The Royal Contract

Chương 1173: 1173 The old or the new

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1173 The old or the new

She woke up with a bang as her head bumped into the side table beside her bed. She heard a commotion coming outside her room, making her jumpy and clumsily hitting the wooden edge beside her when she hurriedly stood up.

“Ooohhh! That hurts.” She mumbled in a low breath as her fingers massaged the scalp above her right ear.

She could feel the slight swelling around the injured area but no open wound. But she knew it was nothing, just some minor pain that would eventually vanish in a few minutes.

She quickly grabbed her robe and ran outside her room to check what was happening. She looked around the hallway and found people gathering in the other room on the other side.

“What is wrong with Olly?” She asked when she saw that the nuns were fussing over her.

She was one of the older orphans who unfortunately did not get adopted. The nuns chose to keep her in the orphanage instead of surrendering her to another foster home because of her severe asthma attacks.

In return, Olly volunteered to help with the chores around the orphanage when she was not in school. She had grown fond of the teenage girl since she was sweet and determined to succeed.

She was a straight-A student who worked hard to achieve her dream. Somehow, she saw herself in her. She could see the stubbornness in her to never surrender despite the hardship.

“She has her episode again. This time, we think it is worse.” One of the nuns by the door answered her.


“The ambulance is on the way.” Another nun ran toward them and stopped beside her. “Hang on there, Olly. Help is on the way.”

Usually, her medication was enough to help her breathe, but not today, as she saw the young girl struggle in bed. She stepped inside the room, hoping she could help in some way. But what did she know about taking care of a child?

Still, she moved closer to her bed and knelt before her. Then, her fingers caressed her hand and gripped them tight. “I am here, Olly. Hang in there.” She guessed that was the best she could do, for now, be there for her.

She remembered that she was one of the first that welcomed her into the orphanage, showing her the ropes and even helping her with her chores. She also taught her in her little ways that life was not easy, but it was not that hard either as long she had people to support her.

At one point, they were talking, and she learned how much she wanted to become a doctor. So she could help children who suffered from illnesses like hers.

“Serena.” She heard her name come out of her raspy breath. Then, she felt her fingers tighten around hers.

“I am here, Olly.” She assured her, while the other nuns did all they could to ease her suffering.

“The paramedics are here.” One of the nuns announced by the door, and a few seconds later, two men walked with their first aid kits.

They all stood aside, including her, to give them room to work on the young girl. After their assessment, the paramedics administered some medication and put her on oxygen to aid her breathing.

“We have to take her to the emergency where a specialist could check on her thoroughly.” The man said as they worked on transporting her to their ambulance.

“Serena, can you come?” Olly took her mask off and whispered, looking frightened.

She had no idea why the girl wanted her to go with her, but somehow, she knew she had bonded with her. Besides, she could see the fear in her eyes as she tried to reach out for her.

“It is your call.” Sister Nenita answered her when she looked at her for guidance and permission.

“Ok.” She answered the young girl. Suddenly, she did not care if she wore a bathrobe and an ordinary pajama underneath. She just wanted to help the girl go through her ordeal.

She jumped inside the ambulance, not caring what others would say or if people would recognize who she was. She focused her attention on the girl that needed her.

“Just take deep breaths.” She encouraged the young girl, following the paramedics’ advice.

Then her young friend gradually calmed down, but her breathing was still uneven. But the paramedics assured her that she would be ok, which made her sigh.

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“You hear that. You will be ok.” She whispered as she caressed her forehead, removing the hair that stuck on her skin.

Soon, they were in the emergency room, where the doctors worked on checking her condition. After a few minutes, they walked to her, giving her their initial diagnosis. But, of course, they still had to conduct more tests.

But she was thankful when she noticed Olly looked slightly better than when she first saw her this morning. Then, she sat beside her, holding her hand until she fell asleep.

A while later, “Hey!” A man’s voice alerted her, waking her up. She did not even realize that she had dozed off while in the waiting area. They took Olly to the laboratories and other facilities for her tests.

“Sebastian. Hi!” She greeted him when she saw his face. “How is she?” She asked since she had been waiting for the results of the tests and had not heard of her condition.

“I went through some of her tests. And so far, it is not good. She had some complications that affected her heart. But don’t worry. Her doctors are working hard to help her.” Sebastian assured her.

“That is good to hear.” She still felt anxious since the prognosis was not that promising. But she was not losing hope. “But please, do everything you can to help her. Money is not a problem.” She told him.

She knew the orphanage did not have the budget for their healthcare needs. But this time, she would willingly shoulder Olly’s expenses. She would do anything to help that young girl.

“Have you eaten breakfast yet?” Sebastian asked as he stared at her.

Suddenly, she felt self-conscious about her appearance, realizing she had not combed her hair or brushed her teeth. She had rushed earlier that thinking about what she looked like was the last thing on her mind.

She was about to answer him when her stomach growled at the sound of breakfast. She guessed that was her body’s way of complaining. “I guess that should answer your question.” She chuckled, a bit embarrassed by her body’s reaction.

“Then, come on. I was about to take my break too.” Sebastian invited her to eat with him. “But I think you need a bit of a makeover.” He looked at her from her hair down to her toes.

He pulled her off her feet and guided her through the elevator and hallways until they reached an area of the hospital that was off-limits to patients or guests.

“What are we doing here?” She asked, slightly afraid to enter the room that said for hospital staff only.

“You can wash your face in there...” Sebastian pointed to the small room in the corner. “...comb your hair, and I will get you some change of clothes.” He added.

“Aren’t you going to get in trouble for this?” She asked since she was not supposed to be in there.

“Don’t worry. I am a big boy. I can handle myself. Now, hurry up before someone catches us.” He kiddingly said.

She knew she had no choice, so she followed his instruction and used their private comfort room to fix herself. She could see why people did not recognize her as she moved inside the emergency room.

Her hair was like a bird’s nest. Her face looked like she hardly had enough sleep, with her eyebags showing underneath her eyes. And her clothes, she would not be caught dead in them under normal circumstances, at least, as Serena, the famous star.

“Where did you get these clothes?” She asked as she fixed the oversized shirt around her waist. “And the hat.” At least she could hide her face with it.

“There is a gift shop downstairs. I am sorry, but they ran out of a shirt that is your size.” He looked apologetic as he stared at her new disguise.

“Don’t apologize. It is me who should be thanking you for helping me out.” Serena smiled at him, glad that she had met a new friend.

She knew that he wanted to be more, but when she turned him down. He seemed genuinely happy to be her friend for now. Hopefully, when she was ready to enter another relationship, she would find the right man that was perfect for her.

“It is nothing. I am just glad that I can help. Shall we go and eat? I am starving.” He said as he offered his hand to her.

Then, he guided her out of the room and into the busy hallways, swarming with doctors, nurses, patients, and other people coming and going.

The hospital seemed busy today with many sick people. But it did not dampen her mood because she was in good company. Besides, he assured her that they would take good care of Olly. And she believed him.

“Yes, please. But I warn you. I think I can eat a horse.” She jokingly said as they proceeded to the elevator.

Eventually, she could not help but stare at the man holding her hand. Could she fall for him in time? Or would she still want the man that she had left behind? Which one would she choose, the old or the new?

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