The Sleeping Fiend

Chapter 1: Prologue

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The clear sky displayed a pale moon as the last remnant of the sun disappeared into the horizon. It was a beautiful view, yet unfortunately, the bright night lights of Jaizhou, a prefectural city home to over six million people, outshined the distant stars.

On the city outskirts, in a villa in one of the most expensive districts in the entire province, two men were facing each other. 

One was in his early forties. He had a short yet modern haircut and carried a victorious grin. His eyes shone with confidence and arrogance as he leaned back into the leather desk chair.

Behind him, stood a young beautiful woman in her late twenties, wearing a form-fitting knee-long white dress. She had wide eyes, long natural eyelashes, thin well-contoured eyebrows, neck-length black hair, and an upturned nose. With arms crossed, she looked with hatred at the man on the other side of the desk.

Two buffed bodyguards, one on each of her sides, stood tall. And another two bodyguards were across the room, securing the exit door.

The man put his hands together as his grin broadened.

“I’m sorry, chairman Hou, but I believe you’re in no position to command me. You stepped down and no longer are in charge of our operations. I am. And I do not need your approval. I already have permission from the captains to move forward and do as I see fit.”

Chairman Hou was in his mid-fifties. He had a squarish face with lines easily defined, a wrinkled forehead, and a head full of gray hair, showing his age. Something unusual for a man with power and status in China as it could be viewed as a sign of weakness.

He leisurely sat in the chair with one leg crossed over the other and enjoyed a cup of tea while listening to the younger man’s speech. Despite being in a hostile environment, he showed no signs of worry.

A lone bodyguard loomed over behind him. A 1.86 meters tall Thai, dressed in a suit ready to snap at the faintest flex. His posture was rigid with a straight back and eyes up front, looking at nothing in particular.

“Mister Tao, am I to understand that you’ll ignore my request? Please be mindful that I will consider it a personal favor,” said chairman Hou, his voice rough and even.

Mister Tao slowly shook his head. “Indeed. I accepted this meeting out of respect for your accomplishments over the years and your esteemed position in the organization. But I can't agree with your demands, now I’m responsible for this branch and I find them too limiting; frankly, they are damaging our potential earnings.”

“I do see the benefits, so I can not condemn you, though I have to question your integrity. When we first spoke, you assured me you would follow the rules. Yet we’re not even a year later and you are gathering for a second shipment.”

For a short moment, the woman’s eyes shifted toward mister Tao, still caring the same hatred but also added disgust. But she quickly recovered and hid it before continuing to stare at chairman Hou. But as she returned her gaze, she locked eyes with the Thai.

“I’m no fool,” chairman Hou added. “I know the rest of the organization doesn’t follow my rules, but here, in my province, it’s a different story. Look, I can compromise. I’ll ignore the rest of the province, but the city is off-limits. However, everything you gather from outside the city by breaking the rules, can not enter the port.”

Mister Tao shook his head, a thin smile on his lips. “Chairman Hou, with all due respect, that’s not going to happen. We have all the connections necessary here, it would be a waste of time and money to use another port. I might as well give up and I’m not going to.”

“Is this your final decision?”

“Indeed.” Mister Tao leaned back victoriously.

“I strongly insist that you will not continue this course of action. I’ve been more than patient,” said chairman Hou. For the first time, his voice was different, pressed.

Mister Tao was furious at the underlined threat, yet he reined in his anger. He leaned forward and bright his hands together on the desk. “Chairman Hou, I do not appreciate that tone. When you were in charge you run things how you saw fit. Now… Now is my turn to rule. So keep that in mind next time you want to intimidate me.”

Chairman Hou slowly closed his eyes, took a moment then barely nodded his head. With a heavy sigh, he said, “Oh, to be young and full of ambition, relishing in the pleasures power brings with a beautiful woman by my side, being on top of the world and feeling unstoppable. How I wish to return to those days if just for a moment.”

