The Spirit In Me

Chapter 26: Chapter 8. Stay Away. (II)

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"What's their deal?" Lin asked in confusion, pointing back with her thumb as she looked at Loy.

Loy's heart skipped a beat.

"I-I'm not sure..." he lied. "Maybe because of yesterday?" he asked hesitantly.

"You piece of trash! You swore! You swore!" screamed at Loy a voice suddenly.

Loy was surprised as he stopped in his place.

"You piece of trash! You piece of shit! You swore!" He screamed at him again and again full of rage and anger. "Enough!" Loy shouted decisively back in his head. "What?! What do you expect me to do?! Huh?! You're driving me crazy! You know I can't say it like that! You know it's too soon! How can I even begin?! Huh?!" Loy screamed angrily back, scared to the point of stuttering against the figure made of green Energia flames. "I don't care! You swore!" screamed the voice with louder aggression at him. Loy looked at him seriously. "I know..." he whispered. "Give me some time...".

"Do you think it's because of yesterday? It doesn't look like the same guard to me…" Lin replied in confusion. Loy shook his head quickly, hoping she wouldn't notice he missed her question.

"They looked at us like we were a spirit..." Lin joked around. The hairs on the back of Loy's neck stood on end. For Loy, the joke stressed him out more than being funny.

"Anyway. So, your little sister goes to the same school as us? Why don't you go there together? How's your relationship?" Lin asked curiously.

"Relationship?" Loy repeated to himself, wondering if it's possible to define what is between them, if at all he can call it a "relationship".

"Before, it was fine... today, it doesn't really exist..." he replied, looking down at the ground as his brown hair covered his forehead.

"Really, why?" Lin asked, "I always wondered to myself, how would I act if I had a sister... it was always just me and my mom..." she remembered. Loy recognized her eyes widening up as her jaw forcefully locked for a brief moment. She took a deep breath.

"I've had many friends in the past, but I felt that a sister is a different feeling. She doesn't go to a different house after a few hours with me. If you fight, she can't disappear somewhere else. You're stuck together in the same boat, for better and for worse. I've never experienced that. " she said as she looked at the bright sky ahead.

"In a certain place... me too." Loy replied, which caught Lin by surprise. "Even though she's my sister... every relationship is different. Every person is different. It doesn't matter if you forced to be together or not. It has to come from somewhere else. Voluntary." Loy replied in a serious tone.

"Like your desire to be here with me huh?" Lin asked as she winked at Loy with her green eyes, poking him with elbows to the side of his body.

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Immediately, he blushed like a tomato and fell to the floor. Lin started to laugh out loud. "Works every time." she giggled.

"You don't have to be so embarrassed." she said with a smile as he got to his feet. "There's nothing wrong with confessing that. Look, I have fun being with you too." she smiled at him. Loy steamed once more but Lin stopped him from falling again as she pulled him forward.

"As much fun as it is, we don't have time for that," she laughed. "If we continue like this we will be late." she stated happily as she hurried them both to the school, hands clasped.

Dragged around, Loy didn't know where to bury himself, and especially didn't know how a creature like her fell from the sky on him. It was difficult to define her in words.

They just met. In a certain place, they are strangers. However, she is so kindhearted. Full of joy. Curiosity. When was the last time he had a conversation like this? It had been too long for him to remember, as if it ever happened.

When they were only tens of meters from school, a voice was heard from within Loy. "You're playing with fire. You know you can't be seen like that with her in front of everyone." said the voice. Loy opened his eyes wide as the realization it's true seeped into him. His body froze for a brief moment as Lin noticed that something had changed. "Are you okay?" she asked with concern. "Should I stop?" she looked at their folded hands. "No, no!" he apologized. "It's just... excuse me." Loy apologized. He stopped Lin when they were just before entering the school. "Wait." he called. Lin looked at him in confusion as to what he was doing.

"I have fun with you too." He confessed with a big smile. Lin, despite defining herself as tough, blushed and looked away. "Come on, we really have to hurry." Loy quickly grabbed her as they entered the school gates.

They entered the classroom. "We arrived on time." Lin smiled at Loy happily. The rest of the class looked at them strangely.

A dark and negative look. One that examines and penetrates.

Lin didn't understand why they were looking at them like that. She looked at Loy in confusion, trying to glean information from his gaze. Quickly, one of the girls in a group of them walked over to Lin, she grabbed her palm and looked at the floor, avoiding looking into Loy's eyes.

"You shouldn't hang out with him..." she whispered as she raised her yellow-brown eyes to Lin's green ones. Her serious look passed through Lin's soul.

"Bingo." cried the inhuman voice from Loy mind.

Looking at the floor in surprise, he felt his heart constrict like a sword stab right through his center.

"What are you talking about-" Lin was about to ask when the voice of Veta, the teacher, interrupted the conversation.

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