The Royal Contract

Chapter 830: 830

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Chapter 830: Playing with fire

“Where is it?” Haley mumbled as her hands started shuffling through her things on the chair, her bed, in her cabinets. But it was still missing.

Where was her bag?

Her eyes scanned her room, looking for it. She remembered dropping it off somewhere in the room when she returned from her errand this morning. She was sure of it.

She also remembered dropping into the bed, exhausted. She slept instantly. Blame it on the thoughts that would not allow her to get some shut eyes last night. She ended up tossing all night.

She still remembered the several glasses of alcohol she had consumed last night. That should have knocked her out, but her stupid brain would not stop thinking about him.

“Where is my phone?” She moved from one corner of the room to the other. She had been looking everywhere. Eventually, she sat on the edge of her bed, feeling frustrated.

Now, Haley could not find it. She needed her phone, which was inside that bag. Her date might already call or text her, telling her when Gerald would be picking her up.


He might have wanted to come here early, and she hardly had anything done. Or he might be late, and she would be waiting for a long time. Anything could have happened.

“The kitchen.” She snapped at herself, running out of her room to check the counter.

She remembered getting water when she arrived at her apartment, quite thirsty from all the walking she had to do that morning. So, she must have left it in that room.

When she reached the room, her bag sat nicely on the marble surface where she had dropped it earlier. Lack of sleep could make you think crazily and forget things. Luckily, she had a satisfying afternoon nap.

She quickly opened her bag and found the phone blinking, indicating an incoming message or possibly a missed call. Hurriedly, she unlocked it and opened up her app. She did receive several missed calls and messages.

“Oh! That is so sweet.” She uttered, giggling like a school girl, once she read the first message.

I HAD A GREAT TIME LAST NIGHT. The first line said.

I BARELY SLEPT A WINK THINKING OF YOU. “Me too,” Haley responded.

I CAN’T WAIT TO SEE YOU TONIGHT. “Same here.” She could not help it.

She ended up hugging her phone, more excited about tonight’s events. In truth, she could not wait to see her date again. Last night was not perfect, but it was great, just like what he said.

But she also had to check her other messages. The calls were also from Gerald from earlier while she was asleep. There were others from the office, but it was not urgent.

Then, another message from him informing her of their plans for tonight. Checking her watch, she still had a couple of hours to prepare. That was enough time for a quick shower, fixing her hair, and applying good makeup. Of course, to don on her beautiful ensemble.

Then, she grabbed the bag from her shopping yesterday. She could not forget that. The deal was all would come prepared for any eventualities. Not that she was doing this for any particular person. Or maybe she was.

“Who are you kidding?” She pointed at herself as she applied another coating of her lipsticks, facing the mirror in her room. “You wish for him to see you in that.” An internal voice shouted in her ears.

Then, the bell in her apartment rang. “He is here.” She uttered in a panic mode, looking at her watch that said he was a quarter of an hour early. She felt she was not yet prepared.

Of course, she was not ready as she watched herself in her new underwear, standing in front of the mirror. She rushed to her cabinet, looking for the dress she had prepared for today.

Then, the bell rang again, twice. “Wait!” She loudly shouted, hoping her voice would travel across the room and reach her guest. But she doubted.

She immediately pulled the dress out of its confinement, unhooking it on its hanger, and wore it to her body, but there was a problem. She could not zip it on.

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“Damn,” Haley worriedly expressed as she worked on the zipper. But it would not budge. “Could this day get any worse?”

In her rush, it seemed that it was stuck. Now, she was wearing a dress that would not close but would not come off her body as well. She tried to tug the gown off her body, but it would not go through her waistline.

Then, a series of bells told her that he was getting impatient. He might suddenly think that she was not home. Quickly, she grabbed her robe and put it on, running out of her room and across her living room.

“Haley, are you home?” She could hear him shout from outside the closed panel. Then, another bell sounded in the room before she could finally reach her door and open it hastily.

“I am sorry. I was in my room.” Pointing to her room as she caught her breath. Then, she did not know what else to say after that as she stared at the man who looked so hot in his black three-piece attire.

“You are early.” She added instead that made her sound a little accusatory.

He only smiled at her, suddenly making her conscious because she had no idea what she looked like with her gown stuck in her body and her robe hanging loosely on top of it.

“And you are not ready.” He responded with one swift over, looking at her from head to toe, making her realize she was still barefoot. “Are you not going to invite me inside?” As he smiled at her dumbfounded face.

“Of course, I am sorry.” It was clear that she was losing it. She opened the door wider, making space for him to enter. Then, she guided him to the sofa.

“No. Don’t be sorry. I am too early, and that is my fault. I don’t mind waiting.” His smile turned from amused to gentle. “Go on, finish up. I will sit here and make myself comfortable.” He patted the soft cushion of the sofa as he leaned back and crossed his legs.

“Are you sure?” When he nodded, she added. “I am sorry again. I am not usually like this. But...” She abruptly stopped, afraid that she might be burying herself more into a dipper hole. “Ok. Just give me a few minutes.”

Hopefully, it was enough to fix her problem and finish her preparations. She still had no idea of the extent of her dilemma until she had a better look at it.

But after two minutes of trying to disengage the zipper of her dress, she was ready to give up. She could not rip off her dress because she loved this dress. She fell in loved with it when she first saw it on the rack.

“Ooohhh!” She could not help but growled out her frustration as she tried again.

“Haley, are you ok in there? Do you need any help or something?” He must have heard her because she was a bit loud.

But could she ask him for help in her current situation?

She checked herself in the mirror again. She looked decent enough, with only a portion of her left brassiere exposed because the dress would not close on that portion of her body.

But she remembered that her lingerie was not typically what she would wear in a gown like this. She could always cover it with the front portion of her dress.

But she needed help to ease the zipper either up or down.

“I do.” She had no choice. If she wanted to leave this room, she would need his assistance. Then, she showed him. “Can you help with that?”

He looked at her face, then the problem before answering. “I can try.” Then, she opened her bedroom door to let him in.

In a few seconds, she lifted her arm to give him a full view of the side of her body and the zipper. She was embarrassed about her situation, but what could she do? Shit happened.

Then, finally, she felt his fingers skimming through her skin, or was that the zipper going up, gliding on the side of her breast until it stopped just under her arms?

Suddenly, her embarrassment turned into something else.

But before she could say anything, she felt him move closer, his face stopping behind her ears.

“Problem fixed.” He uttered in that manly voice, whispering in her ears. She knew he did it intentionally, creating electricity coursing through her body. Then, he walked out the door, closing it behind him.

He left her with her mouth hanging open, expecting more.

Then, her mind reminded her that he was a dangerous man. She might be playing with fire that she had no idea how to control.

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