The Secretary is Thirsty (R-18)

Chapter 11: Chapter 11 Officer

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As an intergalactic top company, not to mention the old and powerful Nemes family behind it, MUC has its own military force, that is, its security division, to protect its branches, subsidies and goods, from space pirates and the sort. As such, the security division often cooperates with both the Imperial Army and the police force, and to encourage relations and good team coordination, they conduct joint training exercises at MUC’s training base once a month.

Suna was in a good mood as it was the day of the monthly joint training, and as the personal head secretary of the CEO, he was required to participate. Being surrounded by sweaty, muscular, testosterone filled men was a delight each time, for Suna it was eye candy once their shirts stuck to their powerful bodies, allowing him to appreciate their body builder like muscles.

But that wasn’t the only reason he was happy. The joint training was being conducted on a Friday for the month, and Suna had recognised Fridays as his lucky fuck days since he was ambushed by the lieutenant general. After he recalled Egavar’s mention of his own information and how his Uncle Eru had complimented him when he had woken up that day by saying; ‘The bounty on your ass is too cheap.’ So, a certain secretary had realised that his 50/50 bet on the Young Master’s butler had worked, and that Fridays were the day they had put on his bounty.

Suna: …I wonder what cock they’re sending me today?

Not exactly unusual, but because of his anticipation, the secretary was hornier and thirstier than ever. He even materialised his cunt so that he could stuff buttplugs and dildos up both his holes during the whole day of training. Once in the outdoor training grounds conducting drills, his imagination was going wild when he saw all the firm butts around him. Some of them even gave him the itch to spread their cheeks and fuck those tight muscular asses with his own cock.

Those training with him could never imagine that the cold faced beauty’s head was filled with fucking them or being fucked by them while his two tight holes were stuffed with two hard toys.

Though he felt regretful for not getting any eye candy, it was lucky that as the Boss’s secretary he had the benefit of a private shower room after training, otherwise it was guaranteed that his cock would be terribly hard if he joined in the communal bath with the other men. Not to mention his stuffed holes would get exposed.

After his shower, Suna sat in the not so private open office he had at the security division and got to work on the documents from the security division that he needed to handle. With the number of documents, he’d definitely be working into his favourite overtime.

The office was quiet as more and more people left to go home or to their dormitories, in the end only the sounds of typing, pen scratching and the low hum of vibrations could be heard. At some point, Suna had turned on the vibrations of his dildo, giving him a lot of pleasure as he worked. Now that it had gotten late, Suna’s bad habit acted up again. He unzipped his trousers and pulled out his dick that had been hard for a while, and he just left it twitching to itself as he continued to work, feeling a bit disappointed that he still hadn’t been ambushed yet.

Suna: …Will it be in the parking lot again? …Or did I deduce wrongly in the end?

After he finished the last document, his eyes felt heavy as he yawned. He had been overexcited from anticipation and stimulating his holes all day on top of the intense training. His head started to droop and before he knew it, he fell asleep using his arms on the desktop as his pillow.


In the training base’s gym, a shirtless tall man with long pointy ears, stepped off the equipment and wiped the sweat from his dark bronze skin littered with ferocious scars that covered his powerful muscles. His short black hair in a buzz cut also got wiped, his amethyst eyes that were naturally fierce and sharp narrowed in contentment after he had finished a satisfying workout.

“You’re the last one Etanimod.” An older man poked his head into the gym as he waved at the strong man. “You sure you won’t consider switching to the Army?”

“General, I’m quite happy being a police officer.” Etanimod’s husky voice chuckled as he shook his head.

“Suit yourself, Officer Ffuc.” The old General shrugged, he had come to the joint training to try and find a few good seeds worth nurturing, but the one he’d found was a hard nut. It was a pity, but he wasn’t going to force it.

After the Old General left, Etanimod checked a certain site on his terminal and reread the reviews under a certain secretary’s bounty, his eyes filled with doubt. He had accepted the bounty, but he honestly couldn’t see the sluttiness that the bounty and reviews spoke about during the training. Then again, in his line of work, he often comes across masters of deception, so he still accepted it. If it was untrue and the bounty was harassing the secretary, he’d just fulfil his duty as a part of the police force. If it was true, then he’d have a good time with a beauty.

He remembered that the secretary had been working in an open office near the main lounge, so Etanimod headed over leisurely.