The younger man smirked. “Then why don’t you retire, chairman Hou? You’re still young, you can still enjoy life and its greatest joys. Why bother yourself with the added stress and pressure? It’s not good for your health.”

“I’m afraid I can’t do that. I have yet to accomplish what I want. And while I appreciate your interest in my health, I do not believe it’s your place to speak of it.”

Oh, but it is. Especially when it can harm our business.” Mister Tao then snapped his fingers and called the woman behind it, “Yanxiu.”

The woman hesitated for a second. The Thai had caught her glaring at her boss and gave her a bad feeling, one she could not put a finger on. The man called her name a second time and only then reacted. She then took out an envelope from between her chest and placed it in the man’s palm. The man opened it and looked at the photos inside. He then threw them on the desk.

The pictures showed chairman Hou walking together with a man dressed in a traditional doctor outfit, going in and out of a villa surrounded by bodyguards. The different suits betrayed multiple interactions with the doctor on multiple days. In each photo, the Thai stood close to the chairman. 

Chairman Hou leisurely placed the half-empty cup on the desk, before leaning back into the seat, hands on the arm supports. Doing so, he also took a better look at the pictures, yet his expression remained unchanged. His unwavering gaze focused on his challenger.

“We also have information on all the medicinal herbs you have bought over the last two years, as well as the ones you’re interested in.”

The woman was the one who spoke, yet chairman Hou didn’t shift his gaze from the pictures.

“Is that so?” said chairman Hou as he finally looked at the woman.

“We also gathered information that you’re looking for individuals knowledgeable in the lost art of chi cultivation,” added the woman. 

“Indeed. I was wondering why you suddenly took a step down. Now I know. You’re sick and whatever it is you’re desperate to find a cure. So why not focus on that and let me run things as I please? Otherwise, we might have a problem.”

Hmm… That is indeed a good investigation, as I expected, Shui Meiyin.”

When the woman heard the name, her eyes widened with panic. She looked straight at chairman Hou, then at mister Tao. Her eyes jumped between the two men. She was exposed and was afraid of mister Tao’s reaction. However, she almost fainted from the next words.

“Bravo, chairman Hou. Did you find anything else interesting besides my sidepiece’s real name while you looked into me?”

“You overestimate yourself, Tao Wenyan. I didn’t have you investigated. There is no need. I’m just aware of those who want me harm and this young lady here happens to be one of them.”

The man paused for a moment as he looked at the woman. Her body stiffened. Everyone around him had a thorough background check. When he found out about her, he thought her a useful tool.

“Then I got myself a real winner, didn’t I? But let’s not talk about trivial matters. Let’s focus on you, me, the business, and how clearly you aren’t well enough to continue anymore,” the man said, greed evident in his words.

Chairman Hou stared at the younger man. The atmosphere was still as a few moments of silence passed, the two men locked eyes as in a duel. But only one saw it as such.

“Do you know what I don’t miss from my younger years?” chairman Hou said.


“My foolishness and overconfidence brought by false power.”

Mister Tao frowned. “Chose your next words carefully old man.”

“Just the advice of, as you called me, an old man.”

A smile returned to the younger man’s face, convinced that chairman Hou understood how dire his situation was. Yet the woman sensed something was not right. 

“I’m always open to teachings from my seniors.”

“Getting older allowed me to realize the important distinction between having power and borrowing power and what that difference truly entails. While one gives you the ability to exercise authority and control, the other merely gives you the illusion of it.”

The younger man clapped his hands, excited. “Exactly, I could have not said it better myself, I’m glad we—”

“However, I’m afraid it may be too late for you. You see, I didn’t step down because of my health, nor was it a lack of ability, and certainly not because I fell out of favor. I simply have other priorities. But now, it seems that was a mistake.”

The younger man frowned. His euphoric demeanor vanished as soon as it appeared.

