The Shadow Demon

Chapter 1: Volume 1 — Shadow Demon

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You, who exist before me.

You, who tramples before me.

Just who are you?

And what are you?

I grovel in the ground, breathing, sweating and swelling in pain but why are you still standing?

If we live in the same place with same face and body then why is there a difference?

I, myself will no longer finds you and asks of you, but doubt me, as my words will reach out to you. In the shadows, from where you belong and the light from where you stand wrong.

Be in the shadow, for I will find you in every inch of my capability and every second of your movement. Hide from the truth but the lies you made will always be your flaw.

The difference I create to differ from you is why I hate you.

Now, where do you go? As you hate me too.

Together, if we are both the same, will you admit that we are the same?

Of course, not. As a human is the same as the other human themselves. They are judged uniquely because they have aspects that a human cannot consider the same themselves. That is why they get jealous, envious, and murderous.

And for those that gifts themselves among the top, highest of all the heights. They content themselves with greed, lust, corrupt, and unequivocal desires. As man can be controlled by money and power alone, would they accept the fact that it’s wrong and unrighteous?

No. This world is its own survival for whether someone can understand that fact means they are ready to sell their soul to live, painfully, regretfully and with suffering.

That is why… That is why… I reach out to you.

My shadow. My soul. Myself.

I’ll never and will never be the same person again. To those who reached a higher spot than me and to those who are better than me. I will make sure to be the highest of you all.



The Adventurer’s Guild.

This place was the smelliest place, the noisiest place and the liveliest place. For people who have been here for a day, a week, a month and a year. They will never stop coming back nor will they ever want this place to be destroyed.

Somehow, I was rather odd out with their minds. From one who experience a lot of things and has achieved their goals and for those who did not, was lazing around here. The difference between me and them are pretty out-of-league. I’d pretty sure I will understand once I become old enough.

I eat, drink and sit in here when I don’t have anything to do. I am pretty much not out for alcohol drinks so the owner would always make sure to bring out a water for me instead.   

For a place that is full of adventurers, I am rather amazed that they aren’t fighting but enjoying themselves. A camaraderie’s bond… Is that how it is?

What a confusing bunch of people with different variety of existence in life.

With all of the liveliness in here. A sudden surprise has appeared.

A thief came running, breathing and was on his knees when he opened the door. His clothes was ragged and he was holding his belly because of the blood. “There is a bunch of monster in this town!”

Those were his last words after he fell unconscious and after a silence, everyone panicked, they ran outside to help, and some others even puked because of the scene and while this was happening, the Guild Staff was helping out the wounded and unconscious man.

Monsters should be in the forest and they should have been cleared out. This might have been a work of a dark sorcerer.

In this world full of unknown magic. I am tasked to learn more of the sources of magic, the abilities and skills and to point things out, there are a lot of classes that are divided in a factions: Thieves, Sorcerers, Knights and Rangers. They are the common things that I have only learned in this town… which I was born, and is now being invaded by monsters.

The only ways to obtain classes are pretty mysterious and I haven’t saw someone that has obtained this classes… plus, they really give an amazing skills and traits. That is why I now understand why the people gets worked up with obtaining some classes.

The world is about powers, abilities, skills and talents. That is why everyone is working hard, not just me, but that is just my opinion. Right now, this place needs some help from some people like us.

“What about you, kid?” An old senile man softly asked, not noticing that I was in front of him, sitting in silence the whole time.

“Me? Don’t worry about it. I will help!” I stand.

And thus, ah…um…I-I don’t really remember my name…But I think I know what my name would be. It would be Yuri.

You might be a Ghoul, a Zombie, a Beast or a Monster, but if you stand and threaten my homeland then you are going to pay two times the price you will never expect!





The town created several noise: The Villagers, Monsters and the houses being destroyed. Several guild members has already been in the battlefield, full of injured woman and men… It has already started and the blood has already been spilled, this whole place is already a mess.

After running around the whole town, I noticed that it was full of spell buffs: All Offense I, All Defence I, Battle Cry and Last Stand was around the town, creating a clear insignia over the sky. They were pretty much, attack power and defence power buffs.

“Help! Help!” A confused child was standing in the middle of the battlefield, crying and was lost. I ran through the child’s location and bended my knee while giving the child a pat in the head. “You’ll be safe once we reach the guilds, come with me!”

The child took my hand and we slowly ran in the guilds destination but of course, it wouldn’t be that easy. The Goblins appeared in our line of sight, blocking our only way of getting in there. I took my sword and quickly buffed myself with my Offensive Stance.

Offensive Stance. It’s a buffed passive skill that increases your physical power but decreases your defence. Although, the more you trust and believe in yourself is what makes it the best skill you’d ever have in your life. 

I pretty much learned this from a proud knight when I was a kid, he would always stay late in the guild, just to tell tales and stories, myths and legends… but he never came back after so, I was just hoping that the old man is fine, he was a good guy after all.

“Kid. Whatchu doing this late at night?”

“I was thinking I could hear one of your tales again.”

The old man was silent with a smiling face.

“Awright. Prepare to listen well, boy.”

Day and night. I would listen gladly and happily through his tales and stories and he even took it as far as to help me. He did say, ‘A real warrior’s secret is hidden inside its heart.’ I still don’t really understand that but I will.

“I want you to close your eyes. Never open it once I say so.” The child made a soft nod and closed its eyes.

Goblins are the easiest enemy out there. They are very used to being killed and grinded by most of the guild members but if you don’t know anything about fighting back then you will surely die.

I rushed and took the left goblin with the tip of my sword which created a knockback that caused most of the goblins to get hit. It was two birds and one stone. Next, the goblins from the right side attacked, very swiftly, but I managed to parry, grabbed them and threw them. Lastly, I kicked the last goblin who was hesitating to fight back.

The battle was a successful victory. I dragged the child from that bloody place and was already in front of the guild.  “Open your eyes.” I said.

“Oh…um… Thank you.”

“No problem. Stay here, I am sure that someone will help you.” The child was inside the guild, hoping that the guild’s staff would help the child.

Nevertheless, that wasn’t the only problem here.

“There are a bunch of monsters, up north! Someone, somebody, please save them!” They were the cries of the people and was managing to stand and shout for the sake of their family’s protection. I ran without a second thought.

“What is the current situation?”

“We are outnumbered. Everyone has already retreated but there are still some folks down there.”

“Don’t worry, I am here to save them.”

“Are you sure? You are still a young boy, after all.”

“Being a boy is not the case here, it’s all about your power. Later!”

I might be outnumbered but I am not that kind of guy who only uses brute force and sheer power. Prepare well, goblins! My knowledge is enough to put you all down.

Let me clear my thoughts… There are multiple goblins in different areas, trying to fight them at once is risky but getting to clear them one by one is optional at best and besides, I could sense this powerful aura, this should be a goblin boss. I am not a full-fledged fighter but, I might as well try.

I sneakily moved around in each of the walls, getting behind the goblins and stabbing them with my sharp sword one-by-one and of course, I had to make sure they won’t make any noises so covering their mouth with a piece of cloth was necessary. I managed to be undetected without any Thieves skills and traits.

This goblins are really dumber than what I thought but numbers are what makes them difficult. Well, the battle hasn’t ended yet, there are still a lot of them and that goblin boss which was emanating this strong aura that I feel.

I moved without any sounds and I could clearly see all of them with the villagers too, being tied in a rope. Some of them was already dead, sleeping at their own blood.

“I’ll do anything. Just please… let my son go!” Everyone was on the verge of their breath from shouting and begging but the goblins did not take any mercy at all, they all took their swords.  “No! Please, no!” And stopped them within a second.

