The Section Chief Uncle Who’s a Former Transferee to Another World goes to Another World a Second Time

Chapter 21: 21

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Chapter 21 - The Battle Howling at the Moon

The wolf’s footsteps were approaching the campsite.


“–Stone lump. Become a soldier and obey my command. [Rock Golem].”


Souya finished his chanting and threw the stone he had just grabbed before standing up into the void. The stone lump transformed into a stone golem about two meters in length.


“Order. Protect Mia until you break down.”


Souya continued to give the order, and the rock golem went into a defensive stance to protect Mia.


“Souya-san, this is ……”

“That Rock Golem is a stone soldier that is very good at defending itself. It’s a reminder of the fact that you missed out on the ambush the other day. You should stay where you are, Mia-kun. If I or Merylou-kun get hurt, will you be ready to heal us anytime?”


At Souya’s words, Mia nodded quietly and grasped the Cleric staff so that she could move at any time.


“…… What the hell, Souya. You’re pretty good for a rookie.”

“It’s all just for show. It’s powerful, but slow and unsuitable for combat. But it’s more than effective as a bodyguard against beasts that are intimidated by its size.”

“Well, then, I’ll show you a big one. Watch.”


Merylou was confident and grinned, and began chanting spiritual arts.



“I’ll be looking forward to it …… Oh, they’re here.”


A pack of gray wolves jumped in from the entrance of the campsite. The pack consisted of about a dozen wolves, one of which was a well-built wolf with silvery fur.


“It was a Direwolf, after all. If this is the leader of the wolves, it is unlikely that they will be afraid of the bonfire.”


Souya drew his Western-style saber from its sheath and prepared for the oncoming pack of wolves.


“-Spirit of the wind that blows in all directions. Reveal your appearance with a contract in the name of Merylou. [Wind Spirit Summoning – Summon Sylph]!”


Before the wolf pack could close in on us, Merylou’s spirit magic was completed, and with a swirling whirlwind, one of the four great spirits, the wind spirit Sylph, appeared.


“Go. Have fun as much as you want!”


When Merylou shouted, the wind spirit Sylph, in the form of a transparent maiden, transformed her body into a gust of wind and jumped into the pack of wolves. 


(Wind Spirit Summoning [Summon Sylph] …… If she can handle spirit summoning, she’s quite a master of spirit art.)


Souya was impressed with the summon Merylou had used. The wind spirit Sylph that was summoned is much stronger than the Rock Golem that Souya had just created. She’s got a lot of confidence, and there’s no doubt that she’s a silver-class adventurer.

Half of the group of gray wolves approaching, about five, were pushed back by the wind spirit Sylph, but the remaining five, including the Direwolf, slipped through the wall and headed for us.


“…… Damn, there’s too many of them.”

“I guess you can’t stop all of them with just one wind spirit, Sylph. There are five of them left. I’ll hold them off.”


Souya thrusts his left hand toward the pack of wolves, with Merylou chuckling in the background. 


“–Oh, demon snake, pursuit your target and devour him to death. [Tracking Magic Bullet – Homing Missile].”


The five magic bullets shot out from the five fingers of his left hand at the same time scattered towards the five wolves, each of them hitting the wolf’s body with precision and accuracy. A bursting sound. And the roar of the beast.


“…… It didn’t kill them. I guess it’s not as easy as it seems.”


Souya’s five tracking magic bullet homing missiles killed the four gray wolf with a single hit, but only the chief wolf Direwolf was not intimidated at all by the magic bullet and charged.


“Merylou-kun, that Direwolf has a high resistance to magic. It’s going to take a lot of work to get rid of it. Back me up, please.”

“Hey, Souya. Can you even use that? You’re a magician, aren’t you ……”


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Merylou looked at Souya’s saber and said worriedly. 


“No, don’t worry about it. I have some knowledge of martial arts. “




As the Dire Wolf howled at the full moon, the lacerations caused by the explosion of the tracking magic bullet, Homing Missile, began to smoke and regenerate. This is a special ability called Howling Full Moon. In a situation where it is not advisable to take time, Souya began to approach without hesitation, held his black glasses with his finger, and activated the Weak Point function. 


(The Weak Point is the neck …… If I cut it off, I can certainly kill it, but… )


Souya slashed at the Direwolf’s neck with his saber, but he couldn’t hit it exactly where he wanted to, and the blade only made a shallow cut across the Direwolf’s body and legs. And the cuts and scratches on the missed parts of the body started to smoke and close up again. The speed of regeneration of the wounds was faster than expected. And the high resistance to magic. It is undoubtedly a strong enemy.


(– Shallow wounds are useless, huh. But)


Souya took a big breath when he evaded the counterattack by the claws of the Direwolf with a side step.


(The deeper you step, the harder it will be to avoid the counterattack. I’d like to cut off his head, which is his weak point, but it won’t be easy …… Should I use that?)


Souya thought of his next move, which was to use the Deep Sleep that he had used on Mia before. It’s a bit of a gamble, but if the magic works, I can end the battle with one shot. The only problem is that I need to be in contact with the Direwolf to cast the spell, and if the spell is resisted, I’m likely to get a clean hit from its fangs or claws.


(…… Now, should I try Deep Sleep, despite the slight risk?)


“Souya, it’s going that way! Take this!”


In the moment when Souya was about to decide on a course of action, Merylou’s arrow pierced the Direwolf’s left eye. The Direwolf’s moaning roar echoes through the air. 


“You see, I did it!”


Rejoicing at the critical hit, Merylou was pleased, but from the eyes of the Direwolf that was pierced by the arrow, the smoke from regenerating was rising as before. And when the arrow fell out, a new, red eye formed beneath it.


“Ugh …… wow, what a beast!”


The Direwolf changed its attack target to Merylou and began to rush forward.


“W-W-Wait, hey, don’t come here!”

“Merylou-kun, hide. Just like you when disappeared from us.”


When Merylou noticed Souya’s words, she threw her bow away and hurriedly started chanting her spirit art.


“–Oh, small wind spirit, let my form melt into the void. [Invisibility]!”


When Merylou suddenly disappeared from the sight of the Direwolf, the Direwolf searced for the disappeared target for a while, but eventually turned to Souya as if he had given up. Souya narrowed his eyes at the returning Direwolf. 


“The Direwolf, as they say. Just like its name, it has terrifying regenerative abilities. But thanks to you, Merylou-kun, I was able to keep my distance.”


Souya laughed lightly and began chanting magic. The Direwolf gradually began to accelerate, and when it was close to Souya, it kicked the ground to bite his throat, and jumped up. A moment later.


“–Project in my eyes, and all things in my hands. [Material Transfer – Aport].”


The Rock Golem who had been given the order to protect Mia, moved instantly over the head of the Direwolf floating in midair. The Direwolf was trapped underneath the falling two-meter Rock Golem, and a dull cracking sound echoed from its body as he hit the ground. 


“Order. Suppress the Dire Wolf.”


The Direwolf wanted to be freed from underneath, but he was suppressed by the Rock Golem who had received a new order, and was unable to escape. The Direwolf roars in rage, and blood bubbles leaks from the mouth of the Direwolf, as if the regeneration of its injured internal organs has not yet caught up. 


“I’m sorry for my little trick. I’ll at least end you with a single stroke.”


Souya held the Western-style saber in the upper row, and with a sharp swing, sliced off the head of the defenseless Direwolf.

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