The Slow Life of a Travelling Alchemist

Chapter 23: 22

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I am the travelling alchemist Mei. Currently, I am in the midst of flight in the rain.


[Eeh......I finally made it to the opposite of the lake but the rain hasn't stopped at all. What is with the climate in this area I wonder]


Cloaked in the raincoat I made way back and holding on an umbrella while flying at low altitude. There may be people who get angry at me driving while occupied but don't mind the minor details, this is an alternate world after all.


With my free hand I opened the all-purpose map and when I switched to weather mode, it seems like it's raining in this area constantly. Due to the version upgrade, there is now time information and when I brought up the report for the week, it too shows that it has been raining non-stop.


Even if I am shielding myself with the raincoat, with a rain this strong it's impossible to fend against everything. As I have been completely dyed with rainwater, my clothes are soaked too. The day is going to end soon yet I still couldn't find a village in the vicinity. Whatever shall I do I wonder.


Yesterday I was camping out too so today for sure I want to reach a village though. I sure would like to sleep under a roof, not a I dreamt which was when I spotted a tiny speck of light beyond the rain. Yay, village discovered!


◯ ◯ ◯


[Excuse me! Is there anybody around!]


The village was really small and as I couldn't spot anything resembling an inn, I decided to knock on the door of the largest building. It looks to the house of the village chief anyway, if I told him the reason maybe he would let me intrude for a night......was the selection reason.


[...Who might you be?]


In a bit the door was opened. The face that peeped from within was a white bearded man who seems like he would fit perfectly as the role of the chief......or not, instead it was a girl with beautiful black hair that stopped slightly above the shoulder. Eh, a girl?


[Could you be an acquaintance of grandpa......the village elder? Unfortunately, he is currently out for a meeting at the neighboring village. He should return by tomorrow. I apologize]


She wasn't surprised by the sudden visitor, and was bowing her head and she explained. From the looks of it this is indeed the house of the village chief. However, the owner isn't present. It also doesn't seem like he would be returning today so I cannot possibly intrude. What should I do.


[Ermmm, Umm, well]


[Miss, you are drenched. This encounter must be some kind of fate, if you don't mind would you like to stay for the night]


That suggestion almost brought a smile to my restlessness. [Yes please!] while nodding and giving my thanks, my hand was grasped together without realization. This girl is truly an angel.


[I cannot offer much but please make your way in]


The girl led me in with a wry smile. While following her back, the rainwater was dripping on the floor in front of me. Oops, I shouldn't bring this in.


Hanging the lightly soaked raincoat under the eaves, I continued following the girl. While this was an unexpected turn of event, my original goal was searching for a lodging so in a sense my wish came true.


◯ ◯ ◯


While changing out of my wet clothing, I learned that Mizuri, the girl was the granddaughter of the village chief. At the same time, I also learned that she was serving as the 「Maiden of welcoming rain」


[Err, what kind of job is that?]


[It's one who serve the god of rain and bring blessing to the village]


When I asked, I was answered with a joyous face. The occupation of this world doesn't really click with me but I wonder if it's like a Shinto priest or Miko.


Adding on, she also takes care of the village chief who have a bad leg. Even though she seems younger than me, she's so down to earth.


Eventually I finished changing, and as gratitude for letting my stay overnight, I decided to repay them with dishes made with alchemy. Chicken egg and crabs that I got from the lake are used as the catalyst to make kanitama. Fluffy and plump, it is prepared deliciously.


[As expected of a traveler, erm, what a unique way of cooking] as Mizuri watched the process and desperately tried to put up a front. It's ok. She can be honest. I, too didn't think it would come with a spoon. Well, it's fine since it makes dining easier.


[Mei-san's dish, this is the first time I had anything like it but, it's delicious]


Sitting at the dining table face to face, she was taking small bites at the kanitama with a shy, smiling expression. I am glad it suits her palate.


[More like, it is really fine for me to stay over? Wouldn't you get scolded for letting me stay overnight?]


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[There is no issue. Rather, I would be more worried if I was alone. It would be bad if a thief snuck in]


In response to my question, Mizuri answered without a change in expression. [What would you do if I was a thief?] I couldn't help but retorted.


[You are a woman and a thief wouldn't have visited with a loud voice. Also, Mei-san is kind]


Ehehe, she said it with such a pure smile. Truly an angel!


◯ ◯ ◯


After the meal, I was resting at the guest room prepared for me. The room was clean and sizable too but......


[Mei-san, what's wrong? Do you not like the room?]


[Ah, uun. That's not it, it's just]


Responding to a concerned Mizuri outside the room, I then proceeded to look at my own body.


The long-distance travel have tired me somewhat but due to being exposed to the rain, my body can't help but feel cold. If I go ahead sleep now, I doubt I can get much rest.


In times like this, I definitely want to take a bath and warm my body from the core. Technically I do possess my own bathtub but it's not like I can just enter the bath in this room.


[Ah, could it be that you would like to take a bath?]


As I was holding back, Mizuri said while putting both her hands in front of her chest. Don't tell me, she can read mind? Way to go, Maiden of welcoming rain.


[There is a bath in this house?]


[That's right. It's a bit cramped though; would you like to enter it?]


[Yes, yes-!]


I couldn't help but made an energetic reply. This is a small village but it's the house of the village chief after all. It's expected that they are rich enough to have one installed.


[Only water will come out though]


[Then that's no good!]


In response to Mizuri who once again have a smiling face, I couldn’t help but retorted. A bath that can only spout water is not a bath. Could this girl have an air-headed side to her I wonder.


[Does this village have a culture where they welcome guest with water bath or something?]


[No, that's not it. To tell you the truth......]


As the initial expectation was great, I unintentionally put in a sarcastic way, which Mizuri was then plagued by a troubled face.


According to her, due to the constant rain, the firewood used for the furnace is damp, and fire can't be started. Ah, so that's the case.


[If you have a legitimate reason, you should have said it earlier. Don't worry, I will prepare a bath in no time]


When I relayed with a thumbs up, [Do you have dry firewood......?] she wondered with a bewildered face, and I made her lead me to the bathroom.


◯ ◯ ◯


Confirming the situation at the site, and understanding that there is no space for me to set my own bathtub, [Wait a moment, I will prepare something like a water heater] as I told her and set the cauldron on top of the tiles. In the few moments after opening the recipe book, I found the recipe of a simple boiler.

According to the completed figure listed on the recipe book, it's a square box with two hoses protruding out. One of the hoses will suck the water into the box, and from within the box the temperature will be adjusted before being released from the other hose......or so it seems like how the contraption works. It doesn't take up much space, and seems convenient to carry. Alright, let's go with this.


As soon as I have decided on it, I proceed to toss the material into the cauldron. The main ingredient for this tool is steel. Really, the ore that I gathered at the mining city is really useful.


On the other hand, Mizuri was watching my alchemy from behind in a fluster.

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