The Second Opportunity in Fairy Tail Word

Chapter 21: Chapter 21: Arrival

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"I think we're fine here". Said Jean as he began to slow down until he came to a complete stop, the aura around him faded, and the shine of the sword on his neck turned off; an exhalation came out of his mouth showing his tiredness, after all, he had been running for almost 3 hours while taking short breaks every 30 minutes to drink water, and that Lucy's legs wouldn't go numb.

"We've gone far enough; just take a break". Lucy spoke, looking as Jean sat down on the floor.

"Yes, I know; besides, continuing would be unwise; the anti-wizard forest is close; if we continue like until now, we will arrive there in the middle of the night, and without being rested, so the best thing would be to camp here and continue tomorrow, we will have better vision, and we will both be 100%"

"Yes, I think the same". Lucy answered and then looked at Jean; at that moment his entire torso was still uncovered, so the bruises, cuts, and other injuries were visible to her, so even if she had seen him acting carefree and moving normally, she couldn't help but worry a little. "Those wounds… hurt a lot?"

"Um?" Jean raised his head and looked at her curiously. "This?" He asked, looking at his own body.

"Of course it hurts; if I'm being honest, I took some pretty strong hits in the fight before wearing my armor, and when they found out how my teleportation trick worked, they managed to catch me off guard once, but don't worry, I'm not too bad, anyway, it was actually lucky that they brought a water mage who could make it rain just by being there, without the extra passive healing I would have had to take things seriously much sooner"

"They were strong, all of them, I was lucky to take the fire mage by surprise, but even when I threw a super punch at him, he kept fighting, and that girl, Juvia, she was really strong; one mistake and I would have lost, what's more, she almost beat me at the beginning of the fight, she immobilized me and put a bubble of water around my head, it was difficult to free myself from that, and when I thought I had won, she went and created a giant jet of water under my feet"

"I imagine it, from where I was, I saw the first water geyser that she launched at you; for my part, the dragon slayer boy caught my attention, the blow that sent me flying where you were was his, the man with the green hair managed to immobilize me for one moment and the next thing I knew was that a gray whirlwind called 'iron dragon roar' was about to hit me, and if it wasn't for the trick you taught me then that might have left some visible scars on the arms, even with my healing factor"

"Ah, you mean concentrating energy in specific places in the body when something hits you? To be honest, I didn't even consider that something like that could be possible with another thing than magical energy"

"Well, it was challenging to achieve, I assure you that; I haven't even perfected it yet, and your version is even more resistant and precise than mine; you cover only the place where you get hit while I have to cover the whole the area, if they hit me in the chest I would have to cover my entire torso, if they hit me in the cheek I would have to use it from the neck up, if I'm honest it's like trying to balance a stack of books on my head while running at full speed, I miss at least once in 3 or 4 times, but it's still one of the most useful skills I've ever learned"

"Well, I'm glad that worked for you then". Lucy replied before taking her backpack and opening it. "Do you still have the things Mr. Jason gave you when we parted?"

"Yes, you sit down for a moment; I'll prepare the fire, then we can check your ankle; it must be healthy for tomorrow if we don't want problems"

"No, you rest and concentrate on recovering, just give me the wood, and I'll make the fire"

"You are kidding me, right? I remind you that the one with the accelerated healing factor is me, I just need a couple of hours in the water, and I will be as good as new"

"Don't be stubborn; you've been running for hours, so let me do this"

"Wait, why don't you ask Capricorn or Virgo for help? You can do it after you have rested, right? And I'm sure Capricorn can make the campfire and also check your foot, and although I don't know her well yet, Virgo has the whole maid thing, so she should be able to help too so we can both rest" Jean suggested, hoping to not have to argue further.

Lucy thought about the idea for a couple of seconds before agreeing and taking two golden keys from her bracelet. "Open, door of the goat: Capricorn, Open door of the maid: Virgo". And after that, the goat butler and the maid were in front of both of them.

"Lucy-sama, Jean-sama". The first greeted with a quick bow.

"Princess, Jean". The maid said, giving a formal greeting just like her spirit mate.

When they both finished their greeting, Capricorn smiled. "I congratulate you both on your victory, Lucy-sama, it was an impeccable use of star dress and star dress mix even with a contract as recent as Virgo-sama's, and Jean-sama, I am aware that I had the situation under control, but try not to risk you so much"

"I think the same, although I would also say that the princess should stop being so self-critical; she is much better than the vast majority of wizards I have seen." The pink-haired spirit added.

