The Royal Contract

Chapter 82: Reason Behind That Smile

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People who wanted to meet her were currently surrounding her and Alex. Everybody, who was anybody in this part of the world, was present in this gathering. Even the king himself would be making his appearance. So, they said.

"Smile and bow." That was the only direction Alex told her as soon as they walked into the ballroom. Other than that, he was expecting that she knew what to do. He had complete confidence that she knew what she was doing.

"Of course, what else should I be doing?" She answered him sarcastically. She was expecting a little more heads up on what she was about to expect in this party, but all she got was those two words. Three if you would include the word and.

She wanted to smack his head with her hands if only she could. However, proper decorums dictated that she acted like a lady that she was pretending to be. Instead, she pinches him in the arms discreetly to avoid making a big scene.

"What was that for?" He whispered in her ears as they walked to another couple. He was more surprised by the action than hurt. Still, he was amused at the childish way she was expressing her irritation with him.

"Just a reminder that you have to do your part too." She was not impressed with the way he was handling the situation. She did not want to end up a fool after all of this was over.

"Don't worry. You are doing great. I got your back." He assured her that he knew what he was doing and everything was going according to plan.

She was used to this, sort of, gathering. She could even do this in her sleep. But she chose not to indulge in it if she did not have to. She opted to live her simple life, away from the societies prying eyes.

Now, she thought if all this was worth doing. Then, she thought of the reasons why she agreed to this in the first place. They were valid and relevant to her. She could not turn her back on the people that she planned to help with the support she would be getting from this.

"This is Ms. Daniella Hamilton, my girlfriend." Alex once again introduced her to a group of his relatives. Names she would surely forget once the night was over unless something about them caught her attention. 

Otherwise, it would be just another one on the long list she was not about to waste her time remembering. There was just no use because she would never have to deal with them again after this contract was over.

The only thing she wished to complain about was the constant nodding or bowing. They never did that back home when greeting each other. A simple nod, a smile, or a hello usually did the trick. They rarely took a bow unless they had foreign royal dignitaries as their guests.

But in the culture of this country, it would seem that it was part of their etiquette to constantly bow at everyone or someone who had a higher place in the society. An old tradition that Dani did not appreciate. She believed that they should forego such tradition.

As they circled on the other guests, they eventually landed in front of her parent's scrutiny. At least this time, they were not alone with them. There were a hundred guests around them.

"You look so lovely tonight, my dear." Her mother complimented the new dress she was wearing. 

She did feel elegant and sophisticated in it, but she was not about to admit it in front of Alex. She did not plan to feed his ego.

"I don't remember the necklace you are wearing." It was her father this time who commented. 

Ethan presumed that her daughter would not be wearing any jewelry tonight. That was after she had refused the pieces of jewelry her wife sent to her room earlier. 

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"You also looked lovely, Mom." She could see that her mom still had what it takes to be the most elegant lady in the entire ballroom as far as she was concerned. "And this." She touched the shining object on her neck. "Came from Alex. It is a family heirloom."

She did not elaborate more. "You both look great together." She had to admit, her father was still a very handsome man, despite his age.

"I do agree with Dani." Alex finally took Laura's hand and kissed it. "You certainly are one of the most beautiful ladies here tonight." 

"You are certainly a prince charming, aren't you?" Laura was flattered by the way Alex had complimented her. There was a sincerity in him that she appreciated.

"That is one beautiful gem you got there. So, make sure that you protect her with your life." Ethan spoke with seriousness in his tone, making sure to direct his statement to Alex. And he was not referring to the priceless jewelry in her daughter's neck.

"I will make sure to guard her with my life," Alex assured Ethan, who seemed not convinced with his words.

He understood the underlying meaning in his words. Although this was just an act that they were performing for the expense of their families, he still intended to make sure that her well-being and safety were his highest priority.

Alex and Dani once again excused themselves. They moved to another group to mingle with the other member of the royal family.

She wondered how much more she could take. She almost had enough of the bowing and constant smiling. If she could only put some tape on the side of her lips so that it could maintain a permanent smile on her lips, she would.

"Would you like to take a break?" Alexander asked as she pulled her to the other side of the ballroom. When she nodded, he guided her out the door to an open balcony. "I could see that you were about to blow up."

"I'm sorry. It had been a while since I have attended such a social event. I think I am a bit rusted." In truth, she just was not interested in it anymore.

"I could see that, but honestly, this is also not my social scene." He admitted, tired of the custom he had grown up and followed all his young life. 

"At least, we have something in common." She commented as they both look back to the ballroom they left behind, taking temporary refuge at the quietness and the darkness of the night.

"I agree to that." He smiled at her, sensing a smile coming out of her lips. "That's better." He gazed at her. "You need to smile more. It looks good on you." He commented, wanting to see more of it in her face.

"It's hard to smile when there is nothing to smile about." She replied to him, but she never changed her expression. Her smile remained on her lips as she gazed out to the open field.

He wondered what could be inducing her to smile right now. Because if he knew what it was, he wanted to do it over and over again. He wanted that smile on her lips, especially when she was looking at him. 

Unconsciously, he wanted to be the reason behind that smile.

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