The Source://Error

Chapter 6: 6. Inheritance

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Eldre snapped his fingers, and a new door appeared on the wall behind his throne. The violet crystal seemed to disappear as that ancient entity led Rhys to the room beyond the exit he had created. Rhys gasped as warm flames illuminated that room.

There were three floors with a circular staircase in the centre of the room. Of course, Rhys only knew about the different floors because there was a hole around the staircase allowing him to see the railings that prevented someone from falling down it.

“Now, there is a library on the top floor. A bedroom, kitchen and workshops that every mage needs on the middle floor, and this floor is a general living space with an exit back to the caves and another one leading to the training area.” Eldre said as a smirk appeared on his face.

It seemed to Rhys that the will was enjoying his expression as he admired the luxurious furniture. However, his excitement soon faded when he realised there was a problem.

“What about food?”

Rhys frowned when he voiced that question. Even though he was not hungry just now, it was bound to appear at some point!

“Hmm, well, in the kitchen there’s a blue crystal you can use to summon all the water you need. As for food, you’ll have to hunt that for yourself in the training area.”

Rhys shot a dubious glance towards Eldre when he said that. Is he saying he’s trapped living creatures down here with him? Rhys thought the situation may not be so bad then. He could use the corpses of what he hunted to accumulate more Force for a breakthrough to the next rank!

“Now, I suggest you start with the library. There’s plenty there regarding general history and information about being an Empowered. There’s a few books containing spells and explanations about different schools of magic. Always remember that a mage’s best asset is the versatility of their mind and spells.”

Rhys bowed to the will as his eyes shone with greed. I bet it would take a normal mage months or years to learn a spell. But I can take advantage of my player type traits to learn them quickly. Rhys chuckled when he thought about the advantages he would gain by being a type of hybrid between NPC and Player.

I’ll grow much faster than any other NPC, but the Players have to log off to rest and get on with their lives. I don’t have that problem though, since I live in this world. My growth should far outclass anyone else. As long as I get my hands on methods to absorb Force.

“If you need me, you only have to say my name, but should be fine on your own.”

Eldre showed a warm smile before disappearing into thin air. Rhys could only shake his head at that sight. He was still trapped underground with the cult, but at least for now, he was safe. I need to gain enough power to ensure my escape. At least I’m pretty close to the forest exit. I just need a way to open the tunnel to the outside.

Despite his situation, he could only smile when he thought about the resources he had on hand at that moment. Rhys decided to follow Eldre’s advice and headed for the top floor first. Books filled every space available on the walls as Rhys scanned their titles.

From what he could see, a sizeable chunk of them discussed magical theories and the use of power. These would be great for a normal mage. They probably build the foundation of a mage’s knowledge so they can understand how spells work. Rhys, however, did not have that same problem.

The game system would upload everything he needed to know about a spell when he learned it. I’m not really interested in history either. Rhys thought as he scanned titles called The Mad Prince of Ureon, and The Blood Winds of Hyrole.

Rhys felt somewhat disappointed when he realised there was only a handful of spells that could be learned in that place. There was a book that described how to enchant objects that caught his interest, but he left it for the time being.

He picked out the books containing spells and activated each one of them. Rhys could only sit back and wait for their progress bars to fill up. This learning speed is definitely unheard of. Rhys chuckled as he learned three new spells in the space of a few minutes.

Earth Wall basically does what the spell’s name implies. I can use it to block attacks or create a makeshift building to protect me during any travels.

Ward is a standard defensive spell for mages. Though it can only block ranged attacks fuelled by power. It drains power for every second I keep it active.

Heal is simple as well. It just converts one point of power into one point of health each second. Good in a pinch, but probably not the best idea to use it too much during a fight.

Rhys could easily see the best way to utilise his new spells, but it would still take time and practice for him to become used to them. His eyes fell on the remaining two books that held spells. Unfortunately, a box had appeared to tell him he could only learn them at a higher rank.

Rhys left them sitting on the reading table on the top floor as he put the others back. He did not want to forget about them, and he would definitely check again when his rank increased. Rhys sighed as he performed a quick inspection of the middle floor.

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The kitchen was powered by crystals that could emanate light, conjure flowing cool water, and even provide heat for cooking or warmth. There was even a working bath and toilet! Rhys could only marvel at their sight. There was nothing like them in the small village where he had lived before being abducted. However, he had heard stories of such things existing in the manors of nobles and great cities.

