The Silent King – A Story from Lo’Et Sha’Eroth

The Silent King – A Story from Lo’Et Sha’Eroth

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The Silent King – A Story from Lo’Et Sha’Eroth

Review: 10/10 from 12 ratings

In the world of Lo'Et Sha'Eroth, it is the 3483rd year of the Third Era. Five hundred years ago, a political and religious movement swept the Western half of the world, uniting countless peoples under the banner of the Galyrian Empire, an empire founded on the worship of the Above, and loyalty to the Silent King they believe It has taken in marriage. Now, before his council of 250 Witnesses, the King has made his wishes clear - Ironhorn, capital of Wirrshol, and the lynchpin of resistance to the Galyrians, must fall.

Meanwhile, in the Northern Kingdom of Gahlal, Hashim Akamidi's training as a common foot soldier is interrupted by a bizarre assignment. Due to an ancient treaty between Gahlal and their southern neighbour, Wirrshol, Gahlal is required to provide troops to aid in the defense of Ironhorn. For the first time in his life, Hashim must journey south, to fight for a cause more vital than he can imagine.


“Heaven has come down upon us like Snow upon a Mountaintop, and the Depths of the Sea sing of the Sky.
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Truly, having sung of your union, now and forever, like the Sea, may you sing of the Sky.”

- The Ra'khemian Proclamation.


Author's Note

Hello! The focus of this story is really the world, and the cultures and religions which populate it. Of course, I aim to make the characters compelling and fulfilling to read, but I want the world to be a character in itself, if you know what I mean. I am hoping to update this story at least a few times a week, and probably every day for the first week or two. I really hope you enjoy the story! :)

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