The Shadow Feather

Chapter 1: Episode 1: The Big Day

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"Alex! Alex wake the hell up caw! It's the big day caw!" a shrill voice rings from outside the window.

Alexander opens his eyes and sits up. He glances out his room's window and sees a big white bird perching on the balcony, screaming his name louder and louder. He rises up and opens the windows.

"Shut up Marko!" Alex shouts. "Tell your boss I'm awake, and tell him the graduation is still 12 hours away, let a young elf rest for a bit more why don't you?"

"Caw, no can do Al!" Marko the white raven shrieks. "Jacob says he wants a match before the... caw... party starts."

"Ugh, that battle-hungry idiot!" Alex pauses, pondering on if he should follow his best friend's wiles. "Alright fine, tell him to get ready in the courtyard in 15 minutes, though he better prepare an apology after I beat you two's asses."

Marko cackles in that very annoying way a normal crow would. Being Jacob's familiar they both basically have the same personality, resulting in two very annoying people.

"Caw caw, good luck with that Al!" Marko yells as he flies away.

Alex smirks. "Heh, 15 years and they're still the same old lovable idiots."




"Jacob! Jacob! Cotton got out again last night, can you help me find her?"

"Haha, sorry sis but I really gotta go!" Jacob rushes to answer. "I kinda have to do this thing and I don't really..."

"You promised to do something with Alex didn't you?" Jacob's mother teases from outside the window. 'Typical Jacob, always forgetful of the most important things."

"Hey it's not a forgetful thing this time!" Jacob retaliates. "But no seriously sis, I really gotta go."

Jacob's sister, Cassandra, quickly puts on a pouting face. She sniffles, looking away from her brother.

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"Okay okay I get it, no need to play that game! Fine fine, I'll ask the other cats where Cotton went. You know how she is. she'll find her way back soon enough."

With that Jacob rushes out to the streets. He did not expect Alex to accept the invitation that fast. Alex's house is on top of a hill on the western side of Greater Corvaxia, a good two hour walk from the housing district where Jacob's family lives. Usually going on the CorvaRide would be the best way to get there quick, but on a big day like this they're all recalled for the big ceremony.

Jacob runs out of the housing district and into the markets, hoping to catch a stray chariot or wagon to boost him to the right direction. He weaves through the bustling crowd, but it's of no avail, nothing is moving faster than a horse in this crowd, not even the horses.

Fifteen minutes have passed and Jacob, exhausted, slumps down next to a nearby signpost. His face is red as a plum, not of exhaustion, but of embarrassment. He can clearly hear Alex's teasing in his mind about his stupid sparring request.

"My my, who do we have here?" a sly voice rings out of the shadow behind him.

"Alex? You're here?"

"Uhh yeah, of course you were still at your house while poor Marko flew all the way to mine." Alex replies. He steps out of the shadow, clad in his black and violet outfit, the hood of his cloak up, concealing his elven ears. On his right hand is his trusty staff, a plain looking wooden staff but Jacob knows full well how effective that thing can be, and on his left perches a white crow, carefully preening his wing feathers.

'Marko you little traitor! Why did you tell him?' Jacob speaks to his familiar with his mind.

'I told him nothing I swear caw! He just knows us that well caw!' Marco replies.

"I can tell you two are bickering, so stop it, you both know you need that energy for me." Alex cuts in, his voice full of his signature snark. "So, we're doing this or what? There's a small battlefield in the plaza here and we do need a bit of a scenery change for out fights, don't you think?"

Jacob and Marko stare at each other, eyes and mind beaming with the same purpose. With a quick hop Marko lands on Jacob's shoulder. "Let's go! Caw!" They both say in unison.

Alex chuckles. This duo never fails to entertain him. He holds his hand out and the shadow of the signpost expands, becoming a larger shadow, opening a shadow gate.

"Shall we?" Alex asks with a tilt of his head.

With a nod of agreement the three of them enter the gate and into the shadows, and out of the shadow of the Corvaxian Market Plaza, where their final battle before their graduation will commence.

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