“Taking the lives of the weak, huh? You guys chose the wrong village to do this!”

They rushed at me, verbatim, no hesitation and I never did try to evade. I was too happy to fight and defeat them all without any restraint on my behalf. My hand urged to take action and I ran without noticing that I already did ran. I was fighting as if I already once fought before, this feeling was the best.

I never really was once scared to kill… just what kind of person am I?

I attack, defend and it was endlessly happening, my legs was just about to give up and my mind was getting really heavier

… I can still keep… this up…

That is a good question. You are not alone, not just yourself and not just your own. The place you belong is right here, right in your heart, and in your soul. Remember me, your thirst is not for yours own alone, don’t ditch me away from the fun.

Kill, murder, Kill, murder. No one will stop me away from the stage, for because the audience should only take the seat, silently watching. But don’t be sad nor be afraid to look, I will make sure you will be tempted to watch.

The boss appeared, the mother and the father of all the young goblins. “You manage to beat my children’s but I am ahead of you and I’ll make sure you become into a meat—”

Within the struggle of the air to make the right way to move, a second strike was all it need to create a difference in power. Its left hand was cut into smaller pieces without even the blood moving, not noticing that its part was already gone.

“In a match, you don’t waste your time by doing pointless actions and movements. You get to the point and that is how the match well be decided. Get it, boy?”

The goblin boss moaned in pain, suffering over its non-existent left hand. “H-How?”

“I am The Shadow Demon. Remember my name in your death… kid.”

“What did you say—?”

Shadow Devour.”

Everything became black and white and a shadow appeared, completely devouring the goblin boss’s whole body and finally, it disappeared and the whole place was back in colour. Although, even though the body was gone, the blood remained all over the floor.    

Sooner, later… You will remember me, young boy. But for today, you must exist for your own self and until you meet me, do not forget to remember your own soul or you will be devoured by your own shadow.

The stage was a feast of blood, full of meats that would rot and I am the only man who enjoyed the party. A party would get ruined if someone are depressed now, wouldn’t it? Too bad, I was already enjoying it.

…Huh? What happened? This place is already full of blood. My head is foggy but it’s reassuring that the goblins are already dead, did someone kill it while I was blacked out? I don’t really know. Right, the villager. I need to untie them.

I untied them but they were silently covering their eyes while clenching their teeth and after they opened their eyes, they ran away, scared, helpless and without even the chance to look back. I was surprised and at the same time, confused. But it was another day, never did I know that the battle ended in our victory.

I looked over the town for a little minute, passing the buildings that was destroyed by some goblins and bloods that was still fresh and wasn’t cleaned. Right now, everyone should start working over the whole town again and the guild would be more cautious and we’ll get a bunch of quest for everyone. Although, this kind of situation are overlooked by the main castle of all…If I remember, right now. It’s called ‘The Moon’ and is sometimes called ‘The Sun’

It’s a place full of nobles, aristocrats and higher ranking peoples. I bet they are having fun and is enjoying stuff in there while we hurdle around the struggles that comes through.

…I just wonder. What happened to that goblin boss? I never really saw its body and the place was full of blood, it smelled really bad.  I looked very embarrassed that I blacked out while trying to save the villagers, was I really that scared? And after saving the villagers, they ran away from me… They must have been disgusted for my horrible work. Can I really do what I tasked myself? I shouldn’t get this stuff all over my head.

I took a bath in the nearest river and has slept with the nature.

This is just another day of hard work. Right now, I really want to sleep in a more comfortable bed without being cold and being disturbed by the nature’s noises… It’s decided, I am going to go in that castle. It’s going to take a long walk but I am not going to give up.





I waked up with the sun’s glimmering light and the birds chirping while flying through the sky, I stand to see a new day, a new future. Lo and behold, I am finally starting to feel the energy to do this, I am just going to visit the town once more before I leave.

I casually stroll around the morning and if I had any chances, I would go running, meditating and practicing with my old sword. My motto is to always stand prepared and that is why I am not doing any training, not because I am lazy but because I am trying to stand out prepared for a new adventure!

The villager was back to work, dejected with sorrow and sadness. They constructed new houses and made sure to clean all of the blood and then they made a graveyard for each of the people that was killed, they will be remembered.

At the time like this, the people would usually drink in the guild to remove their guilty sadness and unending contempt but the guild had no one inside, silent, soundless and speechless. As I looked at the board quest, it literally has nothing to it, meaning… they were outside to clear some monsters which was probably to vent their stress.

Right now, no one in this town has the right to be happy. They are in distress, in pain, suffering and in sorrow. For a human like me who knows nothing about what the human mind is thinking, I had no rights to feel what they feel and speak to each of them.

The uneasiness, sadness, sorrow, pain, guilt, misery and despair was in my heart. It was like it suddenly got inside my heart, I felt the burden. This were the feeling they all had inside them, no one cried as if they just couldn’t, no one was making any sound as if they were tired of doing it.

I’ll make sure… that no one has to feel the same way this place did. To leave this town is the choice I had made a long time ago and I will now. To all of those who passed away, watch me, as I will become greater than ever, saving those who had no free will to fight.

I left my homeland and decided to walk, never looking, never thinking back, my mind was only going straight forward and straight forward, I will go.

And I had no map… I did remember though, the people would always mention the north if it’s the topic is castle. That is the only place I am going to go which is up north through my homeland.

I was walking straight without stopping, my legs would somehow make a sudden pain but I ignored it. I was like walking in the desert, without stop. The desert’s sandstorm might get in my way but I will only go straight without letting myself be swayed away.

My belly made a sound, I was hungry and I was thinking of going straight to hunting. I stopped in the forest, with many animals in it which includes deer, sheep, pigs, birds and things you wouldn’t see from our forest.

Imagine cooking all of this animals at once. It would be quite a feast, also, I am seriously drooling. I need to take them all out now, here I come!

After I took the first hit to my first prey, the deer and I made a miss, it wasn’t because of my accuracy, it was because the deer moved faster than my slash and then it ran.

I wasn’t going to deplete my strength but every other animal ran too, that is why I couldn’t think but only think of one animal to kill, the deer that I had already started to hunt.

I started hitting too early and I was running out of breath and at the end, I was sitting on a tree, without anything in my hand.

Maybe if I sleep, I wouldn’t think of getting hungry…

They do say… An imitation is the highest form of flattery. I should have been an imitation but it looked like I am the real person here or rather, the better one is always the real person but I am just a shadow, clear as night, if you don’t get any stronger than ever…then you’ll never be able to take me in with you.

You can never accept me.

You will seal me forever.

And you will forget me.

This is still the beginning. I am waiting for the right moment to appear again but don’t expect me to appear if you want to see me. There can only be one of us, after all.

I could feel my whole body on a light and fluffy floor, it was comfortable that it made me want to move my legs really widely and never wake up ever again… but the scent of a great and exquisite food was what made me look trouble, I tried to wake myself up and tried to stand up but soon, my legs gave up one me. I was got back on the bed, crying painfully on the inside.

You could at least let me take a little bite… On second thought, I am okay with waking up in the forest, because I’d have to animals to choose and become a delicious food for my belly.

The door opened and a long blonde haired girl appeared humming with a soup in her… cat hands? I’ve never seen that kind of hands before, is that her race? I just can’t follow, she doesn’t have a cat ears and a cat tail.

“Before you give me the food. Are you a cat girl?”

“Wh-What do you mean by that? I know I like cats and all but nobody has actually called me a cat girl. But the answer is no.”

“But, your hands.”

