The Saint Likes Me, But I’m Screwed…

Chapter 44: [V2] Chapter 1: Recollections

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Tick tick tick 

….Today is a quiet day, as usual… this boy doesn’t say much. He always solves the problem I give him, and the only audible thing is the tick of my watch…. 

When I signed the contract for this work, I had no idea that this… awaited me. 

A tutor to this gifted child, that was all that I knew, and to the Miller family, nonetheless, was an excellent opportunity to widen my connections…. However… meeting this child sent shivers down my spine. 

And thinking back on it… I should have realized it sooner when my employer gave me a taser…. For what? Not self-defense, no… but electrocuting this child whenever he made a mistake. 

I was taken aback, but… I didn’t question it all that much, after all. I was a hired gun at one point. 

But… seeing how soft I’ve gotten, I feel reluctant to punish him. While he usually never spoke, he asked me about my watch one day…. It was a gift I got from my daughter…. Thus guilt resurfaced in my heart. 

I should’ve never walked down that path. 

Knowing that I was trying to redeem myself by tutoring. I still end up in the same place…. I… will never truly really change…. 

But if I resign, someone worse might come along. 

And maybe, just maybe, this is my chance to redeem myself. 

I started to treat the boy more kindly. I praised him and never again punished him. His expression softened. Although he was cautious at first, he finally smiled. Like how children should…. 

But… someone caught wind of that, and I stood in front of my employer, Noah Miller. 

“Do you understand that you hinder the child’s development? I never thought that you, of all people, would become soft.” 

“....I have no excuse, Sir,” I replied. 


“You’re fired, now get out of my sight and never come close to my son again.” 

…Your son….? If you recognize him as that… why make him go through all this? 

I stood there and bowed my head.

“Understood….” I replied and walked out of his office. 

….I knew this was going to happen someday, that’s why… I left a custom timepiece after the blueprint we designed together. I hope you find it and… the letter, too. 

All the traces I left will be erased like I never existed. But… I hope that I at least live within your memories. 

— :::: — 

High up in the sky, on an airship traveling to Ilifel, in one of the VIP rooms, Alum recalls memories from his childhood, memories he never knew he had. 

His chest felt heavy, but it wasn’t Amethely’s head that weighed it. It was guilt. How could he have forgotten that man? Why does he remember him only now? 

No… he knows the reason behind it…. 

As he recalls the letter's content, moisture in his eyes forms drops of tears as they run down onto the pillow. 


[If you find this letter, I’m probably not around anymore. But… I left you a small gift. I hope you can forgive me… and this may be selfish of me… but may I live on in your memories? 


It may be pretentious of me. 


Where I once stood, I was at the top. It was lonely, and I lost everything in the end. I know this is strange coming from me. But… of the things I taught you and the things we’ve done together. This clockwork is proof of our time and memory together. 

That’s why I ask for your forgiveness… for leaving you alone. 

I know that you will find something precious one day, and that’s why you need to protect it with all you’ve got.

And… may we one day meet again, so I truly wish.

— Adel Lanter]


(I wasn’t always alone….) 

He thought that he was always alone and neglected by everyone, but that wasn’t the case. He just didn’t remember any of it. 

Of course, now he knows why. 

After his teacher Adel disappeared, Alum found the letter and timepiece. He knew something was amiss. But what could he do? He had no power or anything and was at the mercy of his parents. 

In the end, his father moved him to another room and found the letter and clock. Which he wasn’t happy with, thus, Alum got brainwashed, and his memories were erased. Even the clock was taken and destroyed in front of his very eyes afterward. 

But… now that he remembers everything, only the physical work was destroyed. But he still had the real one… the blueprint and his memories. 

…It was unpleasant, but… he looked at the ring where Hilos was stored. After resonating mana with each other, Alum can tell Hilos was the one that sent those memories to him when he was unconscious. 

Since they both now share some memories, and after mana resonation, they are able to freely share and hide parts of their memories. Still…. Why did he share that now? 