As soon as he entered the office past the parting screen, he saw the secretary asleep on the desk, his long silky waist length black hair cascading down his back and some scattered over his face. Etanimod saw him deeply asleep and before thinking about whether the man was a slut or not, he wondered if he should wake the peaceful sleeper. What changed his mind, was the buzzing sound his long ears picked up on in the quiet office, he concentrated on his hearing and found that the source of the noise was the secretary.

Etanimod raised his brows as he remembered the information given to him after he accepted the bounty. He walked over to the secretary and pulled him up so that he was leaning against the back of his chair, looking down, Etanimod was stunned when he saw the hard huge dick proudly standing and swaying with the movement of Suna being pulled back.

“Looks like I’ll have to detain you for public indecency.” A wolfish glint passed through those fierce amethyst eyes as Etanimod picked up his prey, with one arm behind Suna’s back and the other behind his knees. The secretary’s exposed cock happily swaying and twitching as he was carried away.


Suna stirred with a hiss as he felt a weight pulling on his nipples, he blinked the sleepiness away from his blurry eyes until he was more awake. His eyes widened as he registered what was going on.

His hands were cuffed behind his head by energy cuffs and his legs were spread and tied into a wide M pose, not a thread of clothing was on his skin and his holes were hungry and empty as his toys had unknowingly been taken out! He looked down at his nipples and was stunned to find that his rings were cuffed together by a pair of ancient metal handcuffs, the weight of them pulled his nipples down, stretching them more than a normal nipple clamp.

Suna's already stiff dick, instantly started to leak precum at the situation, he'd definitely been ambushed. Plus, the ambusher probably saw his cock out in the open.

“You're awake then, Mr.Tuls.” A husky voice sounded behind him as a big thick bronze arm reached over his head and the big hand grabbed the cuff chain, lifting it to stretch and tug his nubs upwards.

Hiss! ...Where is this place?” Suna enjoyed the tingle with the pain as he looked at the room without windows and just a dim spotlight shining down on himself.

“I borrowed one of your company's training base's interrogation rooms.” The large hand let go of the cuffs, causing them to yank on the secretary’s nubs as they landed. “It's a bit far to the police station from here.”

“Ah!” Suna couldn’t help but yelp when he felt his nubs pulled on harshly by the heavy cuffs and then knowingly asked. “....So why am I here?”

“I've detained your slutty ass for public indecency.” The owner of the hand finally stepped into Suna's view, causing him to swallow his saliva.

“Officer Ffuc, how exactly was I being indecent?” Suna licked his lips as he looked at the dark elf officer he was acquainted with exuding powerful male pheromones, his cock twitched as it leaked more precum and it became sticky under his ass as his cunt started to spew out lewd juices.

“I caught you with your hard cock out.” Etanimod pulled his police baton out of its holster and controlled his strength as he hit the secretary’s leaky dick, making a sticky wet sound as it precisely hit down on the sensitive tip.

Suna’s body shuddered as his cockhead was beaten by the baton, it stung a bit, but it didn’t really hurt. It just further stimulated him.

“And you were disturbing public peace with your slutty holes stuffed with a loud vibrator.” Etanimod licked his lips as he moved his baton down, pressing on the balls as the baton went past them, he then paused and thought for a moment before removing a piece of enchanted fabric from his space storage. He used his mana to tie it around the secretary’s dick and encased the hefty sacks within. He was satisfied when he saw that the sacks were no longer in the way.

Suna shuddered as he felt his balls enter a strange empty place, he couldn’t quite describe the feeling of only his balls being in a separate space. But he didn’t have time to think before he released shocked moans as he felt the police baton tip grinding down on his clit mercilessly.

“Anh~!” Suna cried out as his clit was crushed, causing his body to shiver as his thighs trembled and his toes curled. His cunt was sopping wet and even his asshole was starting to leak lewd juices.

Etanimod continued to abuse the secretary’s reddening clit and varied it with a few hits on the wet pussy before sliding back up to the engorged clit.

“As it's a first time offence, I'll just give you a small punishment and let you go.” Etanimod smirked as he grinded the baton against the contacting pussy hole, watching how the thirsty hole tried to suck the baton inside but couldn’t.

“...Small~?...haanh~!” Suna panted as he looked at the huge tent in the officer's crotch. “Doesn’t look like that.... aaannh~... to meeee~! Ah!”

