The Slow Life of a Travelling Alchemist

Chapter 16: 15

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Right after returning to the village with Liddie-chan, I swiftly crafted the medical cloth and pasted it on Danan-san's waist.


Incidentally, the completed product was much unlike the wet cloth that I know as it was crimson red in color, as if it was bloodied. It can't be helped since it's the color of the material but I wonder if there's a little extra, I could do the alleviate it.


On the other hand, the medicine was potent enough that he was able to get out of bed the next day. It’s just a strained back after all.


[Please let us repay you in some way] in response to Danan-san's sincerity, I took up the offer and requested for accommodation in the village for a while more.


The reason is simple. From the past few days I spent in this village, I was overcame by despair from the state of the environment.


Thanks to the windfall of earning from the previous town I have the room for spending. It's precisely from improving this kind of situation that I have the best chance of spreading my name as an alchemist.


Without further ado, let's start hearing from Tim-kun's family.


[Maybe it's because this village is located at the foot of the mountain, but the exposure to sunlight is a short time, as such crops are unable to grow properly] Danan-san responded. From the plight of the field, I perfectly understand the sentiment.


[The improvement of the field's environment, huh......]


Rubbing my temple and opening the recipe book, I found the recipe for artificial sun in no time. However, one of the components is an unknown item called the element of sun so the it is rejected.


Continuing, if the sun cannot be depended on, then we have to turn to the power of the earth......was the conclusion I reached. Turning the recipe book, I decided to make organic fertilizer.


The required ingredient is soil, ash, grass and also the like of fishes. Basically, the method isn't much different from my original world. I don't need to go out of the way to make it with alchemy......that's how simple it is. Well, the difference in the preparation time is a factor of course.


[It's done. Please scatter this around the field]


Saying that I passed the bottle to Danan-san, [Haa] he questioned with a baffled look on his face. Seems like he doesn't understand the purpose of the fertilizer.


As I have nothing to do, I gave a basic explanation about the fertilizer. Danan-san doesn't seem like he comprehends as usual, in contrast Liddie-chan who seems like she is interested in such topic was listening to the lecture seriously.


Seeing the prospect, I also taught her the way to make the fertilizer.


Burying leftover food in the field, gathering pulled weed and fallen leaves to make mulch via fermentation, various method was passed down.


My mother's hobby was gardening, and I also did a bit of surfing regarding it back in my previous life. I didn't think that it would come to use here however.


The process to make the fertilizer would take about half a year, and until it is ready to be used, they can just use mine at the meantime. There is a forest nearby so the mulch is no issue too. If the soil is smoother, it would be easier to plow so Danan-san wouldn't risk getting a strained back as much.


......Even still, I am amazed this village is able to survive with this kind of food management. Their dye is the specialty but I don't see any store here.


◯ ◯ ◯


[Erm, could I talk to you regarding another matter]


After solving the field's problem, the next day another man consulted me regarding the traffic situation. According to him, due to the falling rocks the mountain pass slightly further from this village have been blocked.


I planned on using that road on my way to the next trip so I got rid of the boulder with explosive. As usual, the firepower is a little too strong and the shape of the mountain was slightly altered but it's fine I suppose.

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At the same time, I also fixed the bridge connecting to the mining city. Sturdy construction material......I searched for something along the line in the recipe book and found something good. It's hard to explain but it's similar to hardened concrete.


That require tons of rock and soil but since I acquired them from the mine previously, it went without a hitch. The creation was simple but it looked tough enough that the overflowing water shouldn't wash it away.


[Miss witch, thank you for lending your knowledge for the sake of this small village]


[Eh? Well, it just ended up that way]


As thing progresses, even the village chief made his appearance. I learned this now but apparently in this world they address the elite of the magus (mainly female) as 「Witch」. More like, I am an alchemist! Not a witch!


[Not only did you clear the boulder, you even helped fixed the bridge with magic. With this, the caravan should start coming here]


The chief continued with a face full of life. Ah, now I see. This is why they don't have a store. Relying on travelling sales, is this some marginal settlement I swear. No wonder it's deserted.


Later in the day, I shut myself in the room at night and did preparation work till late night. Specifically on protective equipment such as anti-dragon bomb and bulletproof waistcoat.


Once I leave this settlement, I will be crossing the mountain alone. Until now, I thought just having food and shelter will be enough, but encountering the dragon taught me otherwise. The feeling of intimidation and fear is something I will never forget.


[Lightning bomb, ice bomb, invisible shield and auto battle sword......]


I looked at pages that I have never bothered to till now containing weapon and tools for battle and made them one after another. Well, it's best if I don't have to use them but I want to be ready for any kind of situation. Preparation is the key to success. Truer words were never spoken.


[Alright, with this I am fully prepared!]


Making preparation to my best ability, I decided to depart from the village.


◯ ◯ ◯


The day of departure have dawned and majority of the villager were present to see my off.


[Thank you, miss witch!]


[Please drop by the village again!]


[Like I said, I am not a witch but an alchemist-!]


With my last rebuttal, I hoped on the witch's broom and dashed into the air. More like, isn't this broom a culprit behind the reason that I am being called a witch.


[Big sister, please come again-!]




The sibling Liddie-chan and Tim-kun were in the front and waving their hand repeatedly. Ah, I think I am starting to feel sentimental.


To hide my expression that was breaking down, I unthinkingly turned my head ahead and returned the wave with one of my own

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