“This is a mitten used for handling hot stuff and a cute cat mitten at that.” I curiously glared at her and after the sudden silence, she made a quirking movements. “Y-You don’t have to stare at me like that… here, eat this.” She suddenly made me eat it.

“Aw. Aw… Ouch… It’s so hot!”

“I am sorry, I am sorry, I am sorry.”

It took me a little bit of a second to recover from burning my tongue because of her ability, a healing ability at that. I was at least going to ask but my tongue was still hot, I can’t even speak sturdily.

“Spell…?” I stared at her again with uncertainty and an odd feeling.

“Oh… this is actually one of my mother’s spell that was gifted to me and it’s also known as Rejuvenation.”

Hold on… I think I remember that… I think…I—T-That is the Rejuvenation spell. One of the famous spells that can make revive the dead and not just that, it can restore your usual appearance which gives you a fresh vitality. I never thought I could experience the spell in personal.

And after a little minute, my tongue’s temperature was back to its mild state and it was like nothing happened. I got this cool head and very comfortable body, it was certainly the best.


“N-No—I-I am sorry. I was just paying back for, um… getting your tongue wounded.” Her face was beet red as she flushes her own words and then she sat in their speechless and then she suddenly started feeding me. The atmosphere made me tense and I was shaking a little bit while trying to be fed.

“This scene kind of reminded me of my sweet little sister. I would play with her, feed her and change her clothes…” My clothes became soft and I could tell that there was… water—no, it was her tears.

I stand up and hugged her to ease up her pain. “Why are you crying? Are you okay?” 

“My sister and I are the only left in the family, I was going to make sure to protect her but I just couldn’t… I was useless, I was a burden… I just can’t...”

“I—I am sorry...” After that, she suddenly hugged me causing the two of us to fall on the bed. Now, we were both in the bed but she was still crying… I could feel her warmth.

“I am sorry for suddenly doing this to you...”

“You could have been cuter if you stopped crying.”

She sulked, looking at me. “Hmph... Is that supposed to cheer me up?”

“Y-Yeah. Tell me what happened?”

“Have you ever heard of the Reaper?”

“Yeah, that is the strongest—Wait, you mean… you met this monster?”

“That was when we were visiting our parent’s graveyard. Suddenly, the sky turned to grey and there was this uneasiness that I was feeling… then the Reaper appeared, out of nowhere.”

“The reaper appeared out of nowhere?”

My homeland has been invaded with Goblins and this place has been invaded by a ‘Reaper’ of all the monsters out there. What is the cause? A coincidence… or maybe it’s the work of a sorcerer as I have said?

“The monster was as big as the houses, he has a scythe that could almost reach you anywhere if you are closer to his sight and its malicious bloody eyes and black clothes. We ran and ran until I realized, my sister was gone, I shouted and shouted but no one replied. I walked alone, getting out of that nightmare, but my sister, never did made it out.” She said as her tears kept coming, I was unable to do anything but pat her head.

The only option I could do was watch. It was pitiful but there was nothing I could do, not that I am good at communicating to people. Cheering them up or whatever is out of my league.

“…Should we stop?”

“I could still remember that uneasiness that I felt and whenever I feel it, I just can’t move, petrified because I was scared. I tried to wake myself up and I worked myself to death to equal the death itself, ‘Reaper’ and three years has passed, I was ready and then, I headed in the forest. After walking, I noticed that there was a bunch of noises and the animals came running without stopping, I thought it was the Reaper but it was you and then, I brought you here and helped you.”

“I am sorry for getting in your way and… 3 years has passed, huh. Whatever the case, since you helped me, I will help you.”

“That is reckless. I already told you that it is very powerful monster.”

“It doesn’t matter. If we work together then we might as well bring it down together. Let’s go!”

“Ah. Wait…”

I made it outside and of course, the scenery was very amazing and it was the dawn, the sun and the moon could be seen but whatever the case, I was ready to meet this ‘Reaper’ for it means if we defeat it, then I could sell its parts for money. 

“I said wait!” She finally appeared outside.

“By the way, I am…I am… I just forgot… It was Yuri or whatever.”

“Fine, Yuri. My name is Rosalinda and I am the Aeon Knight.”

“An Aeon Knight?”

“It’s a knight that specializes in times, quick motion and rapid speed although I am also a Divine Knight but I haven’t really finished my training so, that is why I am called an Aeon Knight.”

“That is really amazing…I thought you were just a normal girl dressed in a fashionable clothes.”

“H-How rude. Anyway, are you ready?”

“Yes. I am.”

“Well then, Armour Change.” Her clothes quickly turned into an adamant battle armour that was cannot be penetrated nor can be destroyed easily with a sword and an arrow alone and lastly, a silver sword with a weird design, it was so nobly made. I was amazed once I saw it.

A-Armour Change?”

“It’s an ability to change armour overtime and whenever I want but I can only activate it if I have some clothe into me, if the armour breaks, I can’t change and somehow, swords and other stuff actually goes with it too. I did train as a knight in ‘The Moon’ for three years.”

“That castle which is full of nobles and powerful assets?”

“Yeah. I mean, there was ‘The Moon’ and ‘The Sun’ Citadels. I thought they were the same but they were actually different.”


“N-No. This is no time to talk, let’s march ahead!”

I seriously don’t get this girl at all. She even trained in ‘The Moon’ for three years… and she even said that ‘The Sun’ and ‘The Moon’ are different? Just… Just how much do you know? I really need to ask once we are done doing this.

We headed in the forest. It was so silent that I could feel something different, the air, the atmosphere and the animosity was too great it gave me shivers and my heart was beating so fast.

“We just need to enter that one place.”

“What place?”

“The graveyard of my parents and… my sister.” She was depressed as she said her words but she wasn’t intent to crying forever, she made a step forward.

To the abyss. This will be her moment of redemption and the day she will end the ‘Reapers’ life with her powerful power, now then, this is it. There is no more going back.

The area was mildly neat and was actually near a steep cliff, and somehow, it was a great place to see the scenery, the sea, the birds and lastly, the man-made silver graveyard with bouquet of flowers. This was the place, soothing yet the dangerous feeling was still lingering.

Rosalinda walked through the graveyard and pray, “The true mother of all hypocrisy, life and death and thus the primitive self. Vanquish their regrets and reclaim their souls, tell their tales above the epitome of the skies. I grant myself their happiness and I am wishing for my luck above.” In which then, I noticed… That the sun’s light was gathering at her direction, she looked as if she was a saint… no, she looked like an angel. I was reluctant to do anything but watch…

“What was that? It’s like you were talking to the god above.”

“Praying isn’t for a miracle, it’s because praying is what makes your heart your true believer.”

Her hair swung in accordance to the wind and she was smiling, I was no more than a fool at her words, but she is what made me realize… what it means to have a true heart. A real warrior’s secret is hidden inside its heart, huh… old man, is this what you meant?

Right now, she believes that her true self is the truest gift that was given to her by her parents or to someone else. That is why she has the will to fight.

After that bit of a scene, the world has started to show its greyest colour and our faces changed, thus the wind was no longer fast, it’s like it doesn’t exist. We looked around our vicinity.

“Rosalinda, behind you!” Her flexibility and the second-to-guard reflex was very unique, never did I see someone so fast as her. The Reaper has appeared and has disappeared. We were now cautious as a single mistake would be our death.

“Thanks, Yuri. We got to make sure we are close to each other, this Reaper seemed different today.”

 “The ‘Reaper’ is different. This one might be powerful too. Sorry, I don’t have anything that could track this ‘Reaper’.”

