The Saint Likes Me, But I’m Screwed…

Chapter 51: | V2 | Chapter 8: Stopping His Antics!

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In the cold labs of chimeras, a mad scientist performs profane experiments on his unconscious patient. This patient, in particular, is the previous seat of the Hilos cult. 

The experiment has been ongoing ever since his injury. Of course, taking advantage of this opportunity, Irol convinced the ex-member to undergo the procedure. 

Using the bits and pieces from dead ancient beasts like the Selges and fusing their flesh with demon blood. They were able to create an imperfect version of {Jevuvination of The Betrayer}. 

Of course… it’s still incomplete and not as effective as a real one. Still… the reserves for these potions are low, despite their imperfection…. It was still possible to fuse the patient with experimental beasts…. 


| Still… what a shame there aren’t many primordial demons nowadays…. The demon blood is mixed so thin that our experiments always end up incomplete…. | 

Sigh…. Irol sighed yet again and looked at the unconscious man. With a wide smile, he couldn’t help but think it was going too well. 

| Although… It’s been a while since Sir Den drank the mix…. |

Irol looks closer and is left satisfied.

| The fact that he isn’t dead by now shows that he’s compatible… and no real mutation has happened yet…. And… typically, in this state, most would mutate and succumb to insanity, and when they wake up…. Now then… Sir Den… how will you fare? | 

— :::: — 

Sorting documents in his office, Rigeld noticed a rather strange document. 

| …What did he do now? | Rigeld thought. 

He sighed and skimped through the report again to make sure. He got a headache and leaned back on his seat as his trusty companion rubbed its head softly on his cheek. 


| It appears that you’re the only one that isn’t causing me trouble…. | 

Rigeld looked at the hatchling, a mystical creature he and his wife raised together…. Despite only being 20 years of age, it was more powerful than most of its kin. 


It made a cute sound as it tilted its head since Rigeld was spaced out and stared into the distance. 

“Oh... don’t worry about it, Belolith. This old man still has work to finish.” 

| …someone is looking for him… huh? And not the best kind of individual…. |

Rigeld sighed again.

Seeing her master sigh yet again, Belolith picked up a cookie for him. 

“...Thank you….” 

— :::: — 

After arriving back in the capital, Alum lands before the barrier and walks to the nearest station. It wasn’t a long walk, and being greeted by the guards, he showed them his guild card and got on board. 

Although these stations are outside the walls, guarding them against beasts isn’t that difficult. There are also many districts outside the walls that Alum hasn’t been to yet. These parts are called “New City” and are where most people live. 

The only difference between the inner and outer cities is the ancient anti-magic runes that make up parts of the infrastructure of the old city. 

New City doesn't really need it since barriers are more than reliable. After all, it was a joint effort between the sages and researchers of the continent over the centuries. 

And despite being less effective than the ancient runes, the barrier is more practical…. And has more use cases. 

Such as “select magic elimination” or “select instruction path”, and, of course… the latter is more widely used since it eliminates all mana that isn’t in the database. 

And the former is primarily used in institutions or free cities where the ban is on many despicable spells that just cause madness. 

Primarily magic from the dark lands. Which is the mirrored world only accessible to those capable of tearing space itself. 

Well… although traversing to the mirrored world is lost to time, some spells from that place still linger from ancient times. 

Though Hilos isn’t too concerned about this, it still makes him question whatever happened to the Ex-Machinas. After all… they had a whole continent for themselves, and they must’ve unquestionably left more than a small powerplant behind… right? 

| …This new age sure is strange…. |

— :::: — 

As Alum was looking for a seat, she spotted a familiar face. And upon noticing him, Rika gave him a small wave. 

“Oh… greetings, Miss Rika,” Alum softly spoke as he approached her. 

And she’d awkwardly reply with a greeting herself. 

“Greetings to you as well, Mister Alum….” 


The two sat quietly beside each other. Although Alum didn’t find it awkward, he sensed that the other person didn’t feel the same. 

He’s usually not talkative, and Rika knew this, so she felt awkward. Usually, when she met an acquaintance, they would chat briefly, and the conversation would naturally fade into silence. 

But in this instance. It was just a greeting cut right into silence…. 

