The Saint Likes Me, But I’m Screwed…

Chapter 49: | V2 | Chapter 6: Gift Shopping!

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The buzzy cheerful streets of district 3 are filled with high-end shops. As Alum walked around, he saw many classy people and felt somewhat out of place, even though he should have had enough money to buy most stuff that was sold. 

Though he was filthy rich on earth, that doesn’t apply here. Besides… he rarely ever used the money for anything…. 

But it wasn’t like he didn’t have a sense of finances either because, in his opinion, he had led a relatively quiet everyday life before. 

Looking around and trying to find things that may suit Amethely. Well, that was his tremendous concern. 

| …It’s almost our one-month anniversary… but… dispute earning money from missions. I haven’t even decided on a present…! |

Being inexperienced and not knowing what gift to get her, he got struck by a mild headache…. 

| …But… memories, huh…? | 

He was in deep thought, and a clerk came up to him. 

“Excuse me, Sir… do you need any help?” 

The clerk had a concerned look and seemed a little troubled. 

“...I don’t know…?” Alum said as he tilted his head. 

“...You… don’t know?” the clerk replied. 

Alum analysed the situation a little more and realised that he was just standing in front of a shop… no wonder they came out to ask if he’d been standing there…. 

Then… he saw a reflection of himself. He wore a hat and sunglasses, which hid his eyes. 

No wonder they seemed suspicious of him. It was as if he looked for a place to rob….

He paused and looked closer at the sign that said ‘Melirath Jewellery Store.’ 

“...I’m looking for a present for a one-month anniversary… but is quite troubled, not knowing what to pick….” 

And seeing that Alum was genuinely concerned, the clerk relaxed a bit. 

I see~ how about you take a look inside our store? There is more to see inside.” 

“...I will take you up on the offer then,” he replied. 

As he walked into the store, he was greeted by accessories everywhere. They looked more expensive than the ones on display and were all high quality from the looks of the craftsmanship. 

And as the clerk guides him around, she tells him about their product and so on. 

“These are the amethyst gems. Are these what the customer wants? They’re quite a niche, after all… they don’t conduct mana and are slightly more pricy due to the low supply.” 

Alum nodded. It wasn’t unusual for accessories to be able to store and conduct mana. 

After all, for people with low mana, it was convenient to be able to use them as catalysts for simple spells. 

“Yes… it’s what I want, though… what do they symbolise?” 

“They symbolise calmness and peace of mind, Sir.” 

| …Well, Ame’s elegant and calm for the most part, and she gives me peace of mind…. |

“Okay… I'll take it, 3 of them.” 

Huh…? A-Are you sure you just want the gemstones, Sir…? Won’t you look around to see if there is anything else that fancies you?” the clerk asked.

She was a little flustered because she didn’t think he’d buy 3 pieces of the highest grade. She expected to show him something she thought he couldn’t afford and go down from there, but… it appears he wanted 3 pieces. 

Alum shook his head. 

“No, these are fine.” 

Finishing picking out what he wanted. They headed to the register to pay, but as he walked around the corner, he bumped into a girl a head shorter than him. 

Her hat fell off, and his glasses slipped down. 

Revealing his golden eyes and her silver-grey hair. 

| ….. | 


“W-What a coincidence… Al….” 


During their short exchange, the clerk guiding Amethely stared at Alum and then at her customer. 

Realising that he is the young man that is Saint Amethely’s lover, she mutters in a low voice. 

‘Saint Amethely…?’


Both Alum and Amethely had come in disguise, but people had assumed Amethely was bad at disguising herself. 

That’s why it was unexpected she didn’t recognise her…. 

Alum was also easy to spot due to his natural black hair. The empire is pretty far north, and most have light-coloured hair. 

But even rarer were his golden eyes, which you would typically not find in the human race. Though it was more common in dragonkin…

As the two lovers froze and stared into each other's eyes, the clerk that guided Alum picked up his glasses for him. 

Only to see his golden eyes when she tried giving him the sunglasses. 


She glanced over at her colleague, and the two customers, piecing together, froze. Now scared that she might’ve acted rude toward him. 

The one to break the awkward silence was Alum. 

“...Ame, are you… also looking for a gem?” 

She nods and turns her head away shyly. 

“Yes…. You too?” 



The clerks watched as the two interacted, baking off and whispering to each other. 

‘...I thought they were lovey-dovey….’ 

‘They’re like this probably because they didn’t expect to run into each other. And from what I heard. Saint Amethely doesn’t wear a disguise anymore, and when she does, it is so bad people recognise her anyways…. This means she probably got help since she wanted to keep it a secret from him.’ 


— :::: — 

After the unexpected encounter with his lover, Alum waited for her outside the store as they made their purchase separately. 

And with 3 beautiful high-grade amethysts in reddish/purple colour in the bag, he wonders what to do with them. 

| …I guess I could give that a try…. |

Thinking that his unique skill may come to use, he now only needs a catalyst. 

Since he wanted to make something related to memories while simultaneously making it beautiful.

He was thinking of making a timepiece or maybe a pendant. However… the timepiece in his memories may be significant for him, but it doesn’t really relate to her. 

