The Sage who never was

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: beginning

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What makes a man?... His wisdom? His honor? His intelligence? Or is it his goodness? Having a kind heart noble to everyone. Protecting the weak against the powerful. Being the sword that pierces between good and evil. 


Well, in the world of men and the entirety of the living, what makes a man is truly his Monstrosity. Yes, unwavering and ruthless monstrosity and, the capability to Control it. As history is written in blood. You should be a warrior within a garden 


….than a gardener in a war."


With his last breath, he spoke his last words of wisdom to his disciples. As they all watched with teary eyes. their one and only master, finally closed his eyes in rest. It was a loss to humanity, as they lost a hero, a master, a leader, etching his name as the one and only …. High Sage. The mage who never was. 


It was dark, not even a sap of light breaching within, the coldness of having no one by his side. He was soon, finally touched with death.


'so this is what death is like…..' he thought.


He had accepted it all, his final day with his dear disciples. But it was still there, the feeling of regret. He was a man in his thirties, who had a bright future with infinite possibilities. He had dreams and ideals. To change his world for the good. He had already reached its apex, having the powers of a sage and influence of like an emperor. but destiny denied his wish, forcing an unknown sickness on his known healthy body.


'.....haaaa….it is what it is, I shouldn't linger in such thoughts any longer. Call me oh heaven. Your child is coming on its way.'


Like a ray of warm light touching its skin, he felt it. his whole self being enveloped by a sudden warmth. The coldness which was present before, now gone. But that wasn't enough, he felt something familiar, something that he had before he was dead.


Duk! Dukk!


It was his heartbeat, the sudden surge of blood rushing within his veins, and, the feeling of sense crowding his whole skin.


'what is happening….?'


And before he knew it, he felt a push…..


"oh, it's a boy now! My lady! It's a boy." cried a woman in excitement. 


There he was, his adorable baby eyes opened wide. Not sure of what just happened. But what the people around him saw was nothing but a child, a newborn baby who only looked cute as the heavenly angel. 


The maid lifted the baby lightly, covering him with a warm but soft towel. "here you go my lady, Julian. Congratulations, on giving birth to twins." She said, her whisks of smile etching her cheeks.


"thank you…" Julian whispered, her voice toning her tiredness altogether. But she still had some energy left, as a mother's priority and love are endowed only for her children, she took hold of her newborn babies in her hands. Their cute and half-asleep face, gazing at her.


"aaa… sweet daughter and my sweet son." 


It was a tone of satisfaction. Her mind and body, now finally at ease. Why wouldn't it be? As the wish of hers and her husband had finally come true.


"Call my husband, tell him the good news…" she ordered.  


With that order, she laid her tired body down, keeping her babies by her side, still gazing at them with a smile. she herself didn't know, it would be twins, but here they were, both identical with crimson eyes and sheds of white hair like hers and their father.


Poking her daughter's cheeks, her view shifted to her only son, the only heir to the house, the beacon, and hope of their family.


"…..hmmm….my little boy, why didn't you cry?" She asked, now poking at her son's cheek.


she didn't realize it before but the nursemaid told her previously, that her newborn son, didn't drop a single tear, unlike his twin sister. Which was indeed surprising for these times.


"…..your eyes, look serious but also cute, just like your father," she said with a smile.


She wanted to poke more, cuddling with them. But her finger was oh so suddenly grabbed. By non-other than her boy's small hands. "oh….my cute little boy indeed has some strength. It looks like you are going to be a fine warrior, just like your big sister." She said, holding his small hand in return.


'it's warm….' Thought the boy.


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He didn't know why; he didn't know how. But here he was, just plucked out from a woman's insides. Opening his eyes to a woman he barely knew, her persisting long white hair and red eyes, looking at him with nothing but endearing love.


'… this a chance? a gift by the heavens?' He thought, as his small hand was being held by his so-called mother.


He wasn't a man who would stay confused for a longer period of time, yes, it was a new experience for him. being reincarnated just after his death, with his memories intact no less. 


He didn't believe in such things, but it seems, it was true, that the Hindus were indeed correct.


' this is my mother and the one by my side, is my twin sister. My new life huh, It's warm….. it's warm indeed.'





After Eight years….




A voice of a small girl echoed, resonating within the alleyway. It wasn't loud enough for a call but the alley within the mansion made it so. Her red eyes gazing everywhere, trying to search for someone, someone whom she called her brother. 


"lady Elizabeth, it seems young master isn't here, may we look for him within the library?" her maid proclaimed.


The girl's lost eyes finally shined again, excitement again ramping within, turning her small legs sampling forward, as she started to run.


"w..wait, my lady, a lady shouldn't run." 


The worries were inevitable but she didn't say more, looking at the young lady being rarely enthusiastic as of now. With a smile, she followed her, wittingly running behind her like always. Even though she was a servant she was also a nurse, and being the one who helped deliver her. she was also given the responsibility to take care of her delicate health.


She checked her wrist. Her watch shining white, showcasing many panels and health signatures, pressure gauge, and heart rate. The heart rate was a bit high but it was normal as the lady was only running.


'it seems her health is getting better.' She thought with a smile.


Still diagnosing her health, her pressure gauge turned low out of nowhere, it was surprising as they were running, and even if they stopped, her pressure should be on the high. Her steps stopped right after the young lady as she was to diagnose her right away but she already knew the reason for her loss, just with a glance at the open library.


"…..young master isn't here?"


It was surprising, the book magnet young master, wouldn't even leave the library, settling all his day within. But before them, it was only a messed-up library.


"….brother, where is brother?" cried Elizabeth, as her eyes turned wet again.


There were only books, laying on the floor. About mechanics, about theories, about physics. One book lapped above another. Making many towers, ready to fall with a single touch.


"aaaa….it seems young master was here before. Leaving it in a total mess as always." said the maid with a sign. "don't worry lady Elizabeth, we will find him soon enough, he might have just left.."


With those words, Elizabeth's heavy eyes turned soft once more. Her health bar beeping green on the maid's watch.


'haaaaa…..her life is literally in the hands of the young master. Should I be worried about this?' She thought with a sign.




With the leaning sound of doors opening, a child stepped out on the balcony. His silver hair, lashing out from the cold wind, indicating the coming winter. He took in the cold but fresh air, opening his crimson-like eyes to view their fiefdom. Gazing at his people, the roads, the floating vehicles, the towering buildings, one staging after another. He was already used to it but whenever he gazed at this view, the gnome and realization that he was now within a brand-new world, would always hit him.


"….. A world of science and noble hierarchy with almost zero semblance of magic."

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