The Spirit In Me

Chapter 35: Chapter 10. The Monster (I)

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The ringing of the bell marked the end of the last lesson of the day. The students began to gather their belongings, preparing to go home. Dot approached Lin Impatiently. "Hey, you told me you'd go out with me another time. Do you want to go out with me now or do you want to stay with the freak?” he asked rudely.

From Lin's gaze, he immediately realized his mistake.

He quickly changed his tone and the look in his eyes. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you angry..." he apologized softly. "But listen to me for a second... I'm doing this for you...! for your own benefit!" he insisted looking into Lin's green eyes. "You don't understand yet that I'm much better for you than he is! Please, you don't have to waste your time on him!" he exclaimed firmly.

Dot's words burned Lin inside.

"If you're so in love with yourself, I think the best person for you to spend time with should be yourself!" She replied annoyed, "Or your little cheerleading squad!" she added disdainfully as she folded her hands.

The girls in class that heard it from the sidelines giggled. "She means us?" Toa asked Baj embarrassed. "I wouldn't mind being a cheerleader, I'm a great belly dancer." Baj answered.

Dot felt the shame rise and fill him from the bottom of hit feet to the top of his head. "Shut up!" He shouted at the girls angrily, and indeed immediately they became silent.

Furiously, he stormed out of the classroom slamming the door. Toa and Baj nervously opened it back up as they ran after him, making sure to slam the door as well.

Not a moment passed, and it was opened again. In the doorway, stood Dot.

"I'll show you how it goes monster! Just wait and see!" he yelled menacingly at Loy as he slammed the door once more. His gang who was behind him, opened it again and slammed it right after with satisfaction.

Lin glared angrily at Dot and then turned her gaze to Loy. When she saw him, she couldn't help but smile, as he stood there in his usual calmness. He smiled too. She gathered her things and together they left the classroom.

"I hate him!" Lin exclaimed firmly, "Nothing disgusts me more than people who are in love with their own image and show it at every moment!" she complained.

"I agree," Loy smiled calmly, "If it was legal, Dot would marry himself too.".

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"Why does he hate you so much?" Lin asked curiously.

"It's always been that way" Loy replied as they walked side by side down the hall. "The truth is... to say exactly why... I don't know... but he had always treated me as his rival. It felt like he didn't like me from the first time we met. But, over the years, it just got worse and worse until it got to where it is today." Loy said at the exit from the school building.

When they walked out into the school yard towards the exit gate, a large portion of the classmates were still at the playground.

Loy was surprised. He recognized the strange spectacle. Usually, the students would sprint home at the end of each day.

From the crowd of students, Dot suddenly appeared near the school gate. "I knew it! I thought you'd be with him!" Dot exclaimed angrily as he's pointing at Lin. Lin felt her nerves burning inside of her.

"You need to understand that you don't know who you're dealing with! You need to listen to the people around you instead of thinking that you know everything better than everyone else!" Dot shouted furiously at Lin in front of all the students.

"Even If everyone does it, it doesn't make it right!" she called back angrily and shamelessly.

"I'll make my choices for myself! Not anyone else! I don't expect from someone who's in love with his own ass to see anyone other than himself!" she shouted loudly.

Big smile of satisfaction rose on her face as she heard the students' giggles around her. Even Toa was knocking on his knees laughing. "Now she's done it!" He exclaimed from the crowd of students.

"Twice already." Dot fumed as his face contorted in rage, seethed with anger.

"She's really down on her luck." Baj said, looking at the floor. "Indeed, did you just notice?" Toa asked, "As much as Dot wants her, he won't be willing to let her step on his honor. There is no one whose honor is more important to him than Dot." he added.

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