The Sleeping Fiend

Chapter 3: Chapter 2 – The day lightning struck

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Knock! Knock!

“Little Qiang, wake up. You’ll be late for work,” said a woman from the other side of the door after knocking at the door. “Little Qiang, do you hear me? Wake up, breakfast is ready.”

Inside the bedroom, Zhiqiang was slowly waking up. He opened his eyes and sleepily looked at the digital clock on the nightstand. It was almost six-thirty in the morning, a time at which he usually was up. But even though his eyes were on the cracked screen of the clock, Zhiqiang did not discern the time. He had come home late after a long night of playing games and was still tired. He shut his eyes and went back to sleep.

“Little Qiang, wake up,” said the woman one more time, not allowing him to fall asleep.

That took him out of his drowsy state and only then did Zhiqiang register what was going on.

“I’m up, I’m up,” he said groggily.

“Then hurry up and change. You don’t want to be late for work,” said the woman before walking away.

The young man stood up from the bed. He dressed in a pair of black joggers and a used grey hoodie that fit him perfectly. He had an average frame and a height of 5 feet 10 inches.

Once dressed, Zhiqiang headed towards the kitchen where his mother was washing the dishes.

She wore a scarf covering her entire head, but one could still see she was bold underneath. She sported clothes that covered her entire body, yet her hands and face still showed a skinny physique, especially her bonny cheekbones. Her eyes were light brown with naturally long eyelashes.

“Good morning, mother. Didn’t the doctor tell you to take it easy?”

“It’s just some plates, besides if I were to listen to the doctor I’ll die of boredom.” The woman smiled.

“Sorry. I was supposed to wash the dishes yesterday.”

The woman placed the plates down and looked at him sternly. “What kind of nonsense is that, little Qiang? I’m glad you had fun, you deserve it. I don’t want to hear any apologies about you playing outside once in a while, otherwise, I’ll give you a good smacking. Do you understand?”

“Yes, mother.” A small warm smile spread on his face.

The woman gave a satisfied nod. “Good, besides, if I needed help your father was home. Now sit down and eat your breakfast, you don’t want to go to work on an empty stomach.”

Zhiqiang listened to his mother and sat down at the table, happy that even after the hard time she had been through she was still the same.

On the table, the breakfast was already set. A simple warm meal, not rich in side dishes but wealthy in flavor. The aroma of a freshly home-cooked meal recharged his batteries every morning as it was something that he enjoyed. 

“Where is father?” he asked.

“Your father woke up early to take the van to the laundry and prepare the clothes for cleaning.”

“Oh, I forgot about that. Did he say anything else?”

“He also said a washing machine broke a couple of days ago.”

Zhiqiang was curious about his father’s plan to pay the loan faster but apparently, he had yet to open the topic.

“Don’t worry mother, I don’t think it’s serious. Father said it’s most likely a clogged drain.”

Mm-hmm!” Chen Biyu only nodded. She could only hope to be just that, otherwise, if they had to buy a new one it would surely put some pressure on their budget.

“How many sessions do you still have?” asked Zhiqiang as he was eating.

“I have one more cycle in two weeks and I’m finally done with that poison, but I have a check-up next Thursday to see how effective the treatment is. I can’t wait to grow my hair back, I feel so ugly like this.”

After the surgery, the doctor prescribed her three cycles of chemotherapy treatment to kill all the remaining cancerous cells in the body with a three-week break in between each cycle to provide enough for the body to recover.

“You’re not ugly, you’re still beautiful. You’re just under treatment.”

“You’re so sweet, little Qiang.” She beamed a smile.

When Zhiqiang finished eating, he was ready to leave for work. He looked for his phone and said goodbye to his mother as well as told her to call if she needed anything. He put on a pair of used white sneakers and picked up the bicycle that was leaning against the wall in the entry hall. Not only was it convenient to travel by bike in a big city like Jaizhou, especially during the morning rush hours, but it was also cheap.

By the time he reached his workplace, it was already past seven. He secured his bike in front of the restaurant and walked into the empty restaurant, hoping that his superior was in a good mood. However, he already prepared himself for another dose of humiliation as manager Wang would not shy away from using any opportunity to do so.

