The Second Coming of Gluttony, the First of Vainglory

Chapter 27: 26 – Stalker

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A comparatively deserted side street, far from the main building. Only when we reached there did Kim Hannah let out a sigh and turn towards me. "You're a crazy son of a gun, you know that? What makes you think you can just walk on into Sinyoung's HQ like that?"

"Lots of reasons."

"Oh?" She placed her hands on her hips and said, "I'm all ears."

"First of all, I'm on good terms with Carpe Diem. In fact, they offered me to join twice."

Kim Hannah's eyes grew wide and then she shook her head. "Of course. I shouldn't be surprised- Wait." She narrowed her eyes and said, "You rejected them?"

"Yep. I made a team of my own with Ian Denzel. I think you might have heard of him?"

"Wait." Kim Hannah rubbed the bridge of her nose. "You made a team? Of your own? And with Ian Denzel? As in the Haramark Royal family's Magician, Ian Denzel?"

"That's him."

"...Alright. But that's not enough to be so confident. What else did you do?"

I nodded. "Well, Princess Teresa proposed to me."


I scratched the back of my head and said, "It was a bit of a mess. I felt a bit bad for her and helped her out a bit, but it turned out I misjudged how much help I gave her, so now she feels super indebted to me... and apparently won't stop calling me darling?"

"...Hah." Kim Hannah shook her head. "Why do I even bother worrying about you? But still, your timing is bad."

"Hm? Why?"

Kim Hannah looked at me and said, "You seriously decided to show up on the same day that the First Lady decided to come back..."

"First Lady... Yun Seora's older sister? Yun Seohui, right?"

"Hm?" Kim Hannah looked at me and said, "Well, someone's well informed."

I shrugged. "You could say that. But what's wrong with her being here?"

Kim Hannah sighed. "Well the first lady-" Suddenly, she flinched. "Speak of the devil..." She pulled out a communication crystal from her small bag and frowned. "Seems like they're calling me already."

I placed my hand on my sword. "Do you need help?"

Kim Hannah smirked and said, "Well aren't you noble today? But no, I'll be fine. Stay here and try not to cause trouble, alright? I'll be back in a jiffy." With that, she quickly walked away.

Sensing that it would take a while I leaned back to relax when I caught a glimpse of a golden thread.


Curious, I decided to go check it out.

It wasn't too far away. After a short walk, I ended up next to a building with a signboard calling it the 'Teahouse of the Winds and Fairies'.

There, I saw the threads tangled up with a flowerbed in the alleyway.

I knelt down and inspected them, frowning. "That's strange..."

"Excuse me." A warm and soothing voice called out. "My apologies, but this is private property. While I appreciate that you are enjoying the flowers, I would like to ask you to-"

The voice suddenly cut off.

At the same time, a flash of golden light laced with crimson threads shone from my right.

I stood up and looked over.

There, a mature beauty with pure eyes stared back at me. Long, smoothly-arching eyelashes. Scarlet lips. A white dress, perfectly suiting her curved body. And then a faint and nostalgic fragrance.

But more importantly than that...

"Ah!" I stepped back and pointed at her. "You're that woman! At the PC Bang!"

The woman flushed and then covered her mouth. "E-Ehe... What a coincidence?"

"Coincidence?" I blinked and stared at the golden light and crimson threads tying around her. "Yeah, talk about a big coincidence."

The woman seemed to calm down and then said, "You're... Jihu, right? Seol Jihu?"

I nodded. "That's right. I never did get the name of my stalker though."

"Rude! I am not a stalker!"

"I mean, you did quietly stare at me for over a month..."

The woman gasped. "I thought you didn't notice!"

"Please. Any guy would notice a beautiful woman staring at him." I shook my head. "Anyway..." I held out my hand and said, "I'm Seol Jihu... Though you already knew that."

The woman stared at my hand for a moment, hesitant. But then she smiled and shook it. "Seo Yuhui. I'm... really happy to see you again."

"Right. It's nice to meet you... Hm?"

A divine current running through her body and into my own. One that seemed to override her natural mana.

I narrowed my eyes and sent out a thread of my own, ripping apart that influence.

A gasp echoed from in front of me. Yuhui's.

I blinked and quickly released my hand. "Sorry."

"No." She quickly shook her head. "It's fine. But just now-"

"Oi!" Kim Hannah's voice called out and then footsteps approached. "What do you think you're doin-?" When she saw the person standing in front of me, her eyes grew wide. She took a step back and said, "Y-You are..."

Seo Yuhui turned her head towards Kim Hannah.

The moment she did, Kim Hannah quickly lowered her head. "M-My apologies. This kid only entered Paradise in March this year, so-"

"Yo, Partner Hannah." I called out to her and said, "Why are you acting like that?"

"You...!" She glanced at Seo Yuhui and said, "Do you even know who she is?"

