she could already see a lot of potentials.

"Then, we should start with the arcade." He offered when he saw a place where many kids were converging around. "Have you been to one?" He asked her as he opened the door to her.

"I wanted to try it once when I was young but never did get the chance." She told him. 

She could remember a time in the past she asked her friends if they could play, but such an establishment was not something her friends would go to, so she never went.

"Well, then this is your time to experience being young again." He knew that playing games had no age limit. Everyone had the right to enjoy life, whether young or old.

"Aren't we too old for this?" She asked, looking at the young patrons in the shop.

"Age is just a number. I believe we deserve to have fun." He bought them some tokens and chose a game.

They both settled for a racing game for their first try, then moved on to the different entertainments the arcade was offering. Dani could not help the laughter that kept coming out of her mouth.

"Maybe." She joined him in every game he challenged her, beating him once or twice. But he had an advantage since he knew the game.

She could not believe what she had missed when she was young. If she could turn back time, she would not hesitate to enjoy her life. But since she could not do that, maybe she could have her fun now.

"Did you have fun?" He finally asked when they got out of the establishment and back on the street. "Let's try to look for something else."

He guided her to another street that led to the marketplace. Still, he had no definite plan to where they were going. He was letting fate guide them to their next experience.

Every day, they faced rules and obligations. Their plans and strategies guided them to succeed in their jobs.. But today, screw them all, he would take Dani on an exciting escapade.

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