“You’re late,” was the first thing the teen heard when he stepped in.

Zhiqiang looked at the owner of the voice and saw Yuxi with crossed arms, smiling at him.

“Lucky for you, manager Wang is also late,” she added.

“Lucky me!”

“Why were you late anyway? You're never late, did something happen to your mom?” asked Yuxi with a tint of concern. 

“She’s fine. Fatty Pei bought Injustice 3 yesterday and I went over to check it out, we ended up playing the game almost all night,” Zhiqiang said with an embarrassed smile.

“That kid only knows how to inconvenience others. Doesn’t he know your situation? I swear, sometimes he just doesn’t think things through.”

”Don’t blame him, it was my fault,” said Zhiqiang. “Anyway, are the orders ready?”

“The first batch is on the counter.” Yuxi pointed towards the already prepared bag, the vest, the helmet, and the keys near it. “Are you going home for lunch or do you need me to save something for you?”

“I’m hoping to go home, but we’ll see. My mother received another two doses of chemo last week and you know that stuff weakens her. I’m going to check on her before going to the laundry. I already feel bad I didn’t go home yesterday.”

“It wasn’t your fault.” Lu Yuxi beamed a genuine smile. She was impressed by his dutifulness towards his parents and she admired him for it. 

“How is she feeling anyway?”

“She’s fine. Besides the chemo’s side effects, she doesn’t have any other problems. I can confidently say the surgery was a success.”

“I’m glad to hear. I know that having surgery is risky nowadays, there are so many quack doctors, it’s hard to find a good one. I even saw many stories about the doctors messing it up.”

“Yeah, I’ve seen those too. That’s why we looked for a doctor in Shanhai for the surgery, to make sure we find a good one. It was a bit expensive but worth it. Anyway, I have to go, I don’t want manager Wang to see me when he arrives,” said Zhiqiang.

He picked up the bag from the counter, almost falling at its weight. It wasn’t the first time the back was packed to the brim with packages. What was odd though, most of the time when that happened, it was always just one person making the order.

The young man did a couple of rounds, returning to the restaurant and picking up the next set of orders. Half of his shift was done and manager Wang was yet to arrive at work. A blessing for him.

At one point, when Zhiqiang returned, he saw Yuxi talking with a man outside the restaurant in the corner of the parking lot. It grabbed his attention. Getting closer, he noticed that their talk was not very amicable. Her expression showed anger and frustration.

Yuxi turned her back and stepped away from the man, yet the man didn’t let her. He grabbed her hand and forcefully pulled her back. As Zhiqiang stopped the scooter in front of the restaurant, he saw Yuxi pulling away, gesticulating to the man to leave her alone.

“Get away from me, you bastard! I told you, I don’t want to have anything to do with you.”

The man was in his late twenties. He had a scruffy look, hair muddy blonde, and an earring in his left ear. He had a sturdy build and was almost a head taller than Zhiqiang. His eyes betrayed his delight at the situation.

“Ya’re not going anywhere.” The man forcefully grabbed her by the arm and pulled her back. “Ya bitch, we have to settle this shit now.”

Yuxi hissed in pain.

“Let go of me, you bastard!” 

She struggled to free herself but to no avail. Her voice almost reached the point of yelling. But the man ignored her. He enjoyed the mix of emotions on her face with a smug smirk. He then brought his hand to her cheek and gently caressed it.

“Go ahead, yell. I remember ya lik—”

“Big sister Yuxi, are you alright?” Zhiqiang’s voice drew their attention.

The man looked at Zhiqiang, annoyed. His hand still grasped Yuxi’s arm as he clenched his fingers harder. A warning, at which Yuxi grimaced in pain.

“Ya better mind yar own business, delivery boy, this doesn’t concern ya,” said the man with a condescending smile.

“It’s nothing Zhiqiang, go inside and pick up the next orders or manager Wang will be angry with you.” Lu Yuxi smiled faintly. She didn’t intend to get him involved in her problems.

Zhiqiang saw through her intentions but decided to ignore them. How could he just stand by when his friend was in trouble? 

The young man looked at the larger man. The difference in size was stark. Not only was he taller, but also larger, and only now did Zhiqiang notice his mixed ethnicity.

