The Royal Contract

Chapter 836: 836

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Chapter 836: Only lifeline

I like her. I want to take a chance with her.

Saying all those words to her felt like a heavy boulder rolled off his shoulder. His heart felt light while his mind was set free. Would it be too much if he said he was a changed man?

Evan knew his revelation shocked her. It was evident in her eyes when he looked at her. But her eyes also told him that she felt the same way. She wanted this too, as much as he did.

But before he could question her more. To tell himself that he was not just imagining it. Someone interrupted them. Her obligation took her away from him.

“I am sorry. But I need to attend to this.” Amelia strode away reluctantly from him.

But he was not walking away from her. He was not giving up this time. He would push through how he felt about her, no matter the consequences. He was not running away from his feelings this time.

“I will be waiting.” Even if it took him forever, he would be there for her. He had never felt like this before. He was scared out of his wits, but the feeling of anticipation outweighed all his fears.


He believed it was not a mere desire of the flesh that he wanted from her. It was more, but having not much experience in courting a girl. He felt lost.

As he stood on the sidelines, casually conversing with the other guests, his eyes remained glued to her everywhere she went. She would disappear behind the curtains, or other people block her view, but his eyes would still find her.

He had never stalked a woman before. Suddenly, it felt like he now had a first-hand experience of doing it as he watched her every move. But in his defense, she knew he was stalking her, waiting for an opportunity to be with her again.

“Hey, you made it.” A female voice walked beside him, slightly startling him. He was so intent on not losing her out of sight that he did not see his friend coming.

“Hi! Rosella.” He greeted David’s fiance. “Yeah, my grandmother insisted I attend this party and not abandon my friends.” But he knew his grandmother’s intention. He was thankful for her suggestion.

“I am glad that you took her advice. I am sure that your grandma is just fine this weekend. You could always fly to visit next week.” Rosella patted him in his arms for assurance.

“David and the gang are having a conversation over there. Maybe you would like to join us.” Rosella offered, pointing to the other end of the ballroom.

He had considered that before, but it would take him away from her. In this position, he had a better view of her whereabouts. He did not want to lose her out of his sight.

“No, I am good here for now. I will join you a bit later.” Evan pretended to discuss something with the people in his group like he had been doing these past few minutes.

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But it would seem that she was not buying it as she kept staring at him with those questioning eyes. He could tell she had noticed how he had been staring at Amelia all this time. His eyes could not stop seeking her out.

“Well, you can pretend all you want, but I am not buying the act,” Rosella whispered in her ears. “Aren’t you tired of this cat and mouse chase?” She asked as her eyes followed his and spotted Amelia talking to some people.

“I have no idea what you are talking about.” He suddenly questioned if he should regret telling them his secret.

But he knew Rosella only meant well. She would always look after his interest because she was a good friend. But sometimes, she liked to snoop into his business like it was her business.

He eventually excused himself from the group to get away from her. He strode to the bar where he could get a drink, but he could tell she was still following him. She was not done with him yet.

“Stop fooling yourself, Evan. Stop being afraid of what you are feeling and take the plunge. I promise you it would all be alright.” Suddenly he felt like one of her students, being told what to do.

But he was not taking offense. He recognized when he was in the wrong. Rosella had always been right when she said he would eventually meet his match.

“Some woman would make you crazy, and you could never stop thinking about her.” Those were her words that he thought were a curse, but now, he honestly believed it was a blessing that the girl turned out to be Amelia.

“Stop, Rosella. I get what you are saying.” Evan did not need another lecture from her.

“No, you don’t because if you did. You will not be standing here, staring at Amelia like a damn stalker.” Rosella stared at him with those big, round eyes like he had been a schoolboy who had done a terrible deed.

“Yes, I do. I already admitted to Amelia that I like her.” At least, he believed that was what he said to her as he finished the drink in his hand.

“Really!” Rosella exclaimed happily, jumping excitedly in front of him. “Tell me, what did you say exactly to her.” Suddenly, she pulled him by the shoulder and made him look at her. “Tell me.” She insisted.

He knew she would not stop, but he tried to recall the exact words. “She asked if there was something wrong with me.” He told her as he recollected his statement earlier.

“Then, what did you say?” Rosella asked with anticipation. He could see that she could hardly wait to hear what he said.

“I said that she was what was wrong with me.” He believed that was what he told her. Then, he realized he did not say the words. The words that would inform her about what he felt. It only repeated in his mind, but he did not speak it out loud.

“Then?” She asked, waiting.

“That was it.” He admitted, feeling like a fool. He wondered if he had scared her away, angered her, or even made her hate him. He knew then that it did not sound good on his end, repeating it now to her friend.

Judging from the look on his friend’s face, she was not impressed. She was more horrified than happy with what he did. Who would be, realizing his mistake? He knew he had to rectify the matter.

Suddenly, he felt like he was a fish drowning in the sea of his stupidity. His only lifeline was her, and she was slipping through his fingers.

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