(Is he telling me that the best gift is shared moments with loved ones?) Alum thought, but he couldn’t argue with that. 

After all, their one-month anniversary is coming up, and he still doesn’t know what to do for her. Though he thinks Ame would be fine with anything as long as it’s from him. 

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Alum took Hilos out of the ring and relayed the memories of his thoughts to him. 

(Why did you show me those memories now?) Alum asks. 

(....That memory was precious to you, and well… isn’t forgetting it tragic?) 

(...That is…. I’m grateful, thank you.) 

(.....Well, you and Amethely remind me of myself and Milena, although our circumstances differ.) Hilos responds. 

Alum couldn’t still fully trust Hilos, but since they shared memories, he empathized with him. Milena was a celestial angel. 

Hilos first met her on the battlefield, and they clashed many times, however… when both got betrayed and fell into The World of Darkness. Milena lost her will to live entirely. Hilos was the only one with his powers. But he didn’t have a reason to kill someone who couldn’t fight back. 

Thus sparing her life. But he also defended her… after all, if a demon was to eat her, they would gain her knowledge and power, and he wasn’t willing to deal with that. 

Over time, after spending so much time together, they fell in love. 

(.....Where do you think she is?) Alum asks.

(...If I knew, I’d be rushing to her side… anyways, I don’t want to talk anymore, so store me away and spend time with her.) Hilos replied cheerlessly. 

(....Will do…) Alum replied and stored him away. 

He looked at the girl, resting her head on his chest. He stroked her hair, which was silky, smooth, and therapeutic. 

After he got better, he boarded the ship with Amethely and her parents. The others that boarded the craft were in the lounge, dining, and drinking. 

And since Amethely is old enough to drink, she had a few and got drunk. 

She wasn’t good with alcohol, to begin with, and after two small drinks… it showed….

Which is why they are resting in their room…. Her parents told him to take care of her, so he did, and she clung to him all the way, showering him with affection for everyone to see as they passed them in the halls…. 

She was breathing calmly as clings to him. Although she smelled a little alcohol, he didn’t mind. Thinking so, he sees her slowly opening her eyes. 

She must’ve felt the mana he released from summoning Hilos. 

‘...Al? Ehehe,’ she giggles as her face gets closer to his. 

She wanted to kiss him but soon realized that her breath was probably horrible and stopped.  

Turning red and backing away a little, she performed cleansing magic on herself, and the effect of alcohol was gone entirely. 

“....I’m so ashamed,” she comments as she covers her face, peaking through the gaps of her fingers. 

Alum was surprised but softly chucked. 

Ahaha… you know, I don’t mind,” He replied with a soft smile. 

“I do!” Amethely retorts as she puffs her cheeks. 

“I see… I’m sorry,” Alum replies as he casts cleansing magic on himself. 

“....That’s not what I meant!” Amethely said as she lightly hit him on the chest. 

Dummy dummy dummy!”  

Alum laughs again, and Amethely finds him somewhat different from usual. 

He seemed more open and cheerful. He was more expressive and laughed freely and softly. 

She didn’t know what happened, but… it seemed like some weight had been lifted off his chest. 

…Of course, that’s the case… after all, the effect of his parent’s brainwashing is entirely gone. 

“....Al, you… seem somewhat different…” she points out. 

“...I guess? Well, I… I just remembered something, that’s all.” 

The memories were bittersweet. But nonetheless, his memories. 

“I see…. I’m glad, Al.” Amethely said and embraced him. 

Her warm embrace comforted him, and he felt that she was genuinely happy for him. 

“...Ame, when we get back… I want to join the others and… get to know them.” 

She was stunned but smiled happily. This means their time together would increase as well… but that wasn’t the only thing on her mind. 

Alum was an independent individual, and so was she. But she wanted him to get to know others as well. That’s why she was so happy that he got along with the Night Ouen party. 

“I’m happy for you, Al. I think they want to get to know you as well!” Amethely said with a bright smile and kissed him on the cheek. 

“...Thanks, Ame,” he replied with the warmest smile since they had met. 

— :::: —

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