"Thank you". Lucy blushed at the sincere compliment, it went without saying that Virgo's words flattered her, and Capricorn's tone was like that of a proud father, which was not so far from the reality since he, along with Aquarius and Cancer were her oldest spirits and the ones who watched her grow up since she was a child.

Jean, for his part, rubbed the back of his neck a little embarrassed; as he had said before using his Ultimate Armor, he knew he had been overconfident. "I know; I promise to keep my ego in check; it's just that I wanted to know how good I was without using too much Blade Blacksmith and my touki"

"I'm glad to hear it". The goat answered. "Now, please, you both rest for a moment and concentrate on regaining your strength, Virgo-sama, and I will take care of the rest"

Minutes passed, and while Capricorn organized the whole place, lighting the fire and preparing the tents, Virgo checked Lucy for any injuries or ailments she might have after the fight.

"All the princess's injuries are superficial, she just needs some rest and will be completely healed, and as for her ankle, I would recommend not moving it too much; depending on how it is tomorrow, the princess could need more rest"

"I see, then I'll rest as much as I can; I want to be ready by the time we enter the forest"

"..." Virgo had a curious expression as she looked at Lucy.

"Is something wrong?"

"Should I refer to Jean as 'prince'?"

"Eh? What do you mean by that?"

"I was talking to Aquarius, and she told me that you were a kind of informal couple, and it is not the first time that Jean see you in a... uncovered situation, so I thought that-". The spirit was saying when the blonde covered the spirit's mouth with both hands, her face completely red and with a panicked expression.

"D-don't say it, did you see when he saw me? And what did Aquarius tell you?"

"She said". Virgo broke off and cleared her throat a bit before speaking in a perfect imitation of Aquarius's voice, albeit with her characteristic flat tone. "She's just a distracted kid who won't act until something drastic happens that forces her to face what she wants; just looks at her; she couldn't last a day before running off to chase him". The spirit finished speaking.

"I have already told Aquarius that we are not like that". The blonde complained, still of red cheeks from what she had just heard.

"It seems to me that you are more than just friends"

"I-I've known Jean since I was five years old; he was my first friend, I… I just see him like that". She said, looking away a little.

"Is that so? If the princess is who says so, then it is fine."

"Eh?" Lucy was really confused; having experienced the Virgo personality, she was expecting something else. "Aren't you going to keep pressing to get a reaction from me?"

The spirit bowed its head slightly. "The princess wanted me to keep pressing?" She asked when a strange light shone in her eyes. "Does the princess like to be bullied? Have I finally found a partner who also understands the wonder of S&M?" She said excitedly as she took Lucy's hands with hers.

"W-what? Of course not!" She yelped at the prospect; she definitely wasn't a masochist.

"Oh... I see"

Lucy honestly didn't know what to think about the clear tone of disappointment in her spirit's voice.


"Do you really think it's a good idea to go to the anti-wizard forest?" Asked the goat without looking at the boy.

"Do you think I'm being too naive?" He asked back.

"Not really; if finding the miraculous item was your only goal, I'd say yes, but you bet on still trying to practice senjutsu there somehow, right?"

"Yes, without the presence of ethernano in the environment, maybe I could feel something, I..." Jean paused for a couple of seconds before speaking. "I'm sorry"

Capricorn was silent, paying attention to everything, from the tone of Jean's voice to his breathing.

"I know I promised I'd bring Miss Layla back, but…" He stopped, not sure what excuse to make.

Would he say it was too difficult? That he wasn't fit to do something like that?

Wasn't he who always said that he could achieve anything?

Hadn't he confidently declared that he would?

"Jean-sama". The spirit's male voice snapped him out of his negative thoughts, and looking up; Jean could see him standing in front of him.

"It seems you have forgotten what I said to you that day in the hospital". He said calmly as he put a hand on his shoulder.

"Just giving us hope that it was possible to save Layla-sama was more than you should do; Cancer-sama, Aquarius-sama, and I know how hard you have worked every day; we know about each time the spirits healed you; we know the pain of the injuries you carried, Aquarius-sama personally asked them every day until the day you left, only to complain later about how reckless you were, we more than anyone understand the mortality of humanity, but Layla-sama was and is special for the 3 of us, so seeing you strive every day for years to bring her back, fills our hearts with happiness, so don't think you're unworthy"

The spirit finished saying while watching Jean's surprised expression until a clearly embarrassed female voice caught their attention.