While I was noticing my uselessness, I noticed, she closed her eyes and was concentration. “It’s okay…I could feel it. The wind, movement and the sound, I could feel it.” She ran in a direction I didn’t notice and her sword glowed. “Sword Armament,” it improves the swords power and with the following of, “Aeon Slash.” it was basically a slash infused time that would deal a really heavy impact

Surprisingly, she really uncover the Reaper’s location but even with the Sword Armament and her Aeon Slash, the reaper still withstand it with his scythe without any sign of backing down. But her attack wasn’t going to stop here.

I’ve heard about her being an Aeon Knight but that skill is pretty neat and I haven’t heard of that skill…

“I’ll be sure to bring you down. Armour Change!” This time, her clothes changed to a more bizarre one, it was shining… It was a divine set of armour and, there were swords floating, glimmering in light. “Divine Catapult” The swords faced the Reaper and quickly floated in that direction and that was not all. “Beam Rupture” Her sword became longer and was…like a… a laser, that’s it! And then she attacked, full force. Brutalizing her enemy with a lot of greater skills and power moves… I was like watching a one versus one.

Ah. What am I doing? I don’t care about that Divine Armour and floating swords or whatever but I really have to do something now.

With all of the attacks, there was no sign of the Reaper falling down and it has disappeared through the dust that Rosalinda created and she was breathing so much, but I bet she still has a lot of skills in there.

It’s my time to shine… Where is it? Can I track it down with the sound? What about the ground? Tch, There is no sudden and soft movement of the air and I basically don’t feel anything below the ground… If not below then it should be at the top, the Reaper is above us!

I ran to Rosalinda quickly. “Get down!” after she ducked, I jumped and parried the Reaper, getting me to get thrown back away from the Reaper and Rosalinda.

“Yuri! How can you still stand upright? I will make sure to bring you down.”

They were fighting within the speed of what I could imagine, but the Reaper manages to parry them like it was nothing at all. I decided to take a hit behind but her scythe was so long it could take the two of us.

“How can we bring this Reaper down?” Rosalinda asked while attacking.

“We just had to attack it, until there is a weak point.”

We were attacking endlessly until I manage to understand something. I made a quick glare at her and we both retreated.

“What is it?”

“Aren’t the Reapers weakness, the light? What if we could somehow stab it with your sword in its heart?”

“…Fine.” She created a hesitant face but was forced to take the option.

“I’ll create a decoy.” We ran in two direction and I made sure to get the Reaper in my sight. It was a success, and then attacked it.

Offensive Stance” I activated it and has started to fight it back. I was too slow from attacking but I made sure the Reaper wouldn’t be able to create a hole for a counter-attack. Rosalinda created a signal. I made my final attack, “Bash!” and with the attack, my sword broke from the impact and I was about to get meet my death.

However, “Swift Lunge” Rosalinda attacked the Reaper from behind its heart.

I might have lost my weapon but that wasn’t the case here. You lost, Reaper.

“Huff…Huff…Did we defeat it?” Rosalinda fell, weak and tired.

“You are making me unsure. I mean, you did hit it in the heart, right?”

I was still sitting in the ground while Rosalinda was already ill, on the ground, breathing and resting. But somehow, I still couldn’t shake the feeling… my heart throbbed, painfully, I grabbed my chest and after the pain disappeared.

The Reapers body disappeared?

“Rosalinda.” The Reaper was already unto Rosalinda with its scythe, I was painfully denying the fact that I can’t reach it…

I can’t run fast than the Reapers strike… I will reach it, Rosalinda! I—I will…

[Remember me.]

“Who are you?”

[I am your soul, your heart and your shadow.]

“What do you mean?”

[The bearer want to save a friend. Your will and power should stand impeccable, are you willing to save your friend?]

“I want to and I will!”

[Thus, I will ask, accept me! Sell your soul! Accept your fate! And take them all!]

“I will, if it’s for the sake for my friend, Rosalinda. She shouldn’t die like this. The hero shall always win, and her redemption until the end was righteous that is why I had high hopes she would win. That is why, I am changing this back.”

[Prepare to accept… my fate!”

Without even thinking of the chances of getting in there in a mere second, I was able to deflect the Reaper’s scythe and has manage to push it back, needless to say, the Reaper disappeared once more but I noticed something…

The reaper was broken and is enrage…


“Who are you? And what is happening…?” Rosalinda asked with great uncertainty.

 “I am… the Shadow Demon.”

[You, you… I despise you, I hate you and I miserably has grudges on you. For you to fight the wrong person was your mistake but to do it without the clear understanding is the fact that I am going to put you down.]

You’re lifeless, raging, pacifist and this rigid self you have shown me was what made me hate you the most. You hurt my friend and will never be forgiven. 

“…Hah. Reaper, you wretched fool. You are too weak.”

Now, you will pay more than that.


The Reaper has made its first move, attacking without stopping but I was able to dodge them without the second thought of thinking the direction they will come, my body was light and soft and my confidence had appeared.

“Is this all you can do? I may be a person without a sword but for a person who has a scythe, you seriously is the lousiest loser, ever. I’ll show you what it means to become death itself.”

The whole place that was still grey had become the most horrifying colour… red, black and white. It was like a monochrome but at the same time not, and as for it meant lust and greed, thirst and power, it represented a shadow demon and so thus, my body turned into a shadow, I never felt anything in the changes of my body, it was like it was completely normal.

The reaper created a Multiple Mirage and has finally used its perfect form, the truest of all, “The Cornet Vortex” Like a very unsettling instruments that created a vortex like sound. The void, nothingness and the non-existent.

The ring was full of darkness and mixed negative feelings, the battle was set to start, today, and so it will.

“I could feel it, I could tell… the skill you are using… Haha-haha-haha. They are only fourth—no, third tier skills.”

“You might be powerful but I am more powerful at this form!” The reaper take a dash step without making any noises but it wasn’t just the reaper alone, the Mirages was unto me too. I quickly dodged with a 0.1 reflex.

Mirror Edge” Multiple flying slashes came at me, somehow the slashes got me, my shadow illusion and the others didn’t  and I had to run while avoiding the Reaper and its Mirages and then I stopped. “Shadow Mist” A misty fog has appeared and…

“He disappeared.” Rosalinda shockingly said.


“Talk about yourself, Reaper.” I appeared in one of the mists and attacked the Reaper, with my Shadow Disfiguration, which made my hand a shadow weapon.

…Well, talking about weapons, this whole stadium is my own weapon. Have fun, struggling… little Reaper.

I attacked each of the Reaper’s with little bits of my shadows and they all disappeared…

“Now, for the last contestant, do you have any last words?”

“You will lose!”

This is the final battle, the victor of the losers and the end of one’s beginning.

Do you feel or do you not, does this climax will brought us to an ending and the righteous evil-looking will always win.

…I, Yuri the shadow demon, will defeat this enemy. It is my only goal and it’s the only thing I can do, whatever and whenever, there is no stopping me now. You, shadow self of mine, let’s do this, one’s and for all.

[For thus, a human can never beat a genius that is why… You need to become a demon to be able to defeat everything, and a shadow at that.]

We both attacked at the same time. The reaper’s skill was the ‘Ultimate Breaker’ a strong skill that could be instant death if you get hit but however, that wasn’t the case here.

Right now, I don’t care about that skills power or its destructive impact. The only thing that matters to me is defeating you, right here, right now!


“See you in the shadow world…or in hell. Shadow Seal.” The reapers body created a void which sucked its body and then the whole skies became clearer and a rainbow could be seen. It was like a happy ending.

 “Yuri!” Rosalinda shouted far away as she ran at me.