Besides that… a pendant seemed reasonably simple, and well… while Amethely would be happy since she wanted him to treat her as any other ordinary girl. 

He still wanted to make something special for her. 

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| …She wouldn’t complain about whatever I give her… maybe I’m overthinking…?

Well… I got 3 reasonably large amethysts to experiment with…. If I can make this material conduct mana, then perhaps it could be used with a CMI core… if I can find any small size ones… but… there is one in Depth Cutter….. No, I can’t use that. After all, it’s a gift. | 

Taking a deep breath and leaning on the wall, he stares at the sky as he sighs. 

| …Another problem is that I don’t actually know how to instruct those cores… well, there’s an Instruction database. I suppose it doesn’t hurt to ask Uncle Rig. | 

Still deep in thought, he felt something soft pressed onto his arm. 

Amethely had come out, and seeing her beloved stand there waiting for her, while not realising that many ladies would glance his way, she hugged his arm to show them that she was with him. 

Even when unable to see his eyes, he still has a well-proportionate face and figure and a good sense of style… overall, he’s handsome….. 

“Oh? Ame, when did you finish?” Alum asked. 

Hehe~ just now. Still, I didn’t expect you to be here, you know?” 

Mmm, I suppose. But… since I am searching for a gift, I thought this may be the place…. “  

Amethely nodded. 

Yup, that’s why I’m here as well.”

Amethely gave him a warm gaze as she pressed her chest against him more firmly, practically squeezing his arms. 

Seeing his slightly shy expression, her cheeks flushed. 

Even though she had gotten more used to seeing his cute side, she still felt nervous. She wasn’t used to physical contact… but with Alum, it was relaxing and, at the same time, embarrassing. 

Her heart throbs, and he could probably feel it as well. 

Not wanting to go down alone, Alum leans closer to her, intertwining their fingers and whispers into her ears. 

‘...Did you get better at disguise?’ 

He teased her, and hearing his soft whispers, Amethely realised she was just as simple as he was. 


H-Hmpf! It’s not like I was horrible at it…!’ Amethely responded as she puffed her cheek and pouted. 

‘Did Miss Keilyn help you perchance?’ 


Seeing her avert her eyes as she made a slightly sour face and stayed silent, he chuckled. 

Pft… ahaha, you know… Ame….’


‘...I love you.

Of course, hearing his whisper words of love made her feel happy, yet… his tone held some sorrow. 

| …Huh…? Am I… imagining it? | 

Shaking off the thought, she leaned in and placed her head on his shoulder. 

‘I love you too, Al.’ 

— :::: — 

Today, I met my beloved boyfriend in a jewellery store, and while it was unexpected, it led to a date afterwards! 

One could argue it was a good thing. However, he seemed a little unusual. 

How to say it? More distant? 

While Al usually distances himself from people, it was unusual for him to space out or be in a daze when he was with me. 

….It wasn’t unpleasant, but different. 

Is this how others usually perceive him? Or is he colder? 

From what Mr. Noel and Ms. Emely have told me. Alum doesn’t interact with people at all. Though… when I first met him, he wasn’t awkward, nor did it seem like he had difficulty talking to people. 

Then… could it be because of Mr. Noar? 

He certainly wasn’t very friendly toward Al when he tried speaking to him. 

But during these few days… it doesn’t seem like Mr. Noar actually dislikes Al all that much. 

Al probably picked up on it, too, and. Well… he doesn’t seem to mind others disliking him either way. 

Leaning back and scratching my head in mild frustration, I looked at the present I bought today. 

It was high-grade aureth. It is a beautiful gem that shines gold. 

Although used mostly for jewellery and accessories because of their pretty look, they’re, in fact, used by researchers such as myself for bleeding edge mana capacitors. 

But of course… as its base, it doesn’t conduct mana all that well compared to naturally mana-conductive gems. 

That is precisely why I bought it in the form of a bracelet. Although it doesn’t have its mana conductivity in this state, if I just modify it and instal a small enough CMI unit, I could make it something practical….

Since Al loves practicality…. 

Looking at it again, the bracelet is low-key but striking once looking closely at it. 


I jumped onto the bed and hugged the pillow. 

I couldn’t help but worry about what may be on his mind. 

“Does he not love me anymore? What am I saying…? Of curse not….”

I shook my head and denied that possibility. 

He said he loved me, albeit… sounding a little sad. 

…No matter what he is going through… I will be by his side, and as much as I want to see him right now… he likely needs alone time…. 


After sighing and squeezing the pillow more firmly, I turned to look out the window. 

…Closing my eyes, I got reminded of my grandmother. 

It reminded me of the time long ago, when I was five, and she gave me an Ilis flower accessory. I felt thrilled since it had me in mind when she gave it to me. 

Unlike the others, it had the same accent to match my eyes. 

…I hope he won’t be disappointed with my gift….

And whatever he gives me, I’ll treasure it. 

After all….

…It’s Al. 

Considerate and kind, slightly overconfident and reckless, oddly stubborn yet accepting. 

He is my dearest….


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