"W-what? Of course not!"

Jean and Capricorn turned their heads to see a flushed Lucy denying Virgo something.

"You… asked Virgo to distract her, right?" The chestnut asked.

"Well, I wanted to have this conversation since I learned the destination of your trip, and I felt that it would be best if it were private". The spirit said as he used his fingers to push his dark glasses.

"Thank you, Capricorn, really"

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"Don't worry about it, but if you allow me to make a request". He spoke before bowing slightly. "The place you two are going to is very dangerous, so on behalf of all her spirits, please, take care of Lucy-sama; she is one of the most important people to us". He finished saying before straightening up again.

"I definitely will; after all, she is also someone very important to me"

"Thank you, and remember, you have our support; we will be here for whatever you need, all of us". The spirit said before turning around and walking toward Lucy and Virgo.

Jean looked at the spirit's back for a couple of seconds before leaning back on the rock where he was sitting and looking at the sky that was beginning to turn reddish.


"So…." Lucy asked, seeing Jean looking at the night sky while floating in a kind of pool made by him and Virgo.

Before their spirits disappeared, Virgo had made a hole, and Jean used a sword of fire to seal the walls, then one of water to fill it, and a fire one more time to make a makeshift hot spring, and not satisfied with that, he had also thrown some lemons into the hot water pool, giving a pleasant smell to the water.

"Um? What's wrong, Lucy? The brown-haired boy asked, stopping floating on his back and standing up.

"I just wanted to know if you were fine now"

"Oh, that? Don't worry, I finished healing me about 30 minutes ago; look, not a single scratch". He spoke as his palm collided with his chest, showing that all cuts and bruises were gone. "I just was enjoying the hot water a bit more before I got out"

Lucy averted her eyes a little while she mentally reproached herself. 'Why am I embarrassed?! I've seen him in a bathing suit many times before; it's all the fault of Virgo and Aquarius, saying unnecessary things always'

"Hey, Lucy!" Jean's voice and the drops of water flying towards her snapped her out of her thoughts.

"Eh? W-what?"

"I was asking how your ankle was. Does it still hurt?"

"Ah, not much, I still can't walk completely well, but I'll be fine tomorrow for sure". She was quick to assure.

Jean looked thoughtful for a moment before speaking. "Well, I think I can help a little with that, sit on the shore, take off your shoes, bandages and put your feet in the water"


"Just do it, trust me". He told her before closing his eyes and holding his necklace.

Lucy wanted to object, but as she looked at Jean, she felt her body slowly move to do what he had asked her to do, her shoes being left on the floor beside her, as were her stockings, and the bandage that tightened her ankle was carefully unwrapped avoiding the lingering pain as much it was possible.

As her feet sank into the hot water, she felt herself relax a bit; she could understand why Jean loved long hot baths so much.

"Well". He spoke again when his eyes widened, and he started walking toward her. "I've never given anyone a massage, so that it might be a bit uncomfortable at first; if at any time it hurts, makes sure you tell me". He said as his hand slowly reached towards her aching foot.

Normally she would have jumped back in embarrassment at the first touch, but although she did feel nervous and embarrassed, for some reason, she couldn't withdraw her foot.

She blamed Virgo for making her nervous.

At the moment his hands wrapped around her foot as gently as possible, she felt like something seemed to enter her body; it was a familiar, relaxing, and peaceful sensation; the strangely familiar energy began to slowly but steadily ease her pain as Jean's hands rubbed her skin, it was like when Jean allowed her to hold what he called the 'Sensword', though this time, the feeling slipped inside her and ran through her entire body.

"T-this… senjutsu?" She asked almost in a whisper, her voice weak at the new sensation.

"Um, I'm not good enough to do something like heal a wound or influence your life force to speed up the healing process, but I should at least be able to relax the inflamed muscles causing the pain to subside, and with any luck, that might make things better". He spoke in a calm tone as he continued to massage.

And that somehow puzzled her and even annoyed her just a little; why he didn't sound nervous while she could barely keep from turning into a blushing, babbling bundle of nerves?

Using all her effort, she turned her gaze back to him only to find him looking out at the water, he didn't even seem to be looking at her foot, but he still had a thoughtful and worried expression as he continued to massage.