But my body became fatigued and I was static on the ground, unable to move them. I now understand… I was too weak to become the Shadow Demon.

“Maybe…it’s not really a happy ending at all. I am tired and I might be dying… Rosalinda, we did it….”

My sight was blurry and I couldn’t see anything anymore, I close my eyes and I could only hear… at the moment that I can’t

“Wake up, wake up! Noooo! Yuri…” Rosalinda dishevelled in fear and was crying.

This time… It’s your story, Rosalinda, your tale will be my story to tell. I am sure... you could do this, good luck in there. I would have told it now… but, ths story is a tale for another time.


You are reading story The Shadow Demon at




It was the world of the wretched, the flaming wrath and the conjuring darkness. It was also the evanescent bliss, the consensus right and the bright light. Instead of waking up in Rosalinda’s house, I waked up in an unnatural world full of mysterious things that you could say, demonic and heavenly.

I noticed, I was sitting on a cracking wall, and the lava was everywhere, flying dragons and unknown creatures could be seen. If one was too urge themselves with curiosity, then death would be the price.

I belittle myself at this moment and right now, I could still feel the lingering foul taste and evil thought of my shadow self. Almost as if I want to destroy the world and at the same time, not.

“Where am I?”

“You are now bounded in the realm of heaven and hell.” It was my shadow, black and white. His eyes represented the darkest and he was no more than just myself and surprisingly, his clothes could be seen unwavering in the dark flame.

“So you are my true self… and bounded, huh?”

“This is the world of heaven and hell. The place to overcome your struggle and your world to rest. Although, I can assure you, you are still alive and if your friend won’t save you in time, you might as well rot and stay here together.”

“If we are talking about my friend, then everything is alright. I am thinking, it was because I was weak that I was devoured by the darkness itself. My body is connected in the real world, right?”

“Correct, thyself. This world will become your own training ground, become the strong, powerful and invincible and I assure you, you’ll be able to control me, your shadow self. Until then, don’t die out there, I will be in the shadow… watching you as you go.” He disappeared with the shadows and I was alone, still watching the wonders of this world.

Rosalinda, I am trusting you, wherever you are, whenever you are. I am sure that you will be alright, you are stronger than what I judge you.

…Well then, let’s take a walk in this world of heaven and hell, the purgatory of the sins and the gate of all the forgiven. I’ll make sure to take you all out, alive.

“Human…human?! How are you here?” It was a horned old man who was sitting, watching the unsettling sky above us.

“I am just in my own afterlife… I kind of had to ask but, where do I find some stronger looking demons out there?”

“Head north from here. If you find that big looking castle, then you have found your target. Boy, tell me your race?”

“I am a human.”

“Frankly, there is no such thing as human in this so called world of heaven and hell. You must be here because you are a part of a race, you just didn’t notice.”


“Ahem, I may have spoken a bunch of words but none of them matters. Enjoy your free ticket for your adventures, child.”

“Thanks, horned old man.”

I walked on the northern path, passing by a bunch of unknown monsters that I haven’t saw. Some of them were familiar but I just couldn’t really tell if they were the real thing I saw. Just now, I was more of a tour.

But the difference is that I am not enjoying and I am seriously getting bored from walking, if there was something I could ride on then it would be better.

A buzzing sound was so loud I could tell that something was coming, it was big and I haven’t that kind of things… “Hey, Pal! Looking for a ride.” It was another horned person, seated in with a bunch of things in his hands.

“What is this massive noisiest load of something you are riding?”

“Never heard of the ‘Afterlife Bus’, Pal? Then you are lucky, because you are about to ride on it and experience a never before feeling.”

I rode in this so called bus without even thinking that much about it. “So, it’s called a bus and I don’t somehow get how this is running.”

“That’s how the buses work, unfortunately. You just don’t know why they are running… in hell, that is. Well, pal! No more chatting and let’s go with an action!” The bus moved and I sat in the chair while feeling something in my chest, I felt nauseated and I closed my eyes, trying to disengage the feeling.

“We are now here and oh, as you can see… This bus is faster than what you could ever find in this world.” It took a while as it moved a lot and my mouth was about to vomit puke. 

“Yeah, goodbye. And don’t you ever come and pick me up. I feel nausea—”

Ah. Just how fast was the bus, seriously? I didn’t even notice it running and was getting out of here. Yeah, whatever that so called bus transportation or whatever, it’s rather efficient than walking with my boots.

Is this the Demon Castle?

This is a perfectly made castle that I had seen, the keep and the curtain walls are very large that I couldn’t equal my height to them and there was also a drawbridge and a portcullis. Could they be on par with ‘The Moon’ and the ‘The Sun’? I wonder… well, time to head in.

“You. Where do you think you are going?” It was as you thought… a devil gatekeeper and other than that, why do they have a gatekeeper though… is it loyal to its job…? I mean, they are devils after all, they signify the wrongdoings.

“Inside the castle.”

“No, wait, wait. I haven’t heard of a young man coming in the castle?”

“I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t invited. Now, get out of my way or I’ll fire you on your job.”

“Not that! You can enter… just don’t do that, really. ” The gatekeeper got out of my way and I entered inside the portcullis.

It is loyal in its job. But it’s a devil, wouldn’t they be slacking off without a care about anything…? If anything, the people in this place is weirder than I thought.

It was full so crowds and if anything, this was one of the most peaceful demon castle that I have even seen, I am amazed. I could actually feel the nostalgic feeling of my homeland but we won’t know that until we find their true selves. They might be hiding their true nature.

…This is a demon city and on a demon castle… I don’t know if I am stupid or I am right about what I said.

The castle, as said in the books, are large buildings that is fortified and contains many defences and is often inhabited by nobleman or kings.

…I should head in the main castle itself.

I walked through the red carpet and I saw the benevolent crystalized decoration and a line of guards, armoured and has a lance on their hand and in front of me, is the king and a blonde girl… she didn’t have anything that resembles a demon, must be an in-bred?

…But the king is a demon which means, there was a human girl in here… I don’t know about that. There are many mysterious things that we just aren’t worth to uncover for.

As I passed, the guards stopped me as they put their lances, creating an X shape in my path. “Let him pass.” The guards stopped and got back to their usual form. I passed them.

“A human. Who might you be?”

Now that I can see her clearly, she does look like Rosalinda… That is really weird, I am going to ask. And, she is the princess too, well, she is the only girl here that fits the bill.

“My name is Yuri. Can I ask for your name?”

“I am Rosalette.”

“So you are Rosalinda’s sister, Rosalette.”

“Wait, you know my sister?!”

“We did team up to defeat the Reaper. Now that I have found you, why are you here? You aren’t a part of a demon race, are you?”

“It seems she is not. Surprisingly, we did manage to know the culprit here. The Blood Viseria, the most evil magistrate of all the worlds and now, she haunts and summons monsters in the other realms and here, which is giving us a lot of troubles. Are you here because of her too?” The demon king spoke with a fierce and heavy words.

“Too bad. I am here partially because I am a Shadow Demon. I am here to become stronger and because Rosalette is here too. I decided to bring her back, after we defeat the culprit here.”

“The Shadow Demon! One, myths and thus, the real shadow demon is here.” The demon king was flabbergasted and was speechless, unable to do a single thing.

“The Shadow Demon… I don’t really know anything about my origin.”

“Let me explain it to you… it’s a demonic entity made out of shadow, it devours, kills and murder in its evilest and unequivocal desires. A bearer who manifest a demon like this are the true demon themselves, one that is evil and strong enough to beat the strongest themselves.”

“…Bearers can be manifested with this demon if they have a negative soul and the evilest heart. I see… but I need to get stronger now, or else I won’t be able to take my shadow within me.”

