The Secretary is Thirsty (R-18)

Chapter 15: Chapter 15 The Elcatnet race

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It was once again Friday, and Suna accepted reluctantly that he probably wouldn’t get ambushed on this day, for as the head secretary of MUC, or to be precise, as the CEO of MUC’s personal secretary, there were times he needed to attend events of places the Boss was invited to. As it was keeping either business partners happy or finding potential candidates for collaboration, going to these events or places of invite were compulsory.

The venue this time was an intergalactic opera at a famous theatre run by Klim Rekcus; the Elcatnet race’s Royal family’s second prince. And the Boss had been invited by the prince himself this time, so as the secretary, he couldn’t be absent. He sulked as he mentally waved farewell to a possible good fuck.

“What’s the matter?” Laro raised a brow as he looked at his sulking secretary sitting next to him in the backseat of the hover limousine.

“…I feel empty.” Suna spoke lifelessly.

“Didn’t you eat breakfast?” Laro tilted his head.

“Ate it.” Suna just stared at Laro blankly.

“Then what do you mean?” Laro unusually didn’t pick up on Suna’s meaning.

“…We’re currently headed to Ssuc theatre.” Suna rolled his eyes and glared. “One of the most securely guarded places in the galaxy and known for their super strict security checks.”

Getting the stink eye from his secretary Laro finally cottoned on to Suna’s meaning.

“Ooh. That kind of empty.” Laro chuckled, he should’ve realised what his slutty secretary meant sooner, The lustful thing is sulking because he can’t wear any of his favourite toys.

Suna just snorted and continued to sulk until they arrived at the Ssuc theatre.

The Ssuc theatre was basically a large space station located on a planet in the outskirts of the Empire’s galaxies, and it was very popular even with neighbouring galactic countries. They had taken a space shuttle to get to the planet initially before boarding the hover limousine they were currently seated in.

As soon as he alighted the hover limousine, Suna’s sulk switched to a cold, stern and professional expression as moved to the other side of the vehicle and opened the door for Laro. Laro alighted and strode over to the VIP entrance without hesitation, his secretary keeping up one step behind him.

They were guided by an efficient and well-mannered usher through the splendidly decorated halls of the theatre and led to their VIP private box that had been especially reserved for them. Their VIP box was located right next to the Royal box.

The usher bowed and left after showing them the facilities inside.

Laro instantly headed for one of the comfy sofas that the stage is visible from and slumped back, intending to relax before the long, possibly several days long opera began. Suna headed for the same sofa and paused briefly before sitting down. He had noticed that where he sat, there was a hole in the seat, all the way to the floor. He didn’t think much of it as the Elcatnet race always made sure there was seating fit their own race in each box.

Whilst the Elcatnet race could have a humanoid form if they tried, they were mostly like a jellyfish with the appendages of an octopus, except without the suckers. Their tendrils were more like vines. As such, their own establishments seating often had holes to post their tendrils into.

After an hour of waiting for all the audience to be present and seated, the lights dimmed, and the voices gradually faded out as the orchestra in the pit finished their fine tuning. The thick stage curtain rose, and the opera began.

Suna ended up forgetting his feeling of emptiness as he became immersed in the acts on stage and the powerful singing that flowed in harmony with the orchestra.

A few hours had gone by, and the first act was coming to its climax, Suna swiftly rushed to the bathroom attached to their VIP box, he could no longer hold it in, his bladder was desperate. He finished as swiftly as he could to return, he sat back down on the sofa and stiffened.

He could quite clearly see that there had been nothing in his seat, yet when he sat down, it felt as if he was sat on a bunch of squirming snakes. He looked down between his legs to the seat and there was nothing there, yet he could clearly feel it. He racked his brains before recalling a special report from the Nemes family’s covert team about the second Prince of the Elcatnet race, he recalled that it was said that Klim was a mutant and could become invisible if he wished. Suna's lips curled up as a thought entered his mind, ignoring a warning like shudder coming from his heart.

Suna: Maybe I’ll be ambushed today after all.

He waited for a bit, but the ‘snakes' didn’t do anything, so eventually Suna relaxed and ignored them. That is until he felt two small tendrils slip into the collar of his suit and instantly captured the two nubs on his chest. Suna’s breath hitched as the tendrils coiled around each nub, squeezing and pulling them, causing them to stiffen as they also tugged and played with the rings attached. He felt the tendrils secret a liquid as they played, making his nipples slippery and an itch within them started to feel more and more prominent.