Noticing her discomfort, Alum asked her a question. 

“...How are the others doing? The members of Crystal Drakes, I mean….” 

Surprised that Alum started the conversation, she felt relieved that she didn’t have to find a topic. 

“The other members are doing fine… and after the incident, we’ve taken a break….” 

“...I see… from what I’ve heard, Sarie will take the S-Rank exam… right?” 

“Ooh… right… she is supposed to, but she’s not felt well recently. That’s why it's on hold.” 

Alum tilts his head. 

“She’s not feeling well?” He furthered inquired. 

Ah… um… so… you really shouldn’t worry about it….” 

For some reason, Rika avoided his gaze and seemed reluctant to answer his question. But… if she said he didn’t have to worry about it, she probably meant it. 

“...Can you tell her that I wish for her well-being?” 

Rika’s eyes widened as she sighed inwardly. 

“...I will be sure to relay that….” 

Feeling slightly sorry… she changed the subject. 

“How about you, Mister Alum? Are you feeling better?” 

“Oh… I’m fine.” 

“...Were you perhaps out on a quest?” 

Rika questioned him. Of course… looking at him, she couldn’t tell since he didn’t wear any armour. But she knew he coats himself in condensed armour made of mana during the expedition.

“I was. I just finished and am heading back to the guild. How about you, Miss Rika? What are you doing all the way out here?” 

She was surprised since… he didn’t seem to be the type to ask, nor did he seem interested in others… well… maybe that was just her imagination? 

“...Well, we’re taking a break from quests… thus I decided to visit my family.” 

Her face was less stiff as she softened up. 

Noticing this, Alum softly smiled as well. 

“I see. Did you grow up in district 40?” 

Rika giggled and shook her head. 

“No, my parents moved here recently because it was closer to the mountains. And the view here is gorgeous as the flower fields stretch far around here during the Reso period.” 


Noticing that Alum went quiet, Rika grinned.

Ooh? Are you perhaps thinking about Saint Amethely? Well… she’s known to like flowers. Are you perhaps planning to bring her here in a few months? Hmm, in fact, you should bring her!” 

“...I see…. Am I that easy to read?” Alum asked. 

In response, Rika shook her head. 

“No… it’s just that…. Hmm… has anyone ever told you that you’re like another person when it comes to Saint Amethely?” 

With wide-open eyes and a dumbfounded expression, Alum realised that she was right…. He did act differently around her than he did others….

“I-I see….” 

Seeing him like this, Rika looked out the window and into the distance. Currently, there are no buildings around, and there is a vast forest. And thinking back on it, she was pretty rude to him… wasn’t she? 

“...At first, I didn’t approve of you being her lover….” Rika comments. 

With her gaze still on the cosmos, she soon turned to him with a serious look.

“But you know…? Who am I to decide what she does…? It’s just selfish of me… but I couldn’t help it since… she’s a role model for many of us who struggle with magic. She was weak and used to struggle as well… her hard work paid off, you know? This is why many mages, such as myself, admire her…. So when you came along…  it was out of nowhere and very surprising. That’s why… I want to apologise for my past behaviour….” 

She looked sorry, and he could feel the sincerity in her words, but…. 

“...I didn’t particularly mind….” Alum awkwardly said. 


Rika insisted, so Alum had no choice but to accept. 

“If that’s the case…. Mmm, apology accepted.” 

Hearing that, Rika felt relieved and smiled. 

On the other hand, something about her speech caught his attention. 

| …Ame used to be weak…? I… I know her less than I thought… don’t I? |

— :::: — 

Arriving in the inner city, he parted ways with Rika and headed to the guild to report and sell off everything. And unexpectedly…. 

“...Guild master… Ateles? Why are you tending the reception?” Alum asked as he started flatly at him. 

“Oh, c’mon, don’t be like that! It hurts, you know?” 

In response, Ateles jokingly retorted. 


Alum glanced sideways, letting out a small sigh. 

“I didn’t know you were so free you want to tend the reception.” 

“...No, well… argh! Anyways! You’re not allowed to take more quests, or rather… don’t enter the guild for a while!” 

Alum’s eyes widened, and he looked at Ateles with bewilderment. 