This should be a use of enchanting. I definitely need to learn that before leaving this place. Rhys sighed once again at the thought of having to leave those comforts behind.

The bedroom, though, was simply amazing in his mind. A large four-poster bed with a comfortable mattress, soft pillows and even softer sheets dominated the centre of the far away wall. There were two wardrobes on either side of it filled with robes, clothes and boots of various colours.

Rhys quickly decided to enjoy a long soak in the bath before changing into clean clothes that did not belong to the cultists. He felt the years of grime being cleansed from his body as his muscles relaxed in the hot water. He stayed there until the water turned cold before drying himself with one of the room’s soft towels.

He instantly felt so much better after that as he scanned the clothes in the bedroom yet again. I think I’ll go with this one.

Rhys picked out a green robe that matched the colour of his eyes, along with a pristine white cotton shirt and beige trousers. He smiled as he felt their fabric against his skin as he chose a pair of tan calf-high boots that were lined with fur to complete his outfit.

Rhys felt like a new man as he looked at his reflection in the full body mirror that hung on one of the bedroom’s walls. His dark hair had grown to his shoulders in those years spent captive, but his green eyes seemed full of life. He nodded in satisfaction as he returned to the ground floor and glanced at the door that led to the training area.

I’ll deal with gathering some food first. After I’ve eaten, I’ll have a look at the workshops to see if I can make sense of them. With that thought, he pushed the heavy door open, only to gasp in amazement once again.

He did not know what he expected, but it certainly was not what met his eyes. The door had opened into a spacious area that contained an underground forest! The stone ceiling high above him was embedded with crystals that illuminated that area.

As he glanced left then right, he realised he could not see where the walls of that room were. If it wasn’t for the ceiling, I could easily believe I had just stepped foot outside. Rhys smiled as the school of enchanting seemed even more enticing to him at that point.

Rhys stepped into that room and closed the door behind him. Immediately, he heard the cries of several species of animals. He arched his eyebrow as he realised something. That door must be enchanted to eliminate any sounds from this room. It seemed to Rhys in that moment that everything in the inheritance had to be a marvel of magic. He even silently wondered if the chairs and bed were enchanted as well.

I’ll stick close to the wall on this side for now. I can’t afford to get lost in here. Rhys quickly set off and noticed that space seemed to be an attempt to recreate the forest above ground. There were other plants and even grass at some points growing through the dirt and fallen leaves that carpeted the area.

Rhys paused for a moment after travelling for a few minutes. He cocked his head to the side as he listened to the animal cries. One of them sounded like it was quite close by, and his hands trembled as he thought about testing his new spells.

He dived into the forest at that point once he pinpointed the general direction of the beast he had heard. Luckily, it was quite close, and he did not have to go too far. Rhys reached a small clearing in the forest that a river ran through. His eyes narrowed as he focused on the beast that sat on the far bank of it.

Toxic Ape. Rhys thought as he glanced at the result of his inspection. Let’s use this as my first practice.

Power gathered at his fingertips as he rushed into the clearing, startling the toxic ape in the process. The creature was too far away for his Creeping Lightning spell, so he had prepared the Earth Wall spell instead.

The beast quickly regained its composure when it saw that Rhys was alone. It beat its chest as it roared its challenge towards him. The toxic ape made a gagging sound as it spat a ball out into its open palms. Rhys’ eyes narrowed when saw that.

From its name, I think I can assume that thing is poisonous. Rhys frowned as he observed the ape as it wound up its arm to throw that disgusting sphere. He waited until the moment before the ape released its grip before casting his spell on the ground just in front of him.

A wall that was four metres tall, a metre thick and four metres wide, erupted from the earth. Rhys grinned when he saw that sturdy shield appear before him and laughed when he heard a wet splat come from the other side of it.

Maybe this spell is a little much for something like this. Rhys could not help but admire the results of his spell. All in all, he decided that the ten points of power the spell cost create it were definitely worth it. Rhys used that moment to prepare his Creeping Lightning spell in both of his hands.

His plan was simple. He would rush the ape and cast the spell with each hand, which would double the damage and effectively half the time he needed to kill that beast! I can’t believe I didn’t think of doing that against the Soren. Rhys chuckled as he heard another wet splat hit his wall. Here I come!

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