“And thus, I will make sure you will. That man’s ideal was the wicked of all but never did he showed us an evil heart, I made a promise to him but it will be a story for another time. Feel free to travel, feel free to ask what you want and you can count on it, my child.” The demon king was happily enjoying himself from a good news that has appeared and even the guards and Rosalette was shocked.

“Rosalette, how did you become a princess?”

“After I got lost with my elder sister, I got unconscious and waked up here. I was lost and was scared until the king appeared. Taking me with him, I became a princess. He is really soft and his like a father for me.”

“Considering that it has been 3 years, huh. Anyway… Rosalette, come with me. I can’t just be stronger alone, well become stronger together!”


“Is this fine? She is the princess after all? King?” The guards tilted their head in hesitant of me, taking their own princess.

“Don’t worry. If this is the Shadow Demon, then his stronger than all of you. Let it be… Rosalette might learn a lesson or two.”

“Thanks, old man.”

We made our way out of the castle and was experiencing the same crowd as last time, but now, I am with Rosalette, dressed in a formal uniform fitted for a princess, I could smell a scent and her hair was like a bridesmaid’s hair.

We walked with merchants in our sides, many people has been buying and many people are forced to buy… I don’t know why but it must be because they are a merchant.

“Your sister is a very powerful knight. What are you good at?”

“…I still haven’t thought it this far but if my elder sister is a knight, then I want to become sorcerer. I could use my spells to protect and assist my sister.”

“Good answer. Let’s go and find some places to buy some weapon for me and, we can go to the library and learn something in there. And lastly, we will be doing some hunting, so hope you are ready… because this is going to be an experience.”


We walked into a lot of shops and merchants, as they were giving us a lot of discount, free offer and there was a lot of weapons to actually see for, but none of them just makes me want to pick them and that goes for Rosalette too.

“All of them are pretty ordinary. I don’t think we need to waste our time for this, let’s go to the library for now.”

I think it was a great idea to scout on the stores, I might have something to buy if I really need to and there wasn’t any black markets that sells stuff. It’s disappointing for a demon city but oh well, I can’t complain about that… they are illegal after all.

The library was a very tall building and inside is a spiral of stairs, going above and besides them were all books, a handful of books that would take more time to read than expected. But thankfully, they were all sorted in each floor and there was a guide for it too.

“Sorcery…Sorcery…Magic… I think I found it!”

“Oh, it’s the fifth floor. Up we go walking.”

“Ah. You stole my spotlight to read it!” Her sulk was like her elder sister but it has more of a cute cat face, I’ll remember it again and I want it to happen sooner.

“Don’t be mad about it. You’ll get to do it later.”

It took too long to go above the fifth floor and Rosalette was already breathing, she was a punishing herself for not doing any morning exercises, and it’s very brutal too watch. After that, we reached it with Rosalette on the floor.

“I’ll rest for a little bit…”

Well, I guess I should go in the seventh floor. That is where I will loot some good or bad stuff, the miscellaneous stuff from where all the unknown stuff are being sorted because it doesn’t add to any of the bookshelves theme.

There were a lot of books that I manage to remember so far and some that doesn’t stand out or interest me so I gave myself a word that could make me find something amazing.

I want to find a legendary weapon so I am going to get from a monster or a secret place. I don’t know about Rosalette but sorceries doesn’t really need any equipment, only if they want to increase their power and Mana.

Oh. I forgot to fill in the details about Mana.

Mana. They are a powerful essence and a part of a sorcery, if you don’t have one of these then you are unable to activate any needed man skills and spells, and the higher the Mana, the higher the damage and somehow, the skill or spell will become unique and will change but I’ve never seen one. To actually figure out how many and if you have Mana, you need to firstly test it out with a common skill called: Analyze, Penalize, Trap and any other lower tier skills and spells out there.

…I forgot, if you lose your Mana, you are unable to cast and if you really… just really force yourself to cast, your body will be in pain… like a sword being stabbed a lot of times… that is scary.

Now that I am done remembering what Mana is… I should find some books about treasures and legendary weapons.

‘Types of Weapons’

‘Ultimate Combo Breaker: Spells and Skills’

‘The Demon Sword of the Corrupted Soul’

‘The Legend of the Arbitrary Malefic’

‘Monsters: The Urban Legends’

I got all of the books to read, I hope she has started to get some books to read and understand, our trip in this world of Heaven and Hell might take longer than when the battle with the Reaper.

The types of weapons consist of different variation, history and crafted. The usual calling or system ranking of the weapons are called tiers, just as how the spell’s ranking works but it has been changed by the past decades, thought by the Great Tactician ‘Nex’ and it was approved. They are Common, Uncommon, Rare, Mythical, Legendary and Ancient. Thus, getting to know the rarity of the equipment depends on the fire it glows. Green, Lime-Green, Blue, Violet, Red. Most of the equipment can be crafted and most cannot be crafted and are buried in the whole world for all the adventures to find.

And…um… Ah, reading them carefully is too boring and it wastes my time. I had to skim the important the stuff.

The ultimate spells and skills that could make yourself invincible are: Steel Vines, Sunstrike, Void Conversion, and Ultimate Breaker and lastly… um, my Demon Hellfire, although they pretty much depends on the skills you can choose…

If I could choose my own spell and skills then there is no need to read this and besides, I don’t have all of these abilities… you wasted my time there, whoever made this book should die.

The Demon Sword are sealed because of its dangerous power that could sweep everything and can cause a rampage and it’s picky because all of the unworthy souls who dare touches it, dies. You bet your life on a powerful Demon Sword. Located in the sky.

In the sky… it’s the heaven, it’s pretty much left out and it just says the sky, I can’t pretty much get that far and if by any means, there must be another way to go up.

The Arbitrary Malefic, it’s a known creature in the labyrinth of abyss and it says that it’s defending a place, a big door that you can see behind it. If you defeat this monster, then what lies ahead will open but that is pretty much a superstition, not everyone who got there, made it out alive.

And lastly, um… this book is pretty much unreadable, like what is this language? I’ll just leave it alone. I should just put them back in the usual spot.

“Yuri! I am done finding the book.”

 “Great. What is the name?”

“Lo and Behold! ‘The Grim Histoire’. I pretty much skimmed through it and I realized, this is it.” Her eyes was shining like she was a puppy who had seen the bones and is waiting to chew it with its own mouth.

“Good for you. Now then, it’s time for us to stop for now. It’s already night time, you better read it and tomorrow, meet me here again.”

“Wait, where are you going to sleep?”

“I don’t have money and I am seriously not humble enough to ask for a bed. I am sleeping outside… ”

I walked and she catch up to me, fuming in heat, assuming, she was angry. “No, no! Not outside, aren’t you afraid of any monsters or insects that will come at you?”


“Have you ever thought that outside, there might be a murderer that will kill you asleep?”


“Yes! Now come and sleep in the castle.”

“I’ll only sleep if we are in the same room.” And… she grabbed my hand and dragged me outside the library, passing by the crowds in the street and finally we are in the castle.

“Oh, young boy and my cute little daughter. What is going on?”

“I am going to take a sleep with Yuri.”

“…Young youths this days, they never cease to amaze me.”

And we stopped, I was in the bed, she was on the bed, I don’t know who was in the bed and to say, this bed is really comfortable and with the design too. It’s just so good. Okay, back to the point.

“Why am I seriously in your room?”

“Because you would sleep otherwise, you little picky brat.”

“I can’t be a brat if I am not doing anything bad. And, I seriously don’t care if you complain or decides to sleep in another room or below me but I am sleeping.”

