The Slow Life of a Travelling Alchemist

Chapter 7: 6

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Chapter 6 [Sheltering from the rain, Part 2]

[Yo. I am here again]


Right after, the plump man made his way in while bumping into me. Mary who saw the man had an unsettled expression. Who is this person? This old man with a stubble is the caretaker for this family......the atmosphere makes me think that isn't the case.


[Well then, today I will need you to pay the debt for sure]


Not paying a heed to Mary who away along the wall, he pompously made his way to the room where the mother was. Haaa. So, this person is a debt collector.


[Being able to sleep since daytime, aren't you living the life. So, I can treat this as the prospect of returning what you have borrowed?]


[I-I apologize. Please give me a bit more time]


[Hah? I think I have heard that same line tons of time. This is not a charity]


Uwah...even though I could feel the tension in the air, but I felt like laughing. The reason is simple, this conversation is exactly like what you would see from a Jidaigeki.


[Please give us half a month more. Please. I beg you. I beg you]


Well, that's realistically the only thing she could say in this situation.


Moving only my eyes, I scanned the hut. There doesn't seemed to be a single thing that is worth money.


However, there is children present. I wish this conversation that would be a bad influence would stop.


[Ho, if you insist on claiming that you are unable to pay, there is always selling your cute little daughter to a slave merchant what do you say? Shall I make the preparation?]


[P-Please, anything but that!]


...Mmm. This too is exactly how imagine the scenario will play out. I wonder if there is a table or TV set around? That was how typical this conversation is.


[Aa, you over there. I have been listening quietly but don't you think you went a little too far?]


[Hah? Who the hell are you?]


Watching this unfold like it was some kind of script, I decided to interfere.


[A travelling alchemist. How much is the debt?]


[20000 Fol]


That's, high. I do not have enough on me. It's true that a sick person doesn't have the means to support themselves but, miss, don't you think you borrowed a bit too much?]


[Don't tell me, miss dubbelling alchemiss, you will pay on their behalf?]


That is not my name. Also, you didn't even get the word correct.


[It's alchemist] after correcting him, I fell silent. With only 5000 Fol on hand it's not really possible to do anything.


Already making this my business, I was wondering how to get out of this predicament. It was then the sound of rain hitting the building walls resumed.


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...That's right. Let's go with this.


As if matching the sound of the rain, an idea surface within my mind. I immediately put it into action.


[...Believe it or not, even among the alchemist I am one of the greatest. In fact, I even surpass the magus]


[Hahaha, isn't alchemist those people who just stir their pot in a dark room? Limit the joke to your face only]


...Every word of this man is touching my sore spot.


[I see. Let's show you proof of what it means to be the strongest alchemist. The rain will stop soon or rather, I will make it stop]


Opening the all-purpose map, I made the declaration. The display showed that the rain will stop in 10 second. Matching the timing to my estimation, I snapped my finger.


With it, the rain stopped at the perfect timing.


[There, I stopped it]


The old man exclaimed [That's impossible] and opened the door behind him. Taking a peep, sure enough the rain has stopped and the blue sky was visible again.


[Th-this cannot be. Even among the magus those with the ability to manipulate the weather are the elites......!]


Witnessing the old man trembling, my expression became one of smugness. It's not like I can actually control the weather anyway.


Immersing in a sense of superiority, I glanced at the all-purpose map. The next rain cloud is forecasted to arrive in 20 seconds, and accompanying it this time is thunderclouds. Seems like it would be a big one.


[Now now, it's no time to be surprised. This time I will summon a thundercloud. Here we go, three]


Matching the snap of my fingers, a rain fierce enough to topple the buckets have arrived, followed by a blinding radiance. Ooh, the coordination was so sublime that it even amazed me.


[L-Lies. This cannot be happening......!]


[...Shall I strike you with the lightning this time round?]


[Hi, Hiiiiiiiiiiie]


Of course, the last line was a bluff but to the old man who is now fearful, it was the decisive blow. Letting out a miserable cry, he dashes out of the building. Hahaha. Complete victory.


[Thank you so much. Putting on a facade as an alchemist, but your true identity is actually a skilled magus]


Rising up from the bed, Mary's mother gave me her words of gratitude.


[Miss Magus, amazing!]


Mary herself as if she was a completely different person compared to the demeanor she displayed moment ago, looked at me enviously. In fact, I am a skilled alchemist doesn't seem like they would comprehend even if I explained.


Even still, I am glad the strategy to put on a show with the forecasting ability of the all-purpose map went well. In my original world, predicting the weather is something that can be easily accomplished via a smartphone application. However, to the technologically backward alternate world's inhabitants, it probably seems like it could only be the work of magic. That person too, he was fooled by his own make-believe and fled.


[Now then, I shall take my leave. Madam, for your daughter's sake too, please try return the debt even if it has to be done by installment]


Giving my last words, I ensured that the rain cloud have left for sure and headed to highway with the parent-and-child sending me off. With thi

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