The Saint Likes Me, But I’m Screwed…

Chapter 14: Chaprer 13: Before A New Adventure

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After successfully confessing to Ame and becoming lovers, Alum celebrates it in his room with Noel, Luna, and Miu. Alum had told Noel about it, and he wanted to congratulate him, thus the celebration. Alum had also told Luna about this, and she was excited about it and congratulated him. And since Luna was together with Miu, she was also tagging along. Luna had brought her favorite snacks, the ones she knew Alum also liked, while Miu had cooked for them. Noel helped Miu prepare the food. Alum wanted to join them, but that idea was rejected. He and Luna had nothing to do, just spend time like they usually did when alone. Reading. 

Luna was lying on his bed reading some books Alum found at the Great Library while Alum was reading books about instruction magic. Although he found it a pain to memorize and use, his girlfriend was a researcher of these kinds of magic. Unlike magic affinity, instruction magic is based on logic. If he were to put it in simple turns, it's like programming something and having an expected outcome. But what does he know about programming? It just sounded like it was, so hence the comparison. 

“Hey Luna, are you any good with instruction magic?” He asked. Luna rolled and faced him and gave his question some thought. “I’m neither, I guess? I remember the support spells. Also, everyday magic, other than that, why not ask the Saint? She is a good example of an expert in it.” Alum looked at her, and he then remembered, (oh, yeah, she has an affinity for most magic, no wonder she doesn’t bother remembering these.)

“Hm, to be honest, I am interested, but… I think I should develop the magic I already have….” and Luna agreed with him on this. While instruction magic was powerful and flexible, the more powerful the spell, the harder it was to remember the instructions. But those powerful spells were often activated with tools that carried the instructions. So Alum was surprised that there were people capable of memorizing complex instructions and using those spells without an instruction tool. And, of course, his girlfriend was one of those people. Although even with tools, not everyone can use them because you need to remember the key to the instructions too. Otherwise, the devices would be too dangerous, and it could even kill the user by draining all the mana out of them if the spell required that mana. 

So the only instruction key the average person had to remember was the ones for everyday life tools. These tools are for convenience, such as a hairdryer with a magic battery. If he were to compare, it's like electronics from his world. There were even healing tools, but they are massive and often found in big clinics. So it wasn’t something one could carry around. 

While ALum was thinking, Luna looked concerned and asked, “Hey, Al… will you spend less time with me because you now have Saint Amehtely?” Luna felt nervous and asked him. She was worried that he would spend less time with her since he had got himself a girlfriend. She was happy for them but felt lonely. She thought that he would only spend time with the Saint and was worried. Hearing this, Alum chuckled a little. “Of course not. I love her and want to spend as much time with her as possible. But she isn’t the only important person in my life, and that goes for her too.” Luna was happy to hear that. She was glad that Alum also considered her important. “I see, thank you,” she said with a shy smile. “... You don’t need to thank me, you know?” Alum told her while feeling a little shy himself since Luna was very straightforward, it was hard not to. Shortly after that, Miu and Noel returned to the room with the food they had prepared, and they celebrated all until midnight. 

They had all fallen asleep; Miu was sleeping on the armchair while Noel and Luna had fallen asleep on the couch on each side of Alum. And with Alum waking up with his best friends resting on his shoulder, he felt stiff. (Jeez, you two fell asleep like this?) While thinking, his eyes met Miu’s. “Good morning Alum,” Miu said. “Morning, Miu. Could you help me wake these two up?” Alum asked, but unexpectedly Miu giggled. She then said, “why? They look so adorable like that.” Alum sighed. Well, maybe he could let them sleep for a bit longer. It’s a day off, after all. “... So, how’s Luna doing?” Alum suddenly asked Miu. “How you ask? Well, it seems like she has somewhat opened up to the girls, and they adore her.” hearing this, he felt relieved. “I see… how about the guys?” He later asked. “Oh, well, she treats them as always? Not friendly nor cold? Oh! Except for Noel. You, I don’t even need to mention.” Alum was happy that Luna got along with Noel too. He didn’t know what to do if his two best friends couldn’t get along if he wasn’t around. 

“Thank you, Miu.” He said. Miu's eyes widened, and she would let out a gentle laugh. “We’ve never really spoken like this, have we?” And she would be correct. They had been acquainted but never really spoke if Noel wasn’t in the conversation. “... That’s true,” he said. “Are we friends?” he asked. Miu responded with a gentle smile, “I think we are.” 