"You know? I've been thinking". Finally, he started to speak, and Lucy was grateful that he did; even if she just listened without being able to respond, it would ease her embarrassment at least a little.

"The day we met in Rublan Town, I thought I'd sneak out in the middle of the night. I even left some money stashed in the hammerspace of your bracelet; I thought that would be for the best, that it was too dangerous and that I had to do it alone; even now, I'm not really sure what stopped me at that time". He said without showing a hint of regret as if he was talking about what he ate the day before.

"But as we traveled, I began to think, and after the fight, I think I understood it; seeing how much you fought to show me that you were strong enough to accompany me, I understood that I had no right to deny your decision in the same way that I would not let anyone denied me my desire to go and travel around the world; and in a way I'm glad, well, what I'm trying to say is..." He broke off, and looking a little embarrassed; he looked up at her directly.

"That you decided to accompany me even knowing that it was dangerous, no, the fact that you did it because you knew it was dangerous made me a little happy, thank you". He said before looking down again.

Why? Why did he have to tell her something like that now? Didn't he realize what he was causing?

No, she knew he didn't; after all, that was the way of the person known as Jean Faure, and somehow, for some reason, that made her both happy and angry; because she knew his words contained nothing but pure sincerity.

Unconsciously her hands, which until that moment had been at her sides, rose, slowly approaching his face; she had to see it, she had to see that sparkle in his eyes once more; only then would she confirm her suspicions.

But when her hands were a dozen centimeters away, they stopped, something in the environment changed, no, it would be more accurate to say that something inside her changed, the sensation of calm that had run through her body stopped, Jean's hands had separated from her foot, and the loss of the soothing sensation brought her fully back to her senses.

"Well, that's all for now; how do you fe-". Jean looked up once more as he spoke but stopped when he saw Lucy's hands near his head. "Something happens? Do I have something in my hair?

"Eh, y-yes! I mean, no, I saw something on the sides of your hair, but it was just the reflection of the light"

"Oh, I see, then, just to be sure". He spoke before completely submerging himself underwater for a few seconds.

Lucy watched him submerge, and before he came out, her hands returned to her sides.

Jean lifted his head out of the water and brushed his hair back. "That should take care of anything I might have had". He told himself before looking back at Lucy. "So, how's it now? Better?"

"Yes, I feel much better now". She said before taking her feet out of the water and drying them with the towel that was near her. "I'm going to sleep; I want to rest my foot as much as possible until tomorrow"

"Oh, ok, see ya"

She heard him say goodbye to her as she walked away; what was she thinking? They were about to enter a dangerous place; stirring the mood of both of them in that way would not be beneficial.

"But when we finish here; when we get out of the forest". She told herself with a determined tone.

She would check if her hunch was real or not, and then she would make her decision.


"God, how much time is left? You said we would arrive first thing in the morning". Lucy complained as she and Jean climbed a small rocky slope.

"Don't be impatient; it's only almost 8 a.m, and believe it or not, yesterday's fight delayed us a bit; normally, it should take us a little longer". Jean said when he finally reached the top before reaching down and offering his hand to Lucy.

"Besides". He told before helping her up. "Patience is a good virtue". Jean said as they both finally stood on top, and looking in front of them was a vast forest a little more than a kilometer away.

"So". He spoke again, drawing her attention. "Ready to challenge the hitherto insurmountable anti-mage forest?"

She smiled, showing how confident she was that they would get through this. "Of course I am"

And with that, the two of them marched directly toward the forest.

Well, chapter 21, here we are, entering the final stretch of this arc and the first "volume" of this story, which should be in chapter 25.

I want to let you know that when the first volume is finished, I will take a break before starting with the second.

First, because God knows that I need a break, because committing to release one chapter per week until finishing this "volume" has been one of the most challenging things I have had to do, and in doing so, my respect for the authors, both fanfics as novels, manga and works in general that they publish on a weekly and continuous; rose to stratospheric levels, all these people have a level of responsibility and commitment that I doubt I can match.

Second, because most of that time will be used to adjust some things about the plot of the next volume, the general plot, from beginning to end, is already in my head.

But since the second arc will be longer than this one, I would like to improve everything as much as I can.

And although being objective, I am aware that it will not be the pinnacle of writing, I am still a little excited, and I hope it will entertain you.

Third, because there will be a certain "activity" in my family that I cannot ignore, it is something important, at least for me, and during that time, of 20 days, I will hardly have time to write.

That's all for now, Ciao.

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