“The captains are backing you? Good for you. I don’t know what you gave or promised them to offer you the confidence to come into my home and act so presumptuous. Honestly, I don’t care. I do not report to them, I only answer directly to Dragon.”

A flash appeared in the young woman’s eyes at the mention of the Dragon's name. The younger man’s eyes widened too. He was startled. His face turned ghastly pale in an instant at the mention of their leader’s name. He lost his haughty attitude and immediately stood up.

“Dra… Dragon?”

However, chairman Hou didn’t allow him to speak.

“I could disregard your demeanor, I could simply call it the reckless ambition of an up-and-coming youngster and just give you a light punishment.”

“Thank you, sir. You’re as generous as the wide ocean.”

The man continuously bent over to apologize, yet chairman Hou’s next words terrified him. The bodyguards stood confused at their boss’ actions.

“However,” chairman Hou frowned. His expression changed and looked at the man in front of him with eyes that carried pure anger. “You were aware of my rule from the first day and despite that, you had the audacity to traffic two containers and fill another two. I can’t forgive that.”

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Terrified, the man kneeled and continued to apologize. “I was wrong, sir. I deserve a thousand lashes.”

“I wanted to be a good host and offer you an olive branch. Once again you disrespected me.”

“I’m sorry sir. I was a fool to not see the mountain behind the trees. I deserve death.” 

“Oh, you do, and so much more. I would have made an example out of you, but you are a deputy. I have to be content with the less painful option.”

The younger man was on an emotional rollercoaster as his hopes rose up once again.

“Tell me… What is your last wish?” said chairman Hou, his voice icy, leaving no room for negotiation.

Kneeling, the man looked at chairman Hou and saw his livid expression. His eyes told him that there was no turning back. He stood up, his submissive attitude gone. Determination was written on his face, but he was still terrified.

“Kill him,” the man ordered.

Not a second later. Bang!

The bodyguard to the left of the woman swiftly took out a gun from his waist and shot chairman Hou. Yet the silver-haired man was unfazed. Thai had his hand clenched in a fist a palm away from the chairman’s face.

Everyone in the room was shocked. Chairman Hou was alive. His demeanor showed no fear of what happened or would come next.

The Thai snapped his hand from the wrist and the bullet flew—Swish!—at immense speed, hitting the bodyguard that had just shot straight in the forehead. The bodyguard plopped down, lifeless, blood pouring down from the hole. The woman ducked down behind the desk. Mister Tao stood in shock.

However, even before the bodyguard's body made contact with the wooden floor, the Thai grabbed his left shoulder, turned towards the door, and threw something at it. All in a continuous motion, even ripping his suit. A piece of white cloth with a medal was nudged firmly between the floor and the door, blocking it from being opened.

With his muscular body exposed, the Thai stood, waiting for orders and intimidating staring down mister Tao. Behind him, people were shouting and knocking on the door. He had one armband with a medallion wrapped around his right arm, while his forearms and hands were covered in a piece of thin rope traditional to a Muay Thai fighter.

“He’s a master, shoot,“ yelled mister Tao, before hiding under the desk.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Shot after shot was fired, and bullet after bullet fell on the floor, flattened. The three bodyguards unloaded the entire clip. Yet chairman Hou was unscathed and watched the show with disinterest. The Thai had black spots all over the body, yet no deep wounds or blood.

“My turn,” said the Thai in broken Chinese.

The Thai threw his hand and 3 bullets flew from his palm. One by one, the bodyguards fell in an instant, with holes in their heads.

The woman held in a scream as the bodyguard fell lifeless next to her, waking her from her stupor. With everything quiet, she timidly popped out her head to look. The Thai stood next to chairman Hou.

She couldn’t believe what was happening. She had to retreat and rethink everything as her speculations were wrong and it didn’t look like mister Tao would get out alive. Her eyes stopped on the window. It was two floors up but that was her best chance to get out. All she needed was an opportunity.