Just as he was trying not to fidget from the itch, he felt a smooth slippery tendril that was slightly larger, slip up and under the bottom of his suit before it slid into his trousers, heading straight for his limp rod contained in his space enchanted trousers. More than one tendril coiled around his flaccid cock and like the small tendrils at his chest, they secreted a liquid as they started to rub and squeeze his dick. He felt a similar itch in his dick as it steadily rose to attention. His sacks weren’t left alone either as they were coiled around and squeezed. The tendril coiled around his cock started to pump up and down as the tip of the tendril played with his cockhead, slipping in and out of his foreskin and circling the tip of his rod that already started to leak.

The secretary soon sucked in a breath as the final song of the first act reached its climax and clenched his fists. Another, small tendril had tickled the tip of his dick before it drilled right into his peehole! He shuddered as it reached quite a depth inside his cock, but it didn’t move, just stayed there quietly while all the other tendrils continued teasing his hardening nipples and stiff dick.

Suna tried his best to stifle the moans stuck in his throat only to nearly choke on them as he felt his asshole being spread and stretched apart by four tendril tips, a small tendril entered his wide open hole that he only felt once it reached a little deeper inside as it sprayed some liquid into his anal tunnel. His toes curled as he soon felt an itch in his hole, yet all the tendrils continued to tease his sensitive areas, stoking the flames of his itch.

The secretary finally couldn’t help squirming due to the itch as he heard a hopeless sigh from his Boss that had moved a bit closer to himself without his notice.

“You really are a hopeless slut.” Laro's voice was quiet as his big hand reached into his secretary’s trousers, yet he kept his gaze at the stage below.

Suna felt the tendrils on his dick retreat as his Boss’s hand grabbed hold of it instead and pumped it roughly. Suna was tingling with excitement at the situation, plus the Boss’s hand was more helpful at handling the itch on his cock than the tendrils were, though there’s still one buried into his dick. He materialised his favourite monkey’s tail and made it a lot longer as he made it slip past his Boss’s belt and into his space enchanted boxers, immediately coiling around the giant that was waking up and reciprocated the Boss’s pumping.

Even if they stifled their moans and grunts, their sharp hearing could still pick up on the squelching from their actions, the Boss and his secretary were hopelessly turned on.

Laro felt his secretary’s dick twitch and shudder, he glanced at his secretary’s widened lust filled golden eyes and smirked as he continued pumping the impressive rod before returning his gaze to the stage.

Suna released a stifled whimper as he felt a fat long tendril enter his held stretched hole! It reached so deep that he couldn’t help putting his hand on his abdomen under his suit and felt the tendril like bulge that had appeared. He bit his lips and trembled as the fat thing in his hole retreated and plunged back in with strength.

His asshole was abused by a huge cock like tendril as smaller tendrils played with his other sensitive areas right under the nose of his Boss who continued to pump his dick. The movements of the fat thing in his ass were rough and brutal as it mercilessly ravaged him, increasing its speed every other thrust.

The lights of the venue suddenly came on as the first act ended and the brief interval began. Laro turned and looked at his secretary that was breathing hard with misty eyes and flushed cheeks, his hand squeezed strongly onto the secretary’s dick as he felt the monkey's tail coiled around his cock squeeze and pump harder.

He looked at the chest of his secretary where he could see a distinctive squirming from beneath the fabric and a mischievous glint flashed in his eyes. He used his mana to unbutton each of the secretary’s buttons and opened his suit up under the excited gaze of Suna.

Laro admired the view of the hard reddening nipples getting tugged and stretched by seemingly thin air, the strange bulge in the secretary’s abdomen showed the great time his slutty secretary was having, yet Laro kept a completely straight face as if he hadn’t noticed.

“Slut, I'm thirsty.” Laro spoke hoarsely as he reached his hands forwards and pinched the hard nubs, causing Suna to release a groan.

Suna’s nipples began to expel a white liquid as he understood what his Boss meant, ever since he showed he could lactate, the Boss liked to have some during his blow job sessions. Laro bent down and leaned into Suna’s chest, his hot mouth encasing the hard nubs as his free hand teased the other, the hand on his secretary’s cock didn’t stop as he rolled his tongue around Suna’s areola before lapping the tip of the leaking nipple. He used his teeth to nip the stiff nub as he started to suck on it. The sweet creamy milk entered his throat as he suckled on his secretary’s nubs, taking turns with each nipple as he used his mana to fondle and squeeze the squishy firm pecs they were attached to.