“Who are you? Why are you harassing my friend?”

The man squinted his eyes at Zhiqiang. “I see Yuxi here found herself a new boy toy.”

Zhiqiang frowned and clenched his fists, not to hold himself back but to embolden himself. He took a step forward. He was anxious but he did his best to portray a confident appearance. His voice carried the sentiment.

“Let go of her.”

The man stared at Zhiqiang before bursting out into a healthy laugh. “Hahaha! A puppy acting like a wolf, ya’re funny. Haha! Yuxi ya found yarself a comedian.”

“You ass.” She took advantage of the situation and plucked herself out from his relaxed grip. “You’re the biggest mistake of my life.”

“Ouch!” The man brought his hand to his chest in a mocking gesture. “That hurt, ya know.” 

He then straightened his back and his demeanor turned serious as he stepped towards Zhiqiang, stopped barely a foot away, and looked down at him. He then placed his hand on Zhiqiang’s shoulder.

Zhiqiang flinched slightly at the touch and his heart beat furiously. He did his best not to show it, but he was intimidated. It wasn’t the fear of getting into a fight or getting hurt. He would ignore pain if it was for a good cause despite not looking forward to it. The odds simply weren’t in his favor.

The blond man smirked.

“Ya see, kid, she owes me some money and doesn’t wanna pay up. Now that ya’re her friend, are ya willing to pay for her?”

Zhiqiang frowned. He couldn’t imagine Yuxi borrowing money from people like him, but it was evident that she had been involved with him in some way. He was no fool, no coward either.

Zhiqiang straightened his back and stared into the man’s eyes. The man glared back. Their eyes locked. Zhiqiang’s eyes showed seriousness, hiding his anxiety, while the man’s eyes betrayed mockery and calmness.

“I owe you nothing, you greedy bastard,” shouted Lu Yuxi, breaking the staring contest. “Stop spouting nonsense.”

“Whatever, ya still have to pay and ya’ll pay,” he said looking at Yuxi before turning back to Zhiqiang with a smirk. “Or maybe ya want to gamble and win her debt? Poker, blackjack, what’s gonna be?”

“I don’t like cards.”

“We always have roulette or dice.”

“I don’t gamble.”

“Ya really have a stick up yar ass, don’t ya? Whatever.” He looked at Yuxi with a mocking grin. “Ya found yarself a real winner here, huh? There's nothing left for me to do anyway, I already said my peace. See ya later Yuxi, I believe ya’re smart enough to make the right choice. And ya.”

He turned towards Zhiqiang one more time, his face showing malice. The man brought his hand from Zhiqiang’s shoulder to his face, before giving three friendly slaps. Each harder than the last

“I hate yar eyes. They annoy me, pray we never meet again or I’ll gouge them out.”

With that, the man leisurely walked away with hands in his pockets. Zhiqiang let out an audible sigh once the blond was out of earshot as his strong posture deflated. The bravado was gone.

“Who was that?” asked Zhiqiang, calming his beating heart.

“A bastard,” she said angrily, but Zhiqiang could also notice a tinge of worry in her voice. “Thank you for your help, but you shouldn’t have. This… He is very vindictive.”

“I haven’t seen him around here before. Are you in some kind of trouble?”

“I can handle it. Don’t worry about it. But Zhiqiang, please don’t tell anyone what happened here, okay? This is very personal and I don’t want anyone to find out about it.”

“Who am I gonna tell? But I think it’s a mistake, you should call the police or something.”

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She snorted. “They’re not going to do anything until it’s too late.”

”I’m not sure about that. You should be careful, he seems scary. ‘Gouging your eyes out,’ who the hell says something like that in this day and age? And what’s the deal about the money?”

Sigh! Stop worrying about me and start worrying about you. Hurry and start delivering, manager Wang is already angry with you, and if he saw that you came and did not pick the next batch of orde—”

“Oh shit!” Zhiqiang panicked when he heard that and immediately rushed towards the door of the restaurant, but he did not even take two steps before Yuxi burst out into healthy laughter behind him.

Hahaha! I’m joking, he hasn’t come yet. Haha!

“Fack! You scared me to death.”