“...It’s for your own good. Let’s just say some people are trying to lure you specifically, and well… there have been more solo C-ranked quests all of a sudden.” 

Frowning a bit and looking toward the board, he glanced back at the guild master again. 

“Isn’t it just a coincidence?” 

Ateles scratched his head. He seemed slightly annoyed but let out a sigh. 

“No, can do, even if it’s not specifically targeting you. Rigeld wanted to be sure. Hence, I can’t let you take on any more quests. Got it? Anyways… barge on his door instead if you want to complain, or rather… you should!” 

…Alum didn’t know what sort of relationship they had, but it was certain that they were close. 

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“...I suppose it can’t be helped….” 

Sulking a little, he handed Ateles the raw materials and received the money on his card. 

“Well… you can come back after things calm down. Also… you’re climbing the ranks too fast, and I wouldn’t be able to promote you anyways if that’s what you're aiming for with all these solo quests.” 

Alum tilts his head. He seems to not really understand what Ateles meant by it. After all, he just wanted to earn more money, and the thought never really crossed his mind. 

“Is that so?” 

“Yeah, that’s why don’t come back until Rigeld tell you it’s fine… otherwise he’ll be on my back again…..” 


— :::: — 

“You’re not allowed outside the base anymore,” Rigeld sternly told Alum. 

Sitting and snacking on the treats prepared by Mister Alver…. Who just sat quietly and worked. 

“I heard some people were looking into me from Guild Master Ateles….” 

Rigeld nods.

“That’s right, which is why you aren’t allowed to leave the base from now on… except for that, you’re free to do whatever….” 


Alum was about to say something but decided not to. 

| Some change of plans, I suppose… I wouldn’t want Ame to get so worried…. |

As he watched Alum in his own thoughts, Rigeld couldn’t help but sigh. 

| Although he fretted to not worry her, he still snuck out…. |

“It can’t be helped, then. I will just get more reliable so that this doesn’t happen again,” Alum said with a slight pout. 

| He was still sulking over the fact that he’s being grounded, but… being in the base isn’t that bad… right?  Or so I hope anyways… there are things to do! Such as… exercise? Research? …Am I working too much…? | 

— :::: —

Joining the others late for training, he decided to just watch today as he used to not too long ago. In fact… he wasn’t obligated to attend since he was still technically independent. 

For some reason, Amethely and Luna had a practice duel for the trainees to learn from. 

| Hmm, was this the talk from before? | 

And sensing that someone was approaching him, he glanced to the side. 

“Sup,” Noel said with a bright smile as he waved. 

“Oh? Aren’t you busy flirting with big si— I mean Chely?”

Noel sat down and lightly punched Alum’s shoulder. 

“Geez, man, I heard that! Also… it’s not like that…. Yet!” 

Seeing his reaction, Alum softly smiled. 

“I see. I sense that there are more complicated matters as to why she keeps refusing further advances.” Alum comments. 

Noel noticed that Alum seemed sad somehow when he said that, and this was a first… 

| Is he feeling bad for my sake? |

“Who knows? And even if that wasn’t the case, she’s still hard to get, y’know?” 

Alum smiled again. This time he chuckled as well. 

“Glad to hear.” 

After Alum said that, both of their attention turned to Amethely and Luna. 

Luna was on the offence as she path traced Amethely’s every small movement to calculate her next move, predicting where she would go. 

Going in for a strike, Luna launches herself straight at Amethely. 

Before their swords clashed, she changed the trajectory and disappeared into a blind spot. It happened instantly as she had created a small platform beneath her steps to change the trajectory and made it almost instantaneously by propelling herself with wind magic alongside her muscles. 

Noticing the course change, Amethely perfectly blocked the incoming attack as she also dodged at the same time. 

To many, it may come as a surprise as to why Amethely dodged, but it was due to Luna cutting space and altering where the actual blade would come out. 

Of course… it takes a well-trained eye to pick up on it. And while Alum wasn’t that well trained, he did have similar experiences with the Black Armour. Hence, picking it up rather fast. 