Suna finally couldn’t help moaning as his ass was fucked hard and deeply, and his milk was drunk by his Boss. The fact that anyone using binoculars in the opposite box would be able to see him getting milked and fucked if they looked over made him feel incredibly aroused. His body stiffened and jerked as he came for the first time that day, however, his cum never came out his dick as it was directly devoured by the tendril buried in his penis, causing him to shudder as the tendril in there pumped a little bit whilst swallowing his cum before staying still again.

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Suna eyes suddenly widened once his Boss stopped suckling his nipples as he felt the tiny holes his milk came out from drilled into by tiny tendrils and felt them inject his nubs with a cold liquid, making his pecs feel sore and full. Laro watched the nipples twitch, and the squishy pecs expand a bit and raised his brow. He used his free hand and squeezed the secretary’s pecs, resulting in a jet of milk bursting from his nubs that flowed into an invisible tube before disappearing.

Laro's brows twitched as he stifled the grunt in his throat. The tail coiled around his dick had tightened greatly whilst pumping, causing his to cum in his boxers. Luckily they were space enchanted so the cum didn’t make a mess in the private box.

Speaking of cumming, Suna had been nonstop cumming since a while ago and showed no signs of stopping as his ass was ravaged, his nipples were constantly lactating whilst invaded and his dick was being drained from the inside as soon as he released any semen. He swiftly realised that the liquid that had been secreted by the tendrils had probably been an aphrodisiac, because he felt insatiable thirsty. It was to the extent that he materialised his cunt that was instantly wet and invaded by another fat tendril. His mind was clouded as a he vaguely had a bad premonition as a lustful fire burned in his body, similar to one from long ago, forgotten in the recesses of his mind.

Laro watched as Suna’s body convulsed and his back arched as his pussy squirted like crazy while it was abused by the tendril. His tongue hung over his lips as he panted like a dog, yet the tendrils showed no sign of stopping anytime soon. And they really didn’t.

The opera was 2 days long, and in that time, the tendrils never left Suna’s insides, even as he slept in the bedroom attached to their private box. In fact, the ravaging went up a level as once in bed he could change his position while his Boss slept. Suna’s mind had long become blank as he was fucked silly.

By the final act, Suna was a mess. His nipples were bright red and swollen, his stuffed holes were swollen and puffy, and his stomach was sore from being made to bulge too much. His milk was still being forced out and by this point he was being forced to produce semen from his should be empty sacks by the strange liquid being secreted by the tendrils.

Suna finally couldn’t help but whimper as genuine tears fell from his eyes, he'd long stopped enjoying it as he felt he'd simply become a fuck toy for the invisible bastard.

Laro's eyes widened as he received a look of begging from those golden eyes. During the last day or so, he'd become numb to the sounds next to him and had filtered them out as he watched the opera, but seeing those usually cheeky, lust filled eyes become dull and wet from actual tears, he couldn’t help but want to kick himself. At the end of the day, Suna was a good friend, and was more like a family member after working so close with him over the decades, yet he hadn’t noticed when Suna went from excitement to needing help.

Laro's emerald eyes became icy as he glared at the invisible space behind the sofa, the second prince had breached the conditions of the bounty as the fucking was no longer consensual, and his secretary had long stopped enjoying it. Forced pleasure counted as hurting Suna. He used his mana and encased the invisible being with pressure from all sides, and if the prince didn’t stop, Laro didn’t mind crippling him.

Suna’s body spasmed as the tendrils invading his body suddenly stopped moving and yanked themselves out in one move, causing all his holes to release varying liquids at once as he was brought into his Boss’s arms.

Suna’s consciousness started to slip as his Boss picked him up carefully and he could only make out a few words before he blacked out.

“Seeing as your Highness can’t abide by the contract signed after accepting the bounty, I see no reason to trust you to keep to your business contracts.” Laro's voice was cold and sharp like a blade.

“Isn't the point of that bounty to punish a slut?” A strange gargled voice replied, though the owner of the voice has no intentions toyshop himself.

“If you read the conditions properly like you're meant to, it's clear that it's meant to be a reward for this hard working slut.” Laro snarled. “It specifically stated that he should be willing, not hurt and that no one was to try and break him. Which clearly you were trying to do. It also stated the consequences of doing any of those things.”

“What can a mere company do to me?” The gargled voice mocked.

“To a second prince of a small powerless Royal family in decline?” Laro sneered. “I can do a lot.”