In Amehtly’s room, Chely and Keilyn were lying on the mattress, sleeping soundly after their girl's night. After Amethely’s successful date, she told Keilyn about how she and Alum got together and invited her to stay over like they did back in the academic days. Keilyn couldn’t miss the opportunity, thus taking a day off. She also told her sister Chely about it, and they all stayed up late chatting like the old times. It was morning, and remembering yesterday's event, she hugged her pillow and buried her face in it. Just remembering it made her heart flutter, and she was so happy. 

The two other girls were woken up by her restlessness, couldn't contain their laughter, and started teasing her all morning. While it was embarrassing to get teased, she felt happy that they were supportive of their relationship. Amethely didn’t have any special plans with Alum today and was planning on asking him if he wanted to eat lunch together. She introduced Keilyn to him and his friends, but they already seemed to know her. And they all had lunch together. 

The air around Alum and Amethely was warm and sweet, and the people around them started to tease them. The news was traveling so fast that everyone knew at this point. No one was particularly against it since Alum rapidly grew and had high potential. After all, they had witnessed the sorry state of the outdoor training field. Still, they can’t say they aren’t jealous. 

After they all had lunch together, Miu and Keilyn had unexpectedly or unexpectedly become very friendly. And the girls planned to go to a cafe together, and Noel and Alum felt they would be a little out of place and decided to just walk them there since they also had something to do in town. Amethely walked beside Alum holding his hand, and she was still too shy to do what she did yesterday in front of their friends. 

Walking beside each other, Chely and Noel looked at Miu, Keilyn, and Luna walking in front of them. Alum and Amethely seemed to be in their own little world too. They had a sweet back and forth here and there, which made even Noel and Chely a bit embarrassed to watch. “They sure get along, don’t they.” Chely was the first to speak. “That they are,” Noel answered. Sneaking a glance at her. Chely wasn’t wearing her usual armor but stylish clothes. She looked mature in them, but he wasn’t sure she would take the compliment from him well. Chely wasn’t used to wearing this either, but since her cute little sister and Keilyn had to pick it for her, she had no choice but to wear it. It wasn’t like she disliked it, but Noel’s gaze made her feel slightly embarrassed. “... What is it?” Chely decided to ask him. Although she was feeling bashful, her tone came out as usual. 

“... No, nothing, I just thought it suits you.” Chely paused for a brief moment, “... thanks. I wasn’t sure it suited me or not.” She had thanked him, which was unusual for her. From his point of view, she was a demonic instructor who gave him a harsh training regiment. So seeing her like this tickled something inside of him. And although she was three years older, she seemed so mature. Noel never told Alum about his preference for girls, but if he had to say, someone like Chely was definitely it. “Of course it suits you. You’re cute, after all.” He had said, slightly blushing, but Chely was beet red. The others wouldn’t notice, of course, because Noel and Chely were walking behind all of them. 


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A week later passed, and Alum was in Rigeld’s office. Rigeld and Alver had an unusual amount of work and needed an extra hand. After finishing it all by midnight, Rigeld had told Alum the sword had been crafted. Alum was, of course, excited by this. After all, he had requested a short single-edge blade designed with him in mind. Alum had already told Rigeld beforehand that he planned to study outside of the capital as an adventurer for real combat experience. Rigeld was against it at first since he wanted him to join the others on an expedition that was overseen by experts like Luna. But that expedition would be months away, so Alum convinced Rigeld that he would not do anything dangerous. Finally getting his approval. 

“*Sigh, This sword also serves as a catalyst and can store one powerful instruction spell. Consider something defensive in case of emergency, okay? Or rather, that is a requirement! The world outside the city is harsh, and you guys didn’t encounter a monster when you first arrived because they had fled the spatial quake.” 

Alum nodded. He knew that this world was extremely dangerous and was prepared to learn how to fight. He didn’t want to sit back and watch Ame getting deployed whenever anything happened. He saw the reports of the SS-ranked beast and how close of a close call that was. Hence he wanted to be strong enough to at least cover her back. And for that, he needed real experience. Sure he could now put up a good 1-second fight against her. But that’s not enough. He planned to tell her tomorrow that he would be gone for a while. He had already registered as an adventurer some days ago and started as a D rank, the highest rank one could be appointed to when starting. 