“…You’re already asleep! Jeez, have it your way. I am sleeping in the bed too, seriously, why are you like this?”

“Because I am a demon.”

I could tell that she was really angry and was refusing to make body contact but she gets tired with resisting and sighed, giving up.

As I have said, I don’t care about what she do, because I can trust her. It is fun playing with her sometimes and I seriously am too tired from walking, riding on a so called bus, picking the right weapon, which we really didn’t and reading.

“Good night, Rosalette.”

“Good night, Yuri.”

It’s another day with another person. I wonder what will happen tomorrow. I am too excited to take a guess, I might not sleep. Oh well, I’ll clear my mind and sleep… sleep… zzZ…





I could feel my numb body, cold and shivering, I tried to grab a blanket but I just can’t grab anything and I failed. I tried to get out of the bed but I was too heavy, no, something in front of me is heavy.

“Urgh… Agh, ouch!”

The more I move, the more I suffocate, I tried grabbing everything in front of me, I could feel something and then a moan… wait… I opened my eyes.

“Rosalette? Hey, wake up!”

“No… the demon king… hit it harder… harder, demon king…”

What role play are we talking right now? Seriously, I can’t move because she is in the way, dreaming like a complete buffoon. And, touching her butt and chest is an accident…

I tried to move her and stopped her hand that was holding me so hard, I seriously am going to get pissed because of how indecent this is getting… I haven’t really touched a girl’s body and all… maybe I did, but Rosalinda was just carried away that she hugged me. And now what, do I, not count this too? Because she is dreaming?

I tried to pinch her face to make a funny and laughable face to come out and it was enjoyable, that I am wasting my time. “Rosalette. We are back in the real world, Rosalinda is waiting for you.”

“Wait, really?” Her eyes opened and she became energetic as she said that.

“Not really, you idiot, Learn to wake up and stop grabbing me.”

“Oh, ah! I am sorry, I am sorry, I am sorry.” She kneels below like a hardened steel and there is only one thing I can say.

Déjà vu… you both are sisters after all, prone to apologizing three times, I am not surprised. Just amazed.

“I am always prone to grabbing someone else when I sleep and it’s really a habit that I want to stop… even my sister told me to make a way.”

Well, duh and with that dream of yours, I don’t know. Maybe the real reason you came here was because of your demonic dreams… I am seriously not going to sleep with this girl.

“Don’t bother.”

“Anyway, I am sorry I couldn’t wake up earlier… I just couldn’t sleep that it made me I had to read the book.”

“Have you made any progress?”

“Yes. And I am ready to try it out.”

We both got out of the room and prepared ourselves to get in a real experience, an adventure and another day to train myself and Rosalette in this world.

I saw a layout in this whole world in the library, so large and it would take long to travel this world of heaven and hell, I doubt that no one has ever done that and the monsters would pretty much block your own destination.

We pretty much made it in the, Hellsing Valley. Full of ‘Lurkers’ that could potentially be a threat if you aren’t a sorcery. They are pretty much slow and physically hardened monster that would take long to kill as a melee user and that is why, this is a good place to be able to use her full potential.

There is no needed requirements other than Mana and the full depth knowledge on how to do it, there are sorceries that uses, chants, auto-cast and a weapon to cast their ability.

Blazeblue. Tornado. Big Burst!” She is pretty much using auto-cast… she is really going hard there, she might as well destroy this valley for sure. I need a worthy foe to fight, it’s my turn.

Blazeblue is a deteriorating fire like poison and is hidden in a blue flame colour. The Tornado is what it said, a tornado, but it pretty much lacked the real tornado to swallow the whole area and destroying it. The Big Burst is a close fight knockback spell that creates an impact that could blow your entire body… This books tells them all and it costs a lot of Mana.

“The big boss is coming.”

Talk of the devil. I’ve been waiting and I am etching, barehanded, but a weapon is no use for now, my Shadow Disfiguration is enough to become a weapon, my hand as a weapon. Easy enough.

“I’ll take it from here.”

It was a ‘Syraph’ a wind demon that pretty much will devour you out with its brute strength and chaotic ability. It’s known in the books as the mother of nature but its heritage ends here.

I furiously dashed at it, “It’s a Bubble Turmoil, avoid the ground!” The ground created an aftershock as it made a giant wind that is shaped like bubbles, the ground was full of holes.

“Thanks! But now, it’s my turn. Shadow Emphasis.” I made a shadow step as I move, side by side, dodging its attacks. I manage to get above it and my hand with a Shadow Disfiguration, became a claw and I finished the battle with a ‘Demon Third Claw

…I just forgot my Offensive Stance, I am really evil for doing that, I might as well use my basic skills after using my Shadow Demon self as a trump card.

“That’s a wrap!”

“Having my hands to change in a lot of different weapon is a new feeling. Hey, Rosalette, have you finished the book or were you just testing some of it?”

“I finished it although, I just forgot to remember a lot of them. But don’t worry, I am proud and amazed at what I have done, I’ll be sure to be all out in our next battle!”

“Well then, let’s get back to working again. Tomorrow will be our last day. I don’t want to be here again, to be honest.”

“Aw…My father who can’t leave without my smile, that old woman who can’t walk so I am always helping her and all of the good people around me, I can’t believe I am about to leave them alone… What will they do without me?” She muttered with great uncertainty and sadness.

“This place is for another people. For humans like us, we should take care of our own problems in the real world.”

“That is so mean. Can’t you feel my sadness and melancholy?”

“I know, I know. But there is time when you must take the resolve and responsibility, that is another part of becoming a woman, you know.”

“I am as elegant and beautiful as a woman and I understand. I just feel worried, I feel like I want to cry.”

“Rosalette, I am giving you a choice. You will say an eternal goodbye to all of the people in this town and meet your sister or stay here and never meet your sister. Not buts or ifs.”

“…Fine!” She shouted as she walk away, mad and frustrated.

For better or for the worse, everyone takes responsibilities and that is why they can move forward and accept the harsh reality that is being pushed over themselves, a life without responsibilities is a life without the truth.

…I should somehow scout on her, I want to know what she would do that would make her own real choice.

A way to get out of here is only by trusting myself on Rosalinda and Rosalette, alone. What will they do? I am feeling something, tomorrow is my guess and I am not backing in my choice.

I got back in the town and has been running to find her… it was very difficult since there was a lot of crowds, although, they never really end. Running around without a clue on her whereabouts is the problem here… okay, never mind, I found her with an old woman.

“Why are you here, my little sweet darling?”

“I was just worried about you, so here I am, wanting to talk, Grandma.”

“The look on your face is pretty sad, pale and happily misconceiving. Is there a problem?”

“I’ve been here for three years at your side, talking and having fun… I…um… was just wondering—if….if I am gone, will you be okay with that?”

“I’d be sad, but at the same time, I am and will be happy for you.”

“Why you would you be happy?”

“Right now, I exist because of you, your smile and irresistible attitude that is what makes you my really sweet little darling…but you are not a child forever, a girl like you most go forth on the road, to take on a problem for a huge step to find improvement and changes along the way.”

“I don’t get it.” She hides her face in her legs, covering it with her hands.

“I am pretty sure you will. I once cried when I thought I have to leave my own, parents, I made a lot of memories from them. But then they said, ‘You’ll never get a boy in your life if you’re hesitant to get over with it. A responsible woman will always be successful in life.’ I may had to think it a lot but, thinking right now, it was a good choice.”

“I still don’t have it in me to choose, I am pressured and I can’t stand it.”