I nodded. "Yeah. She's Seo Yuhui, the weird lady who tried to pick me up back in Korea at a PC Bang."



Kim Hannah rubbed her eyes.

This was ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous.

"Here you are, Miss Hannah." Seo Yuhui placed a tea cup on the table in front of her.

"A-Ah. Thank you, Ma'am." She took it with a brief nod and took a sip, trying to maintain her composure.

Of course, that was near impossible considering the sight across from her.

Seol Jihu, that ridiculous bastard, was seated next the the Lady of Luxuria. But not only that...

Jihu took a sip from his tea and said, "So that's why you were flirting with me?"

"It wasn't flirting!" Seo Yuhui pouted and said, "I really thought you were someone else!"

They had moved inside of the inn after Seo Yuhui's insistence. That part alone was incredible, but then there was that guy's interaction with the Daughter of Luxuria.

Jihu nodded. "Right, right. What, did I look like a body double of your first love or something then? That look you gave me was like seeing a ghost, you know. Kinda creepy."

"S-So what if it was?! You're the weird one! What kind of guy leaves a girl like me in the middle of the street and tells her to not talk to shady guys like himself?"

"Me. Because I'm a shady guy who takes advantage of girls on a daily basis."

"I bet you just say that to push girls away, don't you?"

"I mean... you're not wrong? Can't help being this handsome, can I?" He looked at Kim Hannah and said, "Right, Partner Hannah?"

Caught off-guard at being drawn in, Kim Hannah subconsciously answered, "Right."


She blinked, realizing what she just admitted to and turned a bright shade of red. "Gah."

Seo Yuhui laughed and said, "My. You're awfully close with her, Jihu."

"And you're getting awfully close with me. Seriously, first name basis already?"

"You can call me Yuhui if you want."

"...Mm. I would. But..." Jihu looked at Kim Hannah and said, "I think my Partner there would explode if I did."

Kim Hannah's broken mind finally got back on its rails and then she said, "Jihu. Do you... honestly have no shame?"

"Shame?" The guy shook his head and said, "Tell that to this girl here." He jabbed his thumb at her and said, "To think she was crazy enough to chase me here too... Good looks are definitely a curse."

Yuhui laughed.

Kim Hannah sighed.


It was fun.

For some reason, hanging out with Seo Yuhui was enjoyable. Maybe it was her calm and easygoing demeanor? Either way, I messed around with her a bit and teased Kim Hannah too.

But after a while, it was time to get to the point.

Kim Hannah looked at me and said, "So. What happened? Obviously a lot, considering that you managed to get on speaking terms with Carpe Diem and team up with Ian Denzel. Then there's the matter with the princess too."

"Princess?" Seo Yuhui blinked and looked at me.

"Yeah." Kim Hannah nodded and said, "Apparently this guy did her a big enough favor to make her propose to him."

Seo Yuhui's eyes widened, slight panic entering them. But then she calmed down.

I shrugged. "Well, it's nothing much. I went on an expedition into the Forest of Denial with Ian, Carpe Diem, and another party. We figured out the source of the Forest of Denial's effects, and then afterwards I participated in the battle at Arden Valley and helped recapture the fortress."

Kim Hannah blinked. "You... What?" She massaged her forehead and said, "Wait... Haah. Never mind. With you, it's always a giant mess. So, what? You leveled up from that?"

"I did. A unique class at Level 2, Synthesis Knight. Though, Gula said that I could have skipped to a High Ranker Warrior or a Level 4 hybrid class if I wanted to."

Kim Hannah nodded like it was expected. But-

"Um. Excuse me." Seo Yuhui spoke up.

"Mm?" I turned to look at her.

"Jihu... You said that you could have skipped to a High Rank Warrior?"

I nodded. "Specifically a Level 5 Swordmaster. Why?"

She quickly shook her head. "It's nothing. I just..." She frowned and said, "I thought you seemed like a person who would use a spear rather than a sword."

"A spear?"

"Ah!" She shook her head. "Don't mind me. I was just... thinking that might be the case."

I nodded. "Well, I thought about using the spear. But it doesn't really suit me, you know? Besides, a sword has more options than a spear does... For me, at least."

Especially since I didn't know a damned thing about how to use a spear compared to a sword.

Kim Hannah looked at me and said, "Anyway, you leveled up to Level 2 in a unique class... And now you're in a team with Ian Denzel? What, was he so impressed that he retired to join you?"

"Pretty much?"

"Fucking-" Kim Hannah rubbed her nose. "You're lucky that you're cute. If it wasn't for that, I'd punch that damned face of yours."

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Was it because she was so frustrated? It didn't seem like Kim Hannah noticed her slip.

Seeing the opportunity, I smiled and said, "Thanks, Partner Hannah. You're pretty cute too."

