The Royal Contract

Chương 1168: 1168 Go home crying

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1168 Go home crying

Zach checked the backseat, seeing the flowers and the chocolates in one corner. Then on the other side, he stared at the life-sized teddy bear with its large ribbon tied around it.

“Ok!” He returned his eyes to the front while his hands started tapping at his pants pocket, sighing when he felt the box secured inside. Then, he grabbed the rearview mirror and inspected his face. He guessed he still looked presentable despite his stressful day.

But he had no more time to lose. He had to correct what was done wrong by the people who could only think of themselves. He had to ask for forgiveness even if he was not at fault.

“Go big or go home.” He mumbled as he exited his car and grabbed everything he needed. It was something he told himself when he was in a tight situation. Then, he marched toward her apartment with determination.

He would beg, crawl to his knees, kiss her feet, and do anything and everything to ask for her forgiveness. He could not lose her. That was not an option. He had to win her back by any means necessary.

Quickly, he moved along the hallway, standing outside her door. He took one heavy breath before he knocked on her door. He already knew that she was in there. Tabby had confirmed it.

Now, he wondered what was waiting for him once the door opened. Would it be a warm welcome or a cold shoulder? Tabby was not exactly forthcoming when he asked him how she was. But his new friend assured him that she was ok. That was good enough for him.

“Here goes nothing.” He poised his hands on the door, ready to ring the bell. Then, he remembered that Edison might be sleeping already. He did not want to wake him up.

Instead, he knocked on the door, just enough to create a loud sound that would notify anybody inside that they had a visitor. Then, he patiently waited for her to open the door.


It took a while before he heard movements on the other side, but he did not mind. He would wait until Ria was ready to face him. And he would willingly wait some more until she accepted him back in their lives.

“Hi!” It was the only word that came from his lips when she finally opened the door. He could visibly see that she was still upset, but he was hoping he could still change that.

“Can I come in and talk?” He finally found his voice again and asked, still carrying all his gifts around his arms. “I think I have a lot of explaining to do.” He admitted as he waited for her response.

Now, he felt silly bringing the flowers and the large bear dangling in his arms as a peace offering as her eyes grew wide at his gifts. But there was no turning back now. It was either she would like it or hate him more for it.

“Come in.” Ria finally opened her door, looking as if she was less mad at him than earlier. That was a good sign. Right?

He took the seat she offered and handed the gifts he had brought with him. “This is for you.” He placed the flowers and chocolates on the coffee table. “And this is for Edison.” He patted the bear that he dropped on the floor beside him.

Now, he wondered how the little boy could play with a bear more than twice bigger than him. Anyway, he remembered the kid wanted a father for Teddy from the incident in the zoo.

“You did not need to bother.” She said as she ignored the gifts and remained standing. “Well, it is getting late. If you have to say something, better start now.” She told him as if she could not wait to get rid of him.

“Edison is already sleeping, and I also want to go to bed soon.” She reasoned as she opened her mouth and yawned.

But he was not discouraged by her reaction. He understood that she was still mad by the recent events. If that happened to him, he might feel the same way as her.

“Ok. I deserve that.” He gave her a nervous smile. Of course, he was a little anxious. He was putting their future on the line. He did not want to say the wrong words or make another mistake that could jeopardize their fragile relationship if they still had one.

“Well...” She crossed her arms across her chest, looking more impatient as she waited. She even tapped her right foot on the floor to make her point.

“I know things might look crazy on your part, but I can explain everything. But I hope you will believe me when I say I had no participation in their plans.” He emphasized the last sentence, hoping she would keep an open mind.

“That is the thing, Zach.” She did not look mad but exasperated. “It doesn’t matter whether you participated or not in what happened. It will keep happening as long as we are together.”

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“I won’t let...” He was about to tell her he would not let that happen, but she stopped him.

“No. Let me finish.” She sighed as if she was exhausted. “Someone would always stand in the way of our relationship because our worlds are too different. It can be your mother, an ex, or someone else who wants you for herself.”

She held her hand when she saw him about to open his mouth. “I don’t want to keep looking behind my shoulder, waiting for someone to stab me in the back. And I especially don’t want my son to be between all this mess.”

“So, I think it would be better if you stop coming around. Let us end whatever this is between us.” Ria suggested as she started pacing the floor.

“What if that is not what I want?” Zach adamantly responded to her proposal. “I don’t want us to end our relationship. I especially don’t want to stop seeing you and Edison.”

Now, he stood from the couch and walked closer to her, blocking her path and stopping her from taking the next step. Then, he held his hands, holding her by her arms, forcing her to confront him.

“Stop being afraid.” He stared down at her, even if she refused to look at him. “I am not my friend. I am not like Ryan. I will never hurt you or allow anyone to hurt you.”

Then, he finally pulled her into his arms, cradling her body in his embrace. He would not give her up without a fight. Not until he was still breathing. “I love you, Ria. And I will never stop loving you.”

“You don’t understand. I don’t blame you for what happened, but I don’t know if I can handle any of that anymore.” She told him as he felt her tears soak on his shirt and heard her whimpers.

“And I will fight for you for as long as it takes.” He answered as he pulled her chin up, forcing her to look into his eyes. “But I will need you to fight with me. Please, don’t give up on us.”

Her tears flowed down her cheeks, but he saw her eyes glistening with hope as she gazed at him. He knew that he had not lost her yet. He just had to convince her they still had a chance if they trusted each other.

“Do you still love me?” He asked, knowing that was the most valuable ingredient in their relationship. Without it, they had not hoped to survive as a couple.

“I love you with all my heart.” She confessed, finally saying the words that she had withheld from him for fear of getting heartbroken.

She tiptoed on her toes until she could reach his lips. Then, she kissed him. It was a short meaningful kiss to express her deep feelings for him. “I love you so much.”

Then, he reciprocated the kiss with a few more short ones before resting his forehead in hers. “That is all we need. I need you to love and trust me, and I will do the same.”

He kept his arms around her, not wanting to let go of this moment. He was afraid that she would suddenly disappear and he would never get to hold her again like this.

“But it is clear that your parents don’t like me. Tabby said that your Mom was the one who ordered the investigation.” She told him, expressing her fear of his parent’s rejection.

He guessed he could not blame her since she had been traumatized before. He knew now what she had gone through at the hands of Ryan and his family.

Nevertheless, this time, he would make sure that would never happen. “They already gave their blessing.” He told her. “They could not wait to meet Edison.”

To her surprise, he let go of her and suddenly went, bending down on his knees before her. Then, he rummaged inside his pants pocket, suddenly appearing mildly nervous.

“What are you doing?” She asked as she wiped the remaining wetness on her cheeks, slightly confused by his action.

“Wait.” He seemed to be panicking as he searched for something. “Haaahhh!” He breathed a sigh of relief when he seemed to find what he was looking for in the other pocket.

Then, he extracted a black box and displayed it before her. He slowly opened it as he simultaneously watched her face for a reaction. He could see the mixed emotions that clouded her eyes.

What would be her answer to his proposal? Would she accept to spend her life with him? Or would he go home crying?

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