“You’ll never know when you try. I might be sad if you are gone but, I am always right beside you, praying that you’ll have fun.”

The old woman disappeared in a shadowy fog, we were both shocked at the same time but I had to keep my reaction to hide myself away. She ran, and I had to catch up too. Her last destination was in the castle.

I could notice that this whole place is going to fade, now, I understand. This place is a memory for Rosalette, it was made for her using a shadow. For three years, she lived in a place, a place of a shadow.

[Now, you understand. This is Rosalette’s world. The world of heaven and hell, thus, her heart is one of them.]

What about me?

[You are just a helping hand to get her out of there. Right now, you had a lot more stuff to do. After this, you pass.]

Pass? Hey! Answer me! Ugh… I don’t get this shadow of mine at all, it’s hard to think that we may look like twins but he just had it all, and is playing me with his mind games.

“Father, what is going on?”

“I believe I can’t hide it any longer. After three years, a shadow man or a Shadow Demon created this realm and that was at the time, that you appeared. We exist because of you.”

It’s me, my shadow who created all of this mess… Shame on you! But it’s thanks to him that she is still alright. I am having a weird mental feeling here.

“What do you mean? All of those memories, time and things we did. They just can’t be like that?”

“They all existed because of you, my child. Right now, you will become a fine daughter, you had to choose to get out of here. You will forget us and your life starts in the world you belong.”

She cried in outburst. “Are you really fine with this? What is happening? I don’t want to forget, I don’t want to do this anymore! It is so hard and frustrating, why do I have to choose and end it like this.”

“Yuri, take her away from here. That Shadow Demon intended to do this if you appear in this world. This place will disappear like the shadow you see. Rosalette, I order you as my daughter, to live a new life and a new beginning!”

In a single darkness, I dragged her out of this place, it was vanishing until there was nothing left. I was shocked to see all of that but the one who took a real bullet inside her heart is Rosalette. Right now, I am going to do something.


“What is—?”

As she faced me, I closely put my lips in her, kissing her with my soft and hot lips… I feel no resistance and she continued, all the way through… it ended but she was still surprised, she touched her chest.

“How could you do that all of a sudden?”

“I am really sorry. I just don’t think there is anything to do other than patting you in the back or saying anything to you. I thought I could worsen it, but… are you okay with what happened?”

“I am still in pain… I still want to cry, but right now, there are a lot of things to do… we need to get out of here for good.”

“That is right. Although, I did really want to do this tomorrow… oh well, let’s do this! And it’s so dark.”

She made a fire out of her hand and we got of the vanished castle, there was no destination I could think off and my mind is hazy from all of that. Until, a nostalgic sound appeared, it was the so called bus.

“Hey ya, pal! It’s time to ride on to the final destination.”

“I thought I wouldn’t want to get in but thanks for the save.”

“What is this? And who is this person? It’s vanishing too!”

“This is my beautiful bus and my name is… I don’t think it matters, right now, you should get in your destination…So, I am counting on ya both!”

We both rode the car and it has started to move, something could be heard and it was noisy for a ride. It also has this flashing light in front of us to guide us a lot better in the dark. I wasn’t feeling the bumpy ride anymore, we were just moving in a plain straight ground.

“This is really amazing!”

“Hey, ya got the feeling there, alright! But too bad, we are already in the final location, have fun there, pal.”

“That was a fun ride. I hope to see you again, somewhere along the road.”

“Heh. You make me flutter, keep it up and you’ll be higher around the world and with a bunch of girls too… Ha la Vista.”

“Goodbye…” He disappeared along with his beautiful bus and there was no more other means than to take care of this final mess, this final test and the final boss to end this all.

“This is it. Are you feeling it?”

“Yes. And it will be hard but I can tell, that we can do this together.”

We entered, prepared both in body and mind. The feeling of anxiousness was on my mind but I did not think about it anymore. I am more than just feeling everything in my mind.

“This is the final boss… ‘The Deleter’.”

“How do you know that?”

“I saw that name in one of that weird book that I’ll never get my hands on now. I don’t know what it can do, but guessing by its name, its deletes or make something vanish.”

“We might as well be careful, don’t worry, I’ll protect you as you go. All Buff. Magic Comprehension. Rage. And lastly, Ambiance Change!”

I could feel a lot of things in my body, mixed, I feel almost ready to take on everything. And, that last skill she used, changed the whole place in a rather more befitting place to end this well, the blazing lava in a cracking roasted ground, we are in the Volcano.

“Do your best!”

“Thanks, that’s just all I need.”

The enemy looked like a bunny but the appearance made it looked more different, the colour, shape and with that orange glaring eye, if one to mistake it as a friendly animal, then they might as well get deleted.

It moved as fast as lightning but I was able to dodge at the strand of my hair. I made a run for it as Rosalette tries to hit it. It attacks as like it could destroy a human body in an impact or a legendary rock.

I had to run and grabbed a rock to hit it. But it disappeared, maybe it hit that monster but its body is too powerful or maybe… it got deleted. Rosalette’s magic might not be hitting it because the monsters body can make it disappear. Thank god, I didn’t hit it with my Demon Disfiguration.

“Rosalette, its body can make your magic disappear too!”

“I’ll think of another way then.”

She decided to do every magic spell: Beam Trap, Ground Assault, Water Seal, and Static Shock but it was useless as it makes them disappear, just as the magic is going to hit its body.

After I kept on running… I noticed, there was a buried sword, still stuck on the ground. It was still showing its dark aura, and flowing dark flame. It was noticeable.

Could that be? The Demon Sword! I had to take the chances and take it… that might be another ticket to winning this out.

“Do something to waste its time!”

“I’ll try!”

I ran through the location of the Demon Sword while behind me is a fast monster that could have catch up to me, if it wasn’t for her skills but right now, I need almost a second to grab this. Just this.

“Wait, Yuri!”

I grabbed the sword and it unleashed something within me, and slashed it at the moment second, I finally took a hit at it and Rosalette was surprised with her mouth open. I was too, but it was because of this Demon Sword’s power, I could feel it.

“W-What is that?”

“I finally found it, something that could be on par with a monster like you. The Demon Sword.”

The ‘Deleter’ stand up like it felt nothing, and the whole real battle has started. Rosalette was still surprised but sat and stopped, she was too tired from using too much Mana.

One versus one and I attacked first but it blocked me, the sword didn’t disappear as expected but I attacked again and again, as it blocked my attack all over too. The battle was too undecided and it was so fast.

I manage to damage it a little bit while it dodges but at the mere second, it moved so fast, it appeared behind me and my reflex started to appear, unconsciously blocking myself behind me in a fast speed… It was so close, I was wondering what could have happened to me.

“Yuri, come to me right now.”

I stepped back while I blocked its attacked and suddenly, a bunch of magic spells was targeting the monster, it stepped back and I manage to hurt it, miraculously.

“What was that?”

“That’s pretty much the only thing I can do now. I still had a little left… we should end this fast.”

Her hand was in my weapon, I hesitated but nothing happened to her.

“What are you doing all of a sudden? You got me worried but I could feel something inside of it. The softness and the heaviness.”

“I could feel it too, I feel there power. Yuri, let’s do this…”

“Yeah. Let’s do this!”

We, who both had our hand in the same weapon was now trying to attack with our own everything, the suffering, pain, love, memories. They were all mixed in one sword, that we were about to thrust into the monster as it go.

Legendary Eraser!”

An orbital mirror, suddenly appeared and we couldn’t stopped our action from the sudden surprise, getting us inside the whole orbital mirror with the monster too. Unknown to what was happening, I forgot to remember one thing.

Rosalinda! What is happening in there right now?

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