The Royal Contract

Chapter 382: Jaded By The Current System

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As if the recent incident was not awkward enough, discovering that someone had noticed the scene only made the situation worse. In another's eyes perspective, it did seem that they were in a passionate embrace.

But she would not allow this man's opinion to affect her. She did nothing wrong as far as she was concerned. It was an innocent hug by a person who was only showing support. She would not allow him to color it with his vile thoughts.

"I don't know what you mean by that, but what you witnessed was not what you think." It was Gerald who first responded to the man's nasty suggestion.

He could not allow this man to disgrace her image. After all, it was his fault for causing the scene, not hers. He knew it was a mistake to allow his emotion to control him. Now, he had placed them in a compromising position.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, Edward. But I am not cheating or having an affair if that is what you are implying." She could not help but be irritated with his presence.

She believed there was no use explaining to him the real story because he would still turn it into something twisted. It was in his gene to be mean, rude, and vicious.

Alex did not need to warn her to stay clear of him. She believed that nothing good would come out of being associated with him. Besides,  he only did something good if it would benefit him.

"First of all, I am only stating my observation. Secondly, I am just concerned for my dear cousin's reputation." Edward smiled sarcastically at Dani, enjoying her slight discomfort.

It seemed that luck was on his side today as he just made a successful transaction a few minutes ago. Now, he found another pawn in his game.

"I think you have no real business to be here. If you will excuse us, but we still have a meeting to conclude." Gerald was rarely hostile to other people, not even to his enemies.

He usually took his fight inside the court. He always found it more fulfilling and enjoyable. But if he had to exchange unpleasant words with this man, he would if it meant that he could send him away.

He only knew the man because of his affiliation with Alex. But based on what he gathered so far, he was not a man he wished to be friends with and had to be careful as an enemy. It was clear that Dani also did not like his company. 

"I only intend to say hi for now. But maybe someday, I might need both of your expertise. I heard that you make quite a team." He was satisfied with the way he had ruined her night, as evident in the slight scowl on her face.

He already realized that he would never have a chance to win her over to his side. Dani was different from Tyra. But if he could not have her, maybe his cousin should not have her either.

"I don't think our services will fit your best interest. It will be better for you to look for someone else." Dani retorted with a slight edge on her voice. She was not enjoying their conversation at all.

"It was nice to see you, Prince Edward," Gerald said in finality, indicating that he already had enough of his presence and the fake smile plastered on their faces for the benefit of the onlookers.

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"It has been my pleasure," Edward mockingly stated, enjoying the annoyance in his voice, slowly walking away as he bade farewell.

He felt he had accomplished what he had come to do, quite satisfied with himself. He could not wait for what would happen next after what he had done.

"I'm sorry. I did not mean to cause any problem." Gerald turned to her as soon as Edward was far enough to hear their conversation. It was never his intention to make a scene and to put her in a difficult situation. 

"I know you were only trying to help. I am not blaming you for any of this." She said to her boss. She did not want to make a big deal of this situation. 

She did not want to emphasize what happened because it was nothing. It was a spur-of-the-moment action that did not mean anything but a friendly gesture.

"For what it is worth, you are a good lawyer who only wants what is best for your client. I truly admire you for that." Gerald tried to change the subject, returning to the real reason for the meeting.

"Well, I do wish I could have done more." She still felt a slight pang of disappointment with the outcome, but she had already accepted the fact that it was the best they could do under the circumstances.

They only stayed for a few more minutes after Edward had left and decided to call it a night. They discussed their next course of action before bringing the news to their client.

She temporarily forgot her encounter with Edward as her mind began formulating new strategies. She did not want to waste her time with a man like him. He was not worth it, just like Nick.

"Me, too, Dani." Gerald gazed at her, liking the feeling when he was with her. 

She reminded him of what it was like to be young and idealistic. He was still not that old, but he had already lost sight of what was right and wrong. 

His career had focused on his success and winning. He had forgotten the other reason, why he had chosen this profession in the first place.

"This will not stop me from trying to change what was wrong with our justice system. I might have lost for now, but I will find justice however well it hides from me." She swore to him as he assisted her into her car.

"I think I should be the one learning from you," Gerald replied to her statement. It would seem that he was the one who needed a refresher course.

He commended her more due to her passion for the law. He wished that he could have the same dedication to correcting the injustice in their corrupted system.

He did see many new lawyers with the same idealism as she had. He used to be one of them.. He only hoped that she could find a way to do what she had set out to do and not end up like them, jaded by the current system.

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