The Silver Siphon

Chapter 16: Chapter 15

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Tara walked beside Silver as they walked back towards camp. She had her hands behind her back and a bounce in her step as she walked beside him. They both seemed like they had things to say, but neither broke the silence. Eventually Tara looked up at him and asked the question she had on her mind. 

  "So why were you looking for me?" She asked teasingly, but Silver knew that she expected a serious answer. He was caught off guard. He wasn't expecting her to question him about his intentions, and even he himself hadn't truly considered what had possessed him to come looking for her. 

  Silver thought about it, not liking the direction his thoughts led him, so he tried to be nonchalant with his answer. "No reason. I just wanted to see where you were." Total bullshit, and apparently she could read that in him as well. She didn't give in. 

  "Right." Her expression was neutral now as she looked up at him, no trace of her previous teasing demeanor left behind. "Silver, I know you don't like me hanging around you all the time. I'm not stupid. I left to give you some space and find something to do by myself. I'm not your woman, I don't have the luxury to dominate all of your time and attention. And even if I was I wouldn't do that." Her feet stopped as she planted herself in his path. "I saw your face when you were approaching. Your demeanor, the way you stormed over. Were you jealous?"

  Silver's eyes widened before he could catch himself, but quickly schooled his expression, hoping she didn't notice. He didn't want to admit it, but that was exactly it. It was like he was reliving the memories with his ex all over again. He came to his tent to find what was his not around where it should have been. 

  But since when did I become this possessive and chauvinistic? Why did I feel the need to pursue her so strongly? I was never like this before. I'm not even interested in her like I? Is it the Siphon stuff, or am I more fucked up than I thought? Not like I can find a therapist in this world to find out, though. 

  Silver awkwardly looked away, took a deep breath, then met her gaze as he firmed his resolve. 

  "Honestly? I don't know. But you're probably right. I went to my tent after the meeting and you weren't there; I didn't like that. I guess that I've been getting possessive over you without realizing. I'm sorry." 

  Tara didn't say anything to him, just stepping out of his way and waiting for him to resume walking. He regarded her uncertainly for a moment, but continued on and she fell into step by his side.

  She'd turned her head away so he couldn't see her expression. After some time of walking, when they were approaching his tent, she finally spoke up again, breaking the silence.

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  "I don't want to be a nuisance to you. I enjoy your company and our rela-our friendship," she cut herself off, then continued on as if her slip never happened. "If I annoy you too much and you get tired of me, or if you get bored of me, you'll push me out. I don't want that. I'm trying to balance things out so that we can stay...friends." 

  "Has that happened to you before?" He'd lowered his voice subconsciously, as if whispering a secret. She didn't respond. "Look, I'm not going to just push you away for no reason. As long as you treat me well, I'll do the same. As long as you want to be my friend and don't get bored of me, I'll always feel the same for you. I don't know what happened to you in the past, or who hurt you, but I'm not them. I'm Silver. I'll always be someone you can rely on, no matter what. And I know it'll take some time for you to believe that and recognize it as truth, but I'm not going anywhere. You'll have all the time you need."

  "I'm sorry I asked about your past as well. I haven't been open about mine, and here I am digging into yours. That was wrong of me."

  "...It's okay," she whispered. Silver felt himself relax as she finally responded. 

  "You're cute when you speak like that. Like a shy little princess." He was pretty sure if she could blush through her scales, she would have been right then. Regardless, seeing her embarrassed expression, Silver was satisfied with his teasing. "I'll never push away my little Snakey snake."

  Tara finally looked up at him, her face conflicted. "Snakey snake?"

  Silver just nodded. "Yep. That's what I'm going to call you from now on. Me and only me. It's cute, right?" Tara just nodded sweetly, barely able to look up at him now. "I'm going to meditate. Are you coming?"

  Tara shook her head. "No, I have to go." She looked like she regretted every second of having to say those words. He could tell that she wanted to stay. He just nodded and told her to be safe, and that she better meditate tonight before she went to bed. She told him that she would before she walked away, occasionally glancing back at him over her shoulder. As he watched her go, Silver himself couldn't help his own conflicted feelings. He knew he was being an asshole, leading her on like this. He had every intention of still trying to go after Savarti. He wanted Tara to be happy, but he also knew that this wasn't the way. 

  His expression was gloomy as he turned to head back inside his tent. He had a big day tomorrow, and he needed a clear head. 

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