The Royal Contract

Chương 1170: 1170 Undoubtedly not laughing

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1170 Undoubtedly not laughing

It was getting late, but her eyes would not shut tight. She looked around her, yet she still could not figure out why she felt uneasy. Her gut told her something was not right. Still, she had no clue what was wrong.

Dinner was uneventful since she ate by herself again. Mike did not show up, but that was not uncommon. He called earlier, informing her that he had to stay longer in a meeting and would arrive late at night.

“Maybe I am just going crazy.” She muttered, sighing her frustration. It was not a piece of cake to stay in one place when she hardly saw another soul. It was lonely and boring.

It was fine in the morning when Imelda was around, but the rest of the day was torture. She hoped Mike’s promise would materialize soon before she lost her sanity.

She wanted to call her friends, even her brother. But she knew she risked her life, brother, friend, and most especially her child by doing so. Therefore, she opted for her silence.

“Are you hungry?” She asked her child as her hand automatically touched her belly, sensing how her baby was doing inside.

She wondered if the queasy feeling in her stomach was due to hunger or something else. But she remembered she did not have an appetite earlier. So, she concluded her baby must be starving.

“Let us see if we can find something to eat.” She moved out of her bed and walked gradually to the kitchen.

Mike could still be out since she did not sense any other presence in the house. Although, she was not afraid since she knew that two guards were patrolling the perimeter. Besides, who would discover her hiding place? She and Mike had been extra cautious.


She walked into the fridge, taking out the box of milk. Then she wondered what else she would like to eat. She was thinking of the cookies Imelda had baked earlier. But she already had many of those.

However, she remembered the doctor warned her against too much too soon. She had to learn to control herself and eat moderately. She grabbed the apple instead and some strawberries and cream.

“Now, this looks delicious.” She dipped her fingers into the fruity dessert she had made and put them into her mouth. “Uuummmhhh!” She popped her finger through her lips, emphasizing how she loved its delicious taste.

“Did you like that?” She asked her baby as she grabbed a teaspoon and poured a glass of cold milk into a glass. Then, she took another bite.

It relieved her hunger, but she still felt this odd feeling in the pit of her stomach. This time, she could conclude that food was not the answer. Something else was causing her restlessness.

She finished the remaining food on her plate and drank her milk before leaving the kitchen. That should be enough to make her through breakfast. However, she needed sleep.

But as she passed the living room area on her way to the stairs, she felt another odd feeling. The hair at the back of her neck stood up. Goosebumps spread all over her body.

“Is there someone out there?” She called out. “Mike, are you home.” She turned to her left, expecting to see him. But there was no one out there. No signs of movement or sound caught her attention.

Maybe it was just her wild imagination making her fear her own shadow. Maybe all those horror and mystery movies she had watched put ideas in her head, making her come up with these crazy thoughts.

She scanned the room again, hoping to figure out why she felt like someone was watching her. But nothing seemed to be out of place. She was alone.

“Stop scaring yourself.” She muttered under her breath as she tried to calm herself down. She was just being paranoid. No one was other there to get her.

Slowly, she turned her attention to the stairs, wondering if she should go upstairs or run toward the exit. But that was insane. She had no reason to escape. She was not a prisoner in this house.

She was just probably lonely and bored. Now, her mind was conjuring ideas to make it more exciting. She shook her head sideways, finding her conclusion hilarious, suddenly feeling silly for making up a story.

“I am sorry about that.” She spoke to her child as she climbed the stairs. She did not mean to scare her child.

Still, she could not shake off the feeling that made her heart beat faster. But she chose to ignore it, blaming it on her pregnancy. She kept telling herself her imbalanced hormones were all over the place, playing tricks on her body and mind.

She glanced behind her one last time, hoping she would not catch anyone. Fortunately, nothing seemed to move or make a sound downstairs.

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She quickly entered her room and bolted it shut. Then, she lay on her bed, wishing this time, sleep would take over her exhausted body. However, dozing off was not yet on the books for her, despite how she forced her eyes shut.

Before unconsciousness could claim her, she heard a soft knock on her door, followed by a familiar voice. “Haley, are you still awake?” The low voice of the man asked. It was like he was afraid to wake her up if she was already sleeping.

“Yes, wait a minute.” She answered as she abruptly opened her eyes and moved out of bed to answer the door.

She glanced at the clock, realizing the time had already passed midnight. She wondered what her friend needed from her at a time like this. Therefore, she quickly opened the door.

“Sorry, Haley. I know it is late.” He looked apologetic as his hands automatically went to the back of his neck, and his finger started rubbing it. He looked slightly tensed. “I hope I did not disturb your sleep.”

If this was another night, she might already be sleeping. She guessed not tonight. “No, don’t worry, Mike. You did not wake me up.” She assured him. “Is there something wrong?” She asked since it was the first time he had come to her room in the middle of the night.

“No,” Mike quickly denied, assuring her everything was fine. “I wish to check on you since I was gone almost all day and missed dinner.”

She studied his face, wondering if that was his only concern. But he seemed genuine. Otherwise, he might be excellent at hiding the problem. After all, he was Gerald’s friend.

She just realized that Gerald was a master of disguise. She never suspected he had been hiding a secret, like this massive house and other properties. What else was her late ex forget to mention to her?

“I think I am fine, and the baby is fine.” She did not find any problem the entire day except for her boredom. Then, she remembered something. “Did you just arrive?” She immediately asked.

“Yeah. I was stuck in a meeting with a client and could not get out of it.” He explained. “Why?” He suddenly looked concerned since his face contorted into a frown as he looked at her. “Did something happen while I was gone?”

“It might be nothing but my highly active imagination.” She dismissed the idea as soon as it formed in her mind, chuckling at the absurdity of it. “Just forget I said anything.”

“Anyway, did you have your dinner yet? I think I still have some leftovers that I can heat for you if you are hungry.” She offered since she was still wide awake.

She also thought she could take that as an opportunity to ask him about the plan to ship her to an island. She guessed it would be better for her to be busy with something than to sit in this place like a prisoner all day.

“Honestly, I am a bit hungry. I hardly ate anything.” He admitted. “But I can heat the food myself. However, you are welcome to join me if you are hungry too.” He counteroffered.

She was not hungry anymore since she just ate, but she welcomed the company and the chance to discuss with him her plans. Therefore, she went with him to the kitchen, waiting for her opportunity to ask her questions.

“Aren’t you eating?” He asked when she declined a plate.

“I already had a late snack.” She confessed as she took the extra seat next to the counter and watched him move around the kitchen.

“Why did you ask if I just arrived earlier? Did something happen? And don’t pretend that it is nothing. It is clear that it bothered you somehow.” He insisted, not letting the subject drop.

Now, she felt silly for letting her paranoia get to her. “Please don’t think much about it.” Haley persisted. “It is just some ridiculous notion.”

“Tell me anyway. I enjoy listening to ridiculous things.” He arranged in the microwave oven the leftover food and heated it. Then, he focused his eyes on her as he waited. “Besides, I can use some laugh with the day I had today.”

She guessed she was not getting away that easily with this man as she saw the determination in his eyes. “Fine!” She finally gave up, conceding to his wish.

“Ok. Go on.” He encouraged her while he took out the heated food and placed them on the plate.

“I think someone had been watching me earlier.” She reluctantly confided with him. “I did not see anyone. But I sensed someone else’s presence.”

She watched his face, waiting for him to laugh at her story.

But she was surprised at his reaction. It was not a smile on his lips for sure, but something in his eyes bothered her. She could not read his thoughts, but he was undoubtedly not laughing.

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