He had fought an S-rank adventurer. Alum lasted longer than expected and was quick-witted. Still, the examiner figured Alum had no actual combat experience. They were still impressed and would appoint him into C rank if they could, but rules are rules. Apparently, the adventurer was also a friend of Rigeld. Although Alum and Rigeld had connections, he still judged him as any other new adventurer. 

After Alum left Rigeld’s office, Alver spoke. “Aren’t you going to tell him? That the metal he gave us couldn’t be recreated without him? It destroyed many of the smith’s machines and equipment in the makings too.” To which Rigeld shook his head. “Nah, it’s best this way. He won't feel guilty if he doesn’t know, right?” Alver then proceeds to sigh. “But… aren’t you paying out of pocket?” But to that, Rigeld just laughed. “It’s fine. The smith enjoyed working with it and paid half just to get to use this rare metal.” Alver seemingly gave up. “You even gave him a new access ring with the function of just storing the sword. Just how much do you adore him?” This made Rigeld laugh more. “Let’s say I’m thanking him for helping me move on. Besides, people would be terrified if they thought a powerful weapon such as that wasn’t a sacred blade.” Alver understandably nodded. 


The following day in UM.07, Alum has been beaten to a pulp by Amethely again. Of course, she initially wasn’t willing to be so harsh on him, but he told her to hold nothing back. Still feeling bad about it, she tried to heal him every time, but he refused, saying he needed to do it himself to practice. He knew she felt guilty about it and spent quality time with her to reassure her that he was fine. Embracing her while they were on the training floor, she buries her face in his chest, hugging him. “Al, why are you so set to become stronger so fast? You can take your time, you know….” He thought about a good reply to satisfy her. And decided to come clean. He didn’t want to hide anything from her. “I want to be by your side. I want to be able to protect myself, have your back, and be with you. It’s not about proving anything, really. I want to be with you, whatever the battlefields or in the peaceful city.” 

Amethely couldn’t argue back. This world is dangerous, and only the cities are safe and peaceful. There are villages out there that can fend for themselves, but sometimes they just can’t, which leaves a tragedy. Recently a cult attacked a nearby village and sacrificed all the people to create an abomination. Luckily, before more casualties, Luna and her squad shut them down. While this was rare, it wasn’t unthinkable. There are stories about whole towns and cities falling due to monster attacks. Even the capital city has been under attack on numerous occasions. Although all the attempts fail, who knows when they will succeed. So she couldn’t blame Alum for thinking so. 

Alum later told Ame he would go outside the city as an adventurer, learning actual combat and how the outside world truly is. Ame was against it, but she understood him too. “Promise me you won’t do anything reckless.” She pleaded. “... I will do my best to not put myself in danger. I promise.” She hugged him tighter. “You will leave tomorrow?” Ame asked. Alum patted her head and said, “well, not exactly. I need to prepare and find a request on the board. Since I was assigned to D rank, there will probably be some out of town.” Ame nodded, “I see. Can I go with you?” Surprised by this, he looked at her, “huh? I mean, are you even allowed to?” Alum asked. Amethely puffed her cheeks, “... I know! But I want to!” Seeing her childish side, he kissed her on the cheek. And reassured her. “I-I’ll be fine.” He told the red fidgeting Ame. His face was red and steamy too. 

He later showed Ame the sword he received. And when he summoned it, she thought he somehow got a divine weapon but then realized that was not the case. It was a shortsword, the weapon Alum preferred. The blade had an intense deep blue. A dark, heavy, and single-edge blade. She could also see a cutting-edge magi-tech unit at the bottom of the handle that allowed the user to store one powerful spell. “Can I try swinging it?” Ame asked him. Alum nodded. 

Ame swung the sword vertically and horizontally. Testing it out. She then did some crazy techniques slashing a target dummy into pieces in the blink of an eye. Despite the harsh training, he knew she was still holding back. And it was understandably so. He could’ve gotten severely injured or died. Alum took a mental note that his girlfriend is just that cool. Ame came back a bit sulky and gave him the sword. “... This is a very reliable partner.” She told him. Amethely was still against it, but she knew he could now defend himself from most things and even had a reliable weapon. She couldn’t say anything more. She hugged Alum and said, “Dummy.” 


Thank you for reading! 

So… wasn’t I supposed to take a break? Ha… well, I realized I'm a bit of a workaholic, but I did manage to read some works! Well, seems like the schedule is, as usual, Saturday and Wednesday! See you again soon!

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