The Second Dawn Of The Conjurer

Chapter 44: Chapter 43

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Black's armour started cracking, and from the cracks, a powerful purple aura started emitting. Moments later Black uppercut Nolin with such devastating power that Nolin was launched up in the air. 


"You are out of luck, Nolin!"


Shouted Black as his armour crumbled down from his body, revealing a purple being; Black had no nose or ears, only a pair of glowing red eyes, and a mouth with razor-sharp teeth. his body was constantly emitting purple mist. Black jumped after the still ascending Nolin, and punched him with even greater strength, sending blasting Nolin to the side and forcing him to vomit blood. 


"Fuck" Thought Nolin as he was uncontrollably spinning mid-air.


The purple mist emitted from Black suddenly formed a pair of wings on Black's back, and while they were still forming, Balck had already flown after Nolin and punched him higher. Nolin was being hit higher and higher, and after each punch, his bones cracked. 


"This is the end!"


Declared Black, as he suddenly flew above Nolin and kicked him down. As Nolin was falling he drew a green line, and when he hit the ground he created a green explosion. A few seconds later Black descended next to the crater created by Nolin.


"You are one hell of a survivor Nolin!"


Commented Black and stared down at Nolin, who pushed himself up. Although he was shaking he was smiling. He slowly raised his head and looked into Black's eyes, and then his aura completely vanished.


"What the..."


Spoke Black up, and he suddenly jumped back. Nolin jumped out of his crater, although he had suffered many injuries his smile grew wider, and he suddenly opened his arms welcomingly.


"So you are the guy who was trying to kill Nolin... I regret to inform you that  I have to take over for him since I can't have him die on me. Poor kid has yet to understand his potential, so I will just have to show you what he could do..." Said Nolin.


"Do you really think that I would believe you? You are just trying to..." Declared Black as he dashed forward, but was interrupted.


Nolin smashed Black in the face with incredible speed and strength. He punched Black so hard that all his fingers were shattered, and Black was blasted back.

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"It seems I forgot that I am not yet used to it... Well, It sucks!" Commented Nolin.


Black suddenly came to a halt, as a burst of purple energy erupted from him and instantly flew towards Nolin, who just stared at his hand. Nolin's injured hand gained a greenish glow and suddenly raised it. Moments after that, Black arrived and punched Nolin's head with all his might, and blasted him backwards. Nolin's skull was seriously damaged after the punch, yet he managed to stay standing after the punch and didn't even flinch. 


Black was surprised how Nolin didn't even react and was about to punch him again, but Nolin evaded his fist, and instead delivered a quick jab to Black's face. The punch was even stronger than the previous one, causing Black to roll back on the ground. As for Nolin, the bones in his right hand were fractured. Despite having destroyed his arm, Nolin raised his injured hand once again, and a few seconds later, from the crack in the sky, Nolin's green sword flung towards him.


"It seems I will not be able to kill you without further deteriorating Nolin's body, so I have no choice... I will eradicate you from existence!" 


Shouted Nolin as his green sword gained a white aura. Black roared in rage and dashed towards Nolin, but he was too slow. Nolin swung his sword and from the tip of its blade, a white bolt of lightning hit Black, causing him to kneel down and growl. Nolin raised his sword above his head and swung it once again, casting another bolt of white lightning, but moments after that his nose and ears started bleeding severely.


"I do apologise, gentlemen, but I am afraid I can't let Mr Black be killed by you. His presents have been requested, and I am obligated to take him with me. Goodbye, gentlemen!"


Said a kind male voice, and from the struggling Black's shadow a black hand appeared and grabbed Black's leg and in a moment's time pulled him down to the shadow.


"What just happened?!" Shouted the hero.


"Don't know, don't care." Replied Nolin quickly.


From the distance, a strange rumbling sound could have been heard. Nolin vomited blood and he fell to his knees. He coldly glared at Leion, who was sitting on the ground and was shocked.


"I... I don't know who you are, but I..." 


Uttered Leion, but was interrupted by Nolin, as he pointed his blade at Leion, who upon seeing it started crawling back. From Nolin's blade, a green beam was fired at Leion, and then Nolin collapse; Leion followed him moments later after the beam hit him.



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