Wiping the tears from her eyes, “But I’m serious, go pick the orders.”

Zhiqiang nodded, entered the restaurant, and continued delivering, unaware of Yuxi's worried expression once he turned his back and oblivious to her masterful way of changing the subject.

That man was someone she had thought she would never see again and it would have been a blessing if that was the case. As she said, he was a mistake. However, more often than not, mistakes have consequences.

Zhiqiang managed to come back and continued his work. Hours passed. When he was done, he parked the scooter, took off the helmet, and was ready to walk into the restaurant. For once in a long time, he finished on time. 

As soon as Zhiqiang entered the restaurant, a voice he was familiar with came from behind him. “Hey, Zhiqiang, hold the door.”

Zhiqiang turned around and placed his hand over the door to keep it open. The person who shouted was his best friend, Fu Pei, also known as fatty Pei.

As his nickname implied, Fu Pei was heavier than the average man, however, he was not fat enough to be called obese or even fat for that matter. But because he was shorter than Zhiqiang, it gave the appearance that he was plumper than he was.

However, despite his chubby body, Fu Pei could not be seen due to the giant stuffed panda bear he carried.

“Fatty Pei, what is that?” asked Zhiqiang.

“A suitable gift for the most beautiful girl in the world,” Fu Pei proudly answered as he walked by Zhiqiang and entered the restaurant.

Zhiqiang sighed, let go of the door, and walked in with fatty Pei. “You still haven’t given up yet? I think she has rejected you... what? twenty times by now?”

“To conquer the heart of a goddess a mortal has to work hard. Let me tell you Zhiqiang, if she sees my determination, she’ll one day accept to be my girlfriend,” Fu Pei said confidently.

“Who is going to be your girlfriend?” a pleasant, yet irritated voice sounded.

Fu Pei popped his head from behind the panda bear and looked at Lu Yuxi who was standing in front of them with crossed arms. Her expression showed she was displeased by Fu Pei’s antics. It wasn’t the first time he had done something similar and was always met with the same cold response from Yuxi, yet that did not discourage him. 

“How many times have I told you to not do stuff like this and disturb me while working? Mm? Are you doing it on purpose to anger me?”

When one of the waitresses had seen a giant panda bear approaching the restaurant, she knew who it was for and went to inform Lu Yuxi about it. With a heavy sigh, she wiped her hands and went to meet fatty Pei. The restaurant was busy. However, most people ignored them, while others welcomed the entertainment.

“Beautiful Yuxi, please accept this humble gift of mine. I know you like stuffed animals, so I gift you a chubby panda bear to always remind you of me, your most faithful pursuer, fatty Pei.”

By his side, Zhiqiang shook his head helplessly and whispered, “I think you overdid it this time.” And he was right, as you Yuxi’s face reddened with suppressed anger. However, Fu Pei shushed him and looked at the young woman with hopeful eyes. 

“Fatty Pei, how many times do I have to tell you? I don’t want to be your girlfriend. I’m not looking for a boyfriend, not now or in a year.” 

“Is it because I’m younger than you? Let me tell you, the two years age difference isn’t big at all. I also can guarantee that once I graduate from university I’ll have a good-paying job at my mom’s company, so our future is 100% secured.”

“Fatty Pei, don’t insult me,” Lu Yuxi said, clearly offended. “I don’t care about that stuff, I don’t care if you own half the city, I don’t care if you are the biggest celebrity, I don’t want to date anyone, not right now. So you better stop doing this kind of nonsense, otherwise, I don’t care if you are Zhiqiang’s friend, I’ll give you a pair of crushed nuts.”

Fu Pei instinctively brought his legs together, but still said, “Can you at least accept my gift?”

“And what am I supposed to do with it? I can’t put it in the locker and I don’t have a car to take it home either. Now leave and stop bothering the customers!”

“I can drive you home,” said Fu Pei hopefully.

“Fa-tty-Pei!” said Yuxi through gritted teeth.

She could not even imagine what he would do if he would find out where she lived as he always came to her work to pursue her. In the beginning, it started simple, with flowers, then it developed into chocolate, tickets, and so on until it reached this point. He did not stop buying things for her, so she could not imagine what he would buy next.