The officer raised a brow as he used his mana to tug on the cuffs making them yank the hard and swollen nipples forcefully, resulting in a screech from Suna. He then used his big hand to barely take hold of the secretary’s impressive rod and started to pump it in his hand, the thing was wet and slippery due to how much it had leaked. His other hand caressed the solid muscles of the secretary’s abdomen. Because he had to get closer in order to reach, the fabric covering the tent in his crotch, grinded against Suna’s puffy labia and grazed against the abused clit.

“Do you know how many people in the police and army would kill for a physique like yours?” Etanimod stroked and pinched the tense 8-pack with honest admiration. He hadn't expected the secretary to be covered in powerful muscles after he stripped him of his clothes. “To think that such a body belongs to a slut.”

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“Believe it or not.... hnnh~.... this ish the reshult... anh~....of fucking myshelf for 50 yeee~ars!” Suna replied as his holes felt desperate to be filled, his breathing heavy as he moaned.

“It makes a good workout huh?” Etanimod stepped back and started to teasingly circle the baton around the spewing pussy hole. “I guess the muscles here are well trained then!”

“Annh~! Fuck!” Suna's eyes widened as he felt his pussy suddenly invaded deeply by a hard long rod, it was even hitting against the entrance of his womb!

Etanimond started to pump the baton in and out of the soppy tight cunt, he could tell that the hole was tight from the resistance he felt in pulling the baton out as the inner walls clamped down on it. He thought for a moment before a mischievous glint flashed in his amethyst eyes.

He gathered some of his mana and summoned a fairy he owed a favour to.

The fairy appeared in a sparkle of glittering lights and his eyes opened wide the moment he saw what was happening, only for a grin to appear on his face and he whistled in appreciation.

“What did ya call me for?” The palm sized macho fairy asked as he hovered in the air.

“I said I'd pay you back for your help a while ago.” Etanimod grasped the cockhead of the confused secretary, and wiped away some of the leaking liquid, showing the peehole that had been producing it. “Arhteru, from what I remember you liked this.”

Arhteru's tiny but large fairy cock instantly pitched a tent in his shorts. He flew over to huge cock that was like a tall tree to him and stood on top of the cockhead that continued releasing a stream of sticky fluids. He looked at the face of the cock's owner and was stunned by the lustful beauty who was looking at himself with anticipation, clearly aware of what he was about to do.  

Etanimod left the fairy on the cockhead as he continued to abuse the pussy sucking on his baton.

Arhteru knelt down in front of the peehole and probed his hand in, resulting in a tremor as Suna shuddered and his breath hitched from a place he doesn’t usually play with being invaded by the tiny fairy hand. Feeling the tightness of the wet hole Arhteru was pleased as he released his fairy dick from his shorts, he probed the tip of his cock in a few times before slamming the whole thing in and started to mercilessly pump his cock into the hole.

“Aaaaah!.... hnh~ no waaaay.... anh, ah, ah, ah, aah~... my cock's getting fuuucked!!” Suna cried out in broken screams as his cock hole was drilled into by a horny fairy and his pussy was pounded by a police baton. His body twitched and jerked after a while as he felt that he was about to shoot. Whilst his Boss had invaded the peehole with his mana before, it wasn’t nearly so roughly.

Arhteru was long lasting for a fairy, but to other races, he is still extremely quick at reaching climax, so, it didn’t take long before he thrust his dick in strongly a few more times and released a thick amount of fairy cum into Suna's dick. Suna screeched as his back arched and his hard cock blasted out a jet of thick hot semen, causing the tired fairy to get shot into the air by the geyser like cum!

Etanimod caught the fairy in his hand as the pussy squirted all over his baton, causing it to slip out after he took his hand away. Arhteru panted for a while before saying thanks and left the way he came.

Etanimod felt his own dick leak at the sight of the tied-up secretary whose golden eyes were misty and blurred from orgasm, and his dick was twitching with a slightly gaping urethra from the fairy's cock. His holes, however, showed how hungry and thirsty the slutty secretary still was with how much they were contracting and leaking lewd juices.

Etanimod licked his teeth as he grabbed his baton and ruthlessly shoved it into the hungry asshole that had been neglected, he enjoyed the secretary’s broken moans as the rod entered deeply into the tight tunnel. The slutty secretary’s cock was still standing and began to leak again.