She froze and then groaned. "Dammit. I said that out loud, didn't I?"

"You should get some more sleep."

"Dammit! Whose fault do you think it is that I can't?!"

I gave her a sheepish smile.

Kim Hannah sighed. "Well, at least you're in a decent spot. And since you seem to be rather intimately acquainted with Lady Yuhui... I suppose you're safe now." She nodded and said, "Have you decided on your team name yet?"

I nodded. "Elysium."

"The paradise for heroic spirits, huh?" Kim Hannah muttered. "Yeah. I suppose that's accurate."

"Yep... Ah." I blinked, suddenly remembering. "How are things on the other side? Did you get the ball rolling with our company?"

"Heh." Kim Hannah smirked and said, "That's a surprise you'll have to wait and see when you get over there."

"What, no hints?"

"I'll say this: If things go well, you might join the ranks of Sinyoung fairly soon in terms of financial standing."

Seo Yuhui's eyes widened. "P-Pardon me. But... What might you two be talking about?"

"Ah." Kim Hannah looked to Yuhui and shook her head. "Just some business discussion, Lady Yuhui."

"Business?" She looked at me and said, "You... have businesses on Earth, Jihu?"

I nodded. "Yeah. They're based around some apps I developed... Ah. Speaking of which." I reached into my bag and handed Hannah a stack of papers. "Here. The scheduled updates should be released soon. These are the necessary steps and suggestions on what to do next."

"Alright. I'll remember that-"

A loud vibration and humming.

Kim Hannah pulled out her crystal and sighed. "They're really going mad over there. Seriously now."

"Did you need to go?"

Kim Hannah clicked her tongue in annoyance and then tucked it back. "I should... Ah. But before I forget." She took out another crystal and placed it in front of me. "I meant to give this to you earlier, but I forgot. This will be better than you marching into Sinyoung like you did this time if you want to talk to me."

I grabbed it and tucked it away. "Thanks, Partner Hannah."

She rolled her eyes and stood up. "If that's it, I'll be heading off... Ah. Did you need any more money?"

"Actually, I should be asking you that. Is there anything in particular you need? I recently got a windfall of a few platinum coins, so-"

"PLATINUM?!" Kim Hannah stared at me and then shook her head. "Argh... Why do you keep acting beyond my expectations? Honestly. It's like your very existence is to mess with me."


Kim Hannah waved me down and said, "Keep that safe in a temple for now. It's good to know that you have that... but I'm still wrapped up in things. We'll talk when I sort out my affairs, alright?"


With that, Kim Hannah waved and then walked out, leaving just me and Yuhui alone.

Seo Yuhui let out a sigh and cleaned up Kim Hannah's tea. Afterwards, she sat down across from me. Glancing at my cup, she said, "Would you like some more?"

I nodded. "If it's not too much trouble."

She picked up my cup and went off to prepare more tea.

As she did, I gathered my thoughts.

Seo Yuhui... I understood why I saw the golden threads now.

From what I remembered, she came back too. Well, I suppose she was the only one who came back in this case.

Suddenly, her confused reaction when I saw her before made sense. Though it was odd that I ran into her so soon...

"Here you are."

"Oh, thanks." I took it from Yuhui and took a sip.

"Is it good?"

"It is."

Yuhui nodded and was quiet, staring at me.

A stilted conversation.

Of course. She was probably confused on why I was so different while still happy to meet the one she loved.

"...You keep staring at me." I said. "Is there a reason why?"

She smiled and said, "Well, you *are* quite handsome."

"I was just joking around, you know? Seriously, is there a reason?"

Yuhui hummed and then said, "I guess you could say that it's like meeting a lover from a past life?" She smiled, as if enjoying a private joke.

I raised an eyebrow. "That's dangerous, you know. What if your lover is different than how I am? Maybe I'm just a guy with similar looks."

"Even so... you're pretty interesting in your own right, Jihu." She reached out and grabbed my hand.

I tensed, but let her do so.

"...Strange." She muttered to herself.

I nodded. "Yes. It's really strange how forward you are."

Yuhui blushed and then laughed. "I suppose it would definitely look like that... I'm sorry. Am I making you uncomfortable?"

"Nah. It'd take a lot more than that. Though, please let me know beforehand if you plan to start murdering girls that hang out around me."

Yuhui laughed.

I smiled.

After a bit, Yuhui leaned forward on the table, lacing her fingers and resting her head on them. As she did, she said, "You... really aren't what I expected you to be like."


Yuhui nodded and then leaned back. "I always thought you might be pretty strong from when I saw you, but this is a bit over the top, you know?"

I shrugged. "That's just how I am. Though, I'm surprised about you. Kim Hannah's not one to react so politely to people. Are you some important person or something?"

"You could say that?" Yuhui let out a gentle smile and said, "Why, are you curious?"

