The Silver Siphon

Chapter 3: Chapter 3

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Silver whirled around to the sound of the voice. Behind him stood a curious man; he seemed innocuously innocent. He had very pure, violet eyes, and a disarming demeanor. He stood a careful distance away from Silver, almost measured, as if he knew the exact distance to stand not to trigger Silver in his current state.

He also seemed to radiate pure evil and malice from his very being. His presence seeming to both whisper and sing of horrific death, and a glorious void of nonexistence just out of reach. For a moment, Silver lost himself in the man’s gaze. His consciousness just on the cusp of a realization; he could feel his mind stretching, yearning, almost as if he could see through the eyes of a higher being. Almost…

He smiled at Silver. “Impressive. Never seen a Siphon cub survive a fight like that alone. Especially with no foreknowledge. You’re lucky to have such useful abilities to be able to survive alone.”

Siphon?, Silver thought, filing the name away in his mind for later. The man had said it almost as if it were a title. An official name for an occupation, maybe?

“Who are you?” Silver questioned. The words seemed to linger in the air between them for just a moment too long before the man answered.

“I am…both what is, and what could have been; A possibility. But that is beyond you. I am a realm that you will never achieve. And for that I am both sorry, and ashamed. Of which of us, I am not sure. Maybe both. But the only thing you really need to know, is that for now, I’m here to help you.” The man paused. He closed his eyes.

“There,” he slowly turned to face a direction. “Rest here for the night. Then do the easiest thing a regular man like you can do. Follow the sun. Once the sun hits its highest point, then you rest. And keep walking when you can keep the sun at your back. But only leave from this spot. Do this and you’ll finally find someone else.”

“But-,” Silver blinked and the man was gone. “What? Wh-where the fuck did he go? You go? What the fuck ever,” he huffed, “You were another person! Don’t leave me alone!”

He began to twirl in place, only to stop when he spotted a campfire behind him that wasn’t there before. Fully blazing with a flame that he had not felt before now.

Silver honestly had no words. On a rock by the fire, carved into the stone was a message from his mysterious visitor. It simply read:

Find The Fish. He is one of my followers. You will be safe with him. He’ll teach you what you need to know. And enjoy my world. I made it for people like us.

Silver was shocked. Was he a god? Carving messages in stone? Yes? Had anyone ever told him that acting all mysterious like this wasn’t even remotely helpful!

WHAT THE FUCK!” Silver sat down by the fire. He crossed his arms, his legs, and like the adult man that he was…he pouted. “Fucking all-powerful, judgmental cloud hippie.”

For just the tiniest moment, the world seemed to have literally stopped and Silver could swear he heard someone choke on a snort of laughter from nowhere.

“At least he has a sense of humor.” Silver smirked. For the first time in a while, he seemed to relax. Letting the tension in his body fade. He laid beside the fire, and lounged on his side like a humanoid cat. As his mind relaxed, he had the luxury to think of home. He thought of his bed. His soft, warm heavy blanket. He thought of the tantalizing smell of a fresh cup of chai tea. His favorite shows he would never get to finish or even rewatch. He even thought of his job, that he hated and drained the life out of him. He thought of everything as tears rolled down his cheeks. As he stifled sobs and buried his head in his arms.

“I miss home…”

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