The Spirit In Me

Chapter 22: Chapter 7. The Disappearance of Ruan (III)

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A few moments later, he arrived at Mada's laboratory in the center of the city.

When he arrived, he told him what had happened. He stated that he wanted to learn to control his Energia. He wants Mada to buy him an offensive Energia weapon, with which he can strike back at anyone who turns against him.

"it's necessary!" He yelled at Mada, "You didn't see that!" he claimed in shame. "The humiliation...! I got the lowest score! I was laughed at!" he complained to him embarrassed.

"I could see the disdain in the eyes of the other kids…" he whispered in a beaten tone.

In the past, they were at least afraid of him. But now, with the new Energia grades, he lost even that. Therefore, he wants to train and be strong.

Mada, preoccupied with his own mind, gave the impression that none of Ruan's words had sunk in as he immediately continued with the subject he was working on.

"Do you know what this is?" he asked as he revealed a strange glowing object. "Grandpa!" Ruan exclaimed in frustration.

"It is a small substance, but with a huge Energia charge. One of the most dangerous substances available today! Illegally of course." Mada smiled excitedly and winked at Ruan, "Just don't tell anyone.", he fooled around. Looking at Ruan, in his inattention, he accidentally touched the phosphorescent substance.

Immediately, he released a loud cry of pain. "Ahh! Ai! Ai! Ai! My hand!" Mada shouted in pain. "Grandpa! Are you okay?!" Ruan yelled at him worriedly. "Yes! Yes! Everything is fine! Aha!!!" Mada shouted again struggling intensely. "Honestly, I don't think so! It's a very dangerous substance that spreads quickly in the body! It's not good!" cried Mada in an effort.

"My hand feels like it's on fire! Quick! You gotta get it off before it spreads to the rest of my body! Take that knife!" Mada called out to Ruan as he groaned in pain. A lab knife that was in his pocket was thrown on the table next to Ruan. "Faster!" Mada shouted, spreading his hand on the lab table, rolling his lab coat sleeve up.

"Here!" He indicated with his right hand, signaling where to cut it off. Ruan tensed and moved closer, picking up the knife, he began to shake as he placed it over Mada's hand, when a rolling laugh was heard.

"HaHa!" Mada exclaimed in delight, "I can't believe you actually believed that!" Mada burst out laughing in front of the shocked Ruan.

"I'm just messing with you," Mada put his "injured" hand on Ruan's shoulder.

"It's important to see your reaction in stressful situations. You acted well. This stuff isn't really toxic. But, it's unstable, so you have to be careful with these things." Mada explained as he put the phosphorescent material aside inside a sealed box.

"So, what's the problem?" Mada asked Ruan, sitting back in his chair with a wide grin as he is rolling his sleeve back down.

Before Ruan could even open his mouth, Mada cut him off in a preachy tone. "Before you start, an offensive Energia weapon – not going to happen. Without government funding, these things cost a considerable amount of money. Besides, you have nothing to do with it. As long as your Energia rank is low, you'll never be able to master an offensive Energia weapon." Mada claimed confidently.

"But-" Ruan argued, as Mada cut him off once more.

"It's a waste of time, you have nothing to invest in it. Neither me nor your father were born with the right genes for it. Our amount of Energia is below average, so we've never bothered with it too much either. Training, like anything else, will help a little. But, In general, it is unnecessary." Mada discouraged Ruan, which he saw it in his eyes.

"But, don't be upset. Think of it this way. How much of our production comes from pure manual labor? Not a lot," Mada answered his own question.

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"You see, humans have realized that doing the work themselves is not only more difficult, but also takes much more time. You are much more limited. But, once you build something, a machine or other mechanism, that is not related to the limitation of a human body or other factors, you are able to go much further.

It is true, that our Energia was an inseparable part of our development to where we are today. But, I believe, that our most powerful tool is not the Energia of our body, but our mind." Mada pointed at his head.

"Why use a store of strength that comes from within, when you can use one from an external source instead? I don't have to train my body.

All I have to do is take advantage of what I have around me to achieve my goal.

My mind is the most powerful tool I have. That we have.

If I am able to create the most deadliest weapon there is with the help of my brain, that's what I'll do. You have one, so use it. Right? You do have one no?” Mada asked cleverly as he is looking at Ruan and pointing at his head with a raised eyebrow.

"Really funny!" Ruan complained as he moved Mada's hand away from his head. "But it's not fair!" Ruan continued. "No one else is as weak as me! Cowardly children, who have no courage at all to fight back, with an amount of Energia much higher than mine! Even the girls are stronger than me!" Ruan stomped with his feet in dissatisfaction.

"So what?" Mada asked. "Probably than me too. It's just one area that is mostly defined by natural inclination. Naturally, you can't be excellent at everything. Nature will always make mistakes, for better or for worse. Be happy that you're a smart kid. A brave kid. Use your strengths to move forward." advised Mada as he returns to fiddling with the labware.

Despite his reaction, Mada saw that Ruan was still not satisfied. He didn't try to hide it to be honest, as he sat down with his hands folded grumpily on the lab floor. Mada exhaled a tired breath, with his back to Ruan.

"Look, if you really insist on it. If you really want to be strong, I suggest you, look at every issue in depth.

Like me.

Once you understand how everything works, you understand how you are able to change it. Once you understand, if you change the right parameters, everything is possible. Also increase the amount of natural Energia in your body, for example. You just need to understand our reality deeply enough. Look." said Mada, as he revealed a small yellow diamond, so bright it bordered as golden.

Ruan looked at the diamond with curious eyes. He could feel on his skin the Energia flowing from it as cold shivers felt on his thin hair. Shaking his small body.

"If you study this material, even if you just look at it, you can see how much information it contains.

It is mesmerizing. So powerful, that you can see almost everything in it. Almost, the infinity." Mada said in amazement.

"If you could harness it to yourself, what would happen?" Mada asked Ruan.

"My Energia would be strong..." Ruan claimed amazed.

"Not just strong. Tremendous." Mada revealed with a smile.

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