The Silver Siphon

Chapter 6: Chapter 6

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Silver went to the command tent the next morning to ask Jimmithy about the drugs that could help speed up his evolution. He wanted to reach the next Tier as soon as possible. He also realized he needed more information on monsters to know what type of creature he wanted to siphon next, and what abilities different monsters had. What advantages different monster’s bodies gave them.

Jimmithy had a few Tier 2 and 3 doses of the accelerant for the mercs who managed to impress him that he could convince to work for him long term, he even had one set aside for Edwin later after the village investigation, but nothing for Tier 1.

He decided to teach Silver how to meditate instead.

“Sit,” he instructed as he sat on a cushion on the ground. Silver also found a cushion to sit on facing Jimmithy.

“Meditating is much more important for a Siphon than the drugs. At the higher levels it’s almost impossible to find drugs or special plants that can affect your body. Past Tier 4 you can’t advance by Siphoning monsters anymore. The purpose of Siphoning at that level is just to strengthen or mutate your abilities or strengthen your body.” He paused as he allowed one of the Kobold in the room to fill their glasses with juice. He took a sip and motioned for Silver to do the same.

Silver took a small sip. It was sweet and spicy at the same time. It also made his entire body feel warm.

“It’s made of fire berry fruit. It’s good for strengthening the body. The effects are toxic for regular people, and the Picton, but our more beastlike bodies allow us to process the toxins in a way that benefits us. It only really works on Tier 1 and 2 Siphons, but it’s one of my favorite juices.” Silver nodded to show that he was still listening.

“Back to meditation. It is the easiest way for you to evolve your body. Not as quickly as using an accelerant, but it’s not painful and doesn’t have any detrimental aftereffects. Usings drugs can delay your next evolution as you’ll have to cleanse the toxins from your body. Or it can negatively affect your evolution and cause you to mutate in a disadvantageous way. Most Siphons hope for their abilities or body to mutate during Tier evolutions, as it usually means more abilities. Or at least a strengthening of some kind. To speed up the natural evolution and trigger the metamorphosis of the Tier threshold, its easiest to meditate. You need to close your eyes, clear your mind, and let yourself be drawn inward. Find your core of power, and follow the flow of energy. Spread that energy throughout your body evenly. Once you have completely saturated your body and filled your cells with this new energy, your body will go through the first metamorphosis. It’s different for every Siphon. Just let your instincts guide you on what to do.

“Tara has it the easiest. She sheds her old body like a snake with every metamorphosis. She’s already reached the second threshold. For my last, I needed to be submerged deeply under the water and entered a chrysalis for two years.”

Silver had been nodding along until this moment, as his eyes spread wide, “Two years! That’s so long.”

Jimmithy just laughed. “Kid, I’m almost 80 now, and have another few hundred years ahead of me, even if I never advance again. When the emperor advanced to Tier 8 he went missing for 100 years. The crown prince had to step in and take control of the Empire.” He paused for dramatic effect. “That was 500 years ago. The Emperor was already over 1000 at the time. He’s already older than some of the ancient Picton Anima Venerables.”

Silver just sat staring at Jim for a few moments as this information settled in. His mind returned to the bestial memories of the eye he siphoned. It had hundreds of years of memories. And those were only the fragmented ones in Silver’s head.

“Look kid, you’ve got a long life. The Dark One told me that you’re not from this world. I swore a vow of secrecy, and I’m a devout follower. If I wasn’t a Siphon, I would have probably pursued priesthood. I’m not going to tell anyone. I only need to give you the bare minimum of help and I can return to his temple in my city for a reward that’ll help me advance to the fifth Tier within five years. Kid, that’s a big prize for small effort. It takes tens of years to advance levels past Tier 4. Siphons are powerful, but to balance out our great powers, we advance the slowest.

“I know that you’re special. I don’t want to give you too much and stunt your growth, but I’ve already given you the bestiary, advice on how to advance, and when we get back to the city, I’ll give you a few months’ worth of lessons on enchantment. It’s a noble’s profession and will help get you into high society. I’ll also get you an etiquette tutor.”

Jimmithy said the last part lower and mostly to himself, but Silver heard him clearly. He wasn’t terribly offended. He knew he didn’t really fit with his newfound status.

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“I understand, and thanks. The help means a lot.” Silver was being sincere. Knowing that there was someone that he could come to for answers was helpful. It’d make him look less suspicious around others, and he’d stop making an ass of himself in front of Savarti. Maybe.

“Just come to me if you don’t know anything, kid. And pull your weight. We’re about 3 days march away from the village. Use this time to meditate. If you feel like you’re approaching the threshold, wait. I’m not delaying this because of you, no matter how much I want to help. I can give the camp a few days to rest after we figure out what’s going on. But not before.”

Silver nodded. “Yes sir.”

Jimmithy nodded back and gave a relaxed sigh as he sipped his juice. “You can just call me Jim when it’s only us two. I’m not that strict.”

“Thank you…Jim?”

“Was that a question or a statement,” Jim asked, cocking a brow and causing one of the stick-like appendages on his head to wiggle.

“I’m not sure. I was just trying it out. Felt weird to say.” Silver laughed as he rubbed the back of his head embarrassedly. “By the way, I wanted to ask. Is it rude to ask what you are? Or what monsters a person has siphoned?”

“It’s generally considered rude to ask a person what they’ve siphoned and can cause conflict with the wrong people, but I don’t mind. I’ve siphoned a Stick Fish, it’s where the antennae are from. It gives me the ability to control and mold wood to my will. I also have an Atlantean Hulk, and a Lapis Beetle, both for my physique. And a Water Elemental. I’m a partial Elemental. I’m unbeatable in water. I made sure it wasn’t my first physique. I didn’t want to be made of water. Not entirely at least. I’m nigh unbeatable on my level. I’m one of the elites,” he declared proudly, a smug grin stretching across his face.

“Whoa…,” Silver muttered, awestruck.

“Now get out of here. I’ve got work to do.”

“Right. Thanks, Jim. You’ve helped me a lot. I promise to return the favor one day.”

Jim laughed. “Ha, kid you better. I’m investing a lot in you. You better do great things. I expect you to help me get to Tier 6 before I’m 200. I’ll be the youngest Tier 6 on this side of the world.”

Silver didn’t say anything, just smiled, as he stood up and turned to leave. He handed his empty glass to a passing Kobold and headed back to his own tent to try meditating for the night.

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