“Okay, then I’ll keep this panda and think about you every time I look at it. See you later, my beautiful Yuxi,” Fu Pei said. He turned around with a dejected expression, knowing that he failed once again. 

Fu Pei had many good qualities, but courting girls was not one of them. Seeing his friend’s dejected expression, Zhiqiang could not help but console him, “Better luck next time, but try to tone it down a bit okay?”

“I know, I just thought… Never mind, by the way, Zhiqiang, I got your DVD right here with me,” said Fu Pei as he brought his hand to the pocket behind his back.

Hearing that and seeing his movements, Zhiqiang was immediately startled. He put a hand on Fu Pei’s mouth to stop him from talking and pushed him outside the restaurant before he could take out anything from his pocket. He could not risk Fu Pei slipping and divulging one of his secrets. Yuxi was caught off guard by Zhiqiang’s sudden actions and puzzledly looked as Fu Pei was hurriedly shoved outside by his best friend.

Outside, in front of the restaurant, Zhiqiang let go of Fu Pei and glared at his best friend. “What the fuck?”

Hehe! Sorry, my bad,” said Fu Pei, realizing his mistake. He scratched the back of his head embarrassingly, then took out a DVD case. “I made it this morning after our talk last night. I downloaded some other videos that fit your taste too.”

Zhiqiang took the DVD. “But you downloaded videos with the actresses that I wanted, right? Especially Reiko Kobayakama, you didn’t forget about her, right?”

With a knowing and proud smile, Fu Pei replied, “Don’t worry, you won't be disappointed.”

“Thanks a lot, buddy!” Zhiqiang smiled lewdly as he looked at the DVD.

“Hehe, no problem. Although you like the older ones, they do make some good movies.”

“I know, thanks, I owe you one.”

“What are friends for, right? Hehe!

“By the way, you should tone it down if you want to have a chance with big sister Yuxi. If you continue like that she’ll only dislike you even more. I think it’s better if you try to find opportunities to spend time with her, I don’t think it works if you just buy things. A woman needs to see that you are a dependable and serious man, coming to disturb her work like that does the opposite.”

“What do you know, Zhiqiang? I told you if I don’t act now maybe she’ll find someone else. She’ll soon graduate college, then start working at a firm and meet an older man with a car and house. I’m already at a disadvantage because I’m younger than her and my mom won’t allow me to work until I finish university. I have to show her that there is nothing to worry about. Besides, aren’t you also a virgin? Why are you giving me advice?”

“I want to help you, you fool. Whatever, do whatever you want. I don’t give a crap whether you succeed or not. Thanks again for the DVD.” 

Zhiqiang hid the DVD into his blouse and walked back into the restaurant. He had to give back the scooter key and the restaurant vest before going home, when he was about to exit the restaurant, Yuxi intercepted him.

“Did fatty Pei leave?” she asked

“Yes, he did.”

“I swear to god, sometimes I want to choke him to death. I don’t know how you can stand him,” said Yuxi, still angry.

“He’s my best friend and he’s not always like that, only when he tries to impress you.”

“Then tell him it doesn’t do a very good job at that.” She then looked at Zhiqiang. “You didn’t tell him about what happened earlier, by any chance, did you?”

“No, of course not. I promised I won’t say anything to anyone and I won’t. I still think it’s a bad decision, dangerous actually. If you don’t do anything he might come again and, I don’t know, he doesn’t seem like someone reasonable.”

“Good. I’ll handle it. By the way, what DVD was fatty Pei talking about?” 

Aaa… Nothing, just a DVD with a… a game,” replied Zhiqiang. The young man’s mind went blank as he didn’t know what to say and simply rushed outside, leaving Lu Yuxi looking confused at his back.

Zhiqiang walked outside, approached his bike, unblocked the anti-theft chain, embarked on it, and headed home.

It was a beautiful day. The sky was unblemished by clouds, as the sun washed the city with its warmth. A gentle breeze blew against the young man’s face as he peddled away.

However, soon everything was about to change. A large shadow was cast over Zhiqiang as dark clouds emerged. They weren’t carried by the wind and simply formed above the city.

Curious eyes looked at the sky and saw how clouds emerged out of nothingness and soon covered the clear, sunny sky. Dim darkness vailed the city.