After a few thrusts, Etanimod left the rest of it to his mana and finally released his own huge cock from his trousers.

Suna looked dazedly at the huge cock that was a few shades darker than its owner with natural blunt spikes all around its girth, and he couldn’t help drooling. His golden eyes filled with hunger as he stared at the dark elf's long and thick cock.

“It's been a while since I could find a good hole that could take my rod.” Etanimod spoke as he grinded his dick against the slippery wet pussy, coating it in the lewd juices. “Even for my own race I'm too big and other races don’t like elven cocks all that much. Well, except for the feline races.”

He spoke nonchalantly whilst the secretary was unable to answer, he couldn’t stop his moans as the blunt spikes rubbed over his clit and cunt while his ass was stuffed with the police baton. His swollen nipples had been tugged continuously by his own movements the entire time due to the weight of the cuffs.

Etanimod made sure his dick was glistening with the secretary’s pussy juices before he started to probe the cunt hole with his fat cockhead. He slipped it in glands deep a few times and made sure that the hole could stretch enough before he pushed it in to the hilt in one go. He sighed as he felt the warm wet tight walls clamp down on his cock.

Suna screamed silently as he felt the long and fat elven dick immediately enter all the way into his womb, the man’s cock was stupidly long! He didn’t even need to look as he could guess that his abdomen must have a spiky bulge from Etanimod's rod.

“You even have a womb!” Etanimod raised his brows as he grunted from the pleasure of his cockhead being sucked on by another mouth inside the tight tunnel. He also made note not to cum inside the pussy hole, he wasn’t going to be irresponsible.

He let Suna's body adjust to his dick for a moment before he started to piston his hard cock in and out of the secretary’s pussy like a pile driver, matching the rhythm of the baton his mana pumped in the secretary’s tight back hole.

The interrogation room was filled with wet squelches and loud broken screaming moans as the strong officer pounded the slutty secretary like an insatiable beast, his heavy sacks slapping against the secretary’s plump ass.

Etanimod fucked the continuously cumming secretary senseless for many hours before he finally reached his peak. He yanked his beastly cock out of the gaping red pussy, lay Suna on his side after cutting the ropes on his legs, raised one of the secretary’s legs high and forgetting to take out the baton, he rammed his dick straight into the tight frothy anal hole. Stretching it wide as he pounded hilt deep a few times before releasing a thick stream of hot cum into Suna’s sensitive insides whilst forcing the baton to press against the secretary’s prostrate as he cried out in broken hoarse moans.

With both in one hole, Suna’s dick and pussy were squirting like a fire hose, causing a puddle to form on the floor with the sound of water pouring from a height, in the end, Suna’s cock spouted a yellow fountain as his stomach inflated from the dark elf's huge amount of cum.

Suna thought dazedly as he looked at his cum pregnancy and his pissing cock: ...Why do they like making me piss myself?

Etanimod came for quite a long time before pulling out, and lying Suna on back onto his back, legs and holes unable to close as his cock dripped out the last few pitiful drops of yellow liquid. A thick stream of cum spilling from his ass as the baton slipped out and hit the floor.

Etanimod uncuffed the secretary’s hands and nubs as he used his mana to clean up both the inside and outside of the secretary, resulting in tired whimpering from the exhausted secretary. Yet he saw the secretary spot his own toys on the side and just stare at them, he was speechless as he grabbed them and shoved them back into the holes he'd taken them out from.

Suna sighed in content as his empty abused holes were stuffed again and fell asleep.

Etanimod shook his head and chuckled.

“Your punishment, is over.” Etanimod picked up the secretary and took him to where the bounty employer said to drop him off and they'd take care of it from there.

The next morning, Suna woke up in the bedroom of his Boss attached to the office and wasn’t surprised. He grinned and turned over, falling back to sleep blissfully.

On a certain site under a certain secretary’s bounty, two more full star reviews appeared.

[ThornyCop: The slut enjoyed a slight beating, though not too much. His holes could handle my spiky dick and his asshole could even cope with my fat cock and a long thick baton at the same time. I wouldn’t mind detaining him for exposing his cock in public again.]

[MachoFairy: The slut’s urethra was tighter than any fairy pussy or ass I've had before! I must be summoned again!]


Hope you enjoyed it
(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤~

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