The Saint Likes Me, But I’m Screwed…

Chapter 18: Chapter 17: A Warm Reunion

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Later into the night, the Wyvern Squad arrived and, together with the rest of Night Ouen, cleared every beast and undead from the village. They also arrested many cultists so that they could be interrogated. 

Alum and Jan were severely injured, Alum more so. Jan was still unconscious as Alum had woken up. He was in extreme pain and panted a lot. Of course, even after he got healed, blood loss and pain would still linger. 

He got rid of the barrier and stored away his Depth Cutter. The healers told him that he still needed to rest afterward, and he obediently listened. He was resting in a room with many more injured and could not fall asleep as the others groaned in pain or cried from the loss; he could just listen to the cries. 

He wanted to move and help them ease their pain, but honestly. He could barely lift a finger, and all he could do was stare at the ceiling and pass the time. He was thinking of Ame and his friends. He whispered in a low voice. 

“I want to see you guys really bad.” 


Before he knew it, it was morning, and Alum was able to move normally again. Albeit he was still hurt and some wounds couldn’t be healed properly as there was only one healer capable of healing these types of injuries. It couldn’t be helped as they had other priorities, such as not letting anyone die. 

As Alum walked around the room, he could see Jan lying there. He was breathing soundly, and his ears would twitch now and then. Jua was also beside him, sleeping on a chair beside the bed. Seeing this made Alum smile.

“Thank you for yesterday.” He said in a low voice so that he wouldn’t wake them up.


Alum looked around the village and saw the devastation, dead beasts, undead abominations, and many more monsters. Looking at this sight made him uneasy. 

And after walking around for a bit and chatting with some of the Wyvern Squad members, he found out Luna was also here and went looking for her. He asked around but couldn’t seem to find her. He was sure no one was lying about her whereabouts, but he felt that she was avoiding him. 

He erased his mana presence and searched for her. He then snuck up close to her. Only to be met with a blade at his throat. Luna was red around the eyes, and it looked like she had been crying. 

Her cold silver eyes stared into the depths of his soul. She then realized she had been pointing her blade at Alum, panicked, and tried to run away.

But Alum grabbed her by the hand, stopping her from doing so. Alum wouldn’t let go even if she said so. He knew she was hurt and was probably blaming herself for this. She fell down on her knees and started to sob.

Her tears flowed, and the peaceful and quiet breeze made these tears stand out even more. Alum sat beside her, still holding her hand, but didn’t say a word. He knew Luna would just overthink those words and blame herself even further. 

He patted her head and gently stroked it. Her hair was silky and smooth, as he knew she carefully took care of it. His actions made her lean on him as she cried. She later fell into his arms and hugged him tightly, Making sure she wouldn't lose him. 

“I’m sorry,” Luna said apologetically. 

“Don’t be,” Alum replied to her with a soft voice. 

Luna wasn’t sure how to respond and kept saying she was sorry. And after some time passed, she stopped crying. And was soundly asleep in his arms. Looking at the adorably sleeping Luna made him feel warm as he carried her to the resting place. 


A few days had passed, and an airship arrived. The village was in such a poor state that they couldn’t live there anymore.

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During these past few days, the locals have gathered their stuff and are ready to move. Alum and Night Ouen had completed their quest and would wait for carriages to come to pick up all the materials. 

Luna and the Wyvern Squad members would escort the airship and leave the village. Before saying goodbye to Alum, she hugged him in front of everyone. And he would pat her on her head. She then had a soft bubbly smile she’s never really shown before. 

“You won't tell Ame about this, right?” Alum asked in a low voice. 

“You sure worry, don’t you? I won't tell her if that’s what you want, but she’d be hurt if you kept it from her.” Luna scolded him. 

“... Your right, sorry,” Alum said apologetically. 

“No, it's not me whom you are to apologize to, but still, I was so surprised seeing you all injured like that….” Luna said so with a soothing voice. 

She had been called to her uncle's office on short notice about some cultists. She felt responsible that they weren't all gone and came here with the Wyvern Squad, which had just come back from a mission. 

When she met the adventurer, they told her two of their comrades went in to investigate but hadn’t returned. Upon entering the village with them, they eradicated any monsters and abominations. They then strumbled upon an illusionary barrier, captured the cultists, and rescued the survivors. 

A little while later, some reported that survivors were in a barrier they could not break, leading her to head there only to find an unconscious Alum. He had been healed but had suffered a significant amount of blood. 

She then saw Depth Cutter, and the survivors weren’t injured. She ordered them to wait for Alum to wake up so that he could deactivate the barrier. Luna then left the place feeling guilty. She didn’t know how to face him because of her; he had ended up in that state, and she couldn’t forgive herself. 

As Luna was in deep thought while not letting go of Alum, he could do nothing but stand there and accept her shower of affection. 

That made the members of the Wyvern Squad widen their eyes as they had never seen their commander like that. They watched their Princess with warm eyes as they had never seen or heard of her displaying any sort of affection. 


A few days had passed since the incident, and Alum was escorting carriages filled with monster materials that could be used. 

He watched as they got closer to the city. The ocean came into view, and the gentle breeze was fresh and calming. He looked up in the sky and saw something getting closer. He couldn’t see what it was, but it came from the direction of the capital. 

Everyone that was escorting readied themselves for an attack. Still, they were all but too slow as it landed, and no one could see what it was. Dashed through everybody in a blink of an eye. 

Ame was hugging Alum. The others realizing this lowered their guard as they went back to what they were doing. 

Alum stood there frozen, and he was unsure how to react. Ame then released him from her embrace and looked at him. Her eyes widened as she saw him in tears. Her heart ached, and she was in pain seeing him like this. 

Alum, who was so calm and collected, was shedding tears in front of her for the first time. She was unsure what to say as she had already heard everything from Luna. 

She wants to comfort and be there for him, always love him. She pulled him into her embrace, lending her chest and letting him quietly shed tears away from any onlookers. She would stroke his hair and whisper words of love until he would calm down. 


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