Soon enough a large shadow was cast upon Jaizhou city, covering the sun completely. The sky turned dark in moments. A stark contrast with the blue from just moments ago. It did not stop as darker clouds kept forming, overlapping, and intertwining with each other. The light grew dimmer and dimmer, giving the sensation of an apocalyptic event.

Cars stopped, pedestrians stopped, cyclists stopped, everyone stopped and looked up at the sky. They were scared, asking each other what was going on and each offering their theories. Others rushed home as chaos was looming.

The city was submerged in darkness as city lights had yet to be lit. Luckily, the streets were littered with cars.

The wind picked up and rapidly intensified, lifting the leaves and trash on the street. 

A massive storm was brewing. Most people on the street hurried to reach their destination or find a suitable place to take cover. The cars were constantly honking as panic set in. Flashes of light could be seen in the clouds but no thunder. 

Zhiqiang rushed home to be close to his mother, pedaling as fast as he could. He had a strong feeling of unease regarding the storm and didn’t want his mother to be alone.

However, the wind turned into stronger and stronger gales. Stop-light poles and street signs bent whichever way the wind blew. It was hard to walk—which he tried to with the bike to his side—let alone cycle.

The situation was strange and people were terrified. Less than five minutes ago, the sky was clear and sunny, there were no clouds in sight. Yet in such a short time the weather drastically changed out of nowhere. No signs, no warnings.

The gales intensified. It threatened to rip street signs from the ground, the lighter cars were pushed by the strong wind. People screamed. It was dangerous to stay out in the open of the threat of a random flying object, so they hid wherever they could.


A flash of light lit up the sky, followed by a powerful thunder. But that was only the beginning as more booming thunders reverberated throughout the sky, each one stronger and louder than the last one. Flashes of light lead each thundering boom with a blinding light. 

Boom! Boom!

It was a tempest in its truest form. A storm on the edge of becoming a hurricane, only rain was missing, and it never came.

Zhiqiang had long abandoned the idea of going home when a traffic sign had almost split him in half. He hid with a few other people in the closest building, a coffee shop with top-to-bottom windows. A poor choice. Luckily, it had a sturdy counter behind which everyone hid.

“Shit! What the hell is this?” Zhiqiang cursed. He wasn’t the only one as many people were also bewildered and scared. 

However, the few people in the city with real knowledge of meteorology were the most baffled. This phenomenon was abnormal. Bad weather was not uncommon. The city had experienced it before as it was located on the coast of the East China Sea.

However, the satellites didn’t show any signs of a storm of this magnitude for hundreds of kilometers. There were no indicators to signal the abrupt change to at least give them a reasonable explanation. None whatsoever.

Even the ordinary people figured out that something was strange with this storm, as those who had happened to watch the sky saw the clouds forming out of nothingness just above their city.

The sky had turned black out of nowhere and it became a full-out thunderstorm. Void of rain, just booming thunders, blinding bolts of lightning, and powerful gales like never before.


A bolt of lightning separated the sky in two and lit it red followed by the most ear-piercing thunder.

The lightning was so strong it washed the entire city in a hue of red. Everyone was blinded as if a bulb lit up right in front of their eyes. Fortunately, it only lasted for a slight moment.

Yet in this short moment, when everyone was unable to see or hear anything, another strange bolt of lightning hit Zhiqiang right in the back. The lightning passed through the building walls, leaving behind no trace that it ever happened. The walls had no tracks, no residues. 


Zhiqiang screamed in pain and collapsed to the ground. Yet his agony was lost in the sea of panicked shouts.

Fumes came out from his back yet his clothes weren’t damaged. But underneath them, his skin was melting, scorched. The pain was so excruciating that he fainted.  

That day was the birth of a new Zhiqiang, whose fate was yet to be decided.

The storm then suddenly began to die out. The thunder, lightning, and wind abruptly stopped. The dense dark cloud slowly dispersed. They disappeared the same way they had appeared. The clouds simply evaporated, leaving way for the warm sun to reemerge.

In mere seconds, the sky returned to its previous state, clear and sunny. The only clue of ever being a storm was the disaster and the damages left behind.

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