However… that didn’t stop her since she expected nothing less from Saint Amethely. Which is why she made strings of water surrounding the whole field. She hoped that this would make it harder for The Saint to dodge because if she touched them, they would freeze on the spot and build up frost over time. And if she keeps relentlessly attacking, Amethely wouldn’t have time to cast any spells to rid of the strings. But it wasn’t going to be that easy… 

Yet…. she landed a hit, and there was blood on her blade. 

| Huh…? |


Suddenly, she felt a tap on her arm, it was a blade, and Amehtely was standing beside her. 

Luna had let her guard down for a short instance due to surprise, and in that instance, Amethely had seized her opportunity and moved over to a blindspot using illusion magic. 

The thing that Luna hit was also an illusion since right before the hit landed, Amethely prepared an illusion spell while being relentlessly attacked. 

But she had to be quick since Luna’s surprise would only last for a very brief moment. After all, she would realise that there weren’t any resistances when the attack landed. 

“...I lost….” Luna admits.

She then thanked Amethely for having a duel with her. 

Amethely just smiled elegantly as she shyly turned her gaze toward the spectators, seeing that Alum was watching her duel….

“I should thank you for the match!” Amethely replied. 

“Still… you’re very strong, even in duels….” 

Amethely was more known for her supportive capabilities and contribution to magic research. But recently… her personal prowess has been shown more. 

Admired her even more now, but… Luna felt that the gap between them was greater than she had anticipated. 

“Ah… it’s just that you and Al fight similarly…. Besides… it wasn’t an all-out duel, so you probably had to hold back a lot….” Amethely replied as she shyly scratched her cheek, 

Luna glanced in Alum’s direction and back at Amethely. 

| Similar…? |

“...How do Al and I fight similarly?” 

Hmm… If I had to say… you two tend to stop and overanalyse when something unexpected happens, which leaves you vulnerable for a brief moment.” 

“I see…. Thank you, Ame.” Luna said. 

And the two smiled gently as they shook hands. 


“...What are you smiling about…?” Noel asked. 

“Ah… no, it’s nothing….” Alum replied. 

| I didn’t know she could be so crafty.… | He thought. 

Feeling happy that he learned… or realised? Something about his girlfriend, he couldn’t help but smile. 

— :::: — 

Later that evening, he found a bulk on his bed, and underneath the blanket was Amethely, whose hair poked out. 

And removing the blanket, she shyly stared at him while she was in her cute sleepwear. 


A moment of silence struck the two as she didn’t expect to be caught but wanted to surprise him…. 

“...Ame… are you lonely…?” He asked. 

Amethely shyly nodded as her face was turning crimson. 

“I know you’ve snuck out recently….” 


“...T-That’s why~! Let’s sleep together from now on!” 

…Seeing her like this made his heart skip a beat. But also… sweat running down his neck….

| ….I got caught….. | 

| Of course you did…. | Hilos responded.


“A-Al… you… don’t want to?” 

“...Ahh… no, it’s not that…. Yeah… let’s sleep,” he replied. 

Still… he was concerned about whether she saw the present he prepared for her or not… after all, their anniversary is tomorrow…. 

| ….! Could it be…? |

“Hey, Ame, is the reason you snuck into my room related to the anniversary?” 

Amethely buried her face in the pillow and poked up briefly. And she then pointed at the desk. On the desk was sleepwear… matching ones to hers but in blue…. 

“You usually sleep in loose clothes… right…? H-Hence! Why not matching ones!” she excitedly said. 

Alum blushed as he thanked her.


He went to change and came back, lying down beside her. 

Amethely then snuck closer as she usually did. 

“You can’t sneak away if I stick close to you,” she playfully said as she grabbed his hand. 

Alum could tell that she was pushing herself as she’s a very shy person. But she tries really hard to engage in intimacy with him. Making him feel happy and lucky. 

“...To answer your previous answer…. Yes, because… you’re the first one I want to see on our special day….” 

As if she wasn’t embarrassed enough, she tightly hugged him and buried her face in her chest.

Listening to his rapid heartbeats, she rubs her head on his chest, acting spoiled like she usually does when they’re alone. 

Alum kissed her on the forehead. And hugged her tightly as well. 

“...You’re also the first one I want to see waking up tomorrow….” 

Thus the two fell asleep in each other's arms and holding hands. 

And when morning came, they both slept comfortably as the sun was peaking through the blinds. 

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