Mister Tao sweated profusely hiding behind the desk. He was so scared he couldn’t even move.


The door finally burst open. The bodyguards rammed through the expensive wood as they entered ready to fire. They saw their colleagues lying dead on the ground and only one man standing. They started shooting.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The Thai positioned himself to shield chairman Hou, catching any stray bullet and throwing it back. The bodyguards fell one after another. They were shocked. After a couple of seconds, enough time for three of them to die, one of them shouted, “Retreat!”

The bodyguards took cover behind the walls, but the Thai didn’t let them. He rushed through the door, rolled on the ground, and picked up a gun while also pushing another one towards chairman Hou’s chair, who slightly leaned to pick it up. 

The Thai stood up and shot every bodyguard he saw. Right, left, down the stairs.

Bang! Bang!

He changed the gun and continued shooting. Caught some bullets with his free arm and threw them as projectiles too. Heads dropped one by one. The Thai was unstoppable, like a hero in a ‘90 action movie.

“This is a monster,” the last bodyguard said with dread as he run out of the mansion before a bullet pierced his head and flopped down.

After a dozen seconds, the Thai walked back into the office holding a gun. He noticed that the window was wide open yet he said nothing.

“Everyone?” asked chairman Hou, sitting with one leg over the other and a gun in his hand.

“Yes, sir.”

“Good.” Chairman Hou stood up. “Let’s end it, then go take care of those containers. Have them well-fed and healthy. I want those kids comfortable, but don’t release them yet. This is a good opportunity for another PR move.”

“What about the woman, sir?”

“Take her with you, we’ll begin our harvesting soon anyway.”

“Yes, sir.”

Underneath the desk, the man heard their discussion. He had also tried to run through the window. However, unlike the woman, the moment he moved, chairman Hou shot at him. He was so scared of death that he didn’t even want to risk it. But now, he regretted it.

Every step the Thai took was like a death sentence. He knew what was expecting him, but couldn’t move. 

The man, in a last attempt to save himself, got out from under the desk and kowtowed. He bent down so hard his forehead cracked on impact as fresh blood painted the parquet.

“Please, sir, please, spare me. I know my wrongs, I’ll never do them, please have mercy, spare my life.” 

Yet chairman Hou didn’t even spare him a glance. 

“Please, sir, I can be of great use to you, plea—”

The Thai aimed and shot. Bang! 

“You should go, the police will be here soon,” said chairman Hou from the chair, lifting the gun in his palm.

“Are you sure about this, sir?”

“Yes. I stepped down to focus o what’s most important. But I see I made a mistake in thinking that my replacement would be trustworthy and reliable. I’ll come back, but I don’t have the time or the energy to play political games. So this is a grand opportunity to weed out those who seek my downfall.”

“As you wish, sir.” The Thai nodded and rushed by his boss at a speed no normal human can reach. Chairman Hou couldn’t even see when the gun vanished from his hand. 

Shui Meiyin ran with all her might through the empty field, trying to go as far as possible from the villa. Yet the sprained ankle she had gotten from descending down the villa walls slowed her down.

She had to get back and report everything. That was the thought that pushed her. However, the woman barely managed to run a dozen meters away from the villa when the constant shooting ceased. 

Her desperation reached a new level as she reached a limping jog. A few steps later, she stopped. There was no way she could get away if they came after her, no matter how hard she tried.

She bend down and took off her right shoe, exposing her food. Then she detached the small toe. It was a fake toe. Once removed, it was evident that she only had four toes for a long time.

The young woman squatted down and hid her fake toe in the ground.

“I hope someone is going to find it.” Bang! The last gunshot came from the villa. “Please, someone must find it.”

A few moments later, the pressure and pain on her injured leg lessened as the Thai picked her up over his shoulder and left the area. No matter how much she struggled or screamed, no one was able to save her now, as her screams for help faded into the night. All she could do was hope.

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