“Not if you can't leave!” The gargled voice growled as a weird green puke coloured jellyfish with squirming tentacles appeared in the room. Its tentacles spread out and shot towards Laro. However, it didn’t get far before hitting into a barrier created by Laro's mana.

Laro prepared to attack, but before he got the chance, a strong thick purple tentacle suddenly appeared and dropped down onto the jelly head of the second prince causing his consciousness start to fade.

“You little shit.” A deep baritone voice that was laced with anger sounded in the room as Laro saw his collaborative partner, the CEO of Modnoc, Erutam enter through the balcony of the VIP box. Clearly, he had used his mana to fly over the audience without being seen. “How dare you treat him like that! Whilst he maybe a slut, he's still one of the beloved great-grandsons of the Mer-King, Hsitef! You just hold a grudge from when he rejected you when he was 5!”

“...Isn’t the Prince 280years old this year?” Laro's expression darkened.

“Yeah, he's a pedo.” Erutam's purple face had the word ‘disgusted' written on his face. “This bastard is the reason why Suna's so slutty. When he was just 5 years old, this stinky thing forced a special medicine of the Elcatnet Royal family into his mouth after being rejected by the cute innocent little guy. It's a nasty thing that lies dormant until puberty if given to a child, making them horny to an unbearable extent. Suna has no memory of the incident as it became a trauma for him. As for his parents, they're not actually on a long honeymoon, in fact, they're trying to find the cure to what this bastard did.”

“Any luck?” Laro's face became worse as he regretted allowing the pile of jelly to accept the bounty.

“They did.” Erutam’s expression was complicated. “In fact, it’s why the bounty your family has put on his ass has been allowed. The cure is none other than fucking him until he's satisfied, though he has to enjoy it, or it'll just continue to aggravate it instead.”

“Sounds like I need to thoroughly investigate the Elcatnet race.” Laro narrowed his eyes as he remembered how natural it was for the prince to do what he did. “If my intuition is right, depending on the result, it might not only be the Royal family that disappear.”

“I'll assist.” Erutam smirked as he stretched out his hand and swept the hair on Suna's face away. “By the way, I have a message from his Grandfather.”

“Hm?” Laro raised his brow.

“The Mer-King's message is: Seeing as you respect my great-grandson and treat him well, not to mention the goal of your brother, I have arranged with your parents that you, your brother and his little butler shall be wed! Don’t worry about romance, just keep your relation as is, it's just that as he is a member of the Royal family, the one responsible for his deflowering should take responsibility, as long as you treat him well of course, which you do, and as it's the three of you that are truly responsible, the three of you shall wed him!” Erutam took a deep breath from talking as he looked at the dumbfounded look on Laro's face and shrugged. “It's not a bad deal kid, from what I know of your family, the slut in your arms is one of the only ones who can handle you anyway.”

“No... I don’t have a problem with it, it's just so sudden.” Laro blinked, he really didn’t have a problem with marrying the slut with his brother and the jealous butler. His own parents were an arranged marriage, and they've never been romantically attracted to each other but are good friends, and once he and his brother were older, they didn’t shy away from being noticed as active fuck buddies either. They were a bit wild with how they played sometimes.

“His Grandfather has also said that you can allow one last person to accept the bounty for his ass whilst they arrange the procedures for the marriage.” Erutam spoke as he patted Laro on the shoulder. “Now, we should leave before the jelly bag wakes up.”

Laro and Erutam left the Ssuc theatre and went their separate ways, they had a lot to deal with.

Laro took Suna to the Nemes's private hospital to make sure he was alright and not actually injured from the incident. As such he found out through the doctors that Suna wasn’t the only patient in this state and was in fact one of the better ones as he was still healthy and intact. The other patients they or other hospitals had received, weren’t so lucky. They could no longer return to a normal life, and most hadn’t even known what a normal life was and had been rescued by some people that saw them being treated as pets by the Elcatnet.

The result of the joint investigation didn’t take long as other races throughout the galaxy had also been looking into the Elcatnets, as such, they were enraged as many of their own people had been taken and enslaved as sex pets by the Elcatnets. Every single one of the Elcatnets had a sex pet, including the freshly hatched younglings.

The Empire and many of their neighbouring galactic countries raged war on the Elcatnets and rescued their people. In just a week, the whole race had been exterminated as vermin of the universe.

But this was something that the sleeping secretary would see in the coming week.

Laro looked at the exhausted pale secretary sleeping soundly on the hospital bed and thought of a conundrum.

Laro: Now.... how do I tell Sinep that we've got two slutty wives?


Hope you enjoyed it
(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤~

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