"A bit. But I think that's a topic for a second meeting, right?"

Yuhui's smile widened... but then a flash of guilt crossed her face and she frowned. Shaking her head, she said, "It sounds like you're working in Haramark?"

"Yep. Our base is actually just next to Carpe Diem's. In all honesty, I'm thinking we'll team up with them for a bit until we get things rolling on our own. Though there's the problem of finding people..." I looked at Seo Yuhui and said, "Care to join? It'd be good to have a familiar face around... And you live somewhere near me on Earth too, right?"

Yuhui's eyes widened. "Can I?"

"Of course. Unless you don't want to?"

Yuhui looked like her wish had been granted and seemed about to accept. But then she paused and shook her head. "Ha... I can't. Not yet at least. There's still quite a few troublesome things I have to take care of."

"I see. Well..." I reached into my bag and pulled out a golden bracelet. Or, it seemed to be a golden bracelet. "Here. A promise that you've always got a place with me."

Yuhui blinked and took the bracelet. After that, she smiled and said, "My. You have to be careful with these things, Jihu. A girl might misunderstand."

"True." I nodded and said, "Then I'll clarify. That's a good luck charm that I found on my expedition that should sell for a few hundred gold coins. You're..." I stared at her and said, "Mm. Your build doesn't seem to be a warrior or archer and I don't sense much mana from you, so I'm guessing you're a priest, right?"

Yuhui's eyes widened. "That's right."

"Then it should be even more useful for you. I've heard that the effects of the gods on their followers get stronger the closer they are, and that's especially true for priests. That artifact should help you remove that effect."

Yuhui's eyes grew wider and she stared at the bracelet. "Really?"

"Well, you don't have to take my word for it. I will say that it's not something you have to wear all the time though. It builds up a sort of resistance to the effects by wearing it over time, but having it on completely nullifies it."

Yuhui shook her head. "Something like this..."

"Like I said, it's a promise. If you don't plan on joining or if it turns out to be impossible, just return it to me. For now though, think of it as an honorary proof of membership."

Yuhui slipped it on, her hands tracing the metal for a bit before looking at me again. "Thank you."

I smiled.

Yuhui lowered her hands and then said, "I'm curious though... Is there a reason you're in Paradise? From Miss Hannah, it appears that you have a place on Earth and are doing fairly well, are you not?"

"I am. But..." I paused and said, "This place is somewhere I need to be."

"...But what about your family and friends on Earth?" She frowned and said, "Won't they be worried about you?"

I nodded. "They will. And they are. But..." I narrowed my eyes and said, "I can't allow it. People who think that they can trample over others just because they have power. Those who wring this place dry and write it off as a game... But more importantly." I clenched my teacup, shattering it. "I can't forgive those bastards who abuse this place for their own gain back on Earth. Ah." I realized that the cup shattered and lowered my head. "Sorry."

"It's fine. Here, let me." She stood up and helped clean up the mess. Afterwards, she sat back down and said, "Then... you're here because of that?"

"Well, this and that. There's a lot of reasons... But I guess if I want to sum it up." I looked up at the sky and said, "I want to return the goodwill this place showed me?"

Yuhui was quiet, staring at me with a contemplative look.

I shook my head and said, "Anyway, thanks for the tea and hospitality. I should probably get going now. I don't mean to impose..."

"Ah, it's fine." Yuhui smiled and said, "You're welcome anytime. Like yourself, it's nice to see a familiar face."

With one last wave, I left Seo Yuhui's inn.


Seo Yuhui stared at the man's departing form and muttered, "He's different. Is this what Gula-nim mentioned?"

A fragmentary dream. Emotions sent back to the past.

By chance, she met him on Earth a half year before. But at that time... he was already different.

The wish that changed the past. Not memories, but emotions... The result of that was the man she had just met.

The man who worked his hardest to make up for a lack of talent. The one who did his all so that the one he cared about wouldn't worry.

Was it a result of that person's desires?

The man she met today was the opposite of that. Calm and collected. Light-hearted and teasing.

If the Seol Jihu in that dream was 'black' then the one she met today was 'white'.


A faint smile was on her face. Realizing that, Seo Yuhui reached up and touched her lips.

...It was fun.

Light teasing and casual back and forth. That deep and yet light-hearted gaze. The calm confidence that said he didn't fear anything in the world.

And then there was his appearance, of course. A honed body and attractive face that outshone every idol out there.

Staring after the man who had long gone, Yuhui idly played with the golden bracelet on her wrist. The bracelet that completely suppressed the divine impulses from Lady Luxuria and left her completely calm for the first time in years. Idly turning it around her arm, Yuhui shook her head and said, "I'm sorry, Seonhwa. But... I don't think I can hand him over to you."

A quiet declaration. After that, she looked out into the distance and muttered, "He said Haramark, right...?"

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