The Sage who never was

Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Dilemma…

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"your…..night walks, finally came in handy." He said, still tapping on the picture, the picture of their new strengthening potion in the hands of a thief, a criminal. Which had already irked his ire already. 

Aaron tapped on his smartwatch, commonly known as the gear, sliding down many folders inside. Its blue hologram buzzed on its top. And with another slide, he skidded it toward his father's gear. "I have some info on these people, I hope these would be helpful, My lord." 

Many pictures and videos of a group of people, with the rising sun, stamped on their backs. Clearly same as the bandit in the picture Robert was holding. He was amazed at how fast he had gotten this info but that was not the issue here. He had his doubts, but it seems his qualms led him right.

"Aaron, what do you think? How do these thugs from the east, get their hands on our merchandise?" he asked.

Aaron wanted to sigh, seeing his father's tendencies to test his intelligence once more. But this matter was of high importance, as he had already given him proof of his loading night walks. So shying away as an innocent child wasn't on the menu for him.

"if I may assume, Our transportation system is impeccable, with zero records of anyone breaking and stealing, that only leaves two options, one. inner corruption. One of our own is somehow involved. Which is also impossible while my lord is reigning over us all. That only leads to the second…the ones whom we are in business with, leading it to our dear customers. The nobles…."

Robert leaned back in his seat, listening to his young child, which assumptions were hitting hard on the mark without question. " you are right, that only leaves the nobles, the east…hmmm….on the east side, seven cities, three houses….hmmm…the success of our new found potion was bound to bring in troubles but I didn't expect it to come so soon." 

Robert tapped on his gear watch, ringing the head butler, guarding their door. 

"yes my lord, you called?" Rudy asked, as he silently entered.

"yes, on the name of house Mirakle. Send a decree mail to the lord of House Belstrong. An invitation for a meetup. It's time to meet an old friend."

Aaron didn't know what his dear old father was thinking. House Belstrong, a partner of House Mirakle from the times of the past. maybe he wants an ally in these times, or he senses some form of betrayal, or something was happening that was beyond his pay grade. Only the cynical time would tell.

With a bow, Rudy was released from the room. As a decree mail would take time, encrypted with advanced codes for its proper security.

Aaron was still there, adhering to all the manual papers layered on the table, even in the times when technology was vast, his father deemed no gear computers, no gear laptops, nothing. Only a century-old feather pen and classic coarse papers, some printed, some handwritten by himself. it was confusing for the lad. Even he, who once used this manual system was already bored of it. all his activity, now recorded in his own gear.

He could see, the essential papers, with a single sight, a simple man could gain secrets of their Mirakle House, all laid there for his eyes to gaze upon. The meeting, the questions, asking for his simple opinions. He already had some form of vigilance but this situation was already howling him to be the next grand Heir.

'…he is preparing me..' he thought. '…what's the rush?'

"….Father?" he called. He didn't sing him, my lord, like before, adhering to him as his own dad. With a mist of childless mixing in his tone. It was a call of a child, a son.

It was a simple call, but Robert knew what it meant and so did Aaron.  The lord and its vessel were present no longer, there was only a father and a son. Two people, bound by blood.

"….i want to relinquish my sit of the future heir."  He proclaimed. 

Such words, such opinions, lashed so upfront. Which would have staggered any father, any lord. But Robert was different. He only sighed, turning his sit to face his son as he knew, this moment was coming.

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 He knew his son, more so than his own wife. They say the mother is the bane of a child's deeds and attention, which may be true for his two daughters, but in this case, for his own son. It was different. He was the one. he didn't know why, he didn't know how? but without his keen observance, he knew the freedom Aaron was getting to roam and do whatever he wanted would be wasted. Letting him spend long nights in the library, allowing him to take part in his night strolls. Facing such dangers of the night.

"…..son. why do you think so?"

But Robert also knew something, something which he felt like he had passed on to him.

"you already know, Big sis Livia is a better fit for this seat, more so than me."

That is the heart of Aaron. He knows how formidable his son is when facing an adversary. The way he looks upon the enemy. Such hatred, he didn't know how it came up to be. But in spite of that, the same heart would turn softer than cotton, for no other than his loved ones. His family, his blood. He always had a soft spot for his sisters, and the many others close to him.

Letting them do as they please on him. '…from Livia's beating to Eli's...haaaaa.'

"Aaron, my son. You already know the repercussions. The laws of imperium state for a son, a legit male heir. So why are you enquiring even with such knowledge?" he again asked as he reached out to his pen.

"I know father but when the time comes, when I am of age, and I don't want to say it but when the time comes, sadly when you are not….ahem…there will be conflict, inner conflict. such matters wouldn't matter now, but this will ripple into the future. And I know father, I know, you have enough influence. May it be with the council or imperium, I know you can turn the tables if need be, I just wish for this one thing, just this."

Robert couldn't help but smile once more, stopping his hand which was ready to write his next decree. "your words speaks of treason my son. You are talking about using my power for the sake of my family."


Aaron spoke no further, as even with a smile, the look, his father was giving turned cold for a second. Maybe Mother was right, their father isn't of familial love, as he had always stated, the populace before family. the people before blood.

"…..that's it for me father. I will take my leave." He softly said, sliding off of his chair. "I hope you have a wonderful day my lord." 

With those words, he walked away, closing the doors as he went out, not even letting the guards do their manual duty. It was a walk of frustration. A walk of differences as Aaron could only place his hand at his back, his walk, protruding further with foil. Even the guards could tell something was wrong with their young master. But what could they do, what could they say? except retaining silence. 

"….what happened inside?" asked a silver-plated guard.

"….family business, nothing to put our nose upon." Replied the another. As the silence was back again, remaining straight as their duty foretold.

Robert couldn't help but sigh, placing his feather pen on its stand. Leaning heavily on his chair. Maybe he had gone too far, maybe, he should have said something before his son walked back. 

"maybe...but sadly my son, your future problems are for not. Your sister doesn't ask for the seat because of power, money, or prestige, it's for the very same reason similar to yours. For familial love. For her dear brother. Who sees the same potential in you as I do…..haaa… Julian my love, we have really given birth to children too similar to us